Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How To Make Your Blog Recognizable

If you want to increase your blog recognition and visibility, you should start doing something because there are millions of Blogs out there which has made successful blogging a very hard thing to achieve, causing many blogs to disappear from the public right into the the Blog sphere crowd where you can hardly get noticed by any of the readers online.

As a blogger hungry for success it must be your dream and your goal to stand out from the crowd if you really want to get noticed. In the past months my Blog ranked at around 17 Million in Alexa until I made up my mind that I should do something to improve it and the first thing that came into my mind was getting doing some blog outreaching by getting readers to subscribe on my newsletter on mailchimp

Blogger outreach

Recommended: How to increase Blog traffic through Blog outreach

Blogger outreach has been one of the best ways of spreading the word about your Blog, As it uses social media and all other possible ways of bringing people to your blog which is usually done through social media and email subscriptions.

Guest Blogging
Guest Blogging is a the best recognized way of getting your name across the powerful pages on the internet. Guest blogging helps you win readers from your the host blog into your blog, giving your blog a great spotlight which will end up in high traffic.

Blog Commenting
Participating on related niche blogs will eventually boost your blog recognition as more and more readers will want to know about your blog. I haven't used it much because I usually focus on this blog due to the heavy workload we get but it works as many pro bloggers have recommended this.

Talk with other Writers in Your Niche
When it comes to blogging, you necessarily should not work alone but should include other blogs into participating with your blog activities and also get to know what other bloggers are planning on their blogs and also provide the best help you can provide for them.
I have used Guest blogging as one of the best ways of getting to meet bloggers on my niche which had eventually participated on my blog in long term which had given me much time as the admin to focus on some of the blog duties.

Know What Your Readers Love About Your Blog
There is something unique that keeps your blog readers coming back everyday, and it is the responsibility of the Blog author to find out what  it is. It may be the the style of writing or many other factors like blog quality and layout.

Blog readers have thousands of blogs that they might have chose to read but instead they chose to read your blog instead. These are signs that your blog is special no matter how bad you may see it, unless it has readers then your blog is worth it.

Quality Content
The quality of the blog content will always keep the readers coming back for more content. They will spend hours reading your blog posts which shows that quality content is a must have for a blog.

Respond To Reader Comments
You are a blog Admin or an author, you have pull down your pride and get yourself involved in discussions that take place in your blog comments box because your blog is not Mashable but a developing blog  which means that you need each and every reader to keep your blog running. Responding to your blog readers will make them gain more trust on your blog.

Style of Writing
The style! Wow this one of the under looked part of blogging, even though it is the key thing that will keep more blog readers coming for more posts on your blog.
The Style of writing can be anything from formal to informal, writing styles differ from author to author which is the main reason why big blogs hire different authors to post on a huge audience.

Apply SEO Strategies
SEO is a must consider part of a blog because it contributes a lot of traffic to any website. Search Engines play a very big role in bringing quality blog traffic and for any blogger who wants traffic should consider search engine optimization.

Most importantly do not try to work your way alone as a blogger, you need a crowd behind your blog and a group of faithful readers and a group of bloggers that will keep your blog moving long term.

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