How to Increase Google Adsense Impressions

What is a Google AdSense "Page Impression"?

The page impressions or page views - what quantity time a user stays on your web site and the way several pages are visited. this can be one among the foremost necessary things once talking regarding advertising. Page impressions are the results of sensible prime quality traffic that is usually supported the standard of the content obtainable on your blog/website. If you build prime quality content then folks can fancy navigating through your web site and so, produce page views.

In general, AdSense reports show the subsequent fields of information:

  • Page Impression: what number times the page or pages containing the AdSense ad was shown to your blog/website guests 

  • Clicks: the quantity of times guests clicked on an advert from your web site

  • Page CTR: The click through rate of an advert is outlined because the range of clicks on an advert divided by the quantity of times the ad is shown (impressions), expressed as a proportion. (1) In most cases, a two click-through rate would be thought of terribly successful , although the precise range is heatedly debated. 

  • CPC: is price Per Click. that's what Google pay you per click. 

  • Estimated earnings: Your account balance for the fundamental measure designated. This quantity is associate degree estimate that's subject to vary once your earnings are verified for accuracy at the top of each month.(2) 

Below are some ways in which might assist you to extend the page impressions:

1. Navigation Menu

Create a navigation structure that's clear and straightforward to follow. you wish to form positive that after you have got a visitant, they will simply build it to different elements of your web log.making links inside your web log pages is one among the simplest ways that to extend the quantity of impressions for your web site.

2. Posts outline on Homepage

A very sensible methodology to extend your page views is to possess a outline of your posts on your blog/website homepage. which will force guests of your web log to click on posts link / browse additional button so as to envision the total article. to indicate solely an area (excerpt) of Blogger posts, browse this tutorial:
Automatic Posts Summaries for Blogger with Thumbnails

3. Improve Blog/Website Load Time

If a blog’s pages load terribly slowly, then guests can eventually lose patience and stop visiting additional pages, typically sooner instead of later. A web log that has fast loading pages could be a pleasure to browse and it encourages additional clicks.

4. Add a well-liked Posts Widget/gadget

web hosting, forums, css, earn money
Another good way to have interaction your readers to remain additional on your site/blog and to flick thru your content and build additional page views is to feature a well-liked Posts widget wherever you share a number of the simplest posts on your web log.

5. Add a Random Posts Widget/gadget

If you have got loyal guests and readers that will return to your weblog on a day after day then probably a well-liked article widget can become boring simply because they see it daily, with same posts. A random posts widget can combine the articles so the chance for a post to repeat are terribly low.

Want to feature a Random Posts widget for your Blogger blog? Then take a glance at this tutorial:
Random Posts widget with thumbnails

6. Link to connected Posts at the top of a Post

how to, tricks, awesome Displaying a connected posts could be a sensible manner for keeping your web site guests around. The gismo links to stories that are relevant and attention-grabbing to readers of a selected post, keeping them engaged together with your web log, and increasing your traffic.

If you do not have it on your web log however, see this connected Posts gismo tutorial for Blogger blogs: Add the connected Posts gismo with Thumbnails to Blogger

7. Add internal links to your content victimization connected anchor text

Include a link during a new post to connected info during a previous post. once you link to a previous post that you've got written you ought to think about doing it thus with descriptive words of the post, instead of generic words. (don't use easy words like "click here for more"). Adding links to previous articles can confirm your guests to look at articles and mechanically are regenerate into page impressions.

8. offer links into your social networks profiles or forums

Share your web log links on Facebook, Twitter or the other websites or standard forums. Answer to queries on the online. however use caution to not be too intrusive and continually try and offer pertinent data.
You wouldn't wish to support or to be thought of as a transmitter, don't you?

9. Add an exploration box

A lot of internet sites doesn't have an exploration box. As a result, the visitant can leave the location if he did not realize something any relevant. For best results, you ought to be victimization the Google custom search gismo. you'll infix the Google search box directly in your weblog. The search results are additional relevant than those who are provided by your default search box.

10. Add Social media buttons

Give your guests multiple choices to tweet, marker and share your posts via Facebook likewise as save your whole web log. place social icons below your post and within the sidebar, build them visible and allow them to be found simply.

11. Use a clean background for your posts and legible fonts

Avoid dark backgrounds, little and complicated fonts, and build written content the visually most distinct a part of your web log. If your main objective is to deliver a message and find the guests reading your stuff, then you ought to build this method snug for them.

12. Advertising

And finally, obtaining folks to your web site could be a matter of obtaining the word out. By victimization pay-per-click advertising, you'll produce a reasonable ad blitz to urge additional folks to your web site.

Following the following pointers can sure as shooting increase your blog's page views, which can build your web log traffic high within the future. Good luck!

How to change the author for a published blog-post

This article explains how to change the author of a post that has already been published in Blogger.

Blogger posts and changing post-authors

When you Publish a post in Blogger, a number of features are set up for the post, as well as the contents.  These include:

Some of these can be changed by editing the published post.

But there are some features that cannot be altered after they are set.

In particular, Author is not changed even if a different Google account is used to edit the post - or if the original author has their permission to write to the blog removed.

This can lead to interesting situations on multi-author blogs, especially when one writer leaves the team and perhaps even deletes their Google account.   Because of this, some blog owners choose to not show the "Posted-by"field (set on the Layout > Blog Posts edit > "Posted by" option).

But even if post-author is not displayed on the blog, it is useful for administrator to know who exactly posted each post.

That said, when someone asks how to change the posted-by (ie author) value, the simple, and correct, answer is "You can't."

But there is a way to make it look like the author has been changed, so that only the most eagle-eyed readers will be able to tell the difference.

How to change the author of an existing blog-post

In short, you need to make a new post with the same contents, and then use a custom-redirect so that anyone who tries to look at the old post (eg by following a link to it) is automatically taken to the new post.

Follow these steps:

You need to take note of several values during this procedure, which are used later on. It may good to open a text-editor (eg Notepad) before you start.

1   Look at the URL of the existing post, and note the part that is from the single-slash after your blog's name,  For example in   
the part you are looking for is the bold part, ie "/2012/06/my-post-title" - including the single slash a the start.

2    Edit the existing post, go to the HTML tab and

3    Log in to Blogger with the account that you want to use as the new post author-name.

4    Create a new post, and make sure you have the same setting under Options > Line breaks, to be sure that you get the spacing right.

5   Edit the post to be just like the old one:
  • Put the HTML that you copied into in the HTML view of the new post.
  • Apply any Labels or Location values that applied to the old post.
  • Make the title the same as it was in the old post.
  • Change the date to the same as the old post.

6   Make the URL of the new post similar but not quite the same:
  • Put the value you found in 1 step into the custom-permalink field
  • Add some text to it so that it is not the same as the original value,
    eg make "my-post-title" into "my-post-title1"

7   Publish the post and  note the part of  the post-URL from the single-slash after your blog's name

8   Set up a re-direct from the old post to the new post:
  • Go to Settings > Search Preferences
  • Edit the Custom Redirects
  • Add a new redirection (only needed if you already have some)
  • Enter the value from step 1 into From
  • Enter the value from step 7 into To
  • Tick Permanent
  • Click the save link for this particular re-direction, and then the Save Changes button.

picture of the Settings > Search Preferences > add re-direction settings screen in Google's Blogger tool

9   Check your blog, to make sure that the re-direction is working correctly.

10  Once you are happy that the re-direction is working correctly, delete the old post.
You will need either the existing author account, or a Google account with administrator rights, to do this.   If SEO matters for your blog, then it is good to do it as soon as you can, so you are not penalized for having duplicate content.

What your readers will see

eyeglasses underneath orange RSS chiclet icon
Everyone who is subscribed to your blog's RSS-feed or follow-by-email gadget will see a new post.
(I you don't want this, turn your feed off before you start - but don't forget to turn on again when you are finished!)

Visitors who browse your blog posts will see the "old" post, with the new author, in the original place.

Visitors who try to go directly to the old post via an existing link or from search-engine results will automatically be re-directed to the "new" version of the post. Very observant ones may notice that the URL is slightly different from the original. Most won't.

A quicker way:  get control of the original Author account

The method described above is fiddly and tedious - especially if you want to change the author of many posts.

An alternative is to ask the original author if they still want the Google account  that they used to make the posts. If you are lucky they
  • Don't want it, and 
  • Are willing to hand the password over to you. 

In this case, you could
  1. Quickly change the password (before they change their mind!), and
  2. Edit their profile to the new author name that you would like to have displayed. You may also want to change some other details - and if they are using a Google+ profile and you already have one, then you should probably delete this.

This isn't a total solution, of course: no matter how you edit their profile, it will still be different to your own profile. But it may be better than nothing.

Related Articles

How to edit a post that has already been published

Understanding Google accounts

Copying a post from one blog to another

Giving someone permission to author posts

Changing the publication date for a blogger post

Setting the URL for Blogger posts

Why SEO doesn't matter for some blogs

Increase Blog Traffic With Guest Blogging And Blogger Outreach

Guest Blogging And Blogger Outreach

Guest Blogging is the driving force for many successful blogs and webdites as it contains a great deal of link exchange, which has enabled new blogs to co-operate with Big blogs creating changes for high ranks in Search Engines. With these guest blogging networks I was able to find some of our best authors who are working in the background of this blog to ensure you with quality blog posts and their work is amazing which is the main reason I would recommend that you get yourself involved in guest blogging.

Guest Blogging is a great way to get your blog or website to the public as it exposes you to many other blogs related to your niche or category who may accept guest posts from you increasing the number of backlinks your site has and the traffic from search engines.

How does Guest Blogging work?

Guest Blogging

Some People think that guest blogging is out of date which I will really disagree with them because guest blogging enables growth to your site and as well greater optimization. Guest Blogging is the best way of doing an outreach for your blog as it helps to get the site readers engaged to your blog because the internet is filled with Billions of people which are looking for good content who may need you to reach out to them. Guest Blogging is an awesome quick way that can be used to improve the growth of a site and knowing how it works can boost your blog at great  rate.

  1. Backlinks

    Submitting your blog posts to big sites on the internet will not just expose your hardwork to those sites but it will also help boost the google rank of your site making it to appear more on search results and thus getting you tons of traffic to your blogging site. Backlinks are links that  your sites gets from the other sites on the internet which will either improve your site or cause your site to rank very low on the search engines, which means that when doing guest posts you must always take caution of which sites you link yourselves to because Google is strictly against spam sites.
  2. Web Traffic

    Apart from the backlinks that you receive from authority sites you must also take a special note of the potential web traffic that one can receive from submitting guest posts because some authority sites get more than one million daily pageviews which shows that through guest blogging you can get great traffic to your site.
  3.  Authorship

    Google uses what is known as "Google Authorship" whereby Google will rank blog posts by the name of the author, because these days it is not only about keywords and content but Google is now ranking blog posts by authorship. Which means the more guest post you write on authority sites using your Google plus profile the more will the probability of a better rank in the search Engine.

Make use of Google authorship

Google authorship plays a great role in icreasing your power and authority as a blog author, it was introduced in the year of 2013 to link blog posts with the post author, with the use of The author attribute which looks like this "rel=author" , this attribute play a great role because the link only will not do the work because it will be considered as any other link within the post or the blog but the attribute will tell the search engine that you are the author of that blog post as shown in the image below.

Guest Blogging And Blogger Outreach online
If it happens that you are not sure how to add a rel author attribute to your Google plus profie link the I will recommend that you use this example shown below. You will have to replace the text with your profile url and also with your name which will appear at the link.

<a href="Google profile URL" "rel=author " >Your Name Goes here</a>

Your just have to past the code anywhere on your guest post and Google will read it but you have to note that your site will not get any credit unless you link it to your profile, you can do that by submitting your site to the Google webmaster tools and then then Google will send you a verification code to verify the ownership of the site but if you registered your site using a your google plus profile then it will all happen automatically.

Best Services/Networks to Submit Guest Posts/Articles

  • Blogger Linkup

Blogger Linkup

This is the service that I use the most to find capable writers for this blog, Blogger Linkup is absolutely a free service for bloggers whereby the are thousands of articles submitted  by people that are interested in guest blogging and to get backlinks to improve their SEO.
Blogger Linkup is very simple to use because you list your Guest post offer to their website and it will bevvisible to other websites and blogs looking for guest posts. In the same manner if you are looking for guest posts by other blogs you will simply have to find them using blogger linkup in an appropiate category.
Blogger Linkup is absolutely free to use, as they charge $0 for each and every listing that you make on their servers.

  •  BlogSynergy

Blogsynergy is a service similar to blogger linkup as it contains thousands of sites that are registered to receive guest posts, this service enables it users to approach blogs for guest posting and the users can also list their blogs to the server to receive guest posts.
Registration to Blogsynergy is absolutely free with no costs at all, this service is very much similar to blogger linkup but it has a very high potential compared to bloggerlinkup. This Service has over 2500 blogs that are listed to recieve guest posts and also have an amazing 18000 writers that you can browse for quality guest posts.

  • Guestblogit

Guestblogit is a community for bloggers and blogs whereby they interchange guest articles, their services differ as the users are required sign up for a pro membership because free members are only allowed to upload 1 article at a time whereby the pro members can list up to 5 articles listed a time. This service also has other features like sending messages and gives the pro subscribers access to their amazing community Blogengage.

There are hundreds more but these are the best leading free sites which you can use to submit guest posts online, If you you have any questions towards this post or want to share something please do below and we will love to hear from you.

15 checkout success factors for an ecommerce website

Gone are the days when you had to wait for days to process online payments, since the easier way of making payments online was brought up to any website by online payment systems which were offered by services like paypal and other services which made online payments a success. Today the online marketing is booming with thousands of millions of people focussing on online stores to buy different products and services.

Must Read : How To Turn Your Blogspot/Blogger Blog Into an Online Store

                     Online Store! The Easy Way to Make Money Online

Having to do successful on an Ecommerce store will probably depend on the influence of your site online presence, checkout process use by the site and also on the type of website design you have on your Site. website readers are very less likely to buy any online product unless they have a full trust of the site Administrator and also by how much popular is the site otherwise they will not trust the site and that is why we share with you the 15 Checkout success tips that will help your customers not only to read about your products but that they even trust your method of purchase.

15 checkout success factors for an ecommerce website

(Click on The Infographic For Better Viewing)

Infographic brought to you by  Syncline

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How to Increase Your Blog Alexa Rank to Under 100k

You may have heard heard stories about bloggers who were able to increase the alexa rank of their blog to less than 100k, Yes it probably seems impossible but let me tell you that unless you believe in yourself you can master the blogging success leader. In this post I will share with you important tips that will help boost your blog and help you get to the top of the ladder with an Alexa Rank of less than 100,000 .

There are millions of Site/blogs online which are bringing services and products online serving billions of internet of internet users online and these sites and blogs are ranked according to their search performance, Traffic and recognition. Having a good Alexa rank is the most important thing that any blogger has to take seriously because alexa does not just rank your site on its server but it is also used by search engines to rank sites on the search results and to give internet users information about the sites that they use.

Benefit of Ranking less than 100k

Ranking less than 100k will not only boost your site but it will also attract a lot of clients to your site which includes advertising services, companies offering product reviews, niche related brands and a lot other services online. So any site that ranks well is more likely to make more money online.

Improve Social Media Sharing on your Blog

Social Media plays a great role in bringing traffic without the use of SEO, social media is like a passive traffic machine because it allows readers to share your posts online and in turn the thing gets to happen with the other reader until the message about your published post get recognised by people who dont even know your blog.

Dont focus on Alexa

This is the mistake that most webmasters make, do not blog with the purpose of increasing your Alexa rank but your main purpose should be reader satisfaction, in every post that you post on your blog you must write in a way that will convince new visitors into signing up for your blog, your blog posts must be high quality and and fully optimized for better ranking in the search engines. Focussing more on Alexa will harm your site because the primary person that your site should forcus on is the reader and most importantly you must becareful about focusing on Alexa because it may cause you to use tools that will manipulate your site rank.

As a blogger it is very important that you put your blog first in everything that you do, your posts and writing style must be good and have a minimum of 200 words each which is acceptable for high quality content but more of all I will recommend that you have a minimum of 500 words which will help your blog post to rank even more higher on search engines.

Be Responsive to your readers

Alexa and Google will also use the "Site Activity" to rank a site on its servers because the more user activity a site has the better, the use of the comment box, related post widget and interbal linking is quite the best way that can be used to motivate the readers into participating more on your blog which will help improve the User Session and also reduce the Site Bounce Rate , the user session and the bounce rate are the important things that must be considered to rank a site in the search engines.

Signup for Alexa Boostup

I am sure that you are familiar with alexa boostup, Alexa boostup is a site that will help you boost your site Alexa rank in a simple way.

Alexa Boostup is the number one service that helps you increase the alexa rank of your site without having to install any software on your browser or your Computer, this service is absolutely free and easy to use. Try it now and you will get the best out of Alexa Boostup.

Write a Review about Alexa

Alexa just like any other site has competitors and wants to rank well on as bad as want to rank which means that Alexa does want do follow backlinks as bad as you want them, Alexa is a site just as any other sites on the internet. Writing a post that will link to their service will really help your site to rank really well on its server which will likewise cause your  search engines rank to increase since Alexa is used by many search engines to rank websites online, I know it may sound crazy but believe me it works ! , Just try it by writing a review on alexa and you will see the difference, this has not been confirmed just by me only but it has been confirmed by many webmasters online.

Must Read : 10 Ways to Increase Traffic FromGoogle Without Building Links

I have seen many bloggers sharing their success stories about how they were able to increase their Alexa rank so fast and surprisingly most will motivate that you should link back to alexa or just write a review about Alexa and you will get a better alexa rank.

Try to set your blog as a home page on any browser you may use.

This sounds funny really but this is what I have done recently to improve my Alexa Rank, I simply had to add an Alexa toolbar and set my site as the home page on any browser that I used whether it is an internet cafe, Library computers, workstation or not but that is how we made it, we just made by simply setting our blog as thw home page which will get us new readers and also some extra pageviews and Ad impressions which will help boost your site.

At University I saw that there was a huge number of computers that were being used by the students which gave me a chance to Add my site as one of the homepages which was the driving force of the web traffic I got and which did not improve my Alexa rank only but also helped my site to rank better on the search engines due to activity. If your friends got computers just as them to add your site as one of the home pages and motivate them to install the Alexa toolbar on their Internet Browser, its that simple .

How to Create Evergreen Content on Blogger/Wordpress

Quality Content is the biggest ranking factor that can increase you Blog traffic, Subscribers etc. For that certain time period after being published, quality content will boost the rank of you blog for a certain period but Evergreen Content will boost your blog content like forever because it will bring passive traffic to your blog and increase your blog revenue. In this post I will display The Hows, Whats and Whys of Evergreen Content for your blogspot or Wordpress blog  which will give you an Idea of the concept Evergreen Content and how can it be Added rightly in a Blog.

The Title of your blog post plays an important role as it brings your blog into a good position in search engines and on the readers eye, You post title must be simple and stick directly to a certain target, Suppose you wanted to write about content marketing tips  then your Title should be like this >>> Content Marketing Tips for Bloggers or Tips to Content Marketing , your Blog post titles must be short and have enough keywords and try to be simple and don't use words that are hardly searched on Search Engines, The title examples I used above are likely to improve your impressions and traffic as they got most searched keywords and phrases such as  Content Marketing Tips, Marketing Tips for Bloggers, Tips for Blogger or Marketing tips , these are the ideal search phrases and keywords for the title in the example used.

It have been a major problem for blogging beginners as they have been having problem with writing blog posts that never go viral, most of the beginner blogs are very familiar with the term evergreen content but producing such content has been a huge task for them. Writing content that last forever on the readers eyes is probably the best thing that any blogger may require in order to increase their blog traffic or readership.

The How, What And Why of Evergreen Content
( Click on The Infographic Below to Read  )

Infographic created by: KOL Limited

Evergreen Content Strategy

Having a strategy for your blog posts is the best way to keep your blog running, as a blog author or publisher it is very important that you keep your blog posts linked at a certain style or way which can help improve your blog readership because blog readers are mostly interested in the writing style of the author and also on the way at which the blog operate which includes the quality of posts and the reliability of the sources linked with the blog.
The type of Evergreen content produced by your blog will play a big role to your blog  and that is the main reason I will share this post to give you quality strategies to producing evergreen content that goes viral.

  • Internal linking through the your most read posts.
Internal linking may seem to be useless but to let you know, internal linking is the best strategy used by Google to interlink between certain posts as it will enable blog posts to rank and most importantly it creates a data structure which will boost the strength of lower ranking pages on your site.
Wikipedia uses internal linking to link it posts which is known as Structured data which highly liked by the Google Search Engine and Bing. The use of structured data by websites is key really as it will help improve them. Internal linked can be just as powerful as backlinking as it can create great potential for your site.
Internal linking is not only about SEO but it can bring a lot of help to the blog readers who are looking for certain content on the blog to find it just by clicking on an internal link, for example the reader is reading a post on how Install the Blogger Shortcode Plugin  and within the reader finds a link on How to install the Facebook Page plugin using Shotcode, and the reader will simply get help just by opening the internal link.

  • Write simple posts that can be understood by any Blogger
If you are writing blog posts, you must be simple as possible to the readers and always write at the beginner level which will make all of your blog readers to have a clear understanding of what you are writing about because it is very true that not all of your blog readers are as experienced as you are in the blogging niche, some are very new into blogging and they need posts which are as simple as possible to give a clear understanding to the reader. Maybe you might have visited sites as eHow and Wikihow, these sights have very simple post layouts which can be easily understood by any reader on the net whether it is a child,a newbie or a professional it will make no difference at all because all of their topics are simple and easy to understand.

There are many more ways which can use to create Evergreen content on your Blogspot or Wordpress blog, you content has to be evergreen. If you got any questions or tips you want to share with us towards this topic please feel free to ask on the comments box below.

How Can Instagram Be Used As A Marketing Tool For a Business?

 A Marketing Tool For a Business

If you pay time browsing through totally different skilled and private profiles on Instagram, you may  notice quickly that every profile encompasses a distinctive temperament or story that it's telling. for instance, you'll instantly see if one user loves cars or another one is concentrated on sports. Your business pictures on Instagram also will share an equivalent story or data regarding your company’s temperament and  company  philosophy.Is your company eco-friendly, targeted on social policy or budget-minded? outline what you wish to precise regarding your company to your users, and make certain that the photographs that you just choose illustrate this.

Use Short Descriptions

Many Instagram users can click on photos that capture their attention, they can browse through the outline that has been written regarding it at the side of the comments that others have announce regarding  it . With this in mind, you will think about getting ready a descriptive, sales-oriented endorsement that highlights mercantilism points or that entices your customers to require action.

Engage Your Audience

Instagram offers you over a unidirectional avenue of communication with customers. you'll encourage your customers to depart comments on your photos regarding their experiences together with your firms, feedback regarding changes they require to visualize and additional. additionally, you'll conjointly produce promotional offers that actively have interaction them which raise them to require specific action. There area unit easy ways in which to supercharge your content promoting efforts through partaking your audience. you need to comprehend them to prove your purpose to your audience.

Reward Followers and Likers

As a final step, you will think about satisfying your followers and people UN agency like your photos in several ways in which. for instance, new followers and likers might receive a promo code for a reduction on a web purchase or a coupon for a free item if they visit your brick and mortar location. Rewards encourage active user participation, and that they might even have an infectious agent impact for your promoting campaigns.

If you're finding out a good thanks to boost your promoting power in a very cost-efficient manner, social media promoting may be a fantastic choice. With the recognition of Instagram and its unimaginable reach, you will think about golf stroke Instagram to figure for you before long.

Ello and Other Social Networks' Mishaps

Ello’s Initial Attraction

The new social network Ello offered many features unlike Facebook. At first Ello’s entrance into the social media landscape this past September appeared to be about to take over the Facebook users. Young Facebook users were leaving Facebook in the millions, and Ello rushed in at this critical moment. What was their draw? The pitch was that Ello promised to have no ads, sell no data, have no requirement that users register with their real names and have no pornographic or obscene content restrictions. In its “manifesto” Ello stated: “Your social network is owned by advertisers. Every post you share, every friend you make and every link you follow is tracked, recorded and converted into data.” Ello boasted that their new social network revenue would be made when its users elected to use their special features. In the week beginning September 29th, owner Paul Budnitz reported receiving 27,000 requests to join Ello per hour. Riding the wave of positive press as many exited Facebook due to their new policy of “real name”, Ello appeared to take over as the new homeland social network.

Ello Blunders with Mistakes

However, Ello held the spotlight only a brief time. Mistakes were made with their launch that were without a doubt embarrassing for them.

  • No privacy controls or blocking options --One huge mistake was the launching of the Ello without privacy controls or options for blocking. A Tumblr post reporting this actually went viral overnight. At that point, Ello circulated e-mails to their users assuring them that “privacy features are coming to Ello very soon” and Ello’s policies would include a “zero tolerance policy” for any harassing or abusive behaviors. Privacy features and the functionality of blocking are minimum requirements for social network users.

  • Initial zero pornography tolerance -- Another mistake of Ello was their initial promise to have a policy of a zero tolerance for pornography. Based on this policy, sex author Violet Blues tweeted her friends the Ello policy is: “No porn. We know it when we see it.” Violet commented, “We can’t trust that.” After an exchange of comments, Ello quickly changed their policy concerning “sexually explicit content” on their Rules page. They also added a comment that NSFW (not safe for work) post rules are in development. Erotic artists or sex workers would have to wait in order to use Ello in the same way they had been using Tumblr or Twitter.

  • Slurs rules lack gravitas – Although the rules page pointed out that slurs were “very uncool” and that users can report uncool behavior through their recent privacy Email, you certainly would want to see these behaviors treated with more gravitas if you had ever been on the receiving end of Internet harassment or slurs. Users certainly would quickly exit the social network if this occurred to them.

  • Ello lacked personalization features – Unlike Facebook with a plethora of features to personalize, Ello’s options for customization were lacking. There was absolutely no way to resize your images on the Ello site. Therefore, the only way you could manipulate your images was with the use of software. Otherwise, your page and mine would look the same. Ello planned to make money through the sale of access to options and features. Perhaps, the exodus from Ello meant that users weren’t willing to pay.

With these errors, it is no wonder that Ello faded into ambiguity after having initially made news.

Social Media that Never Made a Big Splash

Google Buzz – Google Buzz was a social network developed by Google and also combined with Gmail, Google’s Email program. Google Buzz offered opportunities for users to share comments, status messages, photos, videos and links seen in the user’s inbox and ordered in conversations. With the discovery made by Nicholas Carson of a huge privacy flaw, not too many people wanted to use Google Buzz. The problem was that both the people you follow and the people that follow you were made public to users looking at your profile. They could learn who you chat or exchange Emails with. A class action lawsuit was filed with the FTC that resulted in an $8.5 million settlement. In October, 2011 Google Buzz was discontinued.

Bitstrips – Bitstrips could make you hate Facebook. Since most people hate the comics on Facebook, the fact that Bitstrips is all comics doesn’t thrill many people. Few positive comments have been made about Bitstrips. Bitstrips doesn’t use words, but instead uses a comic avatar to deliver your message. The problem is it wastes so much time. The novelty of it wears thin quickly.

Myspace – Although the social network Myspace had a good start, they were plagued by mismanagement, a faulty merger and a number of strategic blunders. One blunder was their allowing users to post everything and anything they wanted. Posts could be crude and offensive and not what any parent would allow. Also, the site was used mostly by musicians and artists to showcase their work. Many users simply saw no reason to stay. When Myspace returned, it was a platform for musicians and entertainers to stay in contact with their fans, but the exodus left no one to interact with. Though recently, Myspace has had a mini resurgence due to the social media phenomenon known as Throwback Thursday, where people post old photos of themselves with the hashtag #tbt.  Regardless, it will never see the heights of popularity it did during it glory days.

Giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Google know that reinventing themselves is the key to staying relevant in the ever-changing landscape of social media. Whether Ello will gain prominence or continue to dissipate into oblivion remains to be seen, but if the aforementioned examples are any indication, Ello is saying goodbye in 2015.

Jessica Kane

Jessica Kane is a professional blogger who has worked in eCommerce for the last five years.  She currently writes for Rakuten Super Logistics and recommends them for allyour online order fulfillment needsto further your success.

How to Get your Blog Content Displayed in the Google Quick Answer Box

Getting your blog content displayed in the Google answer box can be a great achievement by a blog as it gives assurance to large amounts of web traffic getting to your blog posts. The Quick search is an amazing tool by Google as it get your post futured as a quick  answer to the relevant searcher, but to you the webmaster the answer box may not be good at some times as most readers don't click on your blog link because the Google answer box may give the reader everything that they need right at the answer box, but I will assure your blog traffic to increase by a great rate through the answer box as it makes your blog content to stand out clearly to the readers.

Having your blog content on the Google answer box may require you some hardwork and more importantly having relationships with big trusted sites, Google strictly chooses sites that can appear on the search box, which means that sites don't just appear on the search box but they will only appear by getting linked to huge sites and getting mention/featured in wikipedia.

How to get your blog content featured on The Google Knowledge Graph

Link to Relevant Sites
Linking to relevant sites like mashable, ehow etc. Will make make Google and other search engines to trust the sources of your site. This doesn't mean that you should avoid linking to small blogs as they are also capable of quality content and linking to them may cause them to link back to your site.

Get your Blog content featured in wikipedia
Wikipedia is the most respected data site by Google as it data and posts are structured accordingly, getting featured in Wikipedia will highly increase your Alexa rank together with your page rank giving your site pages a great propabilty of being included in the google answer box.
Google uses such sites to get most of it sources, these sites are likely to be , wikipedia, ehow, wikihow and all these related sites on the knowledge graph.

•Make a use of nouns (i.e.,
entities)  mostly when it is natural to do so.

Implement structured data on your website.
In your blog try to use internal links between you posts which will structure your website content making it easy for the search engines to see the position/category of which the posts may be put under. The use of internal links is not only to improve the site pageviews and Ad impressions but it also help improve the rank of the site.

Another part that creates structured data on your site is nothing less than the the use of tags/labels to group related posts. Google uses the same strategy to group indexed data into it index, having your blog in the same manner will definately increase the chance of having your posts included in the Google knowledge graph.

How to get your blog Content featured on The Quick Answer Box

Select the best topic/niche to focus on.
Your Blog should focus on a unique special topic, which shall improve user engagement, I have tried recently to add multiple niche' on my blog and it became a lot of work for me as I was facing difficulties in maintaining the blog until I had to study secret behind giant blogs and I noticed that they had multiple writers which were assigned for certain the topics. You can run a multiple niche blog only if you can easily manage it but if you are struggling with maintaining a single blog, I would recommend that you go back to the single niche blog.

Sticking and focusing on one niche will give you a chance to better control your blog and thus giving Google a chance to know  your site better.

Implement SEO practices
Search Engine optimization is key really when it comes to increasing website traffic, it does not only help you get indexed or make rank better in the search engine but will definately get your site featured on the Google answer box, Your blog should be optimized  both on page and off page , but most importantly on page.

Must read : On Page and Off Page Optimzation tips For Blogger
Search engine optimization taken into huge consideration as it plays a great role on a blog  to help it rank better in the search engines exposing your blog to a great online audience.

Improve user satisfaction
User satisfaction plays a great role on any Blog or website because a website cannot function properly unless the readers are happy about it. Making the blog readers happy is simply not about writing good posts but it is about the type of template that is being used by the site, which includes the site design an many other parts of the site.

But most importantly try by all means to make your blog as professional as you can get and you may even get unexpected backlinks and attention from relevant sites.

Qualities to successful SEO in Blogger/Wordpress

The qualities of a blogger ought to be attended in the least times so as to become somebody well-liked on the net. A blogger ought to have many concepts for inventive writing, in conjunction witha truckload of motivation. The results wanted won't return nightlong and there is no guarantee thatthis can be straightforward.

These ar the 2 things that you simply want so as to satisfy your dream of running a successful blog:plenty of exclusive content and readers' loyalty. In every case, time is needed to develop the success.this can be a method and not a short-run event.

seo quality

Related: the way to Write SEO Optimized weblog Posts 

Top Qualities To Become a successful Blogger

Here ar 3 qualities of a blogger WHO as a web site administrator can ought to have, if your goal is to manage a successful web log.


successful web log may be a product of your time and energy and for this, you may want patience. As I aforementioned before, the results won't seem quickly nightlongtherefore it's necessary to comprehend this from the beginning. If you're perpetually making an attempt to develop new and inventive concepts for writing on your web log and, at a similar time, you're upset whether or not you may see any results, this can solely create things tougher.

The building of a successful business on-line may be a "long term" effort and you want to decide if you settle for this challenge or not. this can be one the foremost necessary qualities of a blogger.


Much of the traffic of any successful web log results from its distinctive content, still as its quality. In fact, the standard of what is within the web sitecan have an immediate impact on what is going to become microorganism guests that are returning to your platform. If you may offer quality content,folks can quote your web log, and once they are doing it, others could return to examine what you've got. It depends on you to publish helpful and correct info and your readers can do the remainder


Maintaining a gentle stream of inventive writing concepts is significant to be able to perpetually update the web log. The frequency of publication to a correct schedule is said to the number of your time you've got on the market and your level of motivation. However, it's suggested to ascertain a form of consistency, in order that folks will schedule their own visits consequentlysimply keep in mind that the a lot of typically you write, the a lot of folks can visit, therefore their loyalty can grow quicker and their referrals are extended.

To become a well-liked blogger, it's necessary to own a healthy supply of inventive writing conceptsin conjunction with plenty of patience and motivation. Ultimately, it'll be up to you, as a web site administrator, to produce the 3 qualities of a blogger that we tend to mentioned higher thanWHO is looking out indefatigably his goal of getting a successful web log. In the end, your own motivation and patience are the glue with that all the weather are place along in order that your dream can return true.