Top 5 Apps to Track Your Advertising Methods

Social media is the new word-of-mouth. Although all marketers have agreed that advertising through social media is no longer a luxury, tracking your advertising and quantifying your ROI can be quite a challenge. However, there have been many apps develops in the current tech generation that can definitely ease your job here. Here are the top five apps to track your advertising methods.
Apps to Track Your Advertising Methods



Because of its relatively easy to use interface, HootSuite is the favored ROI tracking module of many marketing experts. It is simple to synchronize actions between all of the major social media platforms and some minor ones as well, making it easy to track the true outreach of your marketing campaigns.

HootSuite also has geolocation targeting for tracking of a particular location. If you have multiple collaborators, this is also the tool for you. HootSuite comes with an entire suite of analytics tools as well.

- Social Mention

This platform pulls information from literally hundreds of social media platforms. All of the major platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even Flickr are included, but if you are in a niche oriented industry with information on smaller websites and forums, you will need a program like this to catch those mentions as well. Overall, this gives you the ability to track yourself in real time with very accurate information. It literally does not miss anything that your name is mentioned in online.

- Tweet Deck
Tweet Deck allows you to arrange all of the feeds from your social network in one organized

place. You can aggregate all of your content on your website for public view as well as within yourmarketing ROI standard program. Combined with a currency tracker for shortened links, this can be an incredibly powerful tool that will allow you to increase the revenue capabilities of your campaigns.

- Twilert
Twilert is an advertising monitoring tool that is dedicated to getting the details from Twitter. However, seeing as Twitter is now the #1 platform for communication among businesses and B2C back and forth, your company might definitely benefit from an advertising platform that drills down into the mountains of information that can be accumulated within this medium.

The best part about this program is that it allows you to focus on specific information. For instance, if you are having a sale in a particular location, you can focus on the tweets that come from that location using this tool.

- Sprout Social
With Sprout Social, you can monitor all of your business conversations within one easy to use program. For businesses with hundreds of social media profiles, you can schedule updates with a single click. You can also manage large teams from this program without having to create different communication channels for each person.

Best of all, Sprout Social offers a free 30 day trial for new users. With this kind of flexibility, you can check on how easily this program integrates with Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter, Linke
dIn and many other major social media platforms.

Bonnie Mahan is the owner of, a leader in aerial banner advertisements.

Find Targeted Website Traffic Through Pay-per-click

Internet-based marketing has triggered an innovation in how we do business by creating effective and easy methods of marketing to all the businesses. In the last decade or so, latest and innovative internet-based marketing means and ideas have evolved re-establishing the self-belief of the entrepreneur. That has permitted them to differentiate themselves from their competition in each segment of the market.
A Better Understanding of PPC
Internet-based marketing has given a winning edge to these individuals by permitting them to sell concepts, services as well as goods. Additionally, PPC (Pay Per Click) marketing has acknowledged itself as the most effective marketing method to pull in specific visitors.

Do you know that Pay-per-click permits you to increase focused visitors to your website in the simplest and best value for money means? Astonishing, don't you think? Pay Per Click is a dazzling marketing concept which helps you to list the site at the higher ranks of search engine outcomes. You simply have to pay after the interested consumer selects the hyperlink and looks at the website via the link offered by the search engine listing. Hence, Pay-per-click marketing yields the lots of direct selling as well as marketing. Being a business person, you won't pay for the advertising except for the physical click-through as such.

Benefits of PPC in Website Design

target website traffic
·         The Results are Quick: PPC marketing gets to you the most excellent and fastest options to obtain the focused visitors to your website. This systematically multiplies your organization's overall expansion and success. Search engines like Yahoo support specific search results for explicit key words and search-phrases and they present the relevant ones on the net. This confirms greatest and targeted traffic right away, which makes PPC marketing a rather effective and amazing choice for your earnings.

·         Reduce in Advertising Costs:Pay Per Click marketing also helps you to slash advertising bills in addition to assuring the superior returns on investments. It is an impressive option for bettering your website traffic and hence enables you to contact new probable purchasers. Besides that, pay-per-click actually minimizes your web-based advertising expenditures.
·         Increase in Organic and Quality Web Traffic: Potential sellers make bigger higher offers for particular keywords, and the top offer then is able to take the head start by securing the space at the top of the listing for the basic google listing. Then it is adopted by the subsequent best bidder and in this way the whole process of pay-per-click marketing develops.
It is tried and Tested: Clearly it is the best way to generate leads because of its instant and well-tried strategy. It at the same time saves
·         supervising time and also your involvement in handling jobs for internet publishing.
On the final note- This reputable list making alternative of PPC lets you to differentiate yourself from the others by gaining specific visitors. As for all such wonderful PPC marketing features and rewards, it's the most popular online marketing solution. It capitalizes on targeted traffic to targeted sites which is the main job of all persons connected to traffic generation. In conclusion a website with SEO and ppc is the right combination to help your website reach a larger audience in a lesser time frame.
About the Author: Mary has been freelancing for quite few years now and is studying the constant trends that evolve in the SEO domain.SEO services are really advisable and actually very crucial to every online business, take advantage of search engine optimization at a competitive price.

White hat SEO and Black hat SEO

Knowing the difference between white hat SEO and black hat SEO can help you make the right decisions about your blog which will enhance your search traffic in an interesting way. Search Engine Optimization( SEO )has been the most important part of getting targeted blog traffic from search engines, In my recent posts I have given a lot of SEO tips which are to help readers with some of the most important guides on SEO which will help improve your knowledge.
Before getting yourselves involved in too much SEO you have to be extra careful because any wrong moves you make can cause your site to rank very low in search engines which may result your site to having a very low amount of traffic.

White hat SEO and Black hat SEO
Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO has to do with the Search Engine Optimization techniques that can have a negative impact on the site rank in search engines. This optimization technique can invite search Engines to your site to see if you did not try to trick them by keyword stuffing and buying links from link farms.
Bloggers that do the black hat SEO are mostly affected by the Google Algorithms because they violate the Google Webmaster Guidelines resulting in their sites being removed from the search engines. The good thing about this technique is that the results are  very fast and effective but it will always create a suspection from the search engines and your site will be listed in their database for special crawling to see how responsible is the site .

White Hat SEO

The White Hat SEO is a positive optimization technique that will defintely improve the ranking of a site in search engines. The White hat is the approved SEO technique and yet the slowest as it takes a lot of time for change to effect, the white hat SEO is a search engine friendly way of getting a good page rank whereby the search engine is not tricked by the site.
This technique is hated by many bloggers as it takes too much time to effect changes in the search engine but it is yet the quickest way to blog optimization.

How to avoid black hat SEO ?

Avoiding black hat SEO is easy as it can be done by simply avoiding the common SEO mistakes that are done by bloggers and some of the webmasters these Type of SEO can be used in a smart way for fast approved ways to increase your search visibility and get traffic.

Avoid Buying links

Buying links is considered as an internet fraud by Google and they have been introducing different ways to avoid this fraud.

Post only original content

Original content is best because it will help increase the visibility of your posts in search engines , Google is looking for unique original content to be on their index but any content that is not original might get indexed but will not get involved in the search results.

SEO White hat

Do not link to spam sites

Spammy sites are hated by search engines and any activity that may link you with them will bring down your reputation.

Must read : Common SEO Mistakes

How to safely use black hat SEO ?

Black hat SEO can also be used safely as there are good sites that can safely help improve your rank in search Engines and make your blog to rank without the search engine suspecting anything.

The use of trusted SEO tools
I have found SEO tools to be the most effective way that one can use to boost a website , these tools can help improve the rank of any site within a very short period of time. I will recommend bloggers to use SEO tools like small SEO tools , Copyscape , Scrubtheweb and Siteliner which are safe to use and they have around 5% probability of being noticed by search engines, it is found that search engines hate Search Engine Optimization as it tends to trick their bots into ranking a post higher .

Create do follow links social networks
I have found an awesome way to get do follow links from social networks like Facebook, twitter, Linkedin etc. I have found this trick as a great way to increase your site page rank, this trick works very well

Motivate readers to link to your posts

As a Blogger I have noticed that some readers have sites with a much better page rank compared to mine which had also motivated me to impress them in a way that they will end up linking back to my Site.

Submit your site to Dmoz and Alltop

Dmoz has been used by many professional bloggers to get quality links from the Dmoz directory and I have to really motivate bloggers to also add their sites to Dmoz.

How to increase Page Rank in 2015

The pagerank (PR) of a site is one of the most important elements that will determine the position of your site in Search Engines, we have given a lot of SEO tips that will help you get an increase in your organic search traffic. We have fully discussed the importance of on page SEO and off page SEO which has become one of the most important parts that every writer should consider before publishing a post because if the rules are not followed properly then possible side effects may give a little damage to your blog. In a recent update by Google it is now proven that backlinks are the most important part in getting a good pagerank on Google.

How to increase a Google Page Rank

Content has become one of the most important parts in blogging because most readers are simply looking for quality content, A site that lacks quality content is certainly not ready for progress in the search engines, Google has recently introduced an algorithm known as the Panda which was designed to make high content sites to rank more effectively than low content sites , this algorithm has affected a lot of low content sites in that their pagerank has decreased .

Must read : How to avoid Google penalties

I also never knew the importance of quality content as I used to blog just for the fun of until I read an article about the New Google Panda Algorithm that was introduced to low rank sites that had low content, non original content or spammy content  and that made me to delete a lot of low content posts and my blog started to improve in a very pleasing way such that my traffic increased to more than 500% and I would motivate the same for you if you want a good pagerank for your site.

NB: An original post of 500+ words have been approved for a quality pagerank as it is read as of best quality by many search engines .

Make use of your other sites

Pagerank is mostly effected by high pagerank sites linking back to yoursite. if it happens that you are a contributor to a site like Moz then you should use it as an advantage to get an increase to the pagerank of  your blog. In huge blogging communities bloggers have found it a big opportunity in which they can use to get some link juice back to their sites.
There are many online communities and forums that can be used to promote a site which will in return cause a huge increase in the pagerank of your site.

Do Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is taken very slightly by many bloggers who dont want to share their posts or have any relationship with any other Blog. Finding blogs which you can follow is not easy and I will recommend that you will use bloggerlinkup Which is a network site to help professional bloggers meet the other experts that are willing to write guest posts and expect blogs that are willing to allow you to guest  post.

Most of the guest authors we have on this blog are probably from the Bloggerlinkup network and they have been good to this blog and we are also looking for more writers to share their SEO posts.

Directory Submission

Submitting a site to blog directories was not that much important until the Google Pengiun was introduced which made sites with backlinks from higher pagerank sites to rank nuch more better on search engines, this made backlinking to be a very important part of search engine optimization .
This has made pagerank to be one of the most influencial part of my blog . Atracting quality backlinks can be very hard but it will definately improve your blog if you will do it the smart way. Blog directories such as DMoz and Yahoo Directory which are probably the best web directories which are able to give you the best link juice for your site, in actual there are many other web directories that you can possibly use to increase the pagerank of your site but I would advise that you submit on directories that you trust and avoid spammy directories as they may give a bad impression about your site.

Must read : How to attract quality backlinks

Avoid Google penalties

Google penalties are probably a bad long term impression that any website can have as they may decrease your page rank resulting into a huge loss of traffic. Websites suffering from these updates are usaully spam sites, sites associated with spam sites, possible online scams and link buying activities , suffering from these is probably a long term issue as you might need to wait for the next algorithm update which can take a year or two to happen and that is a long time of having low traffic.
Duplicate content may result to your blog being hit by a Google Panda which is to reduce the propabilty of sites having too much duplicate content from appearing on the search results.

Have good domain and a server

A good domain contributes a lot to SEO as it is one of the most common factors that a site can have in order to rank well on the search Engines. A good domain must have search keywords that can make people to easily remember your site . For example if you blog is about SEO tips then your in your domain you will have use names like seotips , blogseo , seosiren , bloggerseotips etc.
Your domain must match you content, keywords and site name.
The hosting service you are using can be one of the factors that can affect the page rank of your site , I would recommend that you host your site on trusted hosting services like Blogger (free) , Wordpress (free ) , Hostgator , Go daddy , Bluehost and 1on1 which are currently the leading hosting companies in the world. A good trusted  hosting service is good for your blog as it will make it more professional in search engines which may result to good page rank.

Manage your Do-follow links and No-follow links

Linking must be done carefully in order to prevent any bad impressions from the search engines. Linking is also regarded as an important part of content and that is why we we have Do-follow and No-follow links that will help you control the visibity of external and internal links on your site , creating a network of internal links within a blog can make your blog to rank well so please always try to interlink your blog posts. Whenever you interlink your blog posts you must always allow the do-follow attribute which will make the search engine to be aware of the interlinking between blog posts on a site.

When linking to external sites always use high quality sites like wikipedia, Mashable or forbes sites that are trusted by Google to bring you high quality content to your site. These sites are mostly key elements to blog success whether you link to them or they link back you will always get something good out of them.

Reduce the number of links on a page

The number of links a page has can affect your pagerank and in that case I will highly motivate bloggers to reduce their homepage links to less than 100 because a recent study had confirmed that most search engines usaully encounter problems with crawling a sites with more than 100 page links.

how to increase pagerank
Final Words
Increasing a site pagerank can take anywhere from two to six months which will definately need your patience because that does not mean you wont be getting any traffic from Google but you will be getting a limited traffic depending on the number of posts that are indexed by the search engines. So try to have enough original posts in order to see the results.

The Google HTTPS Ranking Factor and SSL Certificates

Late in 2014 Google has introduced a ranking factor which was to favour more HTTPS and SSL sites more than the standard HTTP sites . This was probably nothing more than a speculation to many bloggers and webmasters until Google confirmed it to the public whereby they confirmed that sites with HTTPS and having an SSL security will have their pages boosted in search engines.

This Has caused many big internet companies to lose millions of dollars most probably Mashable which had a huge loss but have recovered as they have converted to the use of the https in the their giant blog. This type of algorithm has been seen as one of the fastest algorithms which are probably real time algorithms and they will use real time info to rank a site. Many bloggers have thought about changing from http to https which is quite not very easy to do on blogger but we are working on a way to help introduce HTTPS in blogger and most importantly introduce SSL certificates to help the readers rank better. But if you are using a good hosting service like bluehost you will probably see great results because your hosted site will be automatically be converted from HTTP to HTTPS and the good thing about them is their quality improvements to support you with a free SSL certificate for your site.

What are SSL certificates and what effect they have

SSL certificates are used to prevent hackers from hacking it your site. A site that does not have an SSL certificate can be hacked easily either by the source code or by it cookies .
A webpage without a SSL certificate can expose a lot of private info to your blog competition which they can use to copy your blog which will cause its value to decrease. So as for know SSL certificates cost any price from $11 to $1000 depending on the level or the value of the site.

The Differance between an HTTP and HTTPS

 HTTPS Ranking Factor and SSL Certificates
It is quite true that many people are probably confused about the differance between HTTP and the HTTPS ranking factor which be clearly be stated in this post.
HTTP simply stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol which is used to communicate different services and computers, probably the http is not secured as it makes your site to be hacked easily by hackers.

HTTPS is simply an upgraded level of the HTTP which has a Secure Sockets Layer which is the best web tool that is used to secure website info from possible hackers.
How to get SSL for Blogger and Wordpress .

SSL Certificates
Getting an SSL certificate is easy for Wordpress users as they will only have to upgrade their to Wordpress premium or you can use this tutorial from wpbeginner to help you get an SSL certificate for your blog and for Bloggers I will recommend that they get it from domain registars but they may charge extra bucks but I have good news because from May 2015 free SSL certificates will be available in blogger and also in all websites that are not secured.

Free SSL certificates 2015

In 18 November 2014 a company known as  Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced its project that is designed to bring free SSL certificates for bloggers and also for other websites. So Bloggers should not rush for SSL certificates because they will be free very soon, because there is also a non profit organisation that is know as Lets encrypt which will make SSL certificates free for all websites on the web.

How Long Does It Take For a New Site to Appear in Google Search

Many Bloggers and web designers prefer their blog posts to appear as soon as possible in the Google search engine, but really how long will it take for a site content to appear on the search engines more especially Google, Bing and Yahoo . The time of which it takes for Google to index new content will probably be affected by the following important points.

Long Does It TakeFor a New Site to Appear in GoogleSearch

There are special factors that can make your blog pages to get indexed on Search Engines which includes Content and probably SEO which has the ability of making your blog rank much

•  Popularity

The popularity of a site speaks a lot because it creates an interest to search engines and advertisers to want to participate on your site, the popularity of a site will depend upon how well known it is . Site popularity is measured by the number of new direct visitors that enter a site per given time period.
It is very important to use a domain that is similar to the type of content you are producing, suppose you are running a technology blog then you can give it a name as  technotips , techbuzz , techtix etc. Normally these names are easy to remember and they are a part of many related keywords . These
type of keywords can really improve the popularity of a site at an unbelievable rate .

Inbound links to a site

Inbound links are quality backlinks that link back to a website, quality backlinks are very important as they are capable of increasing the Page rank of a Blog. though getting inbound links is not easy but it is only possible to qualify only if you produce high quality content that anybody will want to link to.

Getting quality backlinks will help increase your site alexa rank and also your google page rank , the manual way to get backlinks is through writing guest posts on other blogs which rank better than your blog. You can find a great variety of sites to write guest posts like Bloggerlinkup where you will have to find a great number of quality websites that are looking for guest posts.

The website Structure

This incudes a series of internal linking that a site consist. Your website should not have any broken links and try to reduce the amount of duplicate  to atmost 20% which is acceptable by many search engines, You can use SEO tools like the siteliner which will help you remove broken links in your webpages and will help you also with reducing the amount of duplicate content on your site together with many other problems that could be hiding on your site.

• Verify your site on Google webmasters

Claiming a site is not done only on alexa but you can also claim a site on Google which will help increase the potential of your to appear in the web search results, which will help increase the popularity of a website and also the organic traffic a site gets to a great potential because it makes search engines to be aware of your site.
The Google webmasters tools have have been the best part of getting a targeted site traffic. You should also sign up for a free account with them .

Use quality SEO tools

I greatly motivate bloggers to use quality SEO tools for their websites because they can help you know your position in the Google webmaster tools . I have seen a major impact on my blog since having to know about the weaknesses of my blog.
The use of free SEO tools will benefit your blog in a very interesting manner such that your traffic will increase to more than 200% which is probably the best thing to ever happen to any blogger blog.

Submit your site to directories

Submitting a site to blog directories is very much more productive than buying links because most of these links are not accepted by Google which can result to a Google Penalty.

Must Read: How to Avoid Google Penalties

Have real content

When talking about real content we refer to text not images or javascript , search engines are designed to read the text on a blog post not the images and javascript. The presence of images is only detected by search engines
The methods shared should help your site to appear more faster on the search results.

How to Attract Quality Backlinks

It is the dream of every blogger to recieve quality backlinks from authority blog and websites based on your field, I believe that you are quite familiar with internal linking  and know I believe that you should also learn the importance of external linking and backlinks.

What Are Backlinks?

Backlinks are quality link backs that come from an external site back to your site. Any type of links recieved from advertising are not backlinks for they have no impact on the rank of your site but they only influence your traffic or sales.

Link building has been the backbone of search engines since the early days of Google and even today linking has been the most ranking factor of search engines.

How to Attract Quality Backlinks

Types of possible backlinks

Backlinks are not always good but there are also bad backlinks that will result to your site being ranked very low in search engines, lets us go through this type of links so that you may understand them better

  • Good Backlinks

Good links are links that come from authority sites in your field, recieving links from these sites can really improve your alexa rank and also get you some active readers.

  • Bad Backlinks

Badlinks are links that are comming from niche unrelated sites linking back to your site and they too can increase your alexa rank or just have no effect at all but  to be honest it is not easy to get loyal readers from these sites.

  • Ugly Backlinks

Ugly backlinks are link backs that come from spammy sites, link farms and all link buying sites and getting links from these sites can give your site a very bad reputation.

How to get Good Backlinks

1. Write quality posts
The quality of your posts is what keeps your readers glued to your blog/Website , content is the most regarded thing on the internet as it happens that many many blogs might produce the same content as you do and that will means that they are competitors and the only way to beat them is to use great content which will give you a good rank compared to your competitors.

2. Have a neat attractive blog
It is very important that your blog is neat and attractive because it will make readers to trust your blog and they will compare to other blogs. Your Blog should have a descent design and it should not contain too many Advertisements and links, having too many Advertisements can reduce the loading time of your blog which will cause your blog to slowly.
I have found the neatness and the beauty of a blog as one of the most common things that are capable of increasing the neatness of your blog.

3. Have a professional domain
I have noted that most blogger blogs with a sub-domains are not taken seriously as websites with professional domains, Bloggers should use professional domains if they really want total trust from their readers . It happens that some of the blog readers have a greater alexa rank compared to your site and once they link back to you, you will see great improvement in the Alexa rank of your site. If have found that using blog with a professional domain can increase the trust of your readers such that they will not want to advertise only but they will subscibe to the services of your blog

4. Promote your content in social
Social media has always been the best traffic source for many blogs and websites, social media promotion is the best marketing strategy that has helped us to reach potential readers and customers to your site. This blog gets most of it traffic from Google but at most times facebook seems to be the best in getting blog traffic as it has shown great results.

5. Create videos, ebooks, podcasts etc.
Creating niche related videos is simply the best way to get your readers interest, we have done a research on the effect of media on a blog and we have seen great results, in one of our blog we started by writing posts that had no media but text and surprising they had a very small number of pageviews, we started including media which surpported our content and the pageviews also increased at a very great rate. This research showed that

6. Link to niche experts
It is very important that you also link to online experts because it will help increase the value of your site because search engines will start to consider your site legitimate which will help you to rank more better in search engines. you have to becareful when linking to a site because some sites are are seen as spam or link farms which are not wanted by search engines and linking to them may give your site a negative impression .


Backlinks play a vital role on a blog and it is very important that you back to authority sites which might increase your chances of having a good rank in search engines. Many rely on getting links from link scams which is probably a very dangerous act which could blacklist your blog.

How does a Blog ranks well without any backlinks

A large proportion of individuals out there appear to believe that backlinks type the backbone of a website's SEO strategy. Having high-quality and relevant backlinks has its blessings, however area unit they a necessity? we've talked concerning this subject repeatedly within the past. Today, i might wish to share highlights from Googler John Mueller's recent country wherever he tested that backlinks, whereas vital, don't seem to be a requirement for ranking well in Google!

quality backlinks
John Mueller is that the Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google. He shared Associate in Nursing instance of a web site ranking well while not backlinks throughout his haunt at the GooglePlex with 2 of his colleagues. Here's the video of the haunt, with adjusted beginning position.

Someone asked at the twenty six minutes and three seconds mark, why will Google use links for ranking at the extent they are doing. He said, Google ought to use alternative means that to rank sites. Of course, he is aware of they are doing use alternative factors however his purpose was why do they place most weight on links.

John Mueller answered that spoken communication they are doing have a lot of alternative factors outside of simply links.
John then aforesaid he includes a friend of his UN agency is “back home” in city, his friend simply place up a brand new computing device for the native neighborhood. The new website doesn't have any links the least bit and over three hundred pages area unit indexed and pages area unit ranking and that they have gotten plenty of traffic from search.

nobody ever connected to the location ever, he said, however they did submit sitemaps to Google and that they have Associate in Nursing RSS feed.

improve website backlinks
the net website will fairly well with none links the least bit, John said. therefore it's not the case you fully would like links to rank, he added. John did say that links area unit "obviously" it's a part of Google’s ranking factors, however it isn’t one thing Google solely depends on.

we all know a year past, Matt Cutts aforesaid Google did attempt turning off links in their ranking rule and also the results were alarming. we tend to additionally recognize that Yandex, the massive Russian programme, did take away links from section} phase in their ranking rule once that segment was spammed to death.

thereupon being aforesaid, let's not forget the importance of backlinks. however the purpose here is, there area unit several alternative factors you would like to be specializing in in addition.

Race is still a Dividing Factor in SA

As a result of too much fraud  and racial oppression happening in the government today many have been questioning if the government of South Africa had waited for the death of the true leaders so that they can reap of the hard work that was brought to bring freedom and peace to the people of South Africa. In the past history there had been great leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela that fought against racial oppression which the world has faced in the last century, In the united states in December 2014 there have been great marches and fights against the government after an African American boy was shot by a white officer which brought a march that made headlines in international newspapers.

 It seems like most of the people still hold racial grudges against their past oppressors even though  it has been agreed that peace is the only way to bring a nation to better growth but yet there are grudges that people tend to have on the colour of the skin. The most common message which the was taught by the former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela was to teach that the colour of the skin is not a factor and it has never been a factor but the main problem that made the colour of the skin a factor was just because there was too much fear and hatred within the people. One of the statements that were released by Nelson Mandela was that he had received a letter from a person that wanted no peace, the the members of the ANC, IFP  and UDF wanted no sharing of power with the members of the apartheid government but  Nelson Mandela who was with them requested that there will be a peace and a sharing of power in the new anti-racial government.
Racial oppression in South Africa

Great leaders in the world were motivated to work with the South African government into improving the economy of South Africa and have brought fourth good relations such that the economy of South Africa has reached a level whereby almost any other country in the world have found South Africa as good country for investments and relations. Since the year of 1994 since nelson Mandela was voted the first president of the democratic south Africa there been a promising growth in there economy whereby the White, coloured, Black and Indian communities have joined together into being a single body of South Africa. Peace between the racial groups has been established within the nations but there is a big problem whereby some people are found to have hard hearts such that they cannot find a reason to forgive and move on to live a life of freedom, a life without fear and hatred, a life where a human will be not classified by the colour of the skin but will be classified as a human .

The leaders that helped fight against racial oppression made great effects into this world and brought hope for a better 21stcentury and today we have seen a world  ‘racial oppression’ whereby the people of different races joining bonds as the dream of Martin Luther  King Jr. where he dreamed to see  Blacks and whites as sisters and brothers a dream where all citizens of the country will be under the name of a nation and under one law set by the government, President Barak Obama the President of the united states has shown great love for the freedom hero as he once said in his speech that the former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela has aways been his inspiration and his role model as he wish to have the same leadership skills as those of Nelson Mandela which every leader wishes to follow. Today the United States of America and the Republic South Africa have joined forces to fight against the racial oppression and help the other countries to fight against fear and hatred.

The government of South Africa seems to deviate from the dream of Nelson Mandela as the political leaders seem to have been saying harsh words which have caused many debates in the country whereby political leaders like The current president of South Africa Jacob Zuma , Julius Malema and most of the leaders have blamed the white South Africans for the current problems whereby the government have started a system known as the BEE ( Black Economic Empowerment ) which has costed many business men and women to be forced to have 50% of their business stake to any Black south African, this law has made many white South African businesses and Farms to live in fear and hatred . The government must practice what is right for the people and give no tolerance to the discrimination by the colour of the skin.

Racist Jacob Zuma
There has been great levels of fraud in the South African government whereby by Central Intellegance  Agency of the country was forced to shut down  by heads of the government because it was targeting most members of the government ,and late in 2014  it was announced that the number of investers that were decreasing as many feared that that the levels of fraud in the South African government has increased dramatically, Fraud is very high in the country whereby almost every government related services are only accessable through bribes. The former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela was not only killed by the lung sickness that he had but he was killed by the corruption in the government.
 According to the mail and guardian new article about a meeting that was held this week it had had been confirmed by FW de Clerk, this had made many south Africans to question if the government was happy about the death of the former freedom fighters as they have brought laws that have oppressed some racial groups.

How to Manually Remove The Shortcut Virus from a PC

The shortcut virus is one of the worst nightmares that many people face on their computers, this virus damages file by turning them into shortcuts reducing the performance of the files. This virus is actually not any type of spyware but it is designed to destroy or turn  your PC files and also the files on your company flash drive into shortcuts, this virus affects the Pen drive , USB , Hard disk , Computer system and Windows.

This virus is can be easily be removed by using an antivirus that has a been updated to at least a 2010 version whereby this virus was discovered. It might happen that your are not the administrator of the PC that you are using , or maybe you are using a company PC which does not allow you to install programs like an antivirus then you will need to remove the shortcut virus the normal way  which will need you to edit some commands on your PC.
How to remove a shortcut virus

Before manually removing the virus from your computer it is very important that you know how the virus works and from there it can be removed successfully .
The best way to remove this virus is simply by editing the PC  CMD ( Command ) in which I will show below.

Step 1

Press Start  and select run

Step 2

type cmd on your keyboard a press enter/ ok .

Step 3

you will see a dark text box and in that text box you will have paste the this command.

attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:*.*

Step 4

Press enter and the command will be saved on your computer and files will start appearing the way they are, and the shortcut virus will no longer affect your files.

NB: If you are using a windows 8, 9 and 10 software then you will have to simply open the command prompt by pressing Start ==> type "run" and press Enter and then a box like the one below will open and you will type "cmd" which will open the command prompt and there you will paste the code and press enter to save it.

I hope that it worked very well on your PC , I have used this trick to help a friend with his company pc as it was damaged and it showed a very good improvement and I am really happy about the way it worked. If you are having problems please leave them in the comments box and I will address you and if it worked very well, then will like to hear about how you removed the shortcut virus from your computer.

Best SEO Tips for Online Businesses

Running an online business is not very easy without having proper SEO because the success of your business will probably depend on how much time do you put into doing promotions because really you have to spread the word about your service. Most online businesses have been doing a lot of online advertising which has been a good way of getting targeted traffic on their websites and blogs but that will not bring millions of customers into their services, The only way which is best it is search engine optimisation whereby your site will rank better compared to your online competitors.

SEO tips for small businesses
Below I will reveal a couple of ways that can be used to bring targeted website traffic to your online business site and how you can advertise on this site with a very little amount of cash which we work towards bringing quality tutorials and posts.

12 SEO tips for online businesses

The number of online business is growing at a very fast rate such that most businesses find it hard to rank resulting a huge loss of capital, Search engine optimisation is the driving force behind of the internet and for you  to get a better rank in search engines you got to do SEO .

1. Have a niched writing style

The writing style means a lot when approaching a certain audience because you cannot use an informal language in a business website because most businesses use a formal professional language . When you are starting a site it must strictly stick to a particular niche and the way you write your posts must meet the readers that are in that particular  niche , suppose you are running a Christain blog then probably you writing must stick to christainity and it has to follow a certain style which is similar to Christians. Your writing should aim at a target audience .

2. Try to be simple

Don't try to use hard or long words that are hard to understand their meanings, because they  will make it hard for your blog readers to understand your posts and they might end up following a site that they understand much more easily. many people today find formal writing as boring and they truly wont read anything that is boring rather they will try to look for blogs that have simple posts that are easy to understand. An online Business must always have a ground breaking front page that will attract the readers into buying the products are services that you are offering to them.

I probably love the bluehost cover page which gives the reader the most catchy info before they have to show the rest of the info about their hosting service.

3.  Have a good meta-description

A meta-descrition should be a short description of your site which, A good meta description is considered to have aroud 150-200 characters. Blogging platforms like Blogger, Wordpress and Journal have a very amazing feature from their dashboards which allows the users to easily add A Meta-description to their blogs. A meta description introduces your website to search engines , it should consist important keywords that can make your site rank very well.

Must read:

4. Use the ALT tag on all images

Search Engines hate images even though they are looking for content but they are designed to crawl text , not images . The best way to optimize images is through using the alt tag which will make the image to appear as text to the search engine which will result to a very high crawling rate make you content to rank better on Search Enines.

5.  Update your site regularly

Updating a site on a regular bases will have a positive impact on the page rank of your site and also on the Alexa Rank of your site . Search engines will probably notice the frequency of how much your blog is being updated and they will come more often to crawl your site. The more you post , the active your site will be on the search results.

6. Submit your business site to directories

Blog directories have an effect into getting traffic but most directories will depend on how much you pay them because really some of them have very little traffic compared to your site which means you will have to choose very wisely.

7. Reduce the page loading time

I have shared some important tips that in my recent post on how to increase the loading time of a blog , in which I gave best strategies on how bloggers can reduce the size of their blog sizes.
The question that many online businesses ask is how can the loading time affect their businesses ?  The loading time a

8. Make a great use of social bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is one of the most active ways of bringing blog traffic as they can bring up more traffic than search engines. I have seen traffic growing by a minute after sharing a post.

9. Avoid broken links

Broken links can result to blackhat SEO and it is very important that you reduce them as possible because you may end up losing your page ranking points.

10. Submit your sitemap to google and Bing .

Submitting the url of a site will not guarantee that your site will be indexed properly in search engines as you expect but it might not be indexed as a site that has got it sitemap submitted on Google. In my recent posts I have shared some special tips on how you can get a sitemap submitted to search engines . You may set your site visible to search engines but it doesn't mean that they will get your posts ranked on your site, but sibmitting a sitemap or a url will invite search engines to get your blog posts indexed on their databases giving a good advantage to your blogs.

11.  Add style to the keywords of your page

The writing style of the author keeps the readers glued to the site and it also makes your blog unique when compared to other competition blogs of the same niche . The style is very useful and search engines are looking for unique content, and your style is what makes your blog unique compared to other blogger blogs.

It is very important that I add Style to your keywords which are header text, bold, Italics etc. Which will tell the search engines that it a important text which will make your keywords to appear more better than any other text on your page. This type of SEO is the best type of on page SEO as  it works very well the search engines.

A business is easily run if you have customers which will work on your blog.