How to centre-align the sharing-icons from AddThis in Blogger

This article shows how to get and then centre-align the row of sharing items that you can get from AddThis (and it's likely that a similar technique applies to sharing buttons from other services like ShareThis, too).

If you think that Blogger's own social sharing buttons a just a bit too small and difficult position, then you may decide to use a service like AddThis to generate buttons that are more elegant all round.

Signing up with AddThis is easy: just log in to your Blogger account, and in a separate tab open up Choose Create Account, and then Continue with Google. This links your Google account and your AddThis account, and is the easiest approach - but there are other options too, like creating your account with your Facebook or Twitter accounts, or even just signing up the old fashioned way with your email address.

Once you have signed up and chosen a plan (personally I just the free "Basic" plan), you need to actually install the AddThis buttons on your site. To do this:
  • Select one or more sets of sharing buttons (from the options available to your account type),
  • Choose the settings which apply to that set of buttons
  • Choose Activate (button in the bottom right corner of the setting screen), and
  • Install the code that AddThis gave you into your blog.

Installing the code that AddThis gave you is pretty much like installing any other piece of code.   Typically the code you have to install has two parts:

For the piece that says:
Step 1: Add the following code to the <body> of your website.
Search for "<body"  (note:  no closing angle-bracket because some templates have extra instructions in there), and then put the code from AddThis after the angle bracket that goes with the <body

For the piece that says:
Step 2: Paste this code into whichever page you would like this tool to show up.
Find the location in your template that you would like the gadget (eg an HTM gadget, or inside the post statement itself - read more about the options), and copy and paste the relevant code from AddThis.

But it's not in the right place.

If you install the code as is from AddThis, you will find that the row of sharing buttons is pretty tightly linked up with the rest of the page, and left-aligned.   Fortunately this is easy to change.

How to centre (or right align) rows of buttons from AddThis 

To put the set of sharing buttons from AddThis at the middle of the page, you need to surround the 2nd piece of code from AddThis with another Div statement, like the one in bold below:
<div style = 'width:100%; text-align: center; margin-bottom:3em; margin-top:2em;'><!-- Go to to customize your tools -->
<div class="addthis_sharing_toolbox"></div>
The exact details to use depend on how exactly you want to set up your sharing-bar form AddThis.  I wanted it to be centre-aligned on one of my sites, with some extra white space above and below, so I used these commands:

  • width:100%  -  says to use all of the page-width in deciding where to put the sharing bar  (by detfault, it would just use the width of the sharing bar itself
  • text-align: centre   -   means that he bar will be put in the middle
  • margin-bottom and margin-top   put some extra space above and below the gadget, so it sticks out more-so.

But you may use a different approach, depending on what your blog is trying to achieve.

What your readers see

Visitors using a web-browsers

Will see your AddThis buttons, as you defined them

Readers who subscribe to your blog's RSS feed

Will not see your blog's AddThis sharing buttons, unless they happen to click through from their feed-reader to your blog.

Readers who follow-by-email 

Will not see your standard social sharing buttons at all, unless they visit your site.   (AddThis does have some email newsletter buttons, but these don't automatically go into emails generated from Blogger).

Is it worth it?

For what it's worth, I recently made the change from custom sharing buttons that I'd made myself to classier looking ones from AddThis, and saw quite a jump (50% or more) in the number of social shares, across all my sites.

YMMY, of course.

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Resigning? wait and save your income

Retiring, resigning or getting fired from your job. The question that you should ask as a blogger is that "Am I Equiped?" because that what affects many bloggers who are looking for successful blogging.

Resigning or retiring from you day job to start a business or become a professional blogger will eventually require you a lot of commitment and hardwork, as a blogger with very much readership I have came across many bloggers who have just quited their day job to start a new life blogging.

Many people quit their jobs and professions with a belief of improving their lives through blog monetization, and most of them have failed to master the beautiful art of blogging. The are many blogs around the world That are doing very successful and you at the other hand some blogs are struggling to monetise their content. To speak the truth there are billions of readers out there looking for blogs that they can follow and probably less then 50 million of readers spend time reading blogs, the challenge that you as a blogger should give to yourself is how possibly can I get these readers into landing to my blog, how can I make them loyal readers.

Blogging is Passion

Blogging is about expressing your passion rather than mere business, some bloggers start blogging with a passion of making people realise a their passions and these has been the winning formula for many blogs. What I mean is that you blog should revive something from a certain amount if readers and once it has been revived then you will see the results.

Target Audience

When it comes to the media we have what we normally call the blogs target audience which has to basucally deal with the type of readers that visit your site, your target audience should always be based on the niche and should also be close to your niche because it would be pointless getting cartoonists to read a tech blog, it would not make sense to them unless they read a cartoon design blog.

Proper Planning

If you planning to quit your day job to start a professional then you should make a plan of income that will keep your blog moving. The best thing that a blogger should have is a product that will be the first income source that a Professional blogger should have and then the other income sources should come last.

The second most importantant fact is the site template because it will verify the success rate of your blog. I have used and designed many blog templates and it happened that the ones with most features were able to top the simple designs which showed us that more advanced designs will keep the readers glued to their screens.

Marketing a Blog

Yes I really believe that blogging can be taken as a career unless you know how to market your blog successfully. Marketing a site does not only depend on the the external factors of a blog but true blog marketing is very much affected by how the internal structure of the site is marketed which will include things like template design, writing style and the level of interest from the blog articles.

Marketing is very crucial such that my friend and coach Sue Anne has always told me to stick on email marketing to make my blog successful, even though many believe that email marketing is "dead", well I disagree with them because marketing is never dead unless it still works.

Monetize your Blog Content!

Well you may start working on a monetization plan once you have been able to master the above mentioned factors and believe me, it will be done completely easily without you having to break yourself trying to make money online.

Blogging is not just an easy online monetization strategy but it is more of a passion, please dont rush to quite your job but make a plan that will improve your financial life by becomming a profession blogger.

The Important three Pillars of SEO

SEO is the heart of the blog success, any blog that is not properly programmed or optimized for better ranking will have big difficulties in meeting it achievements. We as SEO expects we dont really have very much knowledge about how search engines work but in order to get the results we use the errors our sites have in order to predict certain changes that taken place on the internet. These predictions and studies have introduced ways in which can be used to bring better optimization to our sites.

Recommended: Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bloggers

Another part of evolving part of optimization is Social Media Optimization(SMO)  which really contributes a lot to SEO. This type of optimization has been the power behind the growth of Mashable making it a very big site at a very short amount of time. In my upcomming post I will teach you more about this type of optimization.

Search Engine Optimization is probably controlled by some of the most important factors which I believe that every site owner should know in order to position their sites rightly for success. You may happen to rank well and the rank position of your site will fully be affected by whatsoever happens on these factors.

The Best Three Factors of SEO


This refers very much to the technology used on the website template which will include some things like CSS codes, HTML codes used, Internal linking structure, sitemaps etc.

I always recommend bloggers to use premium blogger templates in order to rank better due to the awesome technology used in the construction of the template, if it happens that you want to remove template credits we can negotiate with the template creator only for $3 USD.

Most site audits usaully focus mostly on the template design and how can it be used to help a site gets indexed easily, making it easier for search engines to be able to get content from your site.


The relevance of a blog will have to do a lot with the content structure of the blog which will also include the meta tags, description and meta title to give search engines an idea of your site content. When search engines crawl a site it does not mean that the search engines understand the type of content the site has unless the author uses meta tags.

The relevance ensures that search engines properly interpretes the site content. Today writing a highly optimized blog post is much more important than ever and that is why your content has to be optimized for better indexing.


Authority is the name of the game, authority sites are made to rank higher compared to non authority sites because these sites are the most trusted. It is quite impossible for a non authority site to rank well above authority sites unless it has a very good relevance.

Normally many sites tend to try and get links from other authority sites with the hope of ranking much better because authority is very much know factor for the improvement of a site. Some blogs have been given penalties for manipulating the search engines by try to buy authority links which is a big internet fraud done by bloggers.

Search Engine Optimization is a must for any site. These three factors will help boost the rank of your site given that you do as told by following the tips given on this blog.

Google inline to unveil its new Nexus software

Google is to launch it new make of their smartphones their well known Nexus smartphones which many smartphone users have awaited for.

Google has sent out invitations to many media houses including us to attend the launch of their latest release of the nexus android smartphones. The Company is believed to release two types of smartphones and eventually a new version of chromecast, The new Lexus smartphones are believed to named Nexus 6P and and Nexus 5X which are believed to be manufactured by top industry smartphone makers like Huawei and LG according to a recent report by Droid Life.

Another recent report by Mashable it was confirmed that there was a leak of some data from Google which had some of the development plans for Chromecast, Which is also believed to be released on 29 September together with the new Nexus make.

Google should have new things to unveil to us as we currently do not know much about their plans for the event but we know that much is going to be revealed to us the media. This event will also be live streamed on Youtube and we will encourage readers to stay in touch for more upon this event.

Do you have anything to share with us on this story, please feel free to do so.

Get-Rich-Quick Schemes Targeting Bloggers and Entrepreneurs

Most people start Blogging with the intention of making money online, this Trend has attracted scams to get simple cash from Bloggers, in my recent article on Spam targeting Linkedin Members I shared a conversation I had with a scammer who offerred me a business proposal to trade some minerals with the Armando hospital Equipment Company which is probably an international scam that has robbed people millions of Dollars , with professional scamers working on it, I almost lost 13 Million dollars which was going to leave me broke but thanks to the research which gave me details on the scamers before I went ahead with any transactions.

Making money online is the best practice in which Entrepreneurs make money, but as some are making money but some are losing money , whereby we all want to make a profit .

Scams are not only on the internet but they are everywhere Magazines, Television, Posters, and other sorts of media. The most famous type of schemes that people usaully follow are pyramid schemes whereby people make money by recruiting others into joining. The majority of people who invest in these schemes usaully lose their money in one go despite all the the things said during these promotions.

Pyramid Schemes

Usaully pyramid schemes are usaully promoted with seminars which are made to put people into action and making them believe that there is a possibility to quick wealth.  Normally in these schemes each person who joins is required to make a pre payment to the promoter and is then convinced into getting more people into joining the network in order to get their investment, as they get to join they are to get more people and more people into joining.

The main focus of this business is only recruitment rather than on selling products and services or investing in the markets. Pyramid schemes make money only by recruiting people and if the recruit is not successfully done then there is no revenue generated. Normally these schemes don't last or a few get to make it.

Money Multiplication Schemes

These type of schemes have been very much known in the United States as many people have lost money through them, they normally promise clients returns of up to 20% or more per annum investment. Instead of investing money, these businesses meet their minthly commitment by using money which had been invested by others. These type of schemes are not considered to be reliable as they will only depend on the availability of clients and if there are no clients then the business is doomed.

If you are really looking for an investment company to make an investment you must ensure that the company has a good reputation and has an FSB certificate which gives a legal right to manage peoples money. It happened recently when a Forex trader by the Prince Mazibuko started doing well with his trades and went to make over a million in profits, which attracted many people who wanted to invest their money and the guy simply took the peoples money and took off just like that without having to bring back the peoples returns.

So bloggers becareful out there and don't just lose money anyhow but invest in FSB licensed investment Co operations. I am a Forex trader and a blogger, I have seen many people lose money in no time, many bloggers are looking forward into great monetization and my motivation for them is that they should keep their eyes open.

How to Make Real Money Blogging through Profitable Blogging

Making money online is the dream of many bloggers, but the lack of trust among the readers and the bloggers has made successful blogging to be difficult because nobody trusts one another which affects many businesses and blogs out there. I will really ask bloggers out there to be honest with their readers out there.

This is the question I have been asked by many readers about how to make real money from blogging and how to ensure profitable blogging. I as a blogger have had many bloggers asking me about how do I achieve to make real profits online and my response would be "Advertising, Services, products and Affiliate Products" because when it comes to blogging those three are the main money making strategies.

Bloggers from different blogging platforms have been having hardships about making profits online and had given up their blogs as a result the internet consist of 95 percent inactive blogs which are abondoned by their owners and the other 5 percent are active blogs. In total the internet has a capacity of 100 million registered blogs and the number is increasing daily.

Advertising Services

Advertising services like Adsense, Chitika and Infolinks are some of the primary means of making money online by other blogs online. Most of these Advertising services will look for blogs and sites that they can promote their advertisers products and services, and in return publishers will earn little commissions from the revenue generated by the Ads.

I will recommend Advertising services for blogs and sites that are currently having difficulties with making money online and for low traffic sites.

Big sites like Mashable and Techcrunch are still using Services to make some revenue and it working for all types of blogs, whether big or small it makes no difference at all.

Selling Advertising Slots

Advertisers out there may be looking for some places to display their ads to the right deserving target audience. This part of Advertising will depend on the amount of traffic your blog gets from search engines and social media.

Advertising prices will depend on how much traffic your site gets from search engines.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves the promotion of other companies products and services in return for income, which can range from 5% to 80% commission from each sale made. I have also promoted affiliate products on this site and it had shown great results for me in the past months as I was able to make great fortunes which are very much more money compared to advertising services.

The products that will eventually make you money should be niche related, they should be related to your site niche because it happens that over 80% of your site daily visitors are inlove with your site niche, and promoting a related product or service will eventually make you a good revenue.

Have your own product

Well this what I always tell bloggers to do, have your own product that will make you even more revenue. Who knows maybe you are the next millionaire online because seriously you will not become a millionaire simply by promoting other peoples products, but you must create your own product and market it through your blog.

Advertise Your Services instead

As a blog or website you should have your own services, blog services should include private advertising, sponsored blog posts and many other things that can bring income to your blog. I have seen some blogs having private private content and forums which are making so much money.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media marketing is simply the best only if you will know how to  promote your products online. Mashable has been using social media from the beginning until today to bring tons of traffic to their sites.

As a blogger you should not depend on the traffic you get from search engines but instead work hard to find blog traffic where it seems possible.

How To Be A Successful Entrepreneur with James Sun

Well today we have our host James Sun who works in hand with with Donald Trump as a finalist in the Donald Trump Tv series, The Apprentice. James Sun has been one of the entrepreneurs that are making things happen out there as they have been very much involved in different forms of businesses which has secured him even millions making him a famous successful entrepreneur.

Today is we will be sharing some of the best tips for business success, which will save you from being an Entrepoorneur into being an Entrepreneur.  Below are some success tips Recommended for bloggers and entrepreneurs that are looking forward to mastering innovation.

Be Unique

In your market don't try to be somebody but be unique instead by bringing something very different from your business competitors or else your targeted customers will find it hard to buy any of the products you may be selling.

Learn to Sell

Selling needs to be Mastered because as an entrepreneur selling is the primary thing that one may have to master in business, whether you are a CEO or manager but it is vital that you know how to sell.

James Sun believes that Selling a product should need different strategies to get the product sold as he mentioned that the strategy that you used to sell your product to your first 100 customers should not be the same as the strategy you use to sell to the next 100 customers. Having discounts for the first customers are very much motivated to reach the wanted product success as it will get customers into purchasing your product.

Master Innovation

Innovation has been the biggest factor behind Apple, the company which was founded by Steve Jobs who has been one of the greateast leaders that have ever walked in the world of Technology.

In reality the world is changing and as an entrepreneur the thing you should work hard on is mastering the change that is happening.

The success behind many big companies is innovation and I will recommend it for your business, ecommerce site and blog.

Make Use of day trading

As an entrepreneur, you must be able to take the ups and downs of your company. A business will eventually face those challenges which one may think of giving up up instead of losing it all, but James Sun advises entrepreneurs to make use of day trading irrespective of what is happening in the one hour chart and the other small time frames in the Stock markets.

As an invester I work a lot with charts and Forex currencies as a way of making profits from the markets. In most of my tradings I use the trend of the day and week charts to do long trades when I see a good investment opportunity. As an entrepreneur I would recommend you to have the same business approach as mentioned by James Sun.

Recommended: Best Forex Trading Stochastic and Channel Surfer

If you have mastered the vision of your business then you will have to follow that positive success channel into making real profits.

Humble Your Way to Success

Well nothing beats a humble person, whether you are the SEO of that company you have launched but that does not make any difference between you and the employee that helps keep your business running. The people who work together with you are you team, humbling yourself among them will motivate them to impress you.

Always target more experienced Employees

Nobody is the jack of all trades, as an entrepreneur you have to get more experience employees to help you carry out some tasks that could only be executed by an industry professional.

Money Must be an important Factor

The main purpose you started your business was to make money. If you a blogger you are following your passion until you get to make an income out of it or maybe you blog for the fun of it.

You are not in this world to Impress people

If you are an entrepreneur willing to make an income You got to understand that you are not in this world to impress people as James states that he was taught rule from Donald Trump that states "Be Slow to hire and be quick to fire" which he claims to be the best winning strategy for his businesses.

I personally agree with this statement but I do value other people as a professional.

Focus more on your market

Know your market better before you could be able to expand your business because in reality there are many businesses running out there doing the same service as you do which is the reason why some businesses are not making any money. Try to master your market and focus on it until you start making real profits and then you can enter into another market to boost you revenue. Wish you the best business month.

Pinterest Hits 100 million Users

Pinterest has hit a very huge growth recently after its marketing campaign in March 2015, which has made them to break the 100 million daily users milestone.

The addiction to the pinterest network has increased as it had on imstagram as the app has reached over 100 million active monthly users which has increased it market value to over $11 Billion USD which has it to

It is confirmed that about 70% of the 100 million monthly active users on Pinterest are not there for pins and other related things but usaully visit the social network for saving links or clicking on to learn more. The number of Pinterest searches has grown to 70% last year as confirmed by the company.

With this increase of monthly active users, the number of daily pins have increased to 24 million pins shared by the users.

Pinterest has become more of a place where users want to share the products they want to buy online and sharing online for reviews on what they want to purchase online while at the other hand advertisers have been finding Pinterest useful when it comes to promoting products on the internet. Pinterest has introduced sponsored pins which appear on the users news feed, the sponsored pins are usaully used by businesses to share their products on the app.

Pinterest has shown a big growth but it probably far from the rivals Twitter and Instagram which are above three times as Pinterest. Follow us on Pinterest @ajaxsurf, wish you the best user experience on the App.

Facebook Working on a 'Dislike' button

The long waited for 'Dislike' button which many Facebook users have been waiting for, has been confirmed by the CEO Mark Zuckerburg as one of their plans for development.

In 2009  Facebook was tempted by some users who were suggesting the company to bring out a "Dislike"
Button which will look like an inverted like button. Facebook did not accept the 'Dislike' button because it was believed that the button would not sound good to other users as many may feel bad or harassed when their posts were disliked, but due to many requests by the social network users Facebook has no choice but to make the 'Dislike' button to all of the app users.

This button is believed to be a disaster by many media houses as they believe that this button will not go well as other social networks have used it before but did not work very well as planned, this button will eventually cause a reduce on the self esteem of some users causing them to not post often on their walls as they might fear of getting more dislikes than likes.

Mark Zuckerburg believes that the Dislike should not be used to express discouragement but instead it should be used to impress sympathy, not to make others feel bad about their post. The 'dislike' button is designed to show compassion not to show hatred or any form of disrespect towards other users. As Zuckerburg confirmed that with the dislike button they are surely not intended to turn facebook into a forum where users will like or dislike, but to use the 'dislike' button to show compassion.

With the Facebook 'Dislike' button rolling out in the next months, what do you have to say about this great move by Facebook. Please feel free to leave your views in the comment box below.

How to Add Your Blog Sitelinks to Search Engines

Having your the Sitelinks of your blogger blog or wordpress site listed on search engines can really increase the search traffic  of your blog by a high margin which will totally overcome your competition making your blog to appear the most in most keyword Related searches as your blog will appear like this on the Google home page with the links of your best blog posts appearing right under the meta-description of your site.
On the Image represented below is the appearance of how your blog will appear with the sitelinks showing on the search engine.

1 : The Normal Meta-description of your site in the normal way it appears on search engines.

2 : The Links which will be under the meta-description, these links will help push the other sites down the search engine.

Maybe you might have seen them in the sites you follow on search engines as they appear in a very beautiful way which definately attract the user into clicking on the links provided on your site as it makes your site unique compared to the sites appearing on the search engines.
Site links are probably internal links that are are chosen as the best to represent your site as they are the links that new visitors will click on to access your if it shows on the search results. The installation of these links will make it easier for the blog readers to quickly navigate to the sites most important posts on the blog.

Reduces the Bounce rate of the Blog
The bounce rate is greatly reduced by these links because sitelinks create a platform where readers get to trust yoursite simply because it is not every site that get links on the search results but only a few are given according to the amount of traffic they get.

Higher visibility of Links
There is a higher visibilty of important links which will make it easier for your blog readers to easily buy products right from the search engine page, these links can be customized on the Google webmasters page.

Definately make the competitors sites go down the results
Sitelinks are very well known for making Sites appear more on the front page compared to competition pages on the first page of the search engine.

Increases Alexa rank
For you to have sitelinks on your site, the very first thing that you need to add is an xml sitemap which can be added on your blog through this tutorial and in some blogs it might have been automatically created by blogger for you, to see if your blog sitemap is setted up please copy this code below and paste it in your browser

Replace with your blog url and press enter to open the sitemap.
If a sitemap with links is not showing then you will have to add it manually at .
Once you have added the sitemap please try again on the webmaster tools and if it happens that your blog is not showing then you will have to check your blog search visibilty but as much as I am concerned every blogger blog created should have a sitemap.

The Second most important thing that you must have is a Google Webmaster tools account  which you will use to create the sitelinks for your blog, setting up an account is easy as you will have to go to Google Webmaster tools  and submit your blog and an verify it from there but if you used the same email account as on blogger then automatically your site will be verified. Now click on the site and go to sitemaps and from there you will have to submit your sitemap which is like this ...
If you have done the things mentioned above you will have to go to the tutorial below.

How to Add blogger Sub-headings or Site links on Google Search Engine

As mentioned in the above paragraph to get the sitelinks on your Blog is very easy as you as the blogger does not need to create any links but instead the Google search engine will automatically create the sitelinks for your site without you having to show any efforts.

SiteLinks are not customized by humans but they are customized and Updated by Search Bots which means you will just have to add some inputs that will improve your blog Search Appearance. which will include things like:

• Get a professional domain
• Post Regularly
• Increase your site content
• Create Meta tags

Once you have applied all the mentioned thing then you will have to wait for a week or two because it doesn't happen automatically but it will eventually take some time.

How To Insure Successful Blog Monetization

Many Bloggers out there start blogs with a belief of making an income and they normally End up not making any income at all and we have made it Possible by compiling an ebook that will give you a very much better guide on how you could make money online. In the past years I have been able to make over $12000 USD per month from my blogs and I am sharing this knowledge to give you a glimpse of my Secrets to my Blogging Success.

"Making money online is very simple and it doesn't require a lot of hardwork but proper knowledge about blog monetisation."

Learn how to start your own online business for less than $100. If you're tired of the 9-to-5 and working toward someone else's dream, take charge of your life and start monetizing your passions. This book contains all the resources and instruction to get your business up and running in less than one weekend. Get yourself a copy today and make an impact in your Blogging career.

Amazon Best Seller : How to Live Your Passion Through Online Businesses

Buy now

Many Bloggers around the world have been asking my secrets to online monetization and well today I am sharing with my secret in this awesome ebook. The normal price is $25 and due to this promotion we will be selling up to 5000 thousand copies for this week and on till 27 September 2015 .

How To Make Your Marketing Campaign a Success

Times have changed and now all the business use internet as a medium to reach a global audience. The enterprises are using this online search medium to market the products and their services. Be it professional or personal reasons one must build his credibility in the market. Bing, Google and Firefox are just acting as a platform by which they can promote their service to millions of people worldwide. The right method can be selected with some experimentation as to what works best for you. The most important  point to bear is that some time and research in the right SEO will take you to greater heights and better SERP’s.

  1. Know your audience:– The first and foremost, is to know who is the final ultimate recipient of all the information. Every growing business needs to establish its network in the competitive world. identifying the target market is crucial and the very first step, identify the base, who your niche market is. Be it a professional or personal passion from cooking classes, hobby classes to selling dog clothes to cars there is a market for everyone. design your website and portal to cater  to your needs.

  2. Make it User Friendly:– Nowadays, the attention of the consumer is less and they have to get the information they search in minutes.  You need to understand that one has to learn more about what the customer wants and tailor made it according to them. Once they are satisfied half your battle is won. Provide various modes such as YouTube, Amazon giving them products and reviews to guide them for a better  chance to decide.

  3. Elegant Web Design:Spend some time and energy in the efficient design of the webpage. your business generic layout should not be pushy and have a flow of information in an order that is not clumsy.

  4. Invest in mobile technology: One has to change and adapt accordingly with the changing technology and mobile commerce is emerging as new market which cannot be left untapped. Every human has mobiles now and sites like groupon, Macys and all the major shopping enterprises have to give a seamless service from tracking to shipping of your purchase.
 I  have elaborated on the measures useful for growing your online business. Always remember to maintain the integrity of the consumer and the goods you want to sell. Mary has been freelancing for quite few years now and is studying the constant trends that evolve in the SEO domain. SEO services are really advisable and actually very crucial to every online business,take advantage of search engine optimization at a competitive price.

People now spend most time using apps than watching TV

Mobile users have taken over the internet recently which introduced mobilegeddon in April 2015 and now smartphones have taken another step into being very much more used than TVs in the past three years.

It seems as the world is getting to a new technology phase as more people from around the world spend most their time on Apps rather than watching TV.

In a recent report by furry they have confirmed that more US consumers spend much time using mobile apps rather than watching TV, as in the survey that was done in the beginning of 2013 till this time has shown a very huge improvement in the number of smartphone users. Please note that the time findings used on this article does not include the time used on mobile browsers but the time spend on mobile Apps. In the year 2013 the average time spent on mobile was 126 minutes , in 2014 the avarage time increase to 139 minutes and right now the average is sitting to 198 minutes on mobile Apps over 168 minutes spent watching TV.

Flurry also notes that the it is very difficult to measure the exact figures as some people use Apps while watching Tv, making it hard for them to measure accurate results. But it is confirmed that TV usage is not decreasing but might increase as time goes as large tech companies like Apple are looking forward to creating internet and gaming TVs which are believed to boost usage in the upcomming years.

The most used things on mobile apps is games as more mobile users have spent most of their time in buying more and more online games in such that the most ranked apps are games.

Google and Twitter team up to Bring Instant Articles

Google and Twitter team up to bring instant articles, which will be displayed only for mobile users.

Recently Facebook, Apple and Snapshot have introduced an “instant article” feature which is designed to give instant articles to the site mobile users. This move by Google and Twitter will allow mobile users to get instant content delivered to their mobile smartphones without having visit the publishers sites.

This move by Google will favour many bloggers and publishers online as the instant articles will be snapshots which will be taken from different online sources, this move has not found favour with some sites from around the world as it is believed that it will cause many sites to lose traffic as readers will not have visit the internet for articles but will have to read articles from snapshots.

There are critics by many publishers as it will cost them a lot of revenue as readers might not be able to to visit the home pages of these sites, which will cause high drops of traffic.

Publishers also had to criticize this move as Facebook introduced instant articles which caused many publishers to complain about this move by tech companies as they use Facebook and Twitter to get traffic, and with the introduction of instant articles many sites are to be affected.

This automatic articles will not be branded or have any attributes on them but will rarely be snapshots that could be easily read by the mobile users.

The plans of Google and Twitter are far more different than those by Facebook and Apple as they are have not stated about the revenue that can be given to the publishers as they will be using snapshots. The Good news about the Facebook instant articles is that publishers will get 100% of the Ad revenue generated by their content.

Facebook will be turning Pages into an Online Mall

The social media giant Facebook has made things easier for marketers and companies as they have made headlines as by turning the app into an estore.

At first it was shopify which allowed users to promote product through facebook which was not a success, now Facebook pages will now have services and shopping section which will allow companies to easily sell both their products and services without leaving the social network.

Facebook which is a home to over 50 million pages will now make things easier for page administrators by allowing them to sell on Facebook, this was tested by Facebook two months ago and the implementation has been confirmed by the company COO, Sheryl Sandburg. The company is believed to change the way ecommerce works as it will cause many clients to abondone many ecommerce sites into joining Facebook and using it to sell their services and prices.

This will allow retailers to sell their products on Facebook and many other services such as plumbing, garden services and many other things will be easily done on Facebook. The new features are currently being tested by a group of retail businesses and some of the features will be released to Facebook in the next comming weeks.

Facebook will surely takeover some blogs with this move as they will be adding some special estore features such as the "add to cart" , "Buy now" and the "donate button" which will allow non profit organisations to recieving funds directly from Facebook.

Facebook is looking forward to improve the seller and customer relationship by including contact buttons which will appear on the page, Facebook as a social network will allow customers to contact, call or send messages direct to the retailers. This imptovements by Facebook are believed to improve the user rate of facebook as many bloggers and online retailers will be turning into Facebook due to its wide upcomming ecommerce services.

Google Adsense Ad Code Converter

Having to invert an Adsense JavaScript code to an html code cannot be done simply by using your mind but would require a tool that will avoid any errors.

HTML codes have a great handling for codes containing symbols like < and > compared to other coding formats. That is the reason we have shared this widget to help our readers easily embed any codes from 3rd party servers to their blogs without having to face any errors.

This amazing code converting tool which we have designed for bloggers will not only be restricted to Adsense but will also cater for other Ad codes from advertising networks like chitika, AdBrite and any other network that you may use on your site. If you are also having trouble with embedding a Facebook Page widget then this html converter tool will work for you great results.
Code Converter for Blogs and Websites

Adsense Code Converter Form


How to put pictures into unusual shapes, using PowerPoint

This article explains how to put a picture that is one shape (a "square peg") inside an image of another shape (a "round hole" - or star, elipse, octagon, etc) - using Microsoft PowerPoint.

Original title:   How to put a square peg into a round hole - in pictures

Wooden clothes peg in a customized rectangle with rounded corners.
Recently, I've been using PowerPoint to make the thumbnail image for my posts. This means that I own the copyright of the pictures, so can share them without worrying about copyright issues.

One approach I've used is to find an interesting copyright-free picture that is related to the theme of the post, and then put it inside a shape that adds some visual interest or has some words along side it.  Another thing that I'm going to try is using multiple pictures in this way to make a more-interesting-than-usual collage.

How to put a picture inside a shape

NB PowerPoint commands are based on Office 2007 and 2010 - but the same principles most-likely apply in other versions where the commands may be slightly different.

1   Get your image file, and save it somewhere on your computer.

A wide range of picture-file formats are supported by PowerPoint:  in the 2007 version this includes as shown in this list:

2     In PowerPoint, make a blank side (Home > Layout > Blank)

3     Then add a shape (Insert > Shapes, click on the shape you want)

Intially, the shape with have the fill-colour and border that are the current default values. But you can change this, which is what we are going to do.

4    Right-click on the shape, and choose Format Shape from the pop-up menu

5    In the Fill tab, choose Picture or Texture Fill, then click the File button and navigate to the image file you got in step 1, and click OK.

6   Make sure that the portion of the picture that you want to show is in the picture:  to start with the shape is centered on the middle of the picture.

Change this using the Offsets to move the shape to the left or right over the image.   You can make the offsets positive or negative as shown.

You can monitor the results of different settings in PowerPoints slide thumbnails (on the left hand side, if you have it showing), or by dragging the pop-up menu to a different place in the screen so that you can see the shape itself.

Job Done - at this point, you have an image that is cropped to the shape that you chose - now you just have to put it into your blog.

Using the picture

There are (at least) three ways to get the shape-cropped-picture from PowerPoint into your blog.

I usually copy the item from PowerPoint, and then paste it into a picture editor (Paintbrush etc), manually.   This is an old-fashioned approacb - but it lets me adjust the size and position of the image, and save it (usually a .png) with a file-name that describes the image really well which is good for mating the blog come up in search results (SEO).   The this picture can be inserted into a post just like any other picture.

Another option is to choose File > Save As from Powerpoint, and choose to save the slides in an image format, eg JPEG which can also be inserted into a post in the usual way.  You are likely to be asked whether to put all the slides in one image, or to make one image per slide. Usually, it would be best to make one image per slide - but I don't use this method because the image that is created is the size of the whole slide, rather than just the pictures on it.

A third option is to display the PowerPoint file as a slideshow. This isn't something that I'd do for only one shaped image, but may be relevant in some situations.

Adjusting the size and quality of the picture

One thing that you don't have any control of inside PowerPoint is the zoom level of the inserted picture.

If you make the shape larger, it doesn't show a larger proportion of the picture. Instead, it just shows the existing picture in a larger size, as you can see in the slides shown here.

I suspect that if you want to zoom in to a particular area of the image file, the only approach is to edit the picture in another tool, crop out the bit that you do not want to show, and only keep the part that you want to include inside your shape.

However PowerPoint does have some limited control over the contrast and brightness of the picture, from the Picture tab of the Format Shape window.

Can you do this in other tools?  Why PowerPoint?

Yes, you can.

Photoshop, and similar commercial tools almost certainly have features like this, and I'm certain that GIMP (like a public-domain, less powerful version of Photoshop) and Inkscape (another public-domain image program which is more focussed on scalable-vector-graphics and objects than on pixels) also have these features.

So why use PowerPoint?   In short, its (relatively) cheap and many people have access to it already.   It's also very easy to learn, compared to the other packages, and what you learn is likely to apply to lots of tasks and not just in making pictures for your blog.

Related Articles:

Putting a picture into a blog-post

Post.thumbnail and post.summary - ways of describing blog posts

Showing a PowerPoint slideshow in Blogger

Copyright, blogs and Blogger/Google

How to build a Popular Blog in six Months

The visibility of a blog is an important factor to it success, through SEO and Proper Marketing some blogs have acquired growth which has made them the media giants we see today.

Have you ever wondered why it takes a lot of time for a blog or a website to get noticed and why some just take a small amout of time, well you are at the right article as I will be sharing with you different ways which you could use as a blogger to improve the quality of your blog. Some bloggers have been able to turn their small niche sites into blogging giants just by using the right tools and gadgets.

The success of many blogs does not depend on how long they have been running but it simply depends on the SEO Structure and its marketing structure, which helps them to stand out of the blogging crowd and gets noticed by the blogging audience. There are blogs out there that have been running for years but nobody has ever given some time to even notice them and the main reason they arent getting noticed is simply because they are not providing enough quality content to satisfy their readers are it might be because of the creepy advertisements that they run on their sites, nobody wants to do anything with a creepy site as a result the readers will wont visit it again to prevent any necessary scams.

SEO structure

Well probably as a blogger you should know about Search Engine Optimization which is a practise that we bloggers use to help improve the rank of our blogs in the search engines, allowing us to get more traffic from dozen of search engines across the web.

Recommended: Search Engine Optimization Tips for Blogger

Search Engine optimization introduces a site to a dozen of readers across the globe. It is the core success factor of many blogs and Mashable have been using it as one of their best traffic sources. Billions of people around the world use the internet daily and having a good optimized site will help you to snatch some new visitors out of that billion internet users.

Must Read: How Submit Blogger Blog to over 100 Search Engines

Marketing  Structure

As a blogger or an entrepreneur you really need to set up a marketing plan which will help ensure you success a blogger,Marketing is the best thing that any blogger should do in order to get the world talking about their blog.

Marketing can be done in so many ways as it has a lot to do with getting people into following your blog, marketing can be done anywhere as long as it will get people into visiting your site. You can market your site through social media, guest blogging and having a free ebook giveaway for email subscribers.

Must Read: Increase Blog traffic through Facebook

1. Follow other successful bloggers and learn from them

Follow other bloggers in your niche an get in touch with them and learn as much as you can from them, I will choose not to recommend any to you but to allow you as the reader to make up your mind about which blogger does it for them.

2. Make your site useful by solving reader problems

If your site seems to be useless among readers then that will mean you have an important job to do because that means you will continue losing more and more readers over the internet. Your site should have quality content in abundance and remember not to get your readers bored by not giving them enough content because they will search for other blogs that will give them enough content.

3. Improve your blogs loading time

The loading time of a site is one of the most ignored factors in many sites as readers have been very much involved in experiencing common blog bugs such as HTML and CSS errors which makes a site to look disorganised, these errors are one of the causes for some blogs to have unresponsive pages and widgets which causes a blog to load for very long.

The other most famous factor about the blog loading time is simply too much use of javascript which is caused by installing a lot of widgets and plugins. The loading time of a blog does not only affect the blog readership but it will also affect the search engine rankings.

4. Get the best widgets and tools

Widgets play an important role in a site as they can help the blogger get to share a message  or a call to the blog readers, don't get widgets just because you want to fill the sidebar but instead you should get them to serve a special purpose to your site.

5. Get your data organized by using labels and tags

Every post on your blog should be put in some form of structured data because to you as a blogger you need to get your blog optimized better for good search rankings. Using labels and tags does not only make a site optimized but also helps it to be organised making it easier for readers to browse over different articles.

Maybe some of you are familar with the related post widgets that usaully appear within or below the blog posts, these widgets organise posts according to their tags and labels because without any tags your post cannot be grouped meaning that it cannot be read or be refferred to certain categories.

6. Learn as much as you can from other blogs.

People pay for their ignorance, that is what somebody said to me a couple of weeks ago telling me about somebody who bought a free software for $80 USD which was surprising to me, the same problem many bloggers are facing today is ignorance because they refuse to learn.

8. Patiently outreach to other related blogs for linking.

You need support from other blogs and create relationships with other bloggers in your own niche which will cause them to link to your site. The most important thing that one should focus on as a blogger is creating good relationships with bigger blogs which might cause them to link to you while some other might ignore your partnership.

Most big blogs including us accept guests posts which will give you a chance to get backlinks which will cause the rank of your site to improve. Therefore guest blogging is a must do for your blog.

9. Choose your best social media marketing platform

The social media platform that you use as a blogger is important and should not be taken lightly because there are many different social platforms with different types audiences per network. I normally use Facebook, twitter and Google plus to market my content because these are currently the sites with the most of my target audience.

10. Have a very good attractive responsive template

In my recent post about the benefits of using a professional blogger template I shared that I mentioned the importantance of using a professional blog template.

Please make use of the content shared on this post to help improve your blog and please read more posts from this site, We wish you the Best blogging experience.

The Benefits of Having a Professional Blog Design

Running a professional site has  Much bigger advantages that will boost the effectiveness of your site making it easier for you as an administrator to run campaigns that will help improve user engagement in your Blog because that is the main vision of any blogger.

 Professional Blog Design

If you are really serious about blogging and really interested in making real profits from your blog then you got to change the way you do things and get professional, Bloggers waste a lot of time blogging the wrong way which is why they don't get any profits out of it, Blogging should be all about business and maintaining a good relationship with readers because nobody would want to invest in a blog that is not producing any good results and that is the reason I wrote this post to help you know if your blog template is worth it.

Improves Reader trust

Reader trust is the first most important thing that everyblogger needs in their blogs because it will ensure consistent traffic and sales as more readers will trust your blog. The more profwssional your blog template is the better, will the readers want to read more of your blog.
Free Blog Templates are not recommended for blogs that are looking for potential growth but instead bloggers should use professional templates so that readers can trust your blog.

If it happens that you have a Template and wish to Remove and attribution and locked credit links please feel free to visit our services page and we will assist your for a gift of $5 .

Easily highlights your services and expertise

Your Professional template plays a very big role in the success of your blog because it will easily outline the best produce of your site. It is very easy for readers to know the quality of the site services as they had a chance to see the already been attracted by the quality of the site template.
The more professional is your site template, the more seriously the readers are going to trust the quality of your services. The same is with a free blogger template, nobody will take your services seriously unless you find a way to impress your readers.

Helps increase the number of sales on your site.

Well when it come selling affiliate products and your own products or services, then a professional blog template is a must have, to help improve sales because professional templates easily will easy outline your services and product making readers to take action.

Has the most widest browser compatibility

When it come to responsiveness, man it is a must for any Blog because errors in a blog template can really be a disturbance and barrier to the website growth. Professional blog template designs will help your blog be easily accessible from different user platforms and browsers, making it easier for readers to buy your products and services.

Reduces maintenance

If your template or site is giving you any bugs then I will recommend that you delete your former template and get a professional one instead, because seriously nobody will want to have any relations with a poorly managed site. I myself have not done very well with my blog recently as I have changed my Themes recently and that made some of readers to complain about how poorly I managed my site and this made me to find a very much professional way in which I will host it and keep my readers feeling at home.

You get increased search engine visibility

SEO is the most important part in running a professional blog because it ensures that your products will be sold and it also gives insurance to more readers and clients who will have interest in doing business with your site. A blog is not just a place where you just post just for the fun of doing but a blog is something very much more than a journal but it is about business.