Friday, July 31, 2015

How To Auto Update Template Credits in Blogger

Having to put credit Links and dates on Blog footer  is quite easy and can be updated manually by accessing your Template source code but there is a much better way That will help getting the job done for you with ease. The template footer credits plays a very big role on a blog template as they help make your blog look very much more professional as it will have special attributes that will help boost the trust of the blog reader.

The use of a footer credit will not only improve reader trust in your blog but will also create an awareness of the blog content ownership. When it comes to Blogging, there are many content thieves out there that steal blog content by using the copy paste method whereby they will simply copy content from the targeted blog page and they will paste it on their own blog page, This type of action is known as plagarism.

So if you really want to created an awareness for your blog content you will have to use a credit with an updated blog name because we bloggers rename our blogs more often depending on the changes we do to them, which may be a change in niche or any other change to improve the blog but it happens that the old name of the Blog on the Footer will remain unchanged making you blog to look out of order. In this tutorial I will show you how to auto update the Blog Trademark or Credit, and on how to auto update the blog date to the current one with the use of Javascript.

• Log into Blogger Dashboard and go to template and select Edit HTML to open the Template Source code

•  Once you are on the template code press 'CTRL' and 'F' Keys to open the search box.

• Search for the Text on Your Footer which is The date and Blog name seperately.

The date for most blogs is 2013, 2014 or any other date. Replace the date showing on your blog template footer with this automatic updating code.

write(new Date

• Once your Have updated the Template date you can save your Template to see if your Template was updated.

• For most new templates the footer has the new update code but I will share for those using codes that are not yet updated. To get the new update for the Blog name in the footer you should look for the name that is showing after or before the © sign  and Replace it with this code and save:


• The Last thing to do is to check the link in your template which will be before the <data:blog.title/>™ code, The link should be Replaced with this code

<a expr:href=' data:blog. homepageUrl'>

• At the end of the customizations your code should look in this way depending on the Template used

<a expr:href=' data:blog. homepageUrl'> <data:blog.title/>™ </a> © <script type='text/javascript'>document.write(new Date().getFullYear());</script>

The Output will be as follows

Ajaxsurf™ © 2015

its that simple :-)

This is one of the best ways to make your Blog an optimized blog by getting updated footer credits for your blogspot blog. Have any questions? please feel free to ask us and we will really love to help you.

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