Friday, July 17, 2015

Facebook will allow retailers to sell from Facebook

Facebook has brought in an improvement to their App which will allow users to buy products directly from the App without having to leave the App.

Facebook is no longer only focused on chats, likes, sharing but have seen an importance of increasing their online revenue by making eCommerce available on Facebook. With the eCommerce development by Facebook twitter was the first social network to integrate buy buttons which are well known as the twitter buy button which made users to buy without leaving the social network.
If you think that Facebook is behind well you you got it wrong because Facebook has been working on it plan to integrate shopping buttons that will look very similar to the ones used by Shopify as reported by Buzzfeed concerning the Facebook buy buttons which are very much likely into becoming a success.

Facebook has been fully experimenting the buy and checkout features of the buy now buttons as a plan to integrate eCommerce to its social network. This has been a big move buy Facebook which can negatively affect social media marketing strategies as the customers will not have to leave the App to make a checkout which will exclude from having to visit the merchants site.
The shopping feature by Facebook is currently being tested on a couple of users as confirmed on Wednesday on a press conference that the new eCommerce features will be made available soon as the tests will be working very well as shown in the mock image Below.

The Facebook spoke person Mike Manning said it wont be a predictable experience for the buy buttons and ecommerce features as it is not really known when will retailer get to use these features because many may take time to Adapt to the changes made by Facebook. There adaptions are made on Facebook but has been only visible to certain retailers for testing the improvement of the App. The Facebook spokesperson Mike Manning has refused to give the names of the current participating ecommerce retailers but has confirmed that the service is used by both small scale and large scale ecommerce retailers and ecommerce stores.

With these new features it does not seem like Facebook is looking forward in the revenue behind these eCommerce features as they will be giving these  customization freely without any charges. The company has confirmed that the improvements are designed to increase user engagement in their app not to make revenue.
With this improvements in social media and ecommerce has made making money online as one of the easiest ways for both blogger and ecommerce sites, this the biggest improvement by Facebook.

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