Friday, August 21, 2015

Governments want your personal data, Twitter Confirms Requests have increased by over 52%

Well user privacy cannot be guaranteed these days as governments have seen social networks as an advantage of which they can easily access user data. Social Networking sites have been attacked by governments requesting user data for conducting investigations. These sites includes Twitter, Facebook, Google plus, Linkedin and Whatsapp.

In the recent months facebook was made to release the data which belonged millions of users to the united states government and to the other regions of Europe and now Twitter is getting the sting to do the same. Twitter has confirmed that the requests have increased by over 52% in the first half of this year.

The senior manager of Twitter   Jeremy Kessel have confirmed on the Twitter Blog stating that this is the biggest data request ever to be submitted to twitter, within the June to August period request have increased 56% internationally as governments want to access peoples profile data.

The largest requesters of user data has been USA, Japan and China with USA having over 50% of the data request followed by Japan and China both sitting at 10% while the other international governments fill the the remaining 30% of the data requests. The United Kingdom and Turkey maintian an avarage of 8% data requests making them one of the major countries that are forcing Twitter to release user data.

Twitter has refused to give user data to some international countries as they had to strongly protect the user privacy, Turkey and Brazil are among the countries with rejected orders, Turkey standing with over 768  court orders and Brazil with only 17 court orders.

The Twitter live streaming service Periscope have received over 1391 copyright takedown which have been made by Governments which are fighting for the release of user data for investigations. These takedowns have been done in the last six months since the beginning of 2015 to an unbelievable 1391 requests in a short amount of time.

Twitter publishes most of thesevgovernment takedowns on the web site known as the Chilling Effects which you can use to see recent data requests sent on Twitter.

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