Thursday, July 2, 2015

Is your Blog not growing? here is a solution to Improve your Blog's growth

Blog not growing

Having a blog that is not growing is a very hard thing for any blogger as it may be soon get over powered by the competition, there might be some problems which the blog could face which may include things like adapting to the niche of the blog and being able to withstand the blog competition.
Having to grow a blog is not easy at all as thousands of bloggers around the world have tried improve the rank of their blogs by trying some methods which were not as successful as expected to be which showed that the growth of a blog is mostly empowered by the smartness and the experience of the blog Administrator. I am an experienced blogger with not much experience in blogging but a blogger who knows how to grow a blog into being a masterpiece, I have started small blogs which today has become leaders in their niches and today I will show you how to improve website growth and grow your blog into being a masterpiece.

Before going into increasing the growth of a website you got to know how to avoid growth barriers that your site might be facing causing it fall behind the growth ladder of success. In the internet are over 100 million abandoned blogs which have been abandoned by their owners which was caused by the lack of growth failure and that is why I will be showing you how to Grow a Blog.

Why is your blog audience no growing?
The audience of a blog can come to a state of slow growth whereby you might have to try and improve some parts of it to improve its growth to a possible acceptable standard of growth. I also had this problem within my first year of blogging when left me to a point whereby I thought about quitting my blog but just because of my dream for it I was forced to fix all possible errors and give a fresh start to my blogging empire with more skill as I learnt.

  • Your Blog has become an Advertisement site
Most Bloggers blog for "money" which is good but seriously not good for your readers because blog readers are very much not interested in those Ads but they are very much interested in your blog content.

Even I myself as a professional Blogger I do read other blogs like Moz, Successful blogging and Copyblogger because of their high quality of content instead of having a huge number of Ads making it hard for readers to use the site content. Your blog is not a place for selling ads but it is for producing the niche content for the loyal blog readers.

  • Blog posts too complicated
Your Blog posts must be easy to understand not very complicated because readers may find it hard to read some of the produced blog posts.

  •  Blog not unique
Your Blog content must be unique and should not resemble any blog as it may confuse your blog readers into signing up with other blogs giving your blog a loss. In blogging the competition is very high and secondly we have to note that the best way to stand out from the crowd is by making yourself different.

  •  Blog hides authors profile
Your blog must fully give detail of you as the author making it easy for the readers to contact you via email or any other contact source that may be available, as the Blog grows it must have a Staff page with a list of all the blog staff which includes blog authors, publishers, editors etc. because blog readers really need to know who they are having relations with and that is why we as Ajaxsurf like to display our profiles on the blog for the readers.

How to Increase The Value of your Blog?
The value of your blog will depend on the growth of your blog not on what you think your blog is, increasing the value of a blog is not very easy as it may require some hard work as the internet has become the most competitive place with millions of websites that are being created on daily bases.

Scribe: More Traffic in Less Time
  •  Love What you do
Before you start a blog on a partivlcular niche you must have love for that niche which will improve the influence of the blogger in that particular niche because bloggers get to open blogs that don't even last for a month or two which has resulted to the internet having to contain over 100 Million dumped and failed blogs which is very painful experience to be faced by any blogger.
Having love for your niche will help improve the way you blog as it will surely cause your blog readers into having the same vibe which will help improve the user activity of the site.
  •  Get a professional Blog Template
A professional template will make it work for you as it will really boost the user trust and help improve the professionalism of your blog helping to improve it blog value and you are highly recomended that your blog has to to use a responsive blog template which will work well in all devices.

  •  Use optimized post titles
Whenever you write a blog Post have a certain set keywords that you must must aim because the right set of keywords will evantually help a post to rank better in search engines which will bring in dozens of traffic into a your blog which will improve the quality of your blog.

  •  Try to produce High Quality posts
Quality ,Quality and Quality is a must for any potential Blog as a blog is actually a company as a whole and the way in which you manage your blog will affect it in all aspects because whatever you do with your blog fully defines your blog. If the posts or services by the blog are of low quality then the image of your blog will get negatively impacted.

  • Post on your Blog regularly
Keep your readers busy before they can get bored into another blog which will probably be a huge loss for any blog because each and every reader plays an important role on the blog.

  •  Embed social Sharing buttons
Social Sharing buttons are the best ways to do social media marketing without you having to work any harder at all. They are a good long term marketing strategy for any other blog.

  •  Treat your Blog as a Business
Treat your Blog professionally because your blog is a business not just a place to post and post , but it is a business ran by you the founder and I would recommend that your do whatever possible with the hope of making an acceptable good revenue.

  • Hold yourselves accountable
Your are responsible for everything that happens in your blog as the administrator of the blog.
Blogging is done very well as a skill and you really have to improve yourself as a blogger and have a vision about your blog which will really boost the way you reason and think about your blog and you will see a great improvement for your blog.

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