Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Resigning? wait and save your income

Retiring, resigning or getting fired from your job. The question that you should ask as a blogger is that "Am I Equiped?" because that what affects many bloggers who are looking for successful blogging.

Resigning or retiring from you day job to start a business or become a professional blogger will eventually require you a lot of commitment and hardwork, as a blogger with very much readership I have came across many bloggers who have just quited their day job to start a new life blogging.

Many people quit their jobs and professions with a belief of improving their lives through blog monetization, and most of them have failed to master the beautiful art of blogging. The are many blogs around the world That are doing very successful and you at the other hand some blogs are struggling to monetise their content. To speak the truth there are billions of readers out there looking for blogs that they can follow and probably less then 50 million of readers spend time reading blogs, the challenge that you as a blogger should give to yourself is how possibly can I get these readers into landing to my blog, how can I make them loyal readers.

Blogging is Passion

Blogging is about expressing your passion rather than mere business, some bloggers start blogging with a passion of making people realise a their passions and these has been the winning formula for many blogs. What I mean is that you blog should revive something from a certain amount if readers and once it has been revived then you will see the results.

Target Audience

When it comes to the media we have what we normally call the blogs target audience which has to basucally deal with the type of readers that visit your site, your target audience should always be based on the niche and should also be close to your niche because it would be pointless getting cartoonists to read a tech blog, it would not make sense to them unless they read a cartoon design blog.

Proper Planning

If you planning to quit your day job to start a professional then you should make a plan of income that will keep your blog moving. The best thing that a blogger should have is a product that will be the first income source that a Professional blogger should have and then the other income sources should come last.

The second most importantant fact is the site template because it will verify the success rate of your blog. I have used and designed many blog templates and it happened that the ones with most features were able to top the simple designs which showed us that more advanced designs will keep the readers glued to their screens.

Marketing a Blog

Yes I really believe that blogging can be taken as a career unless you know how to market your blog successfully. Marketing a site does not only depend on the the external factors of a blog but true blog marketing is very much affected by how the internal structure of the site is marketed which will include things like template design, writing style and the level of interest from the blog articles.

Marketing is very crucial such that my friend and coach Sue Anne has always told me to stick on email marketing to make my blog successful, even though many believe that email marketing is "dead", well I disagree with them because marketing is never dead unless it still works.

Monetize your Blog Content!

Well you may start working on a monetization plan once you have been able to master the above mentioned factors and believe me, it will be done completely easily without you having to break yourself trying to make money online.

Blogging is not just an easy online monetization strategy but it is more of a passion, please dont rush to quite your job but make a plan that will improve your financial life by becomming a profession blogger.

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