How To Auto Update Template Credits in Blogger

Having to put credit Links and dates on Blog footer  is quite easy and can be updated manually by accessing your Template source code but there is a much better way That will help getting the job done for you with ease. The template footer credits plays a very big role on a blog template as they help make your blog look very much more professional as it will have special attributes that will help boost the trust of the blog reader.

The use of a footer credit will not only improve reader trust in your blog but will also create an awareness of the blog content ownership. When it comes to Blogging, there are many content thieves out there that steal blog content by using the copy paste method whereby they will simply copy content from the targeted blog page and they will paste it on their own blog page, This type of action is known as plagarism.

So if you really want to created an awareness for your blog content you will have to use a credit with an updated blog name because we bloggers rename our blogs more often depending on the changes we do to them, which may be a change in niche or any other change to improve the blog but it happens that the old name of the Blog on the Footer will remain unchanged making you blog to look out of order. In this tutorial I will show you how to auto update the Blog Trademark or Credit, and on how to auto update the blog date to the current one with the use of Javascript.

• Log into Blogger Dashboard and go to template and select Edit HTML to open the Template Source code

•  Once you are on the template code press 'CTRL' and 'F' Keys to open the search box.

• Search for the Text on Your Footer which is The date and Blog name seperately.

The date for most blogs is 2013, 2014 or any other date. Replace the date showing on your blog template footer with this automatic updating code.

write(new Date

• Once your Have updated the Template date you can save your Template to see if your Template was updated.

• For most new templates the footer has the new update code but I will share for those using codes that are not yet updated. To get the new update for the Blog name in the footer you should look for the name that is showing after or before the © sign  and Replace it with this code and save:


• The Last thing to do is to check the link in your template which will be before the <data:blog.title/>™ code, The link should be Replaced with this code

<a expr:href=' data:blog. homepageUrl'>

• At the end of the customizations your code should look in this way depending on the Template used

<a expr:href=' data:blog. homepageUrl'> <data:blog.title/>™ </a> © <script type='text/javascript'>document.write(new Date().getFullYear());</script>

The Output will be as follows

Ajaxsurf™ © 2015

its that simple :-)

This is one of the best ways to make your Blog an optimized blog by getting updated footer credits for your blogspot blog. Have any questions? please feel free to ask us and we will really love to help you.

How to Get Windows 10 Update For Free

Windows 10 has been launched and its free to install on any device except the users will be required to have any of the post versions of Windows. This update by windows is believed to be the last version of Windows as it has been confirmed as the last for the decade as the company will be providing premium subscription services to the software users  which will help Microsoft increase revenue from Apps.

The Windows 10 update will not be available for installation on the first week after the launch of the windows 10 software which Microsoft Corp believes to be an innovaition for change which is very much believed to be the most used computer software with up 1 billion daily users around the world.

The Update is absolutly free to download and install but has an alternative part pro version of windows 10 which will give the readers unlimited access to the users.

Requirements to get the Windows 10

If you are a Windows 7 or 8.1 user then having to install Windows 10 on your computer will be very easy and quick because the update button will be Showing on your computer as shown on the below. The get Windows 10 button may not immedaitely show on the computer but will evantually take some time but an there is also an alternative way that may be used which is by following the instructions given by microsoft. Once you have the Get Windows 10 icon on your taskbar then you will have to click on it which will open the Windows 10 istaller app, and from there you will have to sign up for windows 10 update and then the download will start immediately or you may have to wait for some time before it can start downloading.

Updating Windows is the most crucial part because you might have to purchase Windows 10 Home and Pro for a value of $199 if you are using a software that is not updated. Both your Windows 7 and Windows 8, 8.1 have to be updated from Wednesday 29 July while the update will be free.

Updating Windows 7

Updating Windows seven will eventaully happen any time you are connected to the internet using your windows system, But if it hasn't updated automatically then you will have to do it manually by pressing the start button and search for "Windows Update" and select the update windows button to start the update.

Updating Windows 8

Updating Windows 8 into 8.1 is done by clicking on the start menu and from there your go to the store icon and click on it which will open to a Window which you will have to update windows 8 into 8.1, after the update you will see an Icon on your taskbar.

Installing The Windows 10 Update

Windows 10 simply works very well on computers that are Windows 7 and Compatible having atleast a 2 Gig RAM for better performances. but there is no need to name all the system requirements because window will tell you if your computer is not compatible for Windows 10 update.

Upon installing the software update you will have an option to choose between the custom or the express settings. I will recommend that you use the the express settings to get the full software features which you may customize on your own free time.

Window 10 is simply the best ever sofware recommended by Microsoft and its absolutely free to use on any desktop or mobile devices. Will windows take over the smartphone systems just as android and Apple did?

Peng Joon walk to Wealth Creation

Peng Joon a young blogger that has made his way to a multimillion dollar empire within a period of eight months.

Many Bloggers start blogging only with an option of making money online which is not really a good reason unless you are on your favorite niche which you understand the most because getting into a niche that you are currently not into will really cause you a success problem. Our host is Peng Joon a Blogger from Asia who has been able to build his wealth through blogging and online marketing making a multimillion dollar empire which is indeed a dream for many bloggers around the World.
A blog is a website which is updated frequently allowing readers to comment and participate in the Blog activities, blogging is not really formal depending on the blogging niche of the Blog because business, law and political blogs are strictly formal whereby most other blogs are informal which includes blogs like SEO blogs, tech blogs and personal blogs. Whenever you start a blog you have to take special note of what you want to achieve and also know you niche well for better blogging progress.

The story of Peng Joon is an indication that blogging is not all about money but it is about doing what you like the most to make money online, Peng started playing the World of Warcraft game on his university computers whereby he missed his classes which made it hard for him to make it through the final exams which left him with a dept of  $42200 which he was required to pay the university. As he was unemployed and broke by that time he found a job that was paying him a monthly salary of $300 and which was not enough until he turned into his computer to look for ways of making money online, he launched his first $7 product which was the world of Warcraft game guide, months later he was able to sell his first product a couple of months later which made him realize that there is quite a big possibility for making money online.
After having his first $7 payment he realized the potential of making money online and he was motivated to launch more products in such a way that within 8 months he was able to make up to $1.3 million in sales

Peng Joon Success

Peng has been very much involved in wealth creation which has made him into being a multimillionaire blogger that makes makes most of his income from speaking, motivation and online life coaching.

• He has over 500 websites and various online products that are bring him most of his online income.

•His success has made him a well recognized blogger as he shares a stage with top bloggers, world speakers and many online professionals.

•he has trained thousands of people over 20 countries.

•He shares stage with influential speakers like Robert kiyosaki, Mary Buffet, Les Brown and many other international speakers.

Peng is the CEO of Smobble a company that teaches people on how to make a sustainable online income which has helped many online professionals to increase their revenue.
Are you a potential professional? Then prove it to us and make this happen because the world is waiting for your product.

10 Simple Steps to Build a Solid Business Plan for a Blog[Infographic]

Running a successful online business or a Blog will require you a lot of contribution and hardwork which will be much dedicated in keeping the Site working the way it should to keep it above the search results giving it an exposure to more visits and possible sales.
Most businesses need to be built on a solid plan which will keep them running above failure as it is very true that is not every business that would make it but only those built on a solid plan. Blogging is not just a hobbie but it is more of a business because running a blog successfully does require a lot of contribution.
Below is a infographic that will guide on how to create a solid business plan for a small business or a blog.

I hope you have loved this post on how to create a solid plan for an online business and if it happens that you have any questions related to this post please share them with us on the comments box below.

How to find the URL for a picture in Google Photos

This article describes how to get the URL or internet address of a picture in Google Photos, and the difference between Google's shareable links and URLs.

Google Photos is a tool that help bloggers (and everyone else) to manage their picture collections. It replaces Google+ Photos, and works alongside Picasa-web-albums.   You can read more about it here.

In Google Photos, there are two different types of web-address for a photo.
  • One is the URL, and this can be used to refer to pictures from Blogger, or from other tools that want a link that just shows the photo, eg Twitter, Google Maps.  This is the traditional style of internet-address for a photo.
  • The other is the shareable link.   This is what Google Photos provides from the Share function.   Shareable links can be used in Facebook, and other places where the photo that is being shared is displayed within a web-display, rather than just as a picture.   (Ref:  How to make and manage shareable links in Google Photos.)

Unfortunately shareable links cannot be used in many applications.  This is because they don't just show the picture.   Instead they load a display showing the picture-date, the name and picture of the person who is logged in to Google at the time, and any other pictures that you have included in the same shareable link.

If you want to use an image from Google Photos in a tool which cannot use shareable links, you need to find it's URL, instead.   At the moment, Google Photos doesn't have a way to get this - but luckily it's easy enough to find.

How to get the URL or web-address of a photo in Google Photos, using your computer

Log in to Google Photos

Navigate to the picture that you want to get the link for.  

Click on the picture, so you see it in full screen mode.

Right click on the body of the photo and choose the "copy link" command from the menu that pops up where you clicked.  

The exact wording of this command varies between browsers on operating system.   For example in Chrome / Windows 8, it is simply "Copy Image URL"

In Internet Explorer 11 / Windows 8, you need to choose Properties from the pop-up menu, and then copy the value from the URL-field in the window that opens

Job done! The URL for the photo which you were looking at is now in your computer's memory, and you can paste it (with ctrl/v or Edit > Paste) into any other place that wants it - for example Blogger's photo-insert wizard, or an email message or discussion forum or chat window.

The URL from your address bar doesn't work

You may be tempted to just copy and paste the URL from the address-bar in your browser. And this will work for you.

But if someone else (or you, when you are not logged in to the same Google account) tries to use it, they will get either:
  • A 404 error (if you are logged in to a different Google account), or
  • Invited to log in to your Google account - followed by a 404 error if the Google account you log in to is not the one that owns the picture.

How to get the URL or web-address of a photo in Google Photos, using your phone (Android or iOS)

Unfortunately I have not managed to find a way to get photogrpah URL (rather than the shareable link) from my smartphone as yet.

If you can suggest any ways to do this, please leave a comment below.

Where to find more information

Introducing Google Photos:  how does it compare to Google Plus Photos and Picasa-web-albums

How to change the date of a picture in Google Photos

How to get the shareable link for one or more pictures in Google Photos

Putting pictures and text side-by-side in blog-posts

How to share pictures from Google Photos, using shareable-links

This article describes how to get a link to one ore more photos from your Google Photos collection, using the Shareable Link controls.   It also explains how to delete shareable links that you have made in the past

Google Photos is a tool for managing picture collections. It replaces Google+ Photos, and works alongside Picasa-web-albums.   You can read more about it here.

Shareable Links are a new type of linking introduced in Google Photos, which let you easily share one or more pictures at the same time.   You can email them, or use them in tools like Facebook.

When someone opens a shareable link, they see a display with the date, the name and picture of the person who is logged in to Google at the time, and all the pictures that are included in the same shareable link.

If you want to use an image from Google Photos in a tool which cannot use shareable links, you need to find the URL for the photo, instead.

How to get the shareable link for one photo in Google Photos

Log in to Google Photos

Navigate to the picture that you want to get the link for.  

Click on the picture, so you see it in full screen mode.

Hover your mouse towards the top-right of the screen, and you will see some control show up: these are quite small, and are white (so may be harder to see against some backgrounds).

One of the controls is the Share icon:  it looks like a side-ways triangle with one bar missing.     Click it.

In the Share pop-up that opens, click "Get shareable link"

Wait while Photos generates a link.

When it is finished, copy the link text.  
(Ctrl/c on the keyboard is the easiest way to do this, since the text is automatically selected).

Job done! The display address for the photo which you were looking at is in your computer's memory, and you can paste it (with ctrl/v or Edit > Paste) into any other place that wants it (eg Facebook, in an email message, or something that will accept an address which displays the photo inside a "wrapper" of some sort.  s photo-insert wizard, or an email message or discussion forum or chat window).

How to get the shareable link for more than one picture

You can share several (or lots) of photos with someone by just giving them one web-address, which opens up a screen with all the photos.

 To do this:

Click the small selection icon (tick) at the top left hand side of each picture that you want to include.
(Once a photo is selected, the icon shows as blue, and there is a border around the picture).

Hover your mouse towards the top-right of the screen, and you will see some control show up: these are quite small, and are white (so may be harder to see against some backgrounds).

Click the Share control icon:  it is the one that the arrow is pointing to in the picture just above this.

Continue in the same way as for getting a shareable link to an individual photo (ie the section above)

What does the Delete link do

You may have noticed that there is a delete function on the Shareable link screen.

If you click it, then you are given the chance to delete any existing links to the currently selected group of photos.

This doesn't seem to make any sense at the time when you are first making the link.

But it also works later on:  if you have the same photos selected and choose to get the shareable link again, you will get the same link - and you may delete it instead.

This does not delete the photos themselves, just the previous link to the currently-selected group of photos.   If anyone (or anything, eg Facebook) tries to use that link again, they will get an error message instead.

Another way to delete links is from the left-side menu in Photos:  Choosing  More > Shared links shows you al list of all shareable links you have ever made, and then for each one you can either copy the link or delete it.

Where to find more information

Introduction to Google Photos

How to put a picture into a post in Blogger

Facebook will allow retailers to sell from Facebook

Facebook has brought in an improvement to their App which will allow users to buy products directly from the App without having to leave the App.

Facebook is no longer only focused on chats, likes, sharing but have seen an importance of increasing their online revenue by making eCommerce available on Facebook. With the eCommerce development by Facebook twitter was the first social network to integrate buy buttons which are well known as the twitter buy button which made users to buy without leaving the social network.
If you think that Facebook is behind well you you got it wrong because Facebook has been working on it plan to integrate shopping buttons that will look very similar to the ones used by Shopify as reported by Buzzfeed concerning the Facebook buy buttons which are very much likely into becoming a success.

Facebook has been fully experimenting the buy and checkout features of the buy now buttons as a plan to integrate eCommerce to its social network. This has been a big move buy Facebook which can negatively affect social media marketing strategies as the customers will not have to leave the App to make a checkout which will exclude from having to visit the merchants site.
The shopping feature by Facebook is currently being tested on a couple of users as confirmed on Wednesday on a press conference that the new eCommerce features will be made available soon as the tests will be working very well as shown in the mock image Below.

The Facebook spoke person Mike Manning said it wont be a predictable experience for the buy buttons and ecommerce features as it is not really known when will retailer get to use these features because many may take time to Adapt to the changes made by Facebook. There adaptions are made on Facebook but has been only visible to certain retailers for testing the improvement of the App. The Facebook spokesperson Mike Manning has refused to give the names of the current participating ecommerce retailers but has confirmed that the service is used by both small scale and large scale ecommerce retailers and ecommerce stores.

With these new features it does not seem like Facebook is looking forward in the revenue behind these eCommerce features as they will be giving these  customization freely without any charges. The company has confirmed that the improvements are designed to increase user engagement in their app not to make revenue.
With this improvements in social media and ecommerce has made making money online as one of the easiest ways for both blogger and ecommerce sites, this the biggest improvement by Facebook.

Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bloggers

As we are moving into 2016, Search Engine Optimization(SEO) has become the most important part of Blogging. Despite the increase in the number of Blogs on the internet SEO has played a very vital role in helping webpages rank well in the search engines.

In the past months Google and the other search engines have been improving their search services as they had brought into place many Algorithms which had caused the downfall of many sites and blogs on the internet, this damage had caused many sites on the internet to lose a lot of traffic and revenue which has lead to a great fall of websites on the internet.
Search Engine Optimization is divided into two parts which is the off-page optimization and the on-page optimization and within those optimizations is White hat SEO and Black hat SEO which will be discussed Below in good detail.

On-Page and Off-page SEO techniques

On-Page SEO
This type of Search Engine Optimization procedure widely has to do with the optimization of the post content, images, graphics html content and internal linking which strictly focuses on making the page rank better on its own.

Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO deals with optimization procedures that are not done in a web page but deals with backlinks and linking to external pages that the site is linked to. This type of optimization is done once on the template file whereby the blogger will have to install some meta tags and meta descriptions which will fully Identify a site to the search engines.

White Hat and Black hat SEO

SEO has become the major topic discussed these days as many sites have been looking for ways to rank better on Search Engines by using Search Engine Optimization as a technique to help boost their sites. Due to so much competition on the internet some sites have introduced internet spam which could be used for boosting their sites better then other sites with having to manipulate the Search bots and spiders which led  search engines into introducing algorithms which were designed to end web spam.

White Hat SEO
White hat SEO is the use of optimization procedures to help a web page rank well without having to manipulate or violate the search engine's terms, this optimization requires a lot to of work to keep your web page on top of the net.

Black Hat SEO
Black hat SEO is almost done by everybody even though you were not intended to do it but it happens, bloggers do a lot of this SEO mistake but some get to do it on purpose by buying links from link parties only with the hope of ranking better on the search and while other bloggers use too many keywords on their blog posts which will eventually lead to keyword stuffing which is intended to manipulate the search engines.
This type of SEO works good only if you know how to fly below the radar level without being noticed by the search engines

Search Engine Optimization tips for Bloggers

Write more often
In one of our recent posts on How to increase the crawl rate of a blog we shared that the crawl rate of a blog is very much affected by how much often a site gets to be updated with new data, Search Engine bots are not interested in the blogger but they are interested very much in fetching data and getting it indexed on the index. Search Engines will absolutely cause the most updated sites to rank much better compared to sites that are not updated as they may happen to be abandoned sites.
Must Read: How to Create Evergreen Content on Blogger/Wordpress

Link to others sites and do internal linking
Linking to other sites online has been one of the secrets behind the optimization of some big sites like Mashable, Techcrunch and other media giants in getting to rank better on the search results. Linking is a very good strategy for ensuring some good ranking points from the search engines and I will motivate any blogger to use it as an advantage.
Another common type of linking is simple inbound links which includes external links pointing to your site which come from sources such as Social media sites, niche related blogs and news websites. This type of links plays a very great role in improving the quality of a domain rank both on Alexa, Moz and Search Engines. The best well known ways to  get backlinks are guest blogging, linking to other blogs, commenting on do follow blogs and listing blog to directories such as Alltop and Dmoz.

Improve The content quality of Blog posts
Quality is better than quantity as they say, the quality of a single blog post plays a very great role in representing the blog on the search engines because search engines use quality as an important ranking factor to rank site properly according to their post quality.
The minimum number of words required for a post to rank on the search engines  is confirmed to be 300 words but the most content should have at least 500 words to rank well. Try to keep your posts to at least 500 words plus.

Use Social media on your Blog
Social media makes things happen on blogger as many blogs online have been implementing social media widgets to make the sharing of blog posts easier which will boost you post into being seen by more audience online. The more visits that a site would get from social media the better will be the rank of that site.

Make a Special use of Keywords
Keywords are words that you use on your blog posts to help your site rank well on the internet for certain searches. Keywords are very important but it is advised that they should be used to certain extend to avoid stuffing as it may cause it to drop from it ranks in the search engines.

Write optimized post titles
Your Posts titles must be very descriptive and should be at most 60 characters in order to fully fit on the search results. Using very descriptive titles will help your blog posts rank better for certain keywords on Google.
Google uses a the click through rate of a post to rank it on the front page which means the more readers click on your post from the search results the better will the post rank on Google, Bing and other search engines.

Create meta tags
Meta tags are used to introduce the site to the search engines, meta tags will simplify and help search bots define your site the way you would like the most. It is mostly recommended that you should use keywords that define your blog most on the search on the meta tags.
Recommended: How to Add meta tags to Blogger

Reduce the site bounce rate
The bounce rate of a site is a measurement of how many visitors get to visit a single page from the search engine and then bounce back to the search results after finding.

Optimize Images
Optimize your blog images for better results by giving them Titles with keywords which are very useful in the image search. The best well known way to optimize images is by adding Alt and Title tags.

Must Read: Automatically Add Alt and Title tags to blogger images

The best way to help a site rank well in the search engines is non other than the tips mentioned in the above post. Suppose you got any questions concerning this topic let us know in the comment box below.

Facebook opens its first African Office in South Africa

Just before the Facebook was established in southern Africa, Facebook has opened its first African Office which will focus on the African continent.

Facebook with having over 120 million users in the African continent has opened it first office in Johannesburg which is the countries biggest city well know as "EGoli ,the city of Gold" which is well known for its mining. The purpose of Facebook building its first office in the African continent was to focus much more on the emerging markets of Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa.

According to Facebook 20% of the African population has internet access which is believed to reach 50% by the year 2020 as big companies and other network operators are working together to bring developments in the African continent which will boost the levels of internet access in the continent.

Facebook has also joined hands with Cell C which is the leading telecom company in bringing developments which will boost the project of improving the levels of internet access in the continent.

By certain calculation it has been estimated that 80% of South Africans access the internet through a mobile phone while the remaining use Personal Computers.

Facebook has seen Africa as the biggest investment opportunity which they believe as having the potential of reaching over 1 billion users because currently the African continent has over 100 million users out of a remaining 1 Billion potential users who hardly have internet access. The new Facebook of will be lead by Nunu Ntshingila-Njeke who will overseer the success of the development.

This is a big development plan by facebook in the African region and believed to bring a huge global impact to the African continent and will it work as they have planned.

How to Drive Quality Blog Traffic from Google Plus

Google plus is one of the key sites that successful bloggers use to drive quality traffic to their posts. Traffic is not useful unless it is quality having the targeted audience to your blog which may help drive more sales to your business blog.

The traffic of a blog is the most important part because it keeps the blog moving and alive because a blog without quality traffic is dead really. I have seen bloggers trying to get blog traffic by performing different activities online to boost their blog traffic with the hope of getting more leads by guest blogging which is a good idea because it will produce good results at the end.

Social media marketing has become the best blog traffic driving strategy used by successful bloggers online to drive traffic to their sites, In our recent post on how to turn Facebook followers into blog promoters in which we discussed the important basics that can boost your blog traffic while you sleep, that is a masterpiece I would recommend for any blogger who wants to improve their blogs presence in social media. But in this post I will share with you the best way in which you can use to drive quality traffic to your site using Google plus the best market place for blog content.

Start an Official Google Plus Page for your Blog

The Google plus pages are not very much famous as those Facebook but they can be an influence in driving more quality traffic to your blog. So you have to open a Google Plus page for your blog as it is very compulsary to do if you want a quick growth in followers.  

Once you have created your page then you will have to add some customizations which may include adding a good profile picture which can be the website logo or the Icon but make sure it is related to the blog, the other most important thing to be used on a page is a custom wallpaper which will work as banner to give your new readers a clear idea about your blog which will motivate them into following your blog on Google plus. Once you have created your page to a way that you like then you will have to add you website to it and then you will have to verify it.

Post on Your Google Plus Page

Your Google plus will have different types of people who will want to see activity on the page before they could start following your page and another possible group of people that may come into your page are newbies who will just follow your blog because of the niche, this group of people will eventually unfollow your page as time goes on.

The main thing that will keep your page active is by posting shortposts with hashtags to help reach to more readers online and from with the post you can link your blog page to it which will drive traffic to your site. Whenever writing a post on Google Plus avoid using too many words but write a summary instead and share a link to a post with much greater content.

Make use of Hashtags to Share posts

You know today we live in a world of Hashtags, if you really want your voice to heard a hashtag is the best part of getting a certain message to a certain audience.

Hashtags are very powerful as many people use theme to find niche related articles faster instead of using the search engines.

Send Emails to Cycles

You got a social newsletter service with Google plus as they give you a option to share posts on selected followers and also an option to email the posts directly to the followers innoxes which will bring old visitors back to your blog.

Join Niche Related Communities

Just as Facebook has groups for certain niches also Google plus has groups which are called Communties which are built to interact the people of the same niche, these communities are very handy when it comes to sharing content as they can quickly bring in great traffic to your site. The best way to get the best out of these communities is by joining niche related communities because using unrelated communities can really be a waste of time as most of the readers on those communities are not the required targeted audience.

Whenever choosing a community to join on Google plus always use the audience number as a factor because communities with high numbers will lead to high traffic to your blog.

Implement Google plus buttons

The very important thing to do is to implement Google plus buttons to your blog and from there the buttons will do the rest for you as you will focus on publishing quality posts which will be shared by the blog readers to more readers online.


The ways of driving quality traffic to a site through Google plus are many but these are the best leading ways to drive more targeted traffic to your blog from Google plus and suppose you have anything to share with us please let us know in the comment box below.

Best Proven Ways To Turn Facebook Fans into Blog Promoters

Facebook is currently the best network that bloggers can use to promote blog content as it has been the best leading blog promotion advantages.
Does your blog have a social media presence and yet lacks the traffic you want then this tutorial will be the guide to using facebook fans, friends or followers  to get your blog traffic running above the stakes.

Facebook has been the major marketing strategy for many sites on the internet by bringing in quality traffic and sales, big blogs like Mashable and Techcruch have got most of their traffic from social media more particularly Facebook and Twitter which are the current leading social media sites which shows a great growth potential for sites that have been able to market their sites. Facebook has been expanding itself to webmasters by producing widgets that can be embedded on blogs to bring about the best user experience that allows readers to easily share on facebook.
With social media being on top of the ladder whereby Facebook has been the second most used site after Google there is a great potential for your site to do well on social media. With looking at Mashable only it is noted that the site gets most of its traffic from social media .

How to turn Facebook fans into blog promoters
Turning your Facebook fans into blog promoters is nothing hard at all as it is only a matter of will and skill.
Recently some blogger mentioned that creating many facebook pages on one name will boost the blog which I would say that it indeed sounded promising but yet not true at all because it was never tested and secondly merging multiple pages will not increase the blog followers as because Facebook is smart they can easily see duplicate likes and they are counted as a single like so it wont work.
Facebook is currently the best social marketing site on the web with Billions of daily active users that on can get a stake of.

• The first thing that you have to do is to open a Page that will be based on your blog and get it updated daily with whats happening on your blog which will inlude updates and advertising offers that are being offered by the blog,
This how it works, The more they share your posts the more are the chances that your followers friends will get involved with your blog whereby they will start following your blog. It is simple you just have to keep you facebook page updated frequently to improve your blog and the readers will do the rest.

• As a blogger you probably Should have a Facebook account, but if it happens that you do not have one the I would motivate that you register your account at the Facebook home page and get to invite new friends from the options that are given by Facebook.
Once your account is fully setup and running then you will have to invite your friends into liking your page and if it happens that you dont have enough likes then ask your friends to invite their friends only and you will see a very great improvement on your site. There are also some sites that one can use to increase the Facebook page likes.

• Add Facebook share buttons on your blog posts and sidebars to increase social interactions on your your blog which will ensure more page likes. Also on Ajaxsurf we have have made social media the most important part of getting our blog content to as many readers as we could get from facebook and other social networks.
Social media is taking the world by storm and the only way to get something out of it is by getting involved in it.

How is Facebook costing Hardware Companies

The Hardware market has lost over $140 Billion due to facebook and other software giants like Apple, Android and Samsung as they have made technology accessable to everybody at no cost.

Facebook started as a small site which was intended for Hollard students by Mark Zuckerburg who is currently the company CEO, and later grew into a multimillion dollar company which has billions of online active users which has made Facebook a company that has data centers around the that are to the worth of $141 Billion and the company is believed to experience more growth in the upcomming 10 years as they have introduced facebook Ads are the driving force to its revenue.

This improvements by facebook has made it easier for people to access big computers and to look their designs and customize them with having to pay any fee.

This huge infrastructural services by facebook of creating data centers which are the main servers behind the company services are the backbone of facebook. This idea came up with  Jonathan Heiliger one of the most leading members in the Facebook infrastructure team who came up together with OCP .

What is a data Center?

A data center is a huge warehouse like building filled with thousands and thousands of computer servers  which used by website that carry over the site main data.

These servers are  used to host websites and domain names, usaully served by hosting companies like Hostgator in which most companies get to host their websites on dedicated servers. Big sites such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Linux have their own servers.

The computers that are used by Facebook are under the name Facebook as the company has its first data center created in 2011 and know they have data centers in both Europe and USA which are the main hosts of every data stored and shared on facebook which will include media files and text messages.

How does it affect the hardware market

The hardware market is believed to be affected in the next decade after the launch of its OCP which was much based on building and managing data centers which made software to be free to use without having to pay huge costs.

This move has affected huge hardware companies like Blackberry as they provided software at a price, Linux a well known tech giant is planning to build data centers which will bring free high quality software without having to pay any monthly fees.

These upgrades done by tech companies have caused many tech giants like Nokia, Blackberry and  to drop in sales, and it is believed it will bring more damage to the hardware market.

We would really like to hear from you about your opinions towards the $140 Billion hardware market.

How to use Free internet on CellC

With Cell C you can free uncapped internet access to selected websites due to Facebook's partnership with Cell C and other telecom companies around the world to bring free internet which will allow mobile users to free internet access, this project by Facebook has finally reached the Southern African region together with Australia.

The free Cell C internet service was launched last week on 1 July 2015 which was to allow the network subscribers to free internet access on a selected range of websites including Bing, Facebook and many other helpful websites that can become handy. This partnership by Cell C and Facebook is believed to bring a huge improvement to help many students access the web without a hustle.

How to Use Cell C Free internet on a Mobile Phone

Cell C has launched a campaign that allowed it users to free social media websites such as Mxit and Whatsapp, and now the allowance has been given to Facebook and many other websites.

Must Read: Get Free Calls With The New Whatsapp Version

• Download the android app and install it on your phone, the App can be found on Google play store, Apple store or you can simple get the apk file from  ApkMirror .

• After installing the App on your mobile phone you will have to open it and you will see a page with a lot of websites that you can visit. If the mobile phone you are using is not registered then you will get a message telling you to Have a Cell C sim on your phone.

• Once you have opened the app on your smartphone having a Cell C sim then you will be able to access the internet, it is that simple.

Please leave your questions on the comment box below. Wish you the best internet access.

How to Rank in Search Engines without SEO

There are many unoptimized sites that rank well in the search engines without any optimization, these site are not interested in submitting sitemaps, meta descriptions, tags and all the necessary parts of search engine optimization.

As I began blogging I always read a lot of posts on search engine optimization which showed the potential of optimized blog posts and at the other hand I came across a post in which the author had stated that 'blogs do not necessarily need optimization but quality content which is the main part that search engines are to look for when approaching any site on the internet for indexing' , this statement really brought an improvement to my blogging because it helped me to create quality posts from the start of my blogging journey which has helped Ajaxsurf to become the big blogging giant it is today. I will really motivate bloggers not to focus very much on SEO but should atleast include some optimization procedures which are essential for boosting the site rank.


Do Search Engines Hate SEO?

this Is the question asked by many bloggers concerning the Term Search Engine Optimization as many sites on the internet have been banned from search engines due to their excessive use of keywords, link parties and all the other SEO practices intended to manipulate the search bots.

Over the past years Google has created algorithms which were used to improve the quality of search results and basically to fight web spam which has been done to improve user experience.

The Age of the Blog

The age of a site plays very good role in helping a site to rank well in the search engines. Irrespective of how many backlinks a site has but with a good age the site will definately stand a very good chance of ranking better than sites with tons of linking and backlinks.

Apart from that the domain age is considered as a ranking factor by Google, Bing and the other search engines which means that veterian sites are the kings of the search.

If there was a way of changing the age of a site I would have told you even though I have tried before to get this advantage by scheduling a post to a couple of years older which did not happen as expected, which means that you cannot speed up the domain age but the only way that will work for you is simply having to wait and focus on the development of your site.

The Content Quality

The Site Quality is better than content quantity because search engines hate low quality posts and they use an algorithm which causes low quality sites to rank very low in the search results. This Algorithm is known as the Panda Algorithm which regulates the content on the search results to it desirable positions.

Must read : Blogging Advise from Techcrunch founder Michael Arrington

The best way you can use to improve your site content is simply by reducing the bounce rate of the site by adding a couple of widgets that will keep the site readers busy, these widgets may be the popular posts widget, Recent posts widget, Random posts widget, related posts widget which is usaully under the post content and many other possible widgets to increase the user activity of the site whereby reducing the bounce rate.

The quality of content is not dependant on the site optimization as many sites online rank well without having to work hard because search engines are probably looking for sites with the best content because they are also in competition just as many websites are on the internet.

Click-through Rate

The click through rate is the percentage of how many times do users click on your blog listing on the search engines results, the more the users clicks on your post the more your site will have to rank higher on the search results. This is why you have to write attractive posts titles, meta descriptions that will influence more clicks into your site increasing the click-through rate of your site.

There are very chicky bloggers out there who can write poor quality content and then they Use very attractive title tags and meta descriptions to lead readers into clicking on their post content which will cause an increase on the click-through rate. With this intellegence by webmasters which can easily manipulate the search engines, the bounce rate was taken into consideration to see how much quality a certain post has compared to other posts. A site that has a low bounce rate is likely to have high quality content and a site that has a high bounce rate probably has low quality content.

Number of quality sites linking

The backlinking of a site plays a great role in Helping it rank well in the search engines, many bloggers think that having a huge number of backlinks will help them rank well which is quite not true because backlinks get more powerful only if they are from high authority sites and directories, which means that it is not every link that will help you rank better but it is the quality of the linking site that will increase your site potential in search rankings.

The growth rate of the site

The other part that is taken by search engines to rank a site the growth rate of the site. Sites that grow faster are usaully believed to be created by blogging professionals who are very much experienced in blogging and these sites are very respected by search and are considered to be of high content due to their fast growth, and that is the reason many successful bloggers will motivate you to focus on improving your site instead of whooping around the internet trying to get backlinks.

As a blogger I believe that the only way to improve a site growth is just by improving its quality of posts.


You do not necessarily need a lot of contribution to Search Engine Optimization to improve a site rank in the search engines. I  have Seen many huge sites link wikipedia and other sites ranking well without any optimization.

I would recommend that your blog should not only be too focussed on search engine optimization but should also focus on user satisfaction and site improvement, SEO is good but too much of it will damage your blog reputation. Please feel free to submit your questions and comments in the search box below.

How to tell Google about problems with activity on your AdSense account

This article describes a way to tell Google about problems with activity on your AdSense account.

I noticed a link to an Invalid Clicks Contact form in a recent blog-post from Google.

You can find the form here.

Basically, this is a way to tell Google if you think that something has gone wrong with your AdSense account, for example if you are being click-bombed or similarly targeted by malicious people or activity.

This caught my attention because exactly that happened recently here on Blogger-hints-and-tops: from reading the AdSense help forums, it seems that bots (or something) were attacking Link Units, and suddenly lots of people were getting huge increases in both click-through rates and revenue-per-click. At the time, I followed the advice given there:

But it still felt wrong not to take a more active step to tell Google about the specific problem with my account..

What does the form do

The Invalid Clicks report form has fields that let you give
  • Your name, email address and AdSense publisher ID
  • The URL where ad code appears
  • Topic (select one of: reporting unusual activity, or predicting a significant change in account activity)
  • A paragraph describing what led you to believe that the click activity was invalid
"Data from your site, mobile app and/or YouTube channel traffic logs or reports that indicate suspicious IP addresses, referrers or requests which could explain invalid activity." 
 Note that you only have 1000 characters for the description - but I'm sure that links to documents in your Google Drive (set to be avaialble to anyone with the link, of course) would be very acceptable.

They do say "Please note that we may not respond to your message unless we find a significant issue with your account." - and I would not be in the least surprised to not hear anything back.

Mention expected traffic increases, too

Sometimes, you may know that your blog is likely to get a a large traffic increase. For example, you may publish a controversial post, or release a resource which is extensively publicised via social media or your email list.

You can also use this form to tell Google AdSense about this, and that you expect a sudden increase in page impressions and revenue.

There are no guarantees, of course, but this may help them to distinguish between genuine and invalid sudden changesincreases, in cases where these are manually reviewed.

When not to use the form

Google know that even the most careful publisher will occasionally click on an ad themselves, especially on sites which are about personal hobbies or interests.

My guess is that we should not waste time reporting these invidiual clicks. They are very easy for Google to identify and disqualify - and doing to would make it a lot harder form them to identify real problems vs noise from issues reported via the form.

Where to get more information

How to approve a site to show AdSense ads from your account

AdSense help forum

Stop your AdSense from showing types of ads that aren't allowed on Blogger

How to Increase The Crawl Rate of a Blog

Blogger is optimized by Google for better crawling and indexing of posts while the other host sites have to customize their sites for the search engines for optimal crawl and indexing.

Blogger hosted sites are highly crawled by the Google search bots because Blogger is a free hosting service provided by the Google search engine which will ensure a greater crawl rate for the blog. Even though blogger blogs are optimized for better crawling but that does not mean that the whole content will get indexed because it happens that some of the posts don't get indexed on the search engine and that is why I will show you some best tips that will help get your site indexed much more faster.

Before getting to discuss the more basic fundamentals of getting a much faster website crawling I will first show you the importance of using the correct sitemaps for their sites which will help optimize the crawl rate of the site.

The Two most important sitemaps that may be used on a site are the xml and the RSS sitemaps which the searchbots use to access all the site data. The xml sitemaps are used to give full detailed infomation about every link that is in the site which are the pages, labels, tags and any links found on the site which the bots will use to find content for indexing. The Rss/atom are also good but they differ from the xml because they only give site content updates to the search bots for indexing.

Recommended Practices for Sitemaps and RSS

The sitemaps are important to any online blog that is interested in improving the site quality in search engines, there has been a very huge competition online which may help your site to grow strong.

Avoid Rejected urls

Avoid using rejected urls but instead use canonical urls to help boost as the links will be search friendly.

Update your site xml sitemap for atleast once a day.

Update your sitemap by posting atleast once a day which will invite the search engines into crawling your site more frequently. Updating a sitemap by posting new contents shows site activity.

Post Regularly

Posting on your site regularly will really boost the crawl rate of your site because sites that post more frewuently are most likely to get indexed more faster then less updated sites. News sites are mostly crawled in every two minutes because of they publish more than two posts daily.

Avoid duplicate content

Duplicate content cannot be avoided but you can easily avoid up to 50% duplicate content which is a must for many blogs and websites.

Adjust the crawl frequency of your site

Google allows webmasters to adjust the crawl rates of their sites which can be done on the Google webmasters website. The crawl frequency of a website can be controlled by going to Webmasters tools, and select "Configuration" and select "Settings" as seen in the image below.

Ensure that your blog is optimized right

The only way to ensure the well being of your site is by using SEO tools which can help you find the problems that are only visible to search engines only, I will recommend that you use and which are the sites that are best when it comes to SEO.

Get more backlinks for your blog

Backlinks play a great role in increasing the pagerank of a site even though the crawl rate of a site is not very much dependant on the pagerank but depends more on the quality of the website. The more Backlinks links you get the greater will be the crawl rate of your site.

These are the best tips tips to increase the crawl rate of your site for much better SEO and traffic, suppose you may have questions and comments towards this topic please share with us in the comments box below.

Using a custom domain for something other than your Blogger blog

This article is about how you can use a custom domain that was purchased through Google / Blogger for something other than a Blogger blog.

Blogger makes it very easy for you to buy a "custom" domain name (ie URL) for your blog.   Instead of being, you can easily be - which is more appealing for all sorts of reasons.

Blogger tells you which domain registrar they're going to use and lets you change to the other one if you want to.  Apart from this, Google hides most of the "technical" domain registration details from you:  you are invited to set up a domain administrator account (in Google Apps), but even this is optional.  

But there may come a time when you want to use your domain for more than just a blog:  eg, Fred may want to use to sell fishing trips or as the public gateway to a massive database of fishing achievements, neither of which are functions that Blogger (easily) provides.

To use a Google-Blogger purchased domain for something other than a Blogspot blig, you need to:
  • Move your blog away from the domain
    (you might move it use a subdomain or virtual host off the domain later on - but the first step is just to free up the domain for other use.
  • Change the domain-name-server settings for the domain to point to the right place for the "something else" that you want to use it for.

Even though you purchased the domain using Blogger, your access to it is through the Google Apps control panel: from there you get the login details for the domain registrar (currently either goDaddy or eNom that Google used to buy the domain).

How to re-use your domain

Unlink the domain from your blog:

Log in to Blogger with the account that owns the domain.

2  From the Dashboard, choose   Settings > Basic > Publishing and click the cross on the right of the Edit link beside your blog name.

This changes your blog back to, and removes the DNS records that pointed your blog to your custom-URL.

It may take a few hours (I've heard 72) for these changes to apply to computers all around the world, so people who go to your custom domain may still get re-directed to your blog for a day or two.

Also, Google (and other search engines) will still have indexed links to your blog contents at your custom domain.  These will gradually be replaced when
  • you put new content at your custom domain and 
  • it gets indexed by the search engines and 
  • the new content-indexing replaces data in the cached Google results in various computers around the world.
This can take some weeks, though, so your blog may miss out one some search traffic, and people who search for your new site may see odd results in their search list.

Next - link the domain to what you want it to show

3  Find, or create, the domain administrator login details for your domain:

I've previously described how to set up the domain administrator for your domain.
  • If you haven't done this already, you need to find the relevant email and set up the account now.   
  • If you have done it, you need to remember the administrator login and password that you created.
  • If you cannot remember the administrator details, then go to - put in the right value for your domain name, without www.  or http:// at the start.    Enter the captcha details, and if you have set up an administrator account the details will be emailed to your backup secondary address. 
  • If you never created an administrator account and cannot find the email to do it now, use this help-process.  Choose:
    - I never created an administrator account, then
    - I signed up at and purchased a domain name at the same time

    You can only use the help-process after you have un-linked your blog from the domain (ie steps 1-2 above plus left time for the change to be applied to Google's servers - somewhere between a few minutes and a few hours seems to work).  If you try to use it while your blog is still using the domain, you end up being directed back to Blogger.
Note:   if none of these processes help you get control of your domain administrator, check the resources in this article from Nitecruzr about the topic.
    4  Go to

    5  Log in with the admin account and password from Step 3.

    6  Go to the Domain Settings tab

    7  Go to the Domain Names sub-tab

    8  Choose the Advanced DNS settings link.

    This opens a screen that shows you how to get into the DNS console for your domain.   It typically has
    • Your domain-registrar sign-in name and password,  
    • Your domain-registrar customer service PIN - in case you need to contact the registrar's customer services, 
    • Contact details for the domain registrar's customer service department  
    • A link that you can use to get to the to DNS console
    9  Log in to the DNS Console, using the details from step 9.

    10  Follow the directions there to make the domain changes.

    The steps required depend totally on what you are using the domain for:  for help with this, contact the the technical support forum (or whatever) for the product that's being used to build the new contents of your domain.

    If you need more help, check out the Google Apps help forum.

    Where to find more information

    Automatically renewing your custom domain

    Transferring ownership of your blog to another Google account

    Blogger and other Google products - an overview

    Recovering control of your custom domain (external link)

    9 Worlds Young Most Influencive Entrepreneurs [Infographic]

    Worlds Young Most Influencive Entrepreneurs

    In the 21st Century there has been a huge number of Young Entrepreneurs taking over the world by storm because people got to understand that when it comes to business age does not matter because everybody has the ability to do at a great potential, I have been able to meet and do business with other young business masterminds who have been able to change their dreams into a reality not only online but also offline.

    Business has nothing to do with age but has to be achieved when there is an opportunity to get something out of it, In March I was having a drive with a guy about 50 years of age and he told me his story about how much he wanted to become a multi millionaire when he grew up but his vision was to work until the age of 40 whereby he would get into the property business but unfortunately he did not get to that level in life as responsibly got to a level whereby he had no money to invest with in such a way that he will live his life in great disappointment because he was really emotional when he told me in such a way that I myself really felt his pain.

    Just to Mention a young Entrepreneur by the name Sandile Shezi at the age of 23 he has been able to run a trading company that has made him to improve from his standard life forms into being a multi millionaire through his trading company Global Forex Institute whereby they offer forex trading lessons in South Africa as many people there are not much familiar with the markets and foreign exchange, whereby he found an opportunity to come into business with his life coach George who once traded for Banks in United Kingdom.

    I have found it a big opportunity to share with you this amazing info graphic about the youngest millionaires that are taking the world by storm through various online productions and businesses because I believe that Bloggers out there can make it to the biggest Peak of the financial ladder. We as Ajaxsurf are highly supporting thousands of readers by promoting blogging tips and online monetization tips that will help boost your online income.

    Youngest Entrepreneurs Who Are Changing The World
    Below is an Infographic that will change the way you blog and make money online. Enjoy !
    If you have any questions concerning this post please submit them to the comment box below and we will get back to you.