How Does Google Rank a Site Content

Search engines use the content of a website to rank it to it deserved position, this has made content to be one of the most important part of SEO, because any site that has not enough content can find itself being ranked very low in search engines which will result to a decrease on the site traffic. A question that you may asked is how does Google and Bing rank a website by its content ? This question is frequently asked by many bloggers and they simply don't get it right.

Google page rank tips
The content of the site is not only the quality but it also involves backlinks and user activity of the site. Search Engines have a smart way of rating a site by using the site page rank and please know that the quality of your site will be rated by it content not by it optimization which means that content is a key element that can be used to rank a site according to what was said by the Bing content manager on a  post on Search Quality Content which outlined the importance of quality content.
Below I have shared some important facts about a site content and on how it affects you ranks in search engines.

Factors that Rank your Blog content

The Authority of a Site

Search engines use the authority of a site to give it a better rank in search ranks , beside the use of keywords content is they part of a website and a site that has low content is very less likely to rank. The authority of a site will not only have to do with content but it will have with how popular is the author and how many followers does the author have and most importantly the reader activity of a site has a big effect on your site and please always try to motivate your readers to comment or share your blog posts.

The Content Presentation

This will depend on how the content is presented in search engines, which will help you rank better in search engines, you might ask why does it matter how the content is represented ? it is simply because search engines are in so much competition between themselves whereby they will try by all means to satisfy their users by ranking webpages with high quality content which is easy to understand . As a Blogger you must have a certain writing style that will make your blog to unique from other blogs .

The Content Utility

This refers to how useful the site content is , The content utility defines how much quality or how much helpful is the content of a site. Google will use the user activity which involves the number of shares and comments done on a blog, I always motivated my readers to comment on their blogs to bring an active user interaction among the site visitors.
Search Engines really want to impress their users because they are also in competition with each other, so don't think that Google will give a good rank to the content on your site, the only way to a better rank is through the content utility. The most common part that affects content quality is recycled content whereby the blog author writes posts that are very similar to any post that was earlier posted on a blog , this type of content is called "Recycled Content" or  "repurposed Content" and it can harm your blog.

Always try to be original and only post original blog posts on your blog which will make your site to gain respect because no readers like to be feed fake content, the readers will want only quality content. A good rank that depends on on SEO is very dangerous for your blog because search engines are really against  SEO because it tricks them and they may give your site a penalty .

Three Easy Steps for Blog Optimization

Being in the online industry is overwhelming and if you have to make it big in the competitive world then you need to have a steady traffic. Internet is one medium that is predominantly used by humans all over the globe. For a faster and quicker approach to reach a wider range of audience the web marketing scene cannot ignore the power of web traffic.

Easy Steps for Blog Optimization
A website that has no visitors has zero or low potential of earning an online income. The process is very simple the higher the rank on the search page, the higher the possibility to increase organic traffic and to attract visitors

.High-quality content

The Search engine results have always geared up to offer information and high-quality content to the user. When the end user is searching for a keyword, then the results are to be refined in a given manner. Make use of long tail keywords to optimize your content and cater to the niche specific users. Do not offer the user dubious information with wrong use of keywords, high quality content and right keywords are the tools you need to get organic traffic in a lesser time frame Have a Social

Media Presence

Be it for personal or professional usage, one cannot deny the power that social media has in online visibility. If you were to follow the trends then humans all over have been using the social media network platforms for all the possible communication. Be it YouTube, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn they all can be used to maximize exposure. It is all about effective marketing, one has to always bear in mind that every click can be a potential buyer with the right strategy. Do avoid spam, else you will be penalized. It is important to spread a positive vibe in your friend circles.

Optimize Blog with Images and Videos

Use Images and related videos appropriately. Tag them with the keyword that engages users for quality directed information. The entire process does take time and results cannot be seen overnight; Effective PPC marketing options and benefits, it is the best online marketing technique. It benefits from targeted visitors to chosen sites that is the key responsibility for all the individuals related with advertising. SEO is an ongoing process but with the right marketing techniques you can have many potential buyers. When the above steps are followed you will be in the right direction of achieving greater heights in the online world.

About the Author

Mary has been freelancing for quite few years now and is studying the constant trends that evolve in the SEO domain. SEO services are really advisable and actually very crucial to every online business, take advantage of search engine optimization at a competitive price.

DUT Students rise to fight for their Educational rights

The students at the Durban university of Technology have stood up to fight against the fraud which has been happening at the financial services offices whereby many of the students that have applied for funding had their offers rejected as NSFAS claimed that it had unsufficient funds to support the poor students . On  Thursday, 29 January thousands of students marched to the Steve Biko Campus with the leadership of SASCO and to help fight against the NSFAS ( National Student Financial Aid Scheme ) which has denied to sponsor the poor students in the Durban University of Technology.

DUT strike
The news are spreading about how the University Financial Aid Scheme and NSFAS have ill treated the young students after they have received a message which claimed that all most all the students at  the university of kwazulu-natal and at Mungosuthu University of Technology have received funding and at DUT only about a quarter leaving the other students with outstanding funds which they owe the university. Last night I have been able to Speak to a second year electrical engineering student who to told me that he was not able to register because he owed more than R 25 000 ( $2400 )  and many owed more than that such that the University have restricted them from registering or getting their results.

The DUT  SRC have released a message which is as follows:

Mqondisi Duma wrote:
27 JANUARY 2015

The Student Representative Council of Durban University of Technology welcomes all students who have returned safely from home. We also extend our greetings to those who are coming to DUT for the first time this year.

As much as we acknowledge and note the parasitic nature of a festive season, where our parents must spend the little that they have during this period, and when time comes that we must come back to school,  they can’t financially contribute to challenges we face at the beginning of the year. No different from previous years, we come back to a university that epitomizes a society where a student with financial muscles is worshiped by the university than a student whose life is a humiliated one, undignified, unimportant, on the basis that he struggles with the means of subsistence.

Students must be rest assured that until we take a battle to those who are waging war against us as black students in particular, no one will fight back and be in their defense but only themselves. You go to a meeting with the management you find people who would sweat just trying to give reasons
why students can’t be assisted and you realize that these are the same people who were in a forefront during the apartheid regime, whom you would think they understand where you are coming from as Africans in particular and blacks in general, and there and then u realize that indeed ‘’black child
you are on your own’’. Exactly, who is supposed to fight for you when  everyone is turning against you? We continue to experience frustrations of the online system even this year.

Amongst many challenges that are paused by this system, things that we are not going to except as the SRC is for students to spend much time not being in class while classes are on progress, because they are nursing these challenges not of their creation but of this so-called NEW SYSTEM. Our major concern is that when NSFAS scrutinize students who are successful or unsuccessful, they disregard the fact that some students would have failed because they spent most of their time out in SRC offices, financial aid trying to address these matters, and at the end of the day NSFAS does not want to be held accountable.

We also want NSFAS to keep the spirit and principle of academic progress and student’s background, not only when it suits them. They must sustain that even with students who are left with two modules or less to complete their qualifications and programs. We want to commend the University for opening an investigation of financial aid department and we wish them a fruitful investigation. All looters, fraudsters, solicitors of moneys of poor students must be investigated and if found guilty, they must be jailed, they must be fired, they must pay back the money, and be expelled from the

The SRC is flabbergasted and disappointed to all those hooligans claiming to be SRC, SASCO, ANCYL and YCLSA who are working with staff from some department to loot student money, we also demand an investigation even if those students are our own comrades. We are off the belief that all departments that are alleged to have corrupt tendencies must be investigated. It misguided information that in DUT only financial aid that has problems of misusing student’s resources and resources at their disposal.

DUT Students

The STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL (SRC) is encouraging all students of DUT-DBN to go and meet at M.L SULTAN (CANE GROWERS HALL)

TIME : 08:00

The SRC welcomes all students and wishing that this will be a progressive year in the interest of students. All for the revolution and nothing against it……….AMANDLAAAAAAAAAAA


074 444 1084 079 228 2108

In this meeting scheduled by the DUT SRC it is planned to happen this Monday and a very strong force of the law enforcement is expected to be present to prevent any violent acts that may result in the progress of the meeting. the issues which are to be discussed are based on financial aid and also on the messages that were received by the students calling them to proceed with their registration, as their funding has received approval, this messages were mostly considered as a spam because they had no reference number accompanying them .

Teaching and learning proceeded successfully on the next day but most of the students are not met by the Financial Aid Scheme which might be forced to go back to their respective homes.

Social Bookmarking Is Actually A Great Way To Drive Targeted Traffic ToYour Blog

Generating traffic for your blog is a trouble pretty much every blogger has to deal with. You will find loads of programs online that claim to be able to get you more blog traffic but many of them provide nothing. There are great ways to get more traffic to your blog and in the following paragraphs we are going to be looking at social bookmarking as a way to get this traffic you need.

Most of these social bookmarking sites will be able to get you plenty of traffic just from the social sites you publish your posts to. The next thing that is good is you are creating backlinks for your site each time you bookmark one of these posts on the social bookmarking sites. And backlinks tend to be one of the main secrets to getting traffic from the search engines. And the more backlinks you get the higher your blog will normally rank within the search engines.

social bookmarking for traffic
Although you want to become a member of a variety of sites, you also want to make sure your joining high page rank social websites as well. When it pertains to signing up for these Internet sites you may want to start with sites like Tumblr, Diggo and even facebook. But don't just stop there because you will find hundreds more Internet sites that you will be able to leave your link on. If you start off by just joining about 40 of these sites you will do pretty well. You'll find lists of these websites by just doing a search in the search engines. I ought to tell you that when you begin to set these up make sure you have a few hours to go through all of them.

Once you have joined these Internet sites the next thing you will want to do is to bookmark each and every post you make everyday. In the beginning you may find that this can take about 2 hours a day but in time you will be able to cut that down to about an hour or so. This method when done each day can give you an instant surge in your website visitors.

Something you really should consider are people who will actually go out and set up a number of social bookmarking sites for you and usually just charge about 5 to 10 dollars to do this for you. Obviously this will still leave you with being forced to login on a daily basis and post to the websites. You can actually find a number of programs online that will automatically post your blog posts on the social bookmarking sites for you. Ping. fm and only wire will be the two systems that can handle your blog posts. These programs will use your current login information from the social bookmarking sites you joined and automatically bookmark all your brand new blog posts.
If you really need to take your blog to the next level and begin acquiring more traffic this is one of the best ways to go about it. You should also remember that every time you make a post and bookmark that page you will be building 40 to 50 backlinks to your blog which will additionally help with your search engine ranking.

Five best investment ideas

 Most investers would have noted the major investment conditions which have been in the year  2014, It is very important that  you get important investment tips which will help many traders and investers to make a lot of profits from their investments. In this post you will learn the five best best investment ideas that will help many you to do your investments safely in 2015. In this awesome post by Alexander , you will learn some best facts and tips which will help get you that good move in the Forex markets.
Stormy 2014

 2014 was a turbulent year for financial markets. We witnessed slump of oil and Euro prices as the US stock market again demonstrated a confident growth. 
As most investers should have note the  investment conditions which were faced by the markets in the past year of 2014 , in this post you will learn the five best investment ideas which have been shared by Alexander Gloryachev who is a professional Forex analyst with seven years of trading experience to help you with making the right investments in 2015 .
best investment ideas
What shall we expect for 2015? Global crisis shadows the reports of many experts but it is just the time when some traders including Forex investors make their millions.

We prepared a number of best investment ideas for you.

US dollar

Consolidation of US dollar follows recovery of the US economy and how it is impossible to imagine this currency retreating. US monetary authorities confidently move on their way of tightening of the monetary policy.

All Forex investors are now expecting that key interesting rates in the USA will be lifted up. This is the crucial factor driving US dollar. Now it is hard to name specific time, but the most probable thing is that first increase in rates on the federal reserves will be announced in Summer 2015.

US stock market

 US stock market is as attractive for investments as the national currency of the USA. Of course, its growth is not dependent on the Fed Reserve’s stimulation. High tech can be considered as the driving force of the US stock market. This asset is among the best once reserving its high potential of return.


 Investment in gold has been traditionally considered to be very reliable. Now prices for the yellow metal grow but slowly. In the first half of 2015 year, we can expect drop though. Reduction of the inflation pressure we are witnessing now is negative for gold. As inflation goes down, investors try to get rid of gold.

Since gold is always the hedging tool against inflation risks, stock and Forex investors track inflation in developed states. Collapse of oil prices made inflation go down and forced investors to focus on more risky assets. In this regard, we can predict decline of gold prices to the area 1050$ per ounce, from where traders can buy. The only drawback of this idea is that  it requires quite a long payoff period and is not for those wishing to make money in a short time.


 This is the investment metal.

Price of palladium is attached to the state of industry. Demand in this metal is high indeed and since reserves of palladium are limited, palladium is in a short supply. Its price grows in the long run.


In 2014 we witnessed collapse of “black gold” quotes. One of the reasons is the oversupply. USA along increased its production to almost 11.5 mln. barrels per day, whereas Russia keeps its level on  10.9 mln. barrels and Saudi Arabia  10.5 mln. barrels. Oil quotes dropped a lot but technical correction  is round the corner and you can earn on it.

In 2015 we can expect further growth of Brent quotes up to  65/70 USD per barrel.

Alexander Goryachev is a Forex analyst with 7 years of trading experience, who advises beginners in the Forex market how to trade effectively. He works for an online Forex broker, 

How to Avoid Google Penalties

Seach engine penalties seem to affect many websites and it is very important that I give you tips on how to avoid Google penalties ,these penalties have been caused by the changes that happen on Google Algorithm and also on the changes on some huge search engines.  Quality content and SEO has been the most important part when building blog traffic  but with getting a penalty from Google then you wont have anything to boast about . In the 21st century there has  been a lot of improvements on the internet as Search Engines have improved their bots to find sites which do not follow the  search engine guidelines which in failure will cause a site to be removed from the Search engines index.

tips to avoid Google penalties

Failing to avoid these penalties can be a very hard thing for search engines as they will try by all means to avoid your site from ranking on the top, it is very important to know the rules of a game rather than playing a game without knowing the rules. Below I will show some Google penalties that every website should try to avoid before losing it potential readers.

Google Panda Penalty

This penalty is the very important of all the other penalties because in November 2011 Google introduced the Panda to it algorithm to prevent sites with low quality content from ranking on the first page, If any site is hit by the Google panda penalty it will not have a good rank and recovery can take a lot of time. High content posts should have atleast 500 words and images but please avoid using heavy images as they will cause your blog page to load slower.
This introduction of the Panda has caused many sites to trail behind. And made justice for sites that are working hard to earn with ranking first in search engines .

How to avoid the Panda Penalty

The Panda penalty is easy to avoid as it can be easily avoided by provided high quality content posts to your blog readers and removing duplicate posts from your blog because they can have a big negative impact to any blog.
Once you start producing quality post then you will see a major change on search engines and your site will rank even more high than the way it has been ranking.

Google Penguin Penalty

The Penalty deals mostly with spam and helps google to track the changes that happen to the number of backlinks a site has, the penguin has helped google to find out websites that do link buying which has become popular in the internet . Bloggers are advised not to try and trick the search engines by buying links because will cause some pages to be removed from the index, link buying can trick alexa but not Google, Bing and Yahoo because they are fully secured and strict towards link buying.

How to avoid the Penguin penalty

Avoiding the penguin penalty can be done by avoiding link buying scams. The penguin can cause your blog to rank very low in search engines.

Manual Actions Penalty

Manual actions are mostly are not counted within the Google algorithm but instead they are monitered manually by Google employees who have the authority to decrease or increase your site rank. Google has hundreds of thousands of employees who manually review websites for quality rating. So always try to reduce your blog loading time and make it professional and interesting for all readers so that they can give your site a good rank during review

How to avoid the Manual action

Avoiding the Google manual action Penalty is not really a problem since it is done manually by Google employees which means that your  blog must be clean and interesting. make sure that you do not buy any links from link pools or have duplicate content because it can rank your very low in the search results.

Payday loan Penalty

The Payday loan penalty was introduced in June 2013 to address the spam sites which are involved in link buying and the other internet spam  websites on the internet.  Sites that seem to be spammy will be removed from the search engines  or if they are not removed they will be ranked very low. So please dont get yourselves involved in link buying because you are committing an internet fraud.

How to avoid Payday Loan Penalty

Link buying sites can be tricky but the Penguin and the Payday loan will probably give your site a good name. Spam websites are not good for your blog.


Getting a good rank in search engines has been a hard thing for many bloggers as they have been having doing a lot of on SEO trying to improve their rank , infact Avoiding a search engine penalty is probably the best part of SEO and whereby  buying links seems to be a very good part of SEO which is not because you are actually violating the search engines guidelines and rules in Public because probably your blog is listed in search engines.

Tips to Reduce a Blog Loading Time

The loading speed of a site has big influence to the SEO of your blog and that is why I share this post to give you an idea on how you can reduce the time which your blog loads by giving some important SEO tools. In this post I will discuss some basic tips that will help you reduce your blog loading time and also bring you a huge increase in the traffic of your blog.

This has  been a factor that many bloggers is ignored by many Bloggers and to tell the truth I also did not give any special note on my blog loading time in a way that I would have a lot of images on my blog sidebar and I really did not know about the possible effects of using a heavy webpage until I discovered that my blog  loaded more slower than any other sites on the internet. When I learn about the loading time of my blog I discovered the importance of reducing the loading time of my blog.

How To Check Loading Speed Of a Blog or a website

I have shared some amazing tools below which can be very useful to track the estimated load time your blog has.


Google Page Insights

Pingdom Website Speed Test

how to reduce a blogger loading time

The tools shared above will not reduce your blog's loading time but they will give you a estimation of your blog's loading time but the with the simple ways below you will learn how to reduce the loading time of your blog .

12 Approved ways to reduce a blog's loading time

1. Reduce the Amount of images on the template

The use of images on a website template has been the smartest way to make the a template more beautiful and attractive, even myself love to use images on my template but I am limited at some times to use very few images just because I fear that my blog loading time might be increased. Using a lot of images makes your template to look good but actually it will slow down your blog which may cause your blog to loose some of the most loyal readers.

2. Use a proper coded template

The coding of a template is what makes your blog to look unique and special compared to some other blogs, but such templates are mostly not approved when trying to analyse the loading time of a blog , so please avoid the use of over designed templates and most importantly watch for JavaScript and JQuery  of the template because it may cause unnecessary template data increase which will cause your blog to load very slow.

3.  Too Much Use Of JavaScript

JavaScript can be found in many template widgets which and also on Advertisements by Adsense, Media net , Chitika, bidvertiser etc . Which use java script to record the performance of your blog and the Ads placed on the template. JavaScript is probably a very heavy coding which should not be overused but should be used at a suitable quantity.

Also read : The right time to start making money online

4. Avoid Popup Widgets, Ads and Subscriptions

Pop ups and Pop under widgets are the most time consuming widgets as the use a lot of Javascript and they as well alter with the loading of your blog. Pop ups and pop unders can help a lot in increasing blog followers and subscribers but they are limited because they are mostly considered as a spam in some search engines and believe when I say they are prohibited by many browsers and search engines. You can use them for a short time period or just add a widget on the sidebar instead.

5. Compress Javascript files

There some Java widgets which are must haves in a blog which should not be removed but also be compressed using services like the online CSS compressor or JavaScript compressor, It is simply the best tool

6.  Avoid using Too Much Widgets

Using too much widgets may be tempting but it is not a very good idea because they will introduce a lot of javascript which will as well cause your blog to load very slowly. So please use only the widgets that you want to use and avoid the use of unnecessary widgets because they will probably cost your blog time.

7. Have a limited number of images

It is very tempting to use images in a blog post because images are also a good source of SEO when it comes to Google but it can negatively affect your blog so it is important that you try by all means to reduce your site load time. In blog posts your must at most use less than 5 images but if you are having a gallery blog that will require you more the 10 images per post then you should use a template with a navigation.

8. Reduce image size

Apart from reducing the number of the images used but also take note of the size which is used by the images

9. Don't use a lot of Advertising services

A lot of Advertising services can make your blog to look like an advertising websites or spammy sites which has a lot of Advertisements , so please try to be careful about how you place your Ads
because it may have side effects as I have mentioned in the start that they use a lot of Javascript.

10. Have at most ten posts per page

Your blog home page also needs a better ranking on search engines so it is very important that your blogger blog loads faster and that can be done by reducing the loading time of the blog.

11. Avoid broken links

Broken links are not only bad for SEO but they are also bad when it comes to the loading time of your blog, so I will motivate that you reduce the broken links  especially on your front page and you will see a positive outcome.

12. Improve your site rendering

When talking about the rendering of a site we refer to how fast will a browser convert images or template widgets to appear on the screen, this can be altered in a SEO friendly way by adding a code just under  <head> 

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset= utf-8" >

This code will cause any internet browse to quickly convert you webpage which is also used by top blogs like MOZ  .

I have tried these ways which have performed very great results for my blog in the past years and I will greatly motivate you to give something special to your website by reducing the loading time. Happy Blogging

Political Positioning

Last night, President Obama delivered one of his last State of the Unions. The President on Tuesday pitched a package of controversial policy proposals aimed at benefiting the middle-class. And while many think these ideas are good, there are many others who think his policies are out-of-touch with the needs of the country. Over the last week, the White House announced a package of policy proposals that are aimed at helping working Americans. Obama is pushing for the tripling of the child tax credit, increasing the capital gains taxes, and most notably make community college tuition free. These new policies have little chance of actually passing now that Republicans control both the Senate and Congress. But, Obama needs to position himself for the building fight taking place in less than a month: the passing of our country's budget.

state Barak Obama

Since The President's reelection in 2012, Obama's approval ratings have dropped leaving him with little political capital…. until recently. With a rebounding economy, President Obama is playing offense instead of defense. The President's aim in recent weeks is to paint the Democratic party as the one representing the middle-class. He even is planning to barnstorm the country in the next week to promote those policies, and the Democratic Party as a whole. The reality is that the President wants to increase his political capital for next month's budget fight.

President Obama wants the GOP to be the party that doesn't seem to care about 47% of Americans so he can have the upper hand in budget negotiations. Its no surprise his message Tuesday night took a every person, populist tone: Let's make our country fair once again and help the middle-class work their way up to the top.

Recognizing the threat, Republicans are also staking out a more populist tone to combat the caricature the President is trying to draw. Joni Ernst, one of the GOP's rising stars and former lieutenant, took the Republican Response to a similar place: "We see our neighbors agonize over stagnant wages and lost jobs. We see the hurt caused by canceled healthcare plans and higher monthly insurance bills…America has been hurting." Senator Ernst offers a new face, and a more down-to-Earth tone that could help
Republicans seem more concerned with the working-class.
Regardless of who is right, the budget fights this year will be intense. President Obama has already threatened to veto five different bills and Republicans are reeling over his use of executive action. While its unknown what this budget might actually contain, both Republicans and Democrats will try to out-position the other as the party caring more about struggling Americans. So I ask you, who will you believe?
Author Bio: Austin Kruger is a Junior at Boston University and Consulting Legal Analytics Associate at Argopoint .

The Right Time for Advertising Networks and making money

there is always a right time when  you can have advertising networks on your blog and it is certain Most Bloggers when they start advertising with the aim of making money which is not a good thing to do but should be done at the right for some good SEO because having a rush over money will damage your blogging career.

I know that you have heard some success stories from other blogs like making money John Chow on how they have been making money online, John Chow is a friend of mine and has helped many bloggers make money online with his blogging services but you have to admit that you are not making enough money on your blog and I am to help you start making real money from Advertising smarter on your Blog which has helped many of my readers who are following me personally and one of this bloggers is Ankit Kumar Singla of whom I am proud of as they have motivated me to continue helping other bloggers around the world.

Best time for Time for Advertising Networks  on Blogger

As you start a new blog with less than 10 posts you must not rush to get it indexed on search engines because when you allow search engines to index your page they will give your blog a bad page rank and also a very bad reputation which can be very hard to restore in future. Most Bloggers have created beautiful potential Blogs with very awesome content but the problem that they have is that they had been ranked very bad and they had to work their way up the ladder which will definately cost you a lot of time . I will recommend you to follow this short blogging time table to guide you to better traffic and to better Ad revenue.

Also read

When Should You Start to Monetise a Blog

• Create a Blogging plan
Running a blog is very much like running a business and every business has a business plan with short term and long term goals, one day your blog will function like a business and a lack of planning will affect your blog negatively.

• Make up your niche
You should decided what you will want your blog to be about and choose a responsive template of your choice, the hosting service that you like (I will recommend BlueHost) and the domain name which will be atleast 50 relevant to your blog niche.

• Fully optimize your blog template
SEO has been the best part of any company as it helps increase the web rank of your blog this includes Meta descriptions, Meta keywords, content and updates.

• Start creating blog posts and some important pages such as the About us Page, Sitemap Page, Contact Page, Privacy policy  and all the other important pages that can best describe your blog to the readers . Creating these pages will make readers know more about your blog and once you are satisfied with your blog pages and at least having 15 posts then you can set your blog visible to search engines and start submitting your blog for indexing.
Once your site has been set visible to search engines then you can start doing some promotions through social media and many other platforms that will attract readers to your blog.

• Once your blog has reached 20+ published unique posts  or gets more than 100 page views per day then you can apply for high paying Advertising networks like Adsense, chitika and infolinks.
But these services are not really going to make you much profit at the start which means that you will have to give your blog some time to grow and expand because the use of Java script will really make your blogger blog slow which will cause some readers to loose patience and might as well end up leaving your blog.
Java Scripts are used by advertising services to track the actions of the blog readers which includes impressions and the Ad clicks. if your blog is new and running please it some time to have a consistence reading.

• Once you have reached a level of 1000+ page views per day then you will have to introduce direct advertising services like BuySellAds, Publicity clerks and Blogads which will help you sell you blog space directly to Advertisers .
As time goes on you will have some readers requesting to guest post on your blogger blog or some might want to use your blog to promote their goods which will require you to start selling services and Advertising space to your blog  readers.

• Once your blog has reached a level whereby you reach around 10 000 page views a month  then you will have to apply for a paid better hosting service like BlueHost and Hostgator whereby you will be able to hire some of your readers to help you run your blog.
At this stage you will also make a lot of money through affiliate programs , at this level you will be able to sell more than 10 services and products per sale which will be making you a profit of $250+ per day just from affiliate programs only . As your Blog reaches such growth then you will be able to sell ebooks and your own SEO services to keep your blog running and making real cash. But please dont focus a lot on money but instead do what keeps you blog into being the best blog and always love your blog as you did on the very first day you started your Blog. So with such great traffic you will be able to sell more than 100 000 copies from your ebook direct sales in your blog, but I will motivate you to create 2 - 3 ebooks per year and any more than that will definately cause your readers to loose interest about your services, so sell atmost a single product in three months in a 3 month interval.

• Finally your blog is making enough money and your readership is impressively growing which will fortunately mean that you will have to hire you blog readers to help update some old posts , respond to the readers enquiries, Social promotions, finding quality guest posts, template updates and optimization and all other responsiblities that you will be on your blog.


Blogging has the ability to earn you millions of dollars and it is very important to know the right time in which your blog can start making money.

Raif Badawi second round of flogging postponed

Raif Badawi  50 lashes
After the punishment of a Blogger Raif Badawi, The Saudi Arabia's use of flogging as a punishment has been greatly condemned by the United  Nations as cruel and inhuman way to conduct a punishment.

Raif Badawi a common known blogger, who set up a liberal website to discuss Saudi Politics in which he had used to criticize the country's hardline hard line religious establishment.  Was sentenced to have 1000 lashes in May 2014.
The first bout of 50 lashes were administered last Friday which triggered a world outcry as many people around the world have been protesting against the inhuman acts done by the government of Saudi Arabia.
Raif Badawi  second round of flogging postponedThe flogging which was due to happen on Friday has been postponed the wounds from the last Friday had not healed. The flogging and sentencing of Raif Badawi has been judged as a inhumane as the biggest human rights organizations such as Anaesty International which had been having campaigns for the release of Badawi.

Raif Badawi had received his first fifty lash flogging outside the mosque in the red sea city of Jeddah last Friday and he is expected to complete his 21 sessions of flogging to finish up his punishment.

Experienced Doctors who deal with patients that have gone through these flogging process have explained that flogging is very painful in such that some of the victims find it hard to cope after they have undergone this punished in that it results to depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and even suicide.

Dr. John Hayward who usually access the victims of flogging in his interview with the Telegraph had confirmed that the injuries will mostly depend on the type of equipment that had been used and also how hard the victim was lashed. Mostly the victims that have undergone this punishment had internal pains due to the tearing of the skin and it had been confirmed that Raif Badawi had his shirt on during the punishment.

Raif Badawi
Human abuse is greatly practiced in the Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan and Gaza as many of these governments have allowed these evil acts in the name of religion. Bloggers let us stand against the act of flogging which is practiced and let us stand out to report such issues.

How to Make a Link using html

I have decided to show you a simple way that you can use an  html code to create a link with the use of <a> tags and the closing </a> tag , A text is usually placed in between the tags in which the link will be on. This tutorial is very simple and I believe that many bloggers know how to use it but I have found out that some bloggers have been sharing some links in the comment box using the old linking style which is probably out of style.

Old linking strategy~  The link is written in an informal way, which is is not SEO at all but it only
appears to be a text to search engines.

HTML linking system~ The html linking strategy is the best SEO linking strategy which appears as both link and word , this type of linking is available on blogger, Wordpress text boxes but they are not available on the comments text box and also in most text boxes which means that it is very crucial that every blogger knows this trick.


The old linking strategy is probably a very bad part of SEO as it cannot be read by seach engines but instead it will appear as a text.
The example below will show you how to create a link using the html <a> and </a> tags.
Suppose you write a text :

My best SEO blog with the best blogger tutorials, SEO tips and is  Ajaxsurf .

To link any text with a webpage you will have to replace the text with The code as shown  below:

My best SEO blog with the best blogger tutorials, SEO tips and is  <a href="">Ajaxsurf</a>.

The name Ajaxsurf has been replaced by the html code and then pasted in the html code between the tags which will create a SEO friendly link that will better rank you in search results. This method is currently the best formal way to create links and it can work also with embedding images, files, video and many other type of documents.

The use of links have been the most important technique for Google page ranking which was founded by the Co-founder of Google Larry Page who later invented the importance of page rank, so the use of links in a site is very important whether it is an exernal, internal or inbound it will have an effect on your site page rank. 

Stop people from submitting a Google Form more than once

This article explains how to stop more than one person providing a response to a questionnaire that you have made using Google Forms.

Previously I've shown how to use Google Forms to put a survey or questionnaire into your blog.

Sometimes when you put a form into a blog-post, it is OK for people to respond more than once - and Forms even has an option to submit another entry immediately.

But sometimes it's not.

For example, if you are researching a particular topic, you probably want each person's opinion to count once, rather than having an enthusiastic person (effectively a human bot) enter their responses many times and so bias your results.

Google Forms has now a feature which lets you require everyone who wants to submit results to your survey to be logged in to a Google account, and then only lets each Google Account submit the form once.

How to stop people submitting a Google Form more than once

Follow these steps to stop the same user entering a form multiple times:
  1. Edit the form.
  2. Click the Settings bar
  3. Turn on the "Allow only one response per user" option.

Job done!   You will now only get one answer from each person.   Read one to find out more effects of doing this, and some more issues that you need to consider.

The effect of the one-response-per-user checkbox

When this option is turned in, each response is guaranteed to come from a unique Google-account.

People who want to respond to your form must log-in using a Google account before they can see the form.

The person's email address isn't recorded in the results sheet but Forms won't accept another entry from the same Google Account.

If someone tries to complete your Google Form again, a warning is shown, saying "You've already responded. You can only fill out this form once. Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake."

Is the Google account name available to the form-owner?

No. Google Forms checks the currently-logged-in account against the list of accounts that have submitted a response, but it does not display the account-names anywhere in the form results page.

Disadvantages of this approach

  • People who do not have Google Account cannot use your form.
  • People who are skeptical about linking their email address with their form entry may be unwilling to respond  - no matter how you try to re-assure them that you don't see it.
  • Other's may think that you have their email address, and so get annoyed if you ask for it on your form.
  • People who have multiple Google Accounts can still respond multiple times: a single person can control many different Google accounts, and could (if they were sufficiently evil / motivated) sign out and in again using each one to submit multiple results.

Are people who responded before the option was turned on counted?

No:   Google only tracks users who complete your form after the "Allow only one response per user" option is first turned on.   If you turn it on for an existing form, people will still have one more chance to respond.

However if you turn the option off and then on again, it does remember which Google accounts have responded during the time that the option was off, and stops them from responding again.

Some other things to consider

Is it really necessary

Some people may turn this option on because it seems like the right thing to do, even if it really doesn't not matter if someone entered more than one response. This could annoy some visitors - for example, someone who completes your questionnaire today, and then remembers later on that there is something else they would like to say.

My recommendation is that you should only use the Allow only one response per user option if it really makes sense for your form to be like this.   Otherwise, leave it turned off.

Don't let it stop YOU from testing your form

If your form is even slightly complicated, it is a good idea to test it (perhaps from a private test blog) before you start using it.

However if "Allow only one response per user" is turned on, then you will only be able to enter one response yourself.

The solution to this is to:
  • Leave the option off while you are testing your form
  • Only turn it on again just before you install the form it into your blog.

Other ways to guarantee unique responses

If you decide that allowing only one response per Google account is not a good approach for your form, then you may want to consider other ways of ensuring that each person only participates once. For example:
  • Ask each person to enter their email address on the form, and only accept results from unique addresses. (But do remember that you cannot be certain that the addresses are associated with the people who provided them.)
  • Make completing the form "inviation only" and email respondents a unique code that they have to input, then don't take account of any responses that don't have a valid code: you may need to enlist help from a neutral 3rd party to help with this, if you want respondents to believe that their input in anonymous.
  • If your form is made with a Google Apps user-account, rather than a standard Google account, then you have an option to limit a Google Form to only accept responses from users who are in your domain - and if you do this, the responses-sheet records the person's username as well.

    So in this case, you could simply sort by user-name, and leave our responses where the one user-name responded more than once.

Related Articles:

How to show a survey / questionnaire / form in blogger

Understanding Google accounts