Saturday, September 19, 2015

How to Make Real Money Blogging through Profitable Blogging

Making money online is the dream of many bloggers, but the lack of trust among the readers and the bloggers has made successful blogging to be difficult because nobody trusts one another which affects many businesses and blogs out there. I will really ask bloggers out there to be honest with their readers out there.

This is the question I have been asked by many readers about how to make real money from blogging and how to ensure profitable blogging. I as a blogger have had many bloggers asking me about how do I achieve to make real profits online and my response would be "Advertising, Services, products and Affiliate Products" because when it comes to blogging those three are the main money making strategies.

Bloggers from different blogging platforms have been having hardships about making profits online and had given up their blogs as a result the internet consist of 95 percent inactive blogs which are abondoned by their owners and the other 5 percent are active blogs. In total the internet has a capacity of 100 million registered blogs and the number is increasing daily.

Advertising Services

Advertising services like Adsense, Chitika and Infolinks are some of the primary means of making money online by other blogs online. Most of these Advertising services will look for blogs and sites that they can promote their advertisers products and services, and in return publishers will earn little commissions from the revenue generated by the Ads.

I will recommend Advertising services for blogs and sites that are currently having difficulties with making money online and for low traffic sites.

Big sites like Mashable and Techcrunch are still using Services to make some revenue and it working for all types of blogs, whether big or small it makes no difference at all.

Selling Advertising Slots

Advertisers out there may be looking for some places to display their ads to the right deserving target audience. This part of Advertising will depend on the amount of traffic your blog gets from search engines and social media.

Advertising prices will depend on how much traffic your site gets from search engines.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves the promotion of other companies products and services in return for income, which can range from 5% to 80% commission from each sale made. I have also promoted affiliate products on this site and it had shown great results for me in the past months as I was able to make great fortunes which are very much more money compared to advertising services.

The products that will eventually make you money should be niche related, they should be related to your site niche because it happens that over 80% of your site daily visitors are inlove with your site niche, and promoting a related product or service will eventually make you a good revenue.

Have your own product

Well this what I always tell bloggers to do, have your own product that will make you even more revenue. Who knows maybe you are the next millionaire online because seriously you will not become a millionaire simply by promoting other peoples products, but you must create your own product and market it through your blog.

Advertise Your Services instead

As a blog or website you should have your own services, blog services should include private advertising, sponsored blog posts and many other things that can bring income to your blog. I have seen some blogs having private private content and forums which are making so much money.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media marketing is simply the best only if you will know how to  promote your products online. Mashable has been using social media from the beginning until today to bring tons of traffic to their sites.

As a blogger you should not depend on the traffic you get from search engines but instead work hard to find blog traffic where it seems possible.

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