Add The Shortcode Plugin to Blogger/Blogspot

 The Shortcode Plugin to Blogger/Blogspot

Shortcode is now on blogger which has been designed STC Network to allow bloggers to install widgets  easily using the shortcode plugin instead of using long junk codes, this plugin can be easily installed on Wordpress than in Blogger. In Wordpress this plugin is restricted only to the post content which has made it not much really used. This widget seemed to work very well in Blogger as it is not restricted but works everywhere on your blog including the comment box, post content , header, footbar and side bar, on Blogger this widget works really fine.

What is the Blogger Shortcode?

I am quite sure that most bloggers are not familiar with the term shortcode, A shortcode is a macro-code that gives instructions to show widgets. The Shortcode Plugin allows bloggers to have any type of widgets on their blogs easily installed, through the shortcode plugin you can easily install the Facebook plugin, Youtube channel,

Installing the Shortcode Plugin to Blogger/Blogspot

NB : Backup your template before making any changes

Step 1: Go to Blogger dashoard >>> Template >>> Edit HTML

Step 2: On your template source code find the following code.


Step 3: Just above <body/> paste the following code.

<!-- Blogger Shortcode Plugin Dynamic JS File -->
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

Step 4: Search for this code.


Step 5: Just below it paste the following code to istall the updated CSS files on your templates which will make this plugin to work very well.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

Step 6: Save your template and your blog will be ready for shorcodes.

Possible Mistakes that Should be  Avoided when using shortcode

• Avoid using UPPERCASE and camelCASE because the plugin only works with lowercase .
• Dont Add spaces between Shortcode names and square brackets.
• Spaces are only allow to be used between attributes and square brackets should be used between attributes  i.e     [tag attribute="[Some value]"] 


The shortcode is simply an easier way introduced by My Blogger Tricks in which you can improve a blogspot blog by using simple short codes instead of Long complicated codes, If you have questions towards the Blogger Shortcode plugin please feel free to ask us at the comments box.

10 Best Tips to Increase Your Blog Revenue through Infolinks

Having a blog that doesn't bring in any revenue can be a very painful thing to anybody, having Adsense does not mean you will start making a fortune out of your blog until you Add another Advertising service to your blogspot blog. Blogger is a great blogging service which allows it users to to fully customise their templates in a way that suites them which as well will allow you to start using advertising networks like Infolinks and Chitika. But right now will having a deeper discussion on Infolinks Revenue Strategies. The purpose of this post is to help you make a passive profit out of your blog which will come only from trusted Advertisers who have great paying clients like Facebook and SFI.

Infolinks is  the  best Advertising service in text Advertising approving both smaller sites and bigger sites a chance to make an online income, Infolinks allows it users to serve in-text Ads which are shown as coloured text on the publisher's and the publisher will get paid for every valid click made.
As an Infolinks publisher you will recieve your payment through these services :

•Wire Transfer
•Payoneer Prepaid Debit Card
•Local bank Transfer

Below is a Copy our our payment Slip From Infolinks

Whenever a reader hovers over the highlighted text keyword an Advertisement related to the keyword will show on the blog and if it happens the reader get to click on the Ad and sign up for any provided service then you will recieve a better income to your  blog, a single click you get has an income but the user action after the click is considered and whenever the reader signs up for a service or buy a product you can get even more income.
The more clicks you get the greater is the income to your blog , which means great income will only result to greater profits generated by your site.

If you are not an infolinks publisher, please sign up now to the Infolinks Publisher Program and start making an alive passive income to your Blogspot/Wordpess Blog.

   Click on the Button Below and start generating online income to your Blog...

10 Ways to Increase Infolinks Revenue

Matching highlight Link Colour
The colour of your link plays a very big role because it will make the reader to crawl over that text, but if the text colour is the same as the post text colour then the reader will probably not see the text Ads, Infolinks is simply the best text Advertising network and don't let that chance pass you.
To set the link colour is simply easy because you just go to In-text and then on the top right corner of your screen you set your desired colour that you want for you intext ads, most professional bloggers would Advise you to make it match your link colour to confuse the blog readers leading them to hover or clicking on the Ads which is very smart way that you can get quick income.
but I don't use these trick because I am bound by the Ajaxsurf disclaimer which does not allow us to trick our readers into making decisions, but the matching link trick is simply the best.

Have atleast 6-12 In-text Ads

I would highly recommend that your have atleast 6-12 in-text Ads on your site to increase the chances of making more online profit from your website.
Infolinks recommends it users to use the maximum number of in-text Ads , using the maximum number of in-text Ads will allow you to make a much greater profit to your blog because it will increase you impressions and also your clicks.
Having a maximum number of in-text Ads will depend mostly on how much content you have per page in a blog and , blogs with less than 500 words per post should not  use the maximum number of Ads because it will really anoy the site readers. Try to limit you Ads in a way that will fully suite you and you blog readers. You can freely use maximum in-text Ads if your blog has more than 500 words per post as it it will give the readers some peaceful reading space.

Use a Single Underline on your Ads

The type of link text underline used on your infolinks Ads matters a lot more because the type of underline used increases the the number of impressions and most importantly makes your Ads to stand out clearly before the readers.
Infolinks gives the publisher two options which is to use the dotted text underline or the double line underline. By default the double line underline is set for infolinks which is simply the best for clicks compared to the dotted links, but I would recommend that you use the one that greatly suites your readers and your site.

Choose the best Website Category

The Website category plays a very great role on your site because it  acts as a keyword to display the Ads that will match the niche of your Blogsite making the right services available to the right customers. The same strategy that search engines use will also apply with Infolinks, keywords play a great role in displaying the best content to the customers.

• Use the On/Off  text to increase revenue

Basically it happens that your infolinks Ads overlap over to the header and sidebar text  which it happens that some people like but I would advise you to use the on page option to better optimise your blog for more profits, because choosing on page will limit your In-text Ads to the post page only.

Inframe banners to increase clicks

Inframe banners are very attractive and they can surely increase your online revenue exposing your site to more revenue, this widget is a good revenue source but it can really annoy the site readers. Imframe was the only Banner Ads used by infolinks until The Infolinks Revenue booster was activated by the site to help publishers increase  their Ads revenue.
I am not in favour of the Inframe Ads because they make your site look heavy ang Spammy and most people dont't like pop up and Slider Ads because they distract the readers more especially those on mobile.

Infolinks Search Widget for Better Earnings

This Widget is well known as Infold, this widget works with the infolinks algorithm to track lead searches that are made online by your site readers and displays the relative keywords Ads at the Botton of your Site . This Widget makes your site to look professional and it is also a must have for your Site.

Produce High Quality Content to Your Readers for Revenue
Content plays a huge role on any Blogger Blog irrespective of how big or small your blog is. I have seen Blogs rising from as low as 1000 visitors per month into and amazing 100 000+ visitors over a period of three just because they started producing quality content to their readers making them to share the content or either linking back to that content. The more good the content is the better is the quality of that blog increasing the revenue made by the Blog.

Add more of your Sites

Well the other Advise that I can assure you with is that you Add more sites which will expose you into multiple venue. If you got more than one site then Add the others.

Activate the Revenue Booster

The New Infolinks revenue booster is designed to help both Low and High traffic sites to increase their revenue by displaying Content Ads in Place of the Intag Ads, this widget will work well depending on the width of your Blog template, If you are not on Infolinks then you probably don't know about online profits.

Infolinks is the best paying text advertising network, I also use it in this site and it generates more and more income to this site, if you want to start earning more money online then infolinks is what you need. Joining infolinks is free a and for your site will get approved with 3 days , but my site was was approved within 24 hours and I believe that you will get approved quickly if you site is well designed and has a traffic of more than 50 pageviews per day which is a starting point for site approval at infolinks. 

Protect Your Website Content with DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)

Content Theft has been one of the biggest problems on Blogger and Wordpress whereby some lazy websites steal content from the other sites. Writing quality website content is not very easy at all as it might require a lot of sources and accuracy of information  but out of all the hard work that you may put into your Website content, anybody on internet can simply copy your hard work into their own website in a matter of seconds which is very bad and stopping or finding that person is not an easy thing because you don't have anything to use against them.

The internet is big with billions of sites with content  that are providing original content to the readers but it happens at some time the content might be stolen by any other website, on the internet because content theft happens daily on the internet and it has been noted that thousands of Websites on USA get ripped of their own content by professional internet thieves who can easily claim the ownership of your site content before you do, Because any content you post on the internet is not yours until your copyright it and then it will be considered your content.

Content theft will not only take the possession of your content but it can also decrease the rank of your site because of the increase of web page duplicates. Google has it own way of displaying a duplicate page which is by making the first page to get indexed as the original and all the other duplicates will be put under that page which mean they will not rank but the page which was indexed first will be the page to appear on the search results. For Example it might happen happen that you publish a post and a content thief will copy your post to his/her Website and then will get it indexed to Google before your site was indexed which will make you to be considered a thief. I have been using DMCA in the couple of months and every content that I publish is copyrighted right after pressing the publish button which will prevent internet thieves from claiming my content on Google, Bing, and all the other Search Engines.

It doesn't just end by claiming your content but DMCA will send a notice to the content thief to remove the stolen content and if the the content thief fails to remove the stolen content then DMCA will be forced to send a Take-Down Notice which will enable it to remove that page from the internet and if the content thief tries to persist then the thief will be forced to face the law.

If you might be looking forward to protecting your website content  from professional internet thieves then I will recommend to you the worlds number one free content protection service DMCA which was started by the US government to stop content theft.

If you you might have any questions towards this post please feel free to leave them on the comment box and we will like to help you, join DMCA at no cost and get your content protected .

Add Whatsapp Share Button to Blogger/Blogspot

The Whatsapp Sharing button is now available on blogger giving you a chance to get traffic from Whatsapp, the most amazing part about this trick is that the readers can share  your post content directly to their trusted contacts and also to the whatsapp groups which will expose your Blog to quite a larger audience.
whatsapp share to blogger

This widget will only show in Android and IOS mobile , But in a couple of weeks we will be presenting a this widget for all mobile phones, If your target mobile audience is the Andriod mobile users then this widget will work very well for you.


Adding the Whatsapp Share Widget to Blogger

Step 1
Log into your blog dashboard

Step 2
Select Template and Select Edit Html  to open your template code .

 Edit Html

Step 3
Press the CTRL + "F" keys to open the Search box and search for this code :


Step 4

Just above this code Paste this code .

<script type="text/javascript">if(typeof wabtn4fg==="undefined"){wabtn4fg=1;h=document.head||document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],s=document.createElement("script");s.type="text/javascript";s.src="";h.appendChild(s);}</script>                        

•  Step 5

Save your Template

Step 6

Now go to Layout and Select Add Gadget and go to  HTML/
JavaScript paste one of these three codes  depending on the size that you want.


 <a href="whatsapp://send" data-text="Take a look at this awesome website:" data-href="" class="wa_btn wa_btn_s" style="display:none">Share</a>


<a href="whatsapp://send" data-text="Take a look at this awesome website:" data-href="" class="wa_btn wa_btn_m" style="display:none">Share</a>             


<a href="whatsapp://send" data-text="Take a look at this awesome website:" data-href="" class="wa_btn wa_btn_l" style="display:none">Share</a>

 • Step 7

Save your widget and you are done


This sharing widget is simply the best and we are looking forward to bring you more customisations  to this widget, so stay in touch with us and we will keep you amazed, please feel to leave your comments below and we would like to hear what you got to say.

How To Turn Your Blogspot/Blogger Blog Into an Online Store

A Niche related blog is probably a best blog of which you can start, which could be anything which you like talking about or something that you probably love sharing online. Upon that Niche there is a possible audience that  is following your blog niche, which are the blog readers and also the potential customers. People have seen advertising services as an only way of which people can make money online whereby there are many ways which one can make an online profit but the most important one of them all is an online store .

In 2014 , a lady by the name Chiara Ferragni 27,  was able to make an amazing $8 Million through her blog  The Blonde Salad and the most important part of her blog is that is a WebStore or should I say a "BlogStore" , she runs a niche blog and upon her niche blog she saw a business opportunity of which she could sell her products to her niche readers. She works with a team of 8 bloggers to run her blog and has attracted big fashion giants like Blurberry and Dior, she has become one of the most ever payed bloggers ever in the history of blogging .

People are scared to start an online store because they fear that running a store on an online store host is expensive, well you should convert to Blogger or Wordpress which are currently allow you to fully customise your site, Blogger is the platform we will discuss today as it is hosted and owned by Google which brings more flexibility to search engines and Google webservices. Google has an online store itself and also a merchant free service which allows it users to embed shopping carts to their Blogs and websites.
Before getting to create an online store, you have to get a professional Domain at an annual payment of $10-15  and when buying one for your blog make it that you use a .com not a .net or .org Because these domain extensions are not formal for busness blogs. Having a .com blog will eventually cause your readers to start trusting you and start buying your products and your online services.

As Blogger is under Google I will recommend that you sign up for a Google merchant account which will enable you to sell your products, which can be anything that is related to your blog niche , you can sell plugins and templates if your blog is based on template design , if you are running a blog based on fashion then you can probably sell clothes whereby brands may consider your blog and end up advertising/promoting their products in it. The Niche blog is an Ideal place to make money online because it has the based customers present to purchase any service or product. As a blogger you can sell possibly anything you may want to sell which could be Smartphones, arts, Ebooks and any interesting thing that you can sell online but I would recommend that it must be related to your blogging niche in some other way.
You can also use the Google checkout or paypal which allows you to install a shopping cart to your Blog, These services are absolutely free but may charge tax as usual.
If you would like us to give you a service by helping you install carts on blogger please feel free as we charge $10 of our montly whereby you will receive access to all our services which includes customizing you template to the way that suites you.
We would be happy to see you succeed into making huge online income through you blog, if The Blog Salad was able to make $8 Million dollars then will you let ignorance stop you?

10 Killer SEO Blogger/Blogspot Tips For Bloggers

Blogger is the most used free blogging service with millions of Blog created daily whereby also a demand for Blogging tips increase daily as competition increases. In a competition there is also what is known as the survival of the fittest whereby the smart will survive, yea you got me right.
The greatest way to get successful in Blogger is through SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) and having a strong Social Media presence , I want to share with you the 10 Best SEO tips that will help improve the presence of your Blogger blog because optimizing a blog is easy but will require you time and patience or you could use our Blogger SEO tricks to help do SEO easily.

10 Killer SEO tips for Blogger/Blogspot

10 Killer SEO Blogger/Blogspot Tips For Bloggers

Always mantain Keyword Density
Keyword density plays a very huge rule on the search results as keywords help a site to rank better on search engines if they are used better. Using to less Keywords on a Blog post can lead to to lower rankings in the SERPs while over using keywords can lead to over optimization which may cause Google to consider your post as spam, trying to trick their bots. I will recommend that you keep a certain density of keywords, which should be around 2%-5% per post , Keyword stuffing manipulates the search engines and it may cause your site to suffer from a Google Penalty causing your site to drop from it original rank on Google.
On Blogspot SEO has been the most crucial part for ranking best in the search engines as Blogger lacks the important ranking Plugins/Widgets , this lack has caused many blogs to work manually for optimizing a blogger blog and that is where keywords come in as they play a good role in ranking a site.

Use Proper labels
Labels don't only help to tag related posts but they play a massive role in blog optimization in terms of Keywords. Search Engines consider labels as important Keywords which are highly considered by search bots, I will recommend that you use proper labels because if you use the for creating keywords might mess up with your Blog.

Optimize Images
Image optimization is the most important part of in page optimization as it enables search engines to easily scan through your posts, generally search bots are not able to read images which will cause your site to have possible crawl errors which may cause your posts to rank as supposed to, but with the use of the Title tag and the alt tag your blog posts will be easily scanned by the search engine, and the best thing about this is that your blog rank in image search will rank better.
Must read : On Page and Off Page SEO tips for Blogger
If your blog has a lot of posts on it then it is very hard to manually add the Alt and title tag to a blogspot blog and I have shared an amazing post on How to Manually Add Alt tag and title tag in Blogger, this trick is awesome check it out now .

Format Blog post title for better Optimization
In Blogspot the blog title comes before the post title which will lead to less clicks on the search engines because people are not interested in your blog name but they are interested on the search keyword and the post title which defines the post. The site name should follow the post title which is more SEO friendly and I want to share this great Blogger trick for optimizing the post title.

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard  and Select template>>> Edit Html

2. press the  "CTRL" + "F"  keys on you keyboard to open a search box  and find this code :


3. Replace the code with this code :

<b:if cond= 'data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>

4. Save Template and you will see the results in terms of traffic .
After doing this short tutorial your Blog post title should appear before the blog title increasing the  rate of clicks.

Install Meta Tags to your blog
Meta tags are important even though they are not considered as a ranking factor but they influence you traffic from other sources.

Provide site details on the footer
Footer details are very likely to be used by search Engines to rank blog posts, yes I was serious about that because I have experienced it on this blog whereby a searched post would include keywords which are on the widgets which means that search engines also scan on the header, footer and sidebar.

Make use of the No-follow attribute
The no-follow prevents search engines from viewing links on your blog, which will prevent any possible link juice that may be transferred from you site to any site on the internet. A link with a no follow attribute will appear as text to search engines , these links dont affect the post rank but they are considered as the text content.
Optimize comment links to prevent spammers
People like to share useless links on the comment box whereby they think that they can get a possible link Juice which is really funny, I also shared my links on other Blogs but they were all no follow . Any link in the comment section is no follow.
Spammers like to share their spam services on the comment section which normally will make your blog look spammy to the visitors.

Customize title url
The Title url plays a great role as a ranking factor in the search engines, the way you format the permalink of your blog post should focus on the search keywords and also on these simple url format rules:
1. Try to keep your url less than 50 characters because search engines can only read 50 chars of the url and the other part is not considered at all.
2. Avoid the use of Stop words like The, A, to and an
It mostly safe to change the post permalink before the post is published, because you may never know how your post is performing in the search engines . It is safe to reformat non performing posts in order to help them rank better.
Bookmark Ajaxsurf for more SEO tips
I will recommend that you have a good SEO coaching which will guide you and prevent you from doing unecessary mistakes which can cost your blog a lot of hardwork.
With these SEO tips your blog will definately achieve big on the Search Engines which will boost  your traffic as well leading to more subscribers and monetization, and far most I wish the best of SEO .

Why We Don't Sell any Ads ? , which type of Ads we Sell ?

Selling Ads on a Blog or website is not a childs play but it would require some intelligence either than the money which Ads are capable of bringing into a blog, but in terms of user satisfaction we should indeed take coution about how we sell Ads and the type of Ad formats that we sell on our site.
Selling Ads on a high traffic blog is the best part of an online income stream and they have the probabily of making you rich, because normally a blog that gets about 200 000 visitors a day is likely to make 500-700 USD per day and a site getting 1 000 000+ visitors a day would make a possible 3000-10 000 USD daily from Adsense only. Advertising is the most used online income stream compared to affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing can also get you tons of income but it is not likely to rich online Advertising even though it does happen that some sites get to make more affiliate income than the Advertising income.

Why We don't Sell Ads

This is a question that has been asked by some our blog readers about why we don't sell Ads on this Blog ? the actual answer is that we do sell Ads but we don't like using Advertising services because they display Ads that are not suitable for our readers, these Ads don't display adult content but they seem to give services that are scams and that has made use to be careful about the services we bring to our readers. According to the Blog Policy we have stated the type of Advertising services which we use on this blog which is Adsense and Infolinks which has been assigned to appear on specific pages of this blog.
So we do sell Ads which are only user friendly, the Ads we sell are mostly affiliate whereby we offer services that are to benefit our Blog readers instead of us. Money doesn't matter to us right now but our aim is to reach the highest traffic we can get and most importantly the trust that we are likely to get from our readers , please note that we are  working towards producing a more Advanced template for this blog, the readers should should expect something special from us this June.
We are 100% against spam and the type of Advertising we use is not associated to any spam sites or Advertisers, We do by all means to help our readers succeed online and we will never cheat our readers their success, The slogan of Ajaxsurf states  "Your Potential Partner in Blogger Success" which tells that it is our purpose and mission to help all Bloggers achieve their goals in Blogger and start make a huge online income.

Why We Don't Sell any Ads ?

The Type of Ads that we Sell
The Ads that we post on our blog are strictly related to our Niche and they are to benefit both us and our readers, as you can see on the right sidebar are banners and on the header we use affiliate banners which promote web hosting networks and services which could benefit Bloggers and Webmasters which are using the site.

I believe that your questions are answered towards our Advertising and please if you are looking foward to promote a product through this Blog please contact us or visit our Advertising page . For questions please leave them on the comments section and we will get back to you.

15 Tips on How to Make Your Internet Marketing Efforts More Effective

Internet marketing has the opportunity to be exciting. For every business model, there are so very many possibilities that can be used and tweaked. Of course, this is a tall order for anyone who has not taken the time to explore the different factors involved in online marketing. You can be prepared for anything after reading the tips here.

It is important for you to have a mailing list. Include a sign-up page on your website, or ask for your customers' email when they complete a purchase. Either way, you can use this information later to send out sales information, offer promotional materials or to ask for customer feedback.

Wherever it is possible for you to use a signature online, be certain to link back to your business. When you use an auto signature, make sure the link is in it because every time you post, you link. Put a link in the signature of all of your email communications. This is a way to subtly advertise your website and could increase your ratings in search engines too. Right before the link itself, add an attention-grabbing phrase or sentence that makes clicking irresistible.

To make more money, you need more subscribers. Split tests, offering two versions of a page to two groups, are a great way to test a new website. You can measure popularity by the number of people who subscribe to each.

Be careful not to go to far in advertising spending. Like many other business expenditures, advertising is subject to the law of diminishing returns. After a certain point, further spending provides little benefit. If you do invest money, it is important that it is worth your money to do so.

Coupons are a great way to entice your customers. Many customers jump at the chance to use a coupon to buy something they needed or wanted anyway.

Source respected leaders in your field or industry and ask them to provide interviews for your website. These interviews can be written or done with audio or video. These interviews will increase your reputation, particularly when you have interviews with high-profile people.

There are free evaluators for your marketing strategy online if you cannot afford a marketing consultant. Some examples including attending local conferences and workshops on business development, participating in online business forums, finding e-books on the subject and reading blogs about marketing.

How to Make Your Internet Marketing Efforts More Effective

You can also add products that go with the others and sell them in a bundle. Just be sure that any terms and conditions are clearly stated in marketing materials.

Encouraging your customer to get emotionally invested in your product/service can be a powerful Internet marketing tactic. Keep reminding the visitor how much better life would be when they use your product. The customer should be able to imagine the benefits just by reading about the product.

How good is your service or product? No amount of marketing can change a product that is faulty or otherwise inferior. Making sure you have a superior product to market will ensure the sales rise.

User polls are a great tool to implement to the side of your content pages. Polls provide an easy way to keep your content fresh, while giving customers an opportunity to let their voices be heard.

When you are internet marketing make sure you offer a refund policy. Your customers will feel more confident about doing business with you when you offer such a guarantee. Trust is incredibly important with online businesses. The more trust a customer has in your product, the more likely they are to buy it. A guarantee goes a long way.

In virtually every case, the core of a good Internet marketing campaign is compelling content. Review your content prior to posting to ensure your customers get the right message. Another good idea is to have someone else edit your content before publication. Fresh perspective can really help! Finally, always run a thorough grammar and spelling check before you publish your content to catch any typos or mistakes.

Internet marketing often involves the competition. Look at what they have to offer and what is effective and not effective for them. By checking out your competition and watching their approach to business, you can ultimately learn how to attract customers. Checking out competitors can help you avoid mistakes they've made and set yourself apart from them.

Services that provide email marketing are easily available and can assist you with internet marketing, but it's always a good idea to try to learn the process yourself. It's pretty easy to learn how to create mailing lists and use auto responders and mass mailers if you apply yourself. Anything you learn might turn out to be useful late on as you develop your Internet marketing strategy further.

There are so many ways you can piece together an Internet marketing strategy that it is both an amazing benefit and a potential detriment. It's a gift because there are so many options that are customizable and it's a curse because too many options make it difficult to decide. This article should have helped you figure out a plan.

Ingenious SEM is a local marketing company based in Brooklyn, New York and serving all areas in 5 boroughs of NYC – BrooklynQueensManhattan, Bronx,Staten Island as well as Long Island.

Custom Background Title Trick For Blogger With Keywords

Custom blogger title tricks

It has been a battle of Keyword rich domains on the internet but getting that super domain to help your site rank better on Search Engines is mostly likely to be not available, but today I have decided to share this great trick that will allow you to change the appearance of your blog to search Engines without affecting the appearance of your blog title in search engines.

Basically your site is most likely to appear as seen below which bring you less search traffic.

But after this trick your custom background blog title will include keywords which will cause your Blog to rank better on Search engines.

The simple steps below I will show you this trich which will require you to edit your blog template html code

Must see : How to Add Meta tags on Blogger

  • Step 1

    Log in to Blogger dashboard and Select the Blog you want to customise
  • Step 2

    Select Template and select Edit html to edit you blog template code
  • Step 3

    Left click anywhere on your template text and press the 'CTRL' + 'F'  keys on your keyboard to open your search box .
  • Step 4

    Paste this code to your search box and press enter to search .

  • Step 5

    Replace with this code.
<title>Blogtitle | Keywords seperated, by ,a ,comma </title>
Step 6

  1. Replace Blogtitle with the the title of your blog
  2. Replace Keywords seperated, by ,a ,comma  with the keywords of your choice
  3. Save your template 

It might take some time for changes to occur maybe a day or two and you will start getting the traffic from the title keywords but you can also check if the title keyword tool has been optimised correctly using this meta tag Analyser. if you have any questions or improvements to this tutorial please feel free to share them with us.

3 Critical Blogging Mistakes That Every Blogger Must Avoid

You’d be amazed at how many people are making mistakes with their blog. Not just any mistakes either. These are big time no-no’s that are derailing even the most passionate, success driven bloggers. And the worst part? They actually think these mistakes are good things. And on the surface, they appear to be. But upon closer inspection, they are recipes for disaster.
Let’s take a look:

Common Mistakes made by blogger newbies

#1 – Keep it professional.

This is a mistake that mostly comes from people who used to be in the corporate world but have now taken up blogging. I mean hey, being professional with your blog is good right?

Well, there’s the professional way of dealing with customers, like following through on promises, being courteous and over-delivering. But with blogging you need to let your hair down and get up close and personal. That means being transparent about your life, any stories from your past that might help the reader with their own struggles, and speaking
to them as a friend, with empathy, compassion and grit.

Must read : Common Mistakes made by blogger newbies

You’ve probably heard that customers buy from those they know, like, and trust. Well it’s never been more true than with your blog. Maybe being in sales in my former life was an advantage after all. Since I had to go in person to make sales calls, all I knew was to be myself. ..warts and all.

#2 – Stay serious.

Hey you’re only human. Maybe you deal with serious problems like losing weight, broken
marriages, or debilitating diseases. Your blog readers are human too, and they
don’t want you to be a downer. Most people read blogs for entertainment, for escape and
for some stress relief. If you keep it on the lighter side they will come back for more.
Plus, you never know what humor might go viral, which can be a game changer for your
blog overnight.

#3 – Content is king.

This one is cunning. It’s a master of deception, because it looks good on paper. Heck, it’s practically a cliché. Plant lots of content on the internet. Harvest dollars in your bank account, right? Well, yes and no. Content is one thing, knowing how to translate that content into profit is a whole other animal. People have a voracious appetite for juicy content, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to disseminate it to a waiting world. It takes a little secret sauce.

Happy Blogging

Get Free Calls With The New Whatsapp Version

The latest version of Whatsapp has rolled out with a new feature that allows Whatsapp users to make free calls directly from the App, this feature is absolutely free and it doesnt have any charges on the user.
If it happens that this feature is not working on your Blog then I I will recommend that you download the installation file which we have provided for Android users.

 New Whatsapp Version

Please click on the Button below to download the Apk installation file of the new Whatsapp. Version 2.12.5

 Whatsapp Apk Download

 Whatsapp for all Devices
The whatsapp calling feature is absolutely free but it will require internet access, it is estimated that on 3G Smartphones this voice calling feature will use 0.15 MB per minute on voice call and 5MB for a five minutes  and on 2G Mobile phones this may be a bit data expensive Which cost 0.35 MB per minute which is because the 2G  networks are very much slower than 3G networks.
The Voice calling feature is automatically activated on all mobile phones that are using Whatsapp version 2.12.5 or more, after updating you whatsapp should have the callibg feature as shown in the image below.

 New Whatsapp Version android

This feature has not yet been abled to all smartphones but it it wont take more than a month for this feature to be enabled on all mobile phones.

if you need any assistant with whatsapp please feel free to connect to me at whatsapp on - +27787918017 and I will be glad to know your side of the story , and please comment below.

Automatically add ALT and Title tags to Blogger Images

We as writers forget to add title ALT and the Title tags on Blogger post images and that may cause our blogs to loose traffic which is probably a bad thing. Google bots and spiders hate images because they have difficulty reading them but with using the ALT and Title tags on Blogger and wordpress makes it easier for search engines to read through images.

Automatically add ALT and Title tags to Blogger Images

Below I have provided a couple of steps that will help guide you into adding the code which will create automatic Title tags on your blog.

How to Automatically add ALT and Title tags to Blogger Images 
  • Step 1

    Log in to Blogger Dashboard and Select the blog you want to Edit
  • Step 2

    Go to Template and Select Edit HTML as shown Below

  • Step 3

    Left Click anywhere on the Template code and press the 'CTRL' +  'F' keys on your keyboard to open the search box
  • Step 4

    Paste this on the Search box and press enter to serach
  • Step 5

    Just above </body>  paste this code
 <scriptsrc='' type='text/javascript'/> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[$(document).ready(function() {$('img').each(function(){ var $img = $(this); var filename = $img.attr('src')$img.attr('title', filename.substring((filename.lastIndexOf('/'))+1, filename.lastIndexOf('.')));$img.attr('alt', filename.substring((filename.lastIndexOf('/'))+1, filename.lastIndexOf('.'))); }); });//]]> </script

  • Step 6

    Save your template

Well if you have completed these six steps then probably your blog images have automatic title tags, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.