Showing posts with label Sponsored. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sponsored. Show all posts

Trade with HotForex

Trading successfully will deifinately require to choose a broker that will give you quality service and low spreads, HotForex has been a broker that has proven to be the best with their high quality service giving their clients a service that probably not to find with any of these newbie brokers who claim to be the best.

We have proven and highly recommend HotForex as a broker that will generate results and low transaction costs as they have tight spreads as small as 0.1 on most major currency pairs.

Trading the Forex market has been the best way to make money online since the Forex market was discovered in the lae 20th century and people have been able to make millions and in the year 1992 a man by the name George Soros was able to make a profit of $1000 000 000 trading the Great Britain Pound in a single day which is probably the biggest profit to be made by a single individual.

The money made in the Forex markets is purely unlimited as the market has a daily turnover of up to 5.7 Trillion USD which is the amount of money that flow within this market in a single day. trading the forex market will require the investor a lot of practise and learning which HotForex provides to the clients for free as you are given an opportunity to open a free demo account with up to $100 000 USD practise money, to open an account with Hotforex kindly click on  the tab below

Hotforex Benefits

The best way to make money online is through Forex Trading and I strongly recommend most bloggers and entrepreneurs out there to get onto forex trading as that is where money is made, I mean real money. We make real money and we believe that once you join the winning team you will definately see the results, Join HotForex today for a free trading account.

How To Insure Successful Blog Monetization

Many Bloggers out there start blogs with a belief of making an income and they normally End up not making any income at all and we have made it Possible by compiling an ebook that will give you a very much better guide on how you could make money online. In the past years I have been able to make over $12000 USD per month from my blogs and I am sharing this knowledge to give you a glimpse of my Secrets to my Blogging Success.

"Making money online is very simple and it doesn't require a lot of hardwork but proper knowledge about blog monetisation."

Learn how to start your own online business for less than $100. If you're tired of the 9-to-5 and working toward someone else's dream, take charge of your life and start monetizing your passions. This book contains all the resources and instruction to get your business up and running in less than one weekend. Get yourself a copy today and make an impact in your Blogging career.

Amazon Best Seller : How to Live Your Passion Through Online Businesses

Buy now

Many Bloggers around the world have been asking my secrets to online monetization and well today I am sharing with my secret in this awesome ebook. The normal price is $25 and due to this promotion we will be selling up to 5000 thousand copies for this week and on till 27 September 2015 .

10 Ways To Quickly Sell Ad Spaces on a Blog

Selling Advertising space on a blog has been one of the most challenging parts of blogging as very few bloggers really get to complete a sale but some get dozens of requests which shows that there might be something that you are missing as a publisher and this is why I am writing this article as a guide to help bring life to your blog monetization.
Making money online is simple and the only thing that chases away clients and readers is simply not meeting with their needs because it causes them a disbelief about your site. After blogging for about a year I have found that blogging is not only about making money online but it is about meeting the reader needs and expectations. Once readers have found your blog useful then that is the time you will get offers and business proposals from other bloggers that are looking foward into making profitable partnerships and sales.

Run a Contest
Run a contest on your site offering advertisers an opportunity that will definately fall for which can be free give aways upon purchasing the Advertising Space. A contest works very well as it attracts advertisers that were not intended to advertise on your blog and it creates an awareness of your blog advertisements.

Give monthly discounts
Monthly discounts can really attract advertisers in huge numbers as they are all looking for  discounts, Infact everybody in this world is looking for discount opportunities where they can be able to buy quality services at a lower prize. One of the discounts we use is whereby Advertisers that have been loyal with our blog will get an extra two months of free advertising in every six months of Advertising on Ajaxsurf, this had worked very well for us and we are prepared to do more discounts to boost more of our products.

Make Selling to be much easier
Selling of Advertising spaces should be made easy on a blog, it is not supposed to be hard but made simple instead, blogger does not have such plugins but there are services like and that can help bloggers sell their Advertising space at a very managible way.
Wordpress has a great feature for advertisers known as The OIO Publisher which enables bloggers to quickly sell Ad spaces without having an advertising service that will charge any commissions.

Sell more than normal
As a Blogger you must try to stand above your competition to get people into following your blog because out there are a lot of blogs out there that are selling Advertising space out there and if you do the same you will also be like them waiting for advertisers to come up which usaully doesn't go that way. The best way to win advertisers is to do something different compared to other bloggers which can make them fight for an advertising opportunity on your blog, this can be done by giving away Premium Templates and other cool handy things to the first 5 advertisers rather then giving them only an advertising space.

Have a long term Advertising option
Mostly big Advertisers normally love long term advertising options as they save them a lot of time and gives them insurance about the long term run of their blogs. Long term Advertising should always have a discount compared to the short term advertisers.
So if you really want to keep that money comming in then long term advertising should be an option in your Blog Advertising.

Have a neat template design
The blog template plays an important role because it is one of the most important factors that attract advertisers because they will find your blog as a great place in which they can advertise their products and also give a very good image of their product to potential customers.
A neat blog design is a must have for bloggers, it attracts business associates and potential advertisers without them have to do a lot of research about your blog services or minor errors a blog should have, the template design speaks a very lot more than words.

Have a good relevant Domain
Have a domain that is interesting and easy to remember for your site, don't try to be somebody else, but have a unique domain that will create an image about you blog, a name that will point to you not at another site. I have seen some bloggers using names such as Mashable tips, helperlogger and all those names derived from those of ther big blogs which is lame really.
Nobody wants to do business with a shadow but advertisers are looking for unique and eligible for potential growth. So if you happened to name your site after some blogs then I will recommend that you rename and be unique.

Keep the Site Traffic Improving
Your site traffic is never enough, Google the worlds number 1 traffic site is also looking for traffic as much as you want it, the traffic of your website should be kept to increase at all times because nobody will want to invest in a falling business, nobody would buy a decreasing stock.
Whenever a advertiser wants to advertise a product, the very first thing that they will look for is potential traffic that a site has, if it has no traffic then they are not buying in, its that simple. Try by all means possible to increase your site traffic by using SEO, Social Media and other means to keep your blog moving.

Improve Your Social Media presence
The Social Media Presence of a Site plays a vital role in improving its growth rate and social media brings new visitors to your blog because even I was introduced to blogging through Facebook and today I have been on one of the influential bloggers because I have seen the effect of social media when it comes to blogging.
The social presence of the site plays a very great role in the value of a site and its is the most important things on a blog because advertiers know the importance of of social media and the power of it presence on a site.

Write a testimony Page including your post Advertisers Comments
A testimonial page is where you put a history of your past advertisers and explain how they have been helped by your blog to sell their products. You can use their photo's and paste some of the conveesations you have had with them. The main purpose of this page is to give confidence to the advertiser that your blog is the right place advertising and promoting of products.

Bloggers, lets create wealth through blogging and create a lifetime investment. In the past months I have been able to improve Ajaxsurf from a $1500 to $17800 in value which means  that anything is as possible only if you have a winning strategy. What has been you stategey? Make a change today and make things happen.
As a blogger you cannot only depend on advertising networks and other networks but as a blogger you can also make money by selling advertising spaces and affiliate products on your your site, its that simple.

Best Hosting For A Business Website and Professional Blog

It is the dream of every Blogger to find a perfect host, a host that will ensure progress by providing a good hosting service that will improve the trustworthy of the site.

If you are Running a professional business site or a blog, your reader trust will depend on the host that you use for your site. You cannot host an eStore on a free hosting service like Blogger and Wordpress even though it can be possibly done but it will never work the way it is supposed to.

Yes you can possibly sell on a free host but it cannot be as influensive as most readers will be looking foward to how serious or trustworthy is the site and looking on how much trust can they be able to put on the credit control of these sites since they don't have SSL certificates except for wordpress pro which will require you a monthly payment. A professional host is a must have for blogs that are looking for growth and development, it is a must have for blogs that are looking forward into improving user engagement.

In this post I will share two of the most affordable profession hosting serves that are used by big blogs and how do these blogs get to improve in them.

Free Hosting Services Explained

Free hosting services are good on savings or when it come to building a professional site but they are are not ideal for running a professional site with thousands of followers because such hosts can have faults and notifications that cannot be removed, one of such is the attribution which cannot unless some html changes are made in the template code and some cannot be removed at all.

• Limited Bandwidth and Server resources

The Bandwidth and quality of a free hosted blogging site are limited to a certain extent meaning that these sites can allow you to post a certain number of posts. They are are not ideal for professional blogs and I do not recommend them for online stores because people hardly trust sites from such hosts.

• Very Poor Technical support

The Support from a free hosting service is very limited whereby they don't have assistants but instead they build forums whereby bloggers can solve problems. In Blogger there is a forum ran by the Google blog . There is simply No Live assistance.

Some of the common problems are:

• Hidden Costs

• The client has no say

•Poor Performance

Professional Hosting Services Explained

Bluehost is one of the biggest hosting services around the world with millions of business hosting their products on its servers.

Must Read : Bluehost Review for Bloggers

No Hidden Fees

On Bluehost, users are not made to pay extra hidden costs but, the customer will be required to pay according to the chosen hosting plan, plan may vary upon what you are planning to do and on how big is the project that the client want to host. Normal Blogs are only required to pay a monthly fee of $3,95 which will include unlimited website features and a free domain.

Quick Setup

Setting up a weblog of your choice on a professional blogging service is not as hard as it is on Blogger or Wordpresd but the reader will only be required drag and paste from a  variety widgets and plugins without having to do some coding.

On a free hosting service, flexibility is limited as bloggers dont have full control over their blogs making it hard for them to work the way they want to work. Running a professional blog that world have miltiple authors, editors and administrators is very impossible which is the main reason why Mashable had to leave their previous host Wordpress into finding a more professional host.

Free high level domains

Once you have signed up for a host, you might as well forget about the buying a professional domain because you will get free domains and unlimited free subdomains that will point to your domain.

Getting to register a domain has not been so easy because as a blogger you will be required to signup for a hosting account  and then you choose any domain you want and it will be yours.

The list is too much to explain but these are the things that one may be able to get from a professional hosting service as shown on the list below.

Unlimited Websites Allowed

Unlimited Websites

Unlimited Bandwidth and Business Email Accounts

100% Money-Back Guarantee if unsatisfied


24/7 Support

If you really think and believe that your blog has improved then you should make a step that will boost your site a bring a professional hosting service to your blog.  In my conclusion I will recommend a professional hosting service if you really want to keep your blog moving foward. The hosting service that supports bloggers is Bluehost and I will recommend that you secure you hosting package now and blog as pro. Get it now !

Steve Jobs Motivation for Bloggers and Entrepreneurs

Steve Jobs has been an inspiration in the past years as he has been involved so much in the Technology developments making new inventions which had helped many people around the world.

Most of the words shared on this article were spoken by Steve Jobs at a Speech at the Stanford university, his speech was very much ideal for Bloggers and Entrepreneurs. We are sharing this article with you to give you the important facts and motivations that drove the success of Steve Jobs into creating a Billion dollar empire which has been very influential in the World.

Do What You Love Most

The secret of being successful in Blogging is simply by doing what you love the most as a blogger, it could be anything but, it doesnt necessarily have be where the money is but it should be on what you love the most.

Live Each day as it was your last day

Yes Just as it sounds, it seems easy but yet it is hard to live each day as your last but patience does. Steve Jobs has changed the way way we use mobile phones by bringing inventions that has moved the world to a much high level of technology. It was all by living his life to the best, making huge Impacts and living each day as it was the last day.

Steve Jobs has confirmed with the Stanford students that for the last 33 years of his life lived his life as it was his last as he mentioned to himself every morning until he was able to bring big changes to the world that have changed the way we use technology today.

Dont waste your Life living Somebodies life

Most people live other peoples lives until they retire, they have found it hard to reach their own success due to fear of failure. Some of the Words Spoken by Robert Kiyosaki he Said "Sometimes we lose and Sometimes we Learn" which means as an Entrepreneur you don't lose but you learn instead.

I don't say that you should quit your job but instead have a plan on when you will be able to quit your job and start working on an empire, that will bring you an income. Don't waste you life pushing the life of your boss but live your life for your own success.

Stay Hungry and Foolish among People

In your Blog niche, you should always be eager to learn more even if you were a professional. Try by all means to discover new things and act as a fool and be as humble as you can be.
Steve Jobs was a professional when it comes to smartphones and gadgets but the most interesting thing he did he was always willing learn more.

Steve Jobs has always found himself chasing success whenever he found an opportunity as today he has been able to takeover the world with his mind and made his abilities a must have to gain success. I will really recommend this ebook to you Titled "Awaken The Giant Within" , this book has been the New York best seller and it is regarded as the best guide that can help you achieve the dream you have about your future and make impact in the world today.


keep discovering and don't settle for What you have

The sky is the limit, want success as much as you want to breath. As a blogger you must always try to achieve the best even though you might have achieved your current goals, you must always look up to achieving more.

A great man by name Prophet TB Joshua once gave a statement which said "Greater is not enough but The Best is Yet to come" , Be inspired to do more.

How much money do big blogs make

Blogging has been seen as the best strategy to make money online as there have risen millionaires from within the Blogsphere.

From the 2005 to present many successful Blogs have risen in the blogging business from the likes of Mashable, Huffpost and Techcrunch which have been making tons in revenue from different sources like Advertising, products and many other sources that can be used to make money online, We have seen small blogs turning into multi million dollar blogs within months which has made us to do some important research on different money making strategies that are being used by these Bloggers and how much effort do they put into making millions from Blogging.

The Purpose of Blogging
Blogging has been recognized as the way of making money which is false because the very first thing matters in the love for the niche you are blogging about which will boost the traffic volume of your site, then more money can be made from the site.
Blogging should not be considered a get rich quick way because you will really get disappointed by the results because as a blogger the very first thing to aim for is "Getting Readers Satisfied With Your Blog" and the you can focus on profit.

Most of the Big Blogging giants were started by individual bloggers blogging with an aim to share their knowledge and love for a certain niche until their influence improved upon their niche coverting into brands, running a big blog needs innovation and needs the blogger to seperate himself/herself by being unique, making themselves the readers first choice.

What inspired them to Blogging success
To match up with media giants needs a lot of commitment which can simple be done by getting your blog updated more frequently and also by responding to the readers needs as the author and Administrator. As a Blogger you really need to fill up the gap between you an the readers, you need to create a special bond which will make your blog iresistable to them.
If a certain label/tag on your Blog has most pageviews then that should ring some bells meaning that your blog readers love that tag and you should always try to get it posts updated more often to keep close to your blog.

How do these Blogs make Money
Looking at Big blogs that make tons of money online you will get to see amazing strategies that you may have never thought about as I will be sharing the secret revenue strategies of the likes of Mashable as one of the blogs with a Current market value of $300 Million and yet this Blog is 10 years old. The had already became an empire in eight months after being founded  by Pete Cashmore in 2005 and within 8 months he was able to high another writer to keep his blog moving.

Advertising Networks
When it comes to Blogging there is a good propability of online success as bloggers have been able to drive quality income using different monetization methods either than using the well know strategy which is Advertising, Advertising has been used by big blogs to help bring in passive income.

Direct Advertising
Direct Advertising is the form of Advertising done by selling Advertising space directly to the readers, it is used by almost every big blog to generate an income for the Blog, this type of advertising does not require any participation of third parties but it is between the advertiser and the customer.

Sponsored Posts and Reviews
Sponsored posts and reviews are know as paid posts which can either be written by the client or the blogger, the minimum price for these posts is $50 for blogs that get less than 500 daily pageviews, and for bigger blogs the price can be an over $4000 per post published.

Products and Services
As a Blogger, you have to sell something atleast to your readers and clients. You can sell anything from any niche and make money simply by doing that and I will guarantee you an income. Most Big Blogs are known for the products and services that they sell but that does not mean that you must violate the pride of your blog and fill it with products because will really chase the blog customers.

Webinars and Podcasts
Webinars are Interactive seminars that happen online to a live audience, these seminars are simply the best as they can boost the income made by over $45,000 per webinar for a blog that has 10,000 email subscribers.

There is quite a huge number of ways that may be used to make money online, which shows the great possibilities to online monetization. Another blogger I knon Jon Marrow makes a minimum of $100,000 per month without selling Ads but by applying different methods of monetization.