Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How to Get your Blog Content Displayed in the Google Quick Answer Box

Getting your blog content displayed in the Google answer box can be a great achievement by a blog as it gives assurance to large amounts of web traffic getting to your blog posts. The Quick search is an amazing tool by Google as it get your post futured as a quick  answer to the relevant searcher, but to you the webmaster the answer box may not be good at some times as most readers don't click on your blog link because the Google answer box may give the reader everything that they need right at the answer box, but I will assure your blog traffic to increase by a great rate through the answer box as it makes your blog content to stand out clearly to the readers.

Having your blog content on the Google answer box may require you some hardwork and more importantly having relationships with big trusted sites, Google strictly chooses sites that can appear on the search box, which means that sites don't just appear on the search box but they will only appear by getting linked to huge sites and getting mention/featured in wikipedia.

How to get your blog content featured on The Google Knowledge Graph

Link to Relevant Sites
Linking to relevant sites like mashable, ehow etc. Will make make Google and other search engines to trust the sources of your site. This doesn't mean that you should avoid linking to small blogs as they are also capable of quality content and linking to them may cause them to link back to your site.

Get your Blog content featured in wikipedia
Wikipedia is the most respected data site by Google as it data and posts are structured accordingly, getting featured in Wikipedia will highly increase your Alexa rank together with your page rank giving your site pages a great propabilty of being included in the google answer box.
Google uses such sites to get most of it sources, these sites are likely to be , wikipedia, ehow, wikihow and all these related sites on the knowledge graph.

•Make a use of nouns (i.e.,
entities)  mostly when it is natural to do so.

Implement structured data on your website.
In your blog try to use internal links between you posts which will structure your website content making it easy for the search engines to see the position/category of which the posts may be put under. The use of internal links is not only to improve the site pageviews and Ad impressions but it also help improve the rank of the site.

Another part that creates structured data on your site is nothing less than the the use of tags/labels to group related posts. Google uses the same strategy to group indexed data into it index, having your blog in the same manner will definately increase the chance of having your posts included in the Google knowledge graph.

How to get your blog Content featured on The Quick Answer Box

Select the best topic/niche to focus on.
Your Blog should focus on a unique special topic, which shall improve user engagement, I have tried recently to add multiple niche' on my blog and it became a lot of work for me as I was facing difficulties in maintaining the blog until I had to study secret behind giant blogs and I noticed that they had multiple writers which were assigned for certain the topics. You can run a multiple niche blog only if you can easily manage it but if you are struggling with maintaining a single blog, I would recommend that you go back to the single niche blog.

Sticking and focusing on one niche will give you a chance to better control your blog and thus giving Google a chance to know  your site better.

Implement SEO practices
Search Engine optimization is key really when it comes to increasing website traffic, it does not only help you get indexed or make rank better in the search engine but will definately get your site featured on the Google answer box, Your blog should be optimized  both on page and off page , but most importantly on page.

Must read : On Page and Off Page Optimzation tips For Blogger
Search engine optimization taken into huge consideration as it plays a great role on a blog  to help it rank better in the search engines exposing your blog to a great online audience.

Improve user satisfaction
User satisfaction plays a great role on any Blog or website because a website cannot function properly unless the readers are happy about it. Making the blog readers happy is simply not about writing good posts but it is about the type of template that is being used by the site, which includes the site design an many other parts of the site.

But most importantly try by all means to make your blog as professional as you can get and you may even get unexpected backlinks and attention from relevant sites.

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