Sponsered Blog Posts Reviewed

The best way to make money blogging is by sponsered blog posts as they can bring in a lot of money to the Blog which is a successful strategy of blog monetization.

After studing the power behind the monetisation of many big blogs we had to look at the secrets behind their great revenues and it happened that serving sponsered posts is the biggest source of their revenue, Mashable and Techrunch also provide sponsored posts which they normally charge over $20000 per post which is a great income which means by having five sponsered posts on your site can get you an awesome $100,000+ in revenue and when it comes to little and middle blogs sponsored posts costs more than $50 from a small blog that roughly get traffic.
A sponsored blog post is a post that the publisher gets paid to publish a post on their blog. Which are are either written by the publisher or the Advertiser.

It is very important that you are happy about the type of posts that you are  serving to your blog readers as it have been noted that some bloggers get to accept some misleading posts, this has been a major problem for many bloggers due to the love of money. The readers of your your blog should always come first because they are representing your blog and losing them is going to affect your blog in future.

Special Things that make your blog eligable for Sponsored blog posts

  •  Maintain a good relationship with your blog Readers
A good relationship with blog readers can give a good image for your blog to the public eye and to all the potential clients out there which might get them into doing business with your blog.
Having a good relationship with your blog readers will not guarantee you that they will be as good as you expect them which has really been a hardship for Ajaxsurf as there has been a lot of spam comments that I receive from some of our respected blog readers and sponsers. Whenever a brand or any niche related company sees your blog, the primary thing that they will look for is the participation and commitment of blog readers.

  •  Have a Professional Blog Design
A professional blog is a very powerful element in helping you improve the way people see your blog and the way of which your blog gets rated by the search engines and mostly by the brands that have interest in the sponsored posts.

  • Your Contact details should be on the blog
Try to make your contact details accessable on your blog which will allow your readers to easily interact with your blog. This is mostly recommended by big advertising agencies for approval because the really will not approve your site.

  • Have a good Newsletter
Whenever any company looks for a blog in which they could submit a sponsered posts or a product reveiw they will always consider the number of subscribers a site has both on Email and Social Media.

  •  Host your blog on a professional host
Professionals always recommend bloggers to host their blogs using a profession hosting service rather than a free one, but to me it doesn't matter how your blog is hosted but what matters the most is the worth and the quality of the blog which is being used.

  •  Your Blog should have a Specific Geo location
This is also recommended to prevent any scam and create even more trust between your site and the Advertiser, but it is not compulsary to use as a few advertisers get to look for a Geographic location.

  •  Quality of Blog posts
Having to post low quality posts on your blog will really down grade the value of your site, Try to avoid posting low quality posts and rate your blog readers as the most important commidity or client that your blog has.

How to Get Sponsered Blog posts?

  •  Always start at a small affordable rate
If you are a start into sponsored blog posts please start at low prices until your get more advertisers to publish sponsored posts then you can increase to a much greater price, normally prices start at as little as $50 per sponsored posts published on the blog.

  •  The price of Sponsored posts
You should charge the right price for the sponsored posts provided by your blog because having a sponsored post is very expensive as for blogs that have PR4 the cost of publishing a guest post is a from a minimum of $500 which is a good price to charge on a blog. Don't just allow any posts just because of the money submitted by the client but you got to respect your blog readers the most as they are the driving force behind a blog.

  • Try to be as professional as possible
Being professional is not a hard thing to do as it can be easily be practiced by anybody, your blog posts and the style of your blog plays a very huge role in ensuring the professionalism of a blog as it is the main thing that advertisers may look for in a blog before they consider a site as appropiate for hosting a Sponsored blog post. Being professional is not only based on the type of posts produced by the blog but it also count on the important pages by a blog which includes the disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Contact and About page which fully gives an identification about the blog.

Focus much more on the readers
Whenever you publish a post on your blog the first thing that one may consider is how will it affect the blog readers because losing a reader to another blog is one of the hardest things that a serious blogger should worry about because the blog is built for the visitors and I don't find it as a good idea to put the readers at the bottom of the ladder.

Payments must be recieved before a post get started
This is the most serious part that has to be taken into consideration because there is a lot fraud happening oline and the only way to survive is by following strict orders to help you survive the online world. Whenever you make any sales online you should always use services that are trusted for credit card processing and if you are selling any Ads or Sponsored posts you must use a payment
first skill to help you secure security for your site.

  • All links in sponsored posts should be no follow
This is an important part because it has a lot to do with the Search Engine Optimization and search engines because google is very much against the selling of links which may cause any site found to be selling link for money to be banned by the search engine.
No-follow links are links that are not followed by search engines but are only visible as text to the search engines and robots. These links are not going to increase the pagerank of a site and neither are they considered to be backlinks just because of their value.

How to decide a price for sponsored posts ?

  • How Engaged are the Blog readers
The engagement of the blog readers plays a big role when deciding the cost of a post as a site with engaged readers will really help a product or a service to sell at a price that will guarantee sales just because of the trust that readers have upon the blog.

  • How much Influence You have online
The influence of the author or the site can be used to make considerations for the sponsored post costs.

  •  How many Sponsered posts you planned for the month
This can be a matter of an exclusion whereby a post will cost depending on its availability as a stock because

  •  Always know whether you are expensive or cheap
A friend of mine Sue Anne had always told me not to go cheap because I would really be looking down on my blog readers and the blog as a brand itself because sponsored blog post are not very cheap but should be at the right price unless a certain discount by the site.

  •  The Amount of time spent preparing a post
At sometimes the blog Administrator is usaully asked by the advertisers to write the sponsored blog posts which will require the administrators time and efforts which may cost a really good price which will not be less than 5% of the offered price.

Ajaxsurf will be giving your brand to submit a sponsored post on this blog at a value of $20 which will allow a up to 10 no follow links and atmost 2 do follow links delivered to by Ajaxsurf at an amazing value as your will saving 80% OFF per post, please note that this offer will be available until 1 August 2015.

Well I believe that this is the end of it suppose you have any questions based on this topic please feel free to let me know on the comments box below and we will answer back to you. Happy blogging.

Ajaxsurf Advertising Offer for Bloggers

Ajaxsurf is giving away Advertising Banners from 1-10 July at a price of $5 and $10 to the blog readers or sometimes FREE only if your submit atleast 5 Niche Related posts which will be acceptable to our guidelines, this is an opportunity for some bloggers as we have joined hands in partnership with blogAds to bring you the needed Advertising which will simplify the way you blog and market your online content. This is a chance that you eliminate the Middle man which is the Advertising service that will charge you extra costs for looking for publishers to to publish your Advertisements but with Ajaxsurf this July you will get advertising deals at a good acceptable value.
To get these advertising slots in July with Ajaxsurf it is Simple because this not a sale which means the costs will not change in the Advertising page.  in order to Advertise at these lower cost you will have go to our contact page and we will happy to assist you.

Free Advertising Slots Worth $20
To optain an a Free Website slot at a value $20 you will have to invite more than 1000 facebook friends and get them into liking our new Facebook Page which is found on this link.
This offer is very limited because it is only the first reader to get over 1000 likes for the is going to get the $20 Advertising slot which will be just below the blog header.

Free Advertising slot worth $15
The Free Advertising slot worth $15 will not require any hardwork as you will be required to get us a minimum of 700 likes on Facebook and you will get that slot free of charge on all pages.
This Ad space is only valid for 30 days and will be appearing on the top of the right sidebar , the size of this Ad slot is should be a 320×250 banner.

Advertising Slot worth $10
The $10 slot will be given to the first reader to get us over 500 Facebook likes for our Page, this slot will last for a minimum of 30 days.

Posts For Advertising Slots
Readers who get to submit a minimum of 5 blog related posts of more than 500 words each will get to have a $10 value Advertising slot which will last for 15 days, suppose a reader submits to us over 15 blogging niche related posts  then we will guarantee you a thirty dollar ($30) Advertising slot valid for 30 days.

Please note that your blog posts must not be published anywhere in the internet, they must be fresh content and unique.
For more information please contact us by visiting our contact page and send us your enquiry, suppose you have got us the desired facebook likes please let us know so that we will be able to reward you for your effort, happy blogging.

How to Increase Blog Traffic Through Blogger Outreach

Blogger outreach is the best way to promote your blog online to as many people as possible because a Blog without constant traffic is not a blog until you find an audience that will read the posts that you post otherwise you will be writing posts that will be only read by only. Blogging is simply the best as it connects you to an audience and getting a larger audience to your blog is done easily with an aid of doing an outreach to the public and also to your friends on Facebook, twitter, whatsapp, work or at school. If you want people to support you you have to make them know about what you are doing, you will be amazed about their respond into helping boost your blogs traffic as they might passover the message to more people.

Blogging is not easy when you do it alone, unless you are fine with your little traffic then it fine, but if you really want to improve your blog, you got to let people know about what you are offering to them. Let them know about your services, let them know about what you have to offer them because I have noticed that everybody in this world needs a blog to follow, whether the person is a business man, doctor, engineer, scientist or anything you will find them reading blogs or just having some blogs that they follow which is evidence to us as webmasters that people need blogs to follow and we have to reach out to them.

Create a good relationship with influential Bloggers.

Having a good relationship with influencial bloggers on your niche will boost your blogging experience giving you access to many blogging possibilities. A good relationship will not give you a good recognition towards other bloggers but will ensure that you get a recognition in search engines.

Always try your best to get recognition in the industry that you participate in, because good recognition will expose you to special clients and readers who will play a great role in boosting your site traffic and revenue.  Having a good group of blogs around your blog can help improve your traffic an more importantly your blog , this trick does not come from Ajaxsurf but it is a golden rule for running any business as once a business man said "Your Network determines your Networth" which is the same with blogger.

If you are blogging just for the fun of blogging then you just playing games because really nobody will take an un-professional blog seriously, you got to make it professional and respect your readers by all means. Being professional is not about being formal but it is about the quality of service delivery which includes all the template, posts, images and comments.

Template Type

The type of template used a blog plays a great role to both the blog readers and the clients as it defines the quality of your services, as a Blogger it is very important that that you choose the template that fully suites your blog rather then using a blogger default template which is strictly not profession and would really degrade your blog.

The type of template used plays a great role to your blog so try to be serious with your readers at all times.

Guest post on niche related blogs

Guest posting is amazing as it creates you quick backlinks allowing to your blog great link juice which will improve the rank of your blog in search engines. Submission on web directories has a great influence on boosting a blog but that cannot stand at a level of doing guest posting because backlinks from other websites are much more effective than the regular high ranking directories because on Google they are considered to be "submission sites" backlinks but they can probably boost your Alexa rank.

Guest posting will not only improve your rank on search engines but will also make you famous on the blogging niche winning you some more visitors into your blog who may later become the blog's loyal readers.

Create a Facebook Page

Facebook pages have grown at a very high rate as they have a high potential of increasing the visitor amount comming directly from Facebook. A page is a must have for a blog as it acts as a community behind the blog as it has a number of subscribers together with the other forms of other pages from other subscription services  which help will bolster the site user activity.

Participation in Niche Related Forums

Forums are the key parts of receiving potential loyal blog readers since most of the readers that come from the forums are mostly familiar with the blogging niche and if they happen to fing your blog as successful then they can end up subscribing to your blog.

Promote Posts on Content services

I have seen some blogs do marketing by simply advertising on content advertising services which will promote their content online on big sites like Mashable, CNN, Ajaxsurf, Techcrunch and all the other sites on the internet. The best service I would recomend for you as a blogger is non other than content.ad which is very affordable for any blogger that interested in successful Advertising.

Doing outreach online is not as  expensive as it happens offline because online everything is done at very little costs, which can cost you less than $10 dollars as there are services that can offer up to 1000 clicks for $5 which is cheaps as it will get your blog moving, I have seen some bloggers buying links from link parties which is very dangerous for you as a blogger because it will ruin the reputation of your blog as Google the major search engine is strictly against these actions.

All You Need to know about Online Identity theft

Online Identity theft had became a big problem caused by scammers and fraudsters who want to achieve bad things from you.

Is your blogger or wordpress password safe?
this is a question that you should ask yourself as a blogger due to a huge widespread of internet fraud whereby scammers can easily steal your online passwords and banking details with ease.

Identity theft is a common fraud as found by the FBI which anybody found guilty of will have to face the law enforcement, it is very crutual that you protect your online identity as we will be showing you some important things that one should consider in order to secure a much safer identity as the numbers of fraudsters and internet scams have been spreading at a very high rate, Just to share with you that my facebook account was once hacked in a painful way as I feared that I will lose all of my pages and groups that I was running which was a very painful thing that I faced but I was able to retain my account within 24 hours as I had a valid account recovery.

Maybe it was because my password was simple because I used my second name which just made things a little more easier for the hacker. Today is an Infographic which I hope you will love which was shared by Katie who works for an ecogreen IT recycling company .

Types of Identity Theft

Identity theft victims are mostly internet users and people who have well known public profiles which makes it easy for internet scamers to access their information in a very simple way which you as a blogger, banker or a company manager will easily give your rights to any scammer online.

  • Social Networking
Social Media is a big bait for many identity thievies as they can use it to get an opportunity to get your profile data because Facebook and Google+ displays your important data to anybody who is outside the network which will also include some scamers that may take chances with your profile.

  • Data Pharming

Data pharming is actaully the worst part of identity theft, it is whereby a hacker will create a virus which will read the data of the user and at sometimes it happens that whenever you buy a product by pressing the link you will be redirected to a fake website which will save all your credit card data on a server which will in future be used by the scammer to make further payments online and buy products using your credit information.
The best way to prevent this scam is by installing an anti virus software on your computer.

  • Phishing Schemes

Phishing schemes are one of the most famous forms of identity theft as almost everybody have found themselves receiving spammy emails both on Facebook and on your email accounts with links that can be used to scam you.
Phishing schemes uses site cookies to steal your online identity inwhich they will create fake websites which will be used to steal your passwords and banking details as you enter them on those sites. This type of Identity theft is very similar to  the one they use in social media except they use cookies.

  • Spyware

Spyware is a very well known form of identity theft that any internet user has probably been a victim at certain times. A spyware is a type of malware that manages and reports the data of a computer which may include also passwords and sites visited by the victim. This type of malware can make your browser to automatically open fake websites and many other websites online.
  • Keyloggers
This is also a spyware in the form of keyloggers which is also installed in the victims computer, this spyware will record all of the of the keystrokes which will be sent to the identity thief as a passwords, account numbers and credit. This type of software viruses are very dangerous because you can lose your blog or any kind of password managed company in very little time.
  • How to Protect your Identity
your Identity will depend upon you as I have seen recently that on social networks you are know allowed to make your profile private instead of your public profile which means that your profile data will be hidden from other users which will help prevent spammers and identity thieves from accessing your online data.

Infographic brought to you by katie from Ecogreen IT Recycling

The other forms of protections can be done easily by installing a internet protection software which may come with an antivirus software as they help eliminate anykind of spyware that can be found in a computer.

Google plans to bring Free WiFI to the World

The most interesting news ever as Google wants to bring free wifi to the cities around the World through its new Sidewalk company.

Google has been trailing free ultra high speed wifi  to the New York city as an experiment to their plans to bring Free Wifi to the world through it branch, The Sidewalk labs with the hope to provide free public wifi to as many cities they can reach around the world. The company has founded the sidewalk labs as a part of this project as they will be dedicated to the success of this project.

The main purpose of this project is not a mere sponsership to the world but it is just business as usaul to help boost the revenue that is made by Google Adwords as the wifi will be Ad supported which means when accessing the network you will see a skippable Advertisement before accessing the wifi network.

These are the greatest moves made by Google as they will turn 10,000  big Apple Inc booths into Ad supported ultra high speed free WIFI to which will serve Ads to Billions of people around the world. This move by Google has the potential of making it the richest company in the world due to the amount of revenue that they will make from this project which will also help it retain it position as the the company with the highest market value after it overcame Microsoft in 2012.

The booths that will be provided by The Google Sidewalk it is expected that they will have smarthphone recharging facilities, a touch screen information hub and also Free domestic call alowing people to intereact without paying any mobile charges.

As confirmed by the Google CEO Dan Doctoroff that the vision of the project is to make cities  connected places whereby anybody on any city can be able to walk anywhere being connected to the internet. Which shows that the vision of the Sidewalk has a great potential than the Facebook operated internet.org website which provides free internt access allowing it users to browse selected websites without having to pay any data charges.

Ajaxsurf is still looking forward into getting more about the project the Google Sidewalk project  and suppose you got info to share please let us know and we will really love to publish from you.

how to Add your Blogspot/Wordpress Blog to Google News

Having your site listed on Google news is probably the best achievement that a site can get as it improves your blog traffic . Google News is one of the best traffic sources that a site can acquire on the internet because google doesn't just allow any site to to appear on Google news but they have a very few set of websites.

Google News has been under looked by some companies as they don't think it brings then enough traffic , which I would say it is a bit crazy because Google has 25000+ sites which it serves with over 1 billion weekly visitor meaning that you stand a probability of receive a possible 40,000 weekly visitors from Google News which is probably a good amount of traffic which a site can get. If you looking for a way to rank better on search engines then Google News is the best source that one can use to get quality search traffic because most search engines tend to display the Google News posts above the search results which is an absolute guarantee for high quality search traffic.

Sites that are featured on Google are most likely to rank much higher as they are very well indexed to rank better, therefore if your site has a bad rank on search Engines then you have to add it to the search engine drives which will make them recognize your site better compared to sites not linked to the search engine.

Many professional SEO experts claim that sites that are included on Google are trusted by Google  and have a greater ranking potential compared to any other sites on the internet, being included in Google news will probably improve you site traffic and pagerank.

How To Get Your Blog In Google News

Getting a site included in Google news is not easy as they have a policy which guides the type of sites that they can accept into Google news.

  • Write unique posts with strict timely news publishing.

Try to post regularly to at least three articles a day, which will keep the trend of your site moving because Google news is looking for professionalism. They only accept sites with activity and any site that lack activity and posts will not get indexed for Google news

  • Your Blog must be professional as possible.

Google news will not just allow any website or blog for inclusion on it news service but they only allow high quality sites to rank on the Google news server, If you are still struggling in putting your site together then I will motivate you not to submit it until your site is professional enough for inclusion on Google news.

If google news have about 25000 out of millions of news sites on the internet then that will mean that getting approval is not that easy but it will require your site to show some professionalism by having an info page that will display to the user all the information they might need from a site which will include pages like the About us Page, Disclaimer Page, Site Author info (mostly included on the About us Page), Privacy Policy, Advertising Page and most importantly the Contact Page which will allow you site readers to interact with your site through email and though other contact alternatives.

  •  Include a full info page about the blog authors.

It is very important that you include a page which includes data about The authors of your blog, this very important to help the readers get an idea about who posts on the blog. Google news will also look at the posts that were posted by the blog author and if it happens that any of them is found to be violating the Google policy then the whole site will have face the consequence. Don't just make anybody a blog author but choose authors by their experience and reputation .

  • Your titles must be descriptive and at least contain a keyword about the article.

Titles must be SEO optimized with keywords for better ranking, Google wants your site to rank on Google news therefore try by all means to optimize you site with title tags and keywords. As of Google your post title must be unique and also be in the same order as the article and Always try to use unique blog titles because Google news is more likely to filter articles with similar articles.
The second most important thing you should consider when applying for Google news are the fonts of your post titles,sub-titles and post content.Your post titles must have a larger font than the post content and most important they must be above the article.Your news posts should have a reasonable amount of content and at least have 200 words per article.

Have a News or Magazine Template on your Blog

Your News Blog should have a Template that is very similar to other professional Google news sites as the search engine is definately looking for quality. Your Blog must be simple reader friendly, You Can buy News Templates for your News Blog on our Theme store at value of $ 10 which will Save 50% off the Normal prize, Get that template your blog and get Google to approve your site.


These are The minimum requirements that you must meet in order to get approved for Google news, If it happens that your site meets the requirements for Google news please feel free to submit it to the Google news team for review and we be glad if you share with us the progress of your site.

The Future of Twitter Reviewed

Is Twitter doomed? This is a question asked by many users online as the social network has not been performing very well which has resulted in a huge share price drop in the recent months years.

Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey when he just sketched out an idea of a mobile SMS service that would be easily be used by mobile users which with the help of investors grew into being twitter which is now the worlds most active social network after facebook with over 200 million active users. The speculation about the loss of Twitter has been spreading around as many people wanted to to know what is happening on twitter which caused the quarter revenue details of Twitter to get leaked in April 2015 which has slamed the share price by over 18% which had made many websites around the world to had to think that Twitter is doomed !

Yes probably I may agree with some of their points because twitter has been having slow growth related problems which made market watch to confirmed that twitter is the next giant social media company to follow blackberry smartphones fall, a leak of their net earnings have really cause a huge damage by revealing the slow growth and revenue which has caused a huge share fall making a lot of traders in the New York Stork Exchange.

The Twitter stork drop has made many of the network fans to think that it is over with the social network as it has failed to show it ability of being the next facebook because of the rate of decrease in the number of new users signing up on the service. It is confirmed by Mashable that twitter has a very less number of active users which is about 255 million after it had a growth of 15 million users in the January-April 2015 period which has disapproved many people who thought the network was getting doomed, this move by twitter has shocked many as the company continued to grow irrespective to the problems they were having in the stock markets.

Twitter is believed to make a revenue of over $1 billion in this year which is believed to grow over a few years to come as the social network is undergoing some improvements which includes Advertising, Twitter business and Ecommerce which is believed to incease twitter revenue to over 100% , Twitter is still fresh and has the potential of increasing from it current $25 billion market value back to $45 billion value it hard before the revenue leak.

Blogging Advise from Techcrunch founder Michael Arrington

Techcruch is a multi-millionaire Technology Blog with more than 9 million monthly visitors, which started as a one man blog ran by Michael Arrington into being a leading blog in it niche.

Today we I will be sharing with you Michael Arrington success secrets into successful blogging which had made made Techcruch a leader in Tech news.

Make a follow up on Niche Related Rumours - following up on rumours will really help you to create a solid background for your blog and mostly upon that you have to respect your blog sources. The best way to get a hold of the common rumours is by getting involved with famous people on your niche will improve your blog as they will consider sharing stories with your blog and most importantly respect what they may require you in exchange.

Have a Proper Sleep as a Blogger - Most Bloggers tend to sleep a very short time which is not healthy for their bodies as improper sleep will really cause a lack of concentration which will negatively affect the way a blogger works causing him not to post some posts at the best potential. Michael Arrington believes that bloggers should sleep for atleast 8 hours because he was once Admitted by his doctor due to a lack of sleep whereby the doctor recommended that he should start his day at 9am as he slept very late getting his blog running. But most importantly try to keep a healthy 8 hour sleep and don't "Die" because of blogging.

Post on your Blog regularly - Posting on your blog is simply the best way to get your blog running and active as it will boost the reader activity of your blog. This will not boost only the reader activity but will ensure a good alexa rank for your blog or website which will help boost the public authority of your blog making it a huge success.

Michael Arrington says the reward of posting regularly is to get the blog readers into commenting on your site which will boost the way in which your blog readers will be working on your site. This skill was also used by Pete Cashmore the founder of Mashable to make his site a masterpeace as it is valued at $300 million.

Must Read : Mashable Success Secrets

You will have Enemies online - In business there is always a potential for having enemies that would try to bring you down, Michael Arrington  has been having public enemies who would probably try to bring down your blog as they may fear that you are taking their blog readers but that should not stop you because you don't really need them and with or without them you can become a successful blogger.

Upon receiving his threats he mentioned that at a certain public conference somebody spat on his face which made him not to blog for about a month until he evantually went back into blogging. So you got to know that enemies are always there.

It hard to be a player and a coach - The greatest difficulty that  Michael Arrington has struggled with is playing two roles which is both blogging and coaching, I will highly agree with him because it comes out naturally, and learning to master both skills will require a skill.

Develop good relationships with bloggers you like - Blogger and wordpress are currently the biggest platforms that are used by many professional bloggers which shows that there are many potential bloggers and bad bloggers. Choosing a blogger that fully understand the operation of your blog will really help improve your blog, because spamers are not just on spam websites but also on blogger there is a great number of spamers. Michael Arrington has made it clearly that he does not want to have any relationships with spamers.

Having an interview with Michael Arrington has been very great for us as Ajaxsurf, please feel free to ask us some questions in the comment box below.

Bing Rises as Google Biggest Competition

Bing is really gaining its momentum as a potential competitor to the Google search Engine in getting most searches from USA as the numbers of Bing users users have been increasing at a great rate compared to the other search Engines which shows that Bing may be the biggest competitor to Google as it owns over 20% of the  searches made in USA which indicates that the leading search engine Google still dominates with the most searches made on the internet. The growth of Bing is very promising as was at no position to compete with Google as of today Bing is nowhere to compete with Google, but at a promising position.

When it was first launched in 1 June 2009 as Live search it wasn't successful as planned by Microsoft which caused them to replace the normal Live search with Bing which was a bit smarter as it was a great change that was brought by Microsoft.
Looking at Bing's so much success, we have to ask much on whats was the key strategy that was made by Bing it rising from being a failed search engine into being a leading search engine after Google. The Vice president of Bing Search team Derrick Connell has confirmed that the secret of Bing was to simply display the best  search results compared to the Google Search Engines as they are bringing some best improvements compared to Google which has made many internet users to use Bing instead of Google.

Bing has gone from being a joke, because seriously it was not treated or respected when its was launched as it was the result of a failed live search engine by Microsoft and today has become the second best. The upcomming windows 10 software is expected to have the Bing's data-crunching software technolgy intergrated in its Software as confirmed by Seattle Times on their website.
This shows that as a blogger or a webmaster should take a huge consideration into the bing search engine as it is increasing in popularity and works together in hand with the Yahoo search engine to bring quality search results to it users. This merge also brought an Advertising service known as media.net which is the closest competitor to the Google Adsense advertising network. Like Adsense media.net is very strict when it comes to approvals as they have some polices that helps manage approval, for sites with more than 1000 daily pageviews get easily approved as they are looking foward to overcome Google Adsense in the near future.

Companies have joined hands with Bing to start selling Ads using its advertising network which is not really expensive to use and it has been a great source of traffic for many blogs after Google in providing quality search traffic. It is also used by Ajaxsurf as we have registered ealier this year on the Bing webmasters tools to get our site on their Index.
Bing is growing into by a great rate and I would motivate that you submit your site to their webmaster tools and you will really love getting traffic from them. Suppose you got any questions and information regarding this post please feel free to submit to us on the comment box below.

Bloggertipstricks Ankit Singla Interview Reveiw

Ankit Singla
Looking into blogging there has been a huge success that has been visible among the new bloggers as they have been doing brilliantly well with their blogs which has been able to generate huge amounts of followers through their blogs over the past two years and one of these blogger we are going to review is Ankit Singla a Blogger who started Blogging in 2013 with his Blog Bloggertipstricks which was first launched on the Blogger platform with the purpose of helping other bloggers to blog successfully.

Today we are going to cover some special extracts from some of his key strategies that he has used to promote his blog for the suitable results that has made his one year blog to get an Alexa rank of 8k by The end of January 2015 .

Introduction To Blogging

Ankit Singla Started blogging when he was introduced to a seminar on Making money online which Persuided him to start his first Blog in 2010 after years of research about blogging before getting to know the Blogger service.

The Social Media Campaign

According to the words that were shared by ankit Singla on his blogging interview that he has no secret to getting traffic to his site but was only able to accomplish through the use of Facebook as a social media site.

The Best SEO power tool

When looking at the secret by Ankit Singla he made his reference to his SEO success to be on page SEO which focuses more on the post content instead of off page SEO which has a lot to do with Social Media and backlinks, the question that you may ask is why does a blog get to be famous simply by using on Page SEO as the best method of increasing search traffic? well the answer is simple because on page SEO is the primary optimization method which search Engines will use to rank a blog. Maybe you might have noticed the rank of Ajaxsurf on search as the site has a rank of zero since we are currently using a sub domain but we are topping the search results and have got thousands of visitors coming into the site from search engines . If you want to learn more about off page SEO and on page SEO please read after completing this article.

Looking at one of the strategies used by this successful blogger we have also found that he uses social media as his main traffic source even though he thinks that social media is his weakness but he is doing really great in it. Facebook is the current leading marketing social network due to it great number of online users.

Working on SEO Experiments

SEO experiments is "Blogger newbies" do according to the statement that was made by the Ankit Singla of Bloggertipstricks as he said that he also did the so called SEO experiments which did not work for him as they seemed to be a waste of time for him.
SEO experiments are actually good for new bloggers as they will help them position their blogs the right way which will benefit them into successful blogging, but for experienced bloggers the use of tools and experiments is just a waste of time and money because it takes away the time that you would have used for something better.
The Use of SEO tools are not very bad at all as they can also help increase the rank of your site and the loved tool is the Google Keyword planner which is recommended by many webmasters.

The Affiliates that boost the Blog revenue

Well blogging is not just done for the fun of doing it but will require some efforts to be put by the Blogger to make money online, according to the interview with Ankit Singla done by BlogIdeas , Ankit Singla mentioned Affiliates as the best way in which a blogger will get more trust from the readers as these hosting companies have years of experience and success which means that having a relationship with them will boost your site.

Is it Good to use Black Hat SEO in a White Hat way

Using Blackhat SEO has become a major thing on Search Engines as it has made search engines to take a stand towards this type of SEO bringing very dangerous algorithms which has caused many sites on the internet to suffer in both traffic and Google rank, blackhat SEO can bring good results but the consequences of it are very hard to cope with as the ban is usaully long term which means that all your hardwork will vanish in no time until the search engine reconsiders your site.

The Secret in Affiliate Networking

Making money using affiliate programs has been very hard for many Bloggers around the world as it happened that the readers don't get to trust the blog author as they should resulting in the blog getting affected as  a result of low subscriptions and income. As a blogger the only way to make money from your blog is none other than getting the readers into trusting your site more.
As a blogger I have found it hard to make money online for about one year  until I had to restart my blogging career and build a much better interface for my blog readers which was strongly built with trust and lasting promises.

I want to thank you very much for reading this awesome Review on Bloggertipstricks interview, please feel free to ask questions on the comments box, stay blessed.

6 Tips for New Ecommerce Startups [Infographic]

Ecommerce has become one of the most leading ways in which one can make money online, it is not dependant on the site traffic but it is more dependant on the the sales that are made through the Ecommerce site. In this tutorial you will learn some of the best ways that you can implement to a new start in eCommerce as shown on The Infolgraphic by Vebology at the bottom of this page which will give will boost your ecommerce skills by a margin.
Getting into doing business online has never been done easily in a way that even if you are new into eCommerce that would not be a problem because today is a variety of ways of which one can launch an Ecommerce site.

Ajaxsurf Publishers Update

Ajaxsurf will experience some changes on the aim to improve the  quality of the blog to the readers, We are planning to purchase an un-named domain name which costs around $1000 from the owner with the current Alexa rank of less than 12k which will bring big changes on the way we run this blog.

Upon the Purchase of the domain we have contacted sites like Mashable, Alltop, John Chow  and many more sites that we will be updating our sites which will help them avoid getting any broken links as these sites have been linking to many of our posts.

NB: These Changes will take effect on 21 August 2015

  • Blog Comments
The Comments submitted by our readers will be filtered in a different way whereby comment links will be blocked from working as some Bloggers have posted comments only with an intention to leave links with the hope of ranking better on alexa which is really funny because blog comments are no follow which means that it will not boost the rank of your site in any form.
  • Advertising Slots
We will be Adding some Advertising Spaces on the Site at an affordable price of less than $25 per month for the first 6 months as the blog is running. Our Advertising Services will be done in Partnership with Adengage a Company that will control all of our Ad purchases and implementation.
  • Sponsored Posts
Ajaxsurf will be offering Readers and it clients an opportunity to have it post content to be posted on the blog at a prize of $5,45 depending on the type of posts. We will only accept only unpublished posts.
  • Reviews
We will be offerring product reviews at a prize of $5,45 and please note that not all products will be accepted.
  • Blog Authors
The Current blog authors will get paid for any blog post they publish and an ineffective blog authors will get deleted upon from the server.
We thank you For your Time and we are looking foward to hear your views about the updates that we will be implementing on the Site.

Google Phantom Algorithm Revealed

Maybe you have heard or noticed about the Google Phantom Algorithm Which has caused many sites to drop down from their higher ranking positions, The phantom update has come in a very unexpected way whereby some blogs and news sites have referred to it as the "Ghost" Algorithm because of the damage it had caused whereby many sites on the internet had to drop from their current pagerank to very low ranks within a very short amount of time.

This Algorithm is not similar to the Panda or Penguin updates as it is not fighting any internet spam or Search Engine Manipulation but this update is to is very much based on the type of content that is being produced by the blog itself and on this article you will learn how to avoid getting hit by any algorithm update and how you can survive these updates without getting your affected.
According to MBT they have confirmed that mostly sites with a lot of  "How to..." articles are mostly affected by the Google Phantom update which has affected sites like eHow and Wikihow who depend very much  on the "How to" type of articles as Google has made this move following the Mobile Algorithm which was introduced in April 2015.

The Worst thing that has happened to the how to sites is nothing more than a loss of traffic being snatched away by Google as they have recently introduced the knowledge graph which has made the content of certain sites to get featured whenever a user searches using a "How to" keyword, the Google knowledge graph will give the answer to the reader without giving the reader an option to visit the site. This had been a very huge loss for this sites because Google is simply stealing the content of these site without allowing the visitor to go to these sites.

Is Google on War with eHow, Hubpages and Wikihow
This is the main question that one should ask because Google first introduced the Google Structured and the Google graph which took traffic and also affected many of the related sites causing them to lose thousands of  their readers. And know with the Google phantom secret Algorithm being introduced with the aim to boost the Google graph  by destroying those sites and causing them to rank very low on Google in such that they will lose their reputation.

How Did this Update Affect Big Sites
~Many Huge Websites Have Lost a lot of Money.
~Websites lost more than 20% traffic overnight
~The Algorithm came by surprize

How to Recover Googles Secret Updates
Google is also on the same business as your site is and you got to know that you are competition to them even though your site is dependant on Google and Other search engines but with Google as the leading search engine then that is the reason why Google gets its respect.
When looking at the recent updates that were made by Google in the past 5 years is the Google Panda Algorithm which was introduced to rank web content by it quality and on 2012 the Penguin Algorithm was invited to reduce all web spam that was used by some websites to bolster their rank in Google and from there was the biggest algorithm which was the well known mobilegeddon which was based ranking mobile friendly sites to rank better compared to unfriendly sites.

  •  Get a Mobile Template for your Blog

Since Google has introduced the mobile update algorithm which many bloggers were were ready for since it was announced by Google in December 2014 which gave many sites a chance to avoid getting hit by this algorithm update,  but they were not ready for the Google Phantom Algorithm which caused many sites to get hit by the algorithm as even today some bloggers have been questioning as the rank of many websites has decreased rapidly not only on big sites but the smaller sites have also lost big time.

  • Identify the Penalty that has Hit your Site.

If it happens that your blog gets a huge decrease in its search Engine readers then probably your site is suffering from a possible penalty. My site to was sufferring from the Google penguin penalty early in when it was created in 2014 as Fantasy and Luxury which was a celeb Magazine, the site sufferred due to it lack of unique posts and images because by that time I hardly got time to write quality posts.
The only way I got to survive the penalty was by removing all the posts that were not unique from the site in such that the site was left with less than 10 posts which was the hardest time for our site but unfortunately we were able to post as many posts as possible in such that we were able to get up to 30 posts a month which really boosted the effectiveness of our site.

  • Write Quality Content

The quality content by a blog plays a very huge role in the promoting blog to search engines and advertisers who can play a huge contribution into increasing the effectiveness of your blog to the readers in the internet.

Content is the primary ranking factor of Search Engines and probably no site will ever lose it rank just because of the content it is producing. You have to work hard to produce quality content and you will really the positive outcome that will be produced by that content.

  • Don't focus too much on SEO

The use of SEO plays a great role in boosting the rank of a post in search engines but with some recent algorithms which we introduced by Google and other search engines SEO has lost it power in such that some sites have been banned because of using Search Engine Optimization to rank their sites because google and other search Engines got their own sorts of webmasters tools as they originally hate any form of Web spam which involves link parties and so on.
Yes your site must be fully optimised for certain keywords and searches on Google but the way in which our sites run should not affect the bots by using a lot of keywords.

  • Add Optimized Images to Blog posts

Images play a very great role in improving the rank of a post in the search engines as it was mentioned in one of our blog posts about on page and Off Page SEO tips for Blogger.
Search Engines Love the visibility of Images on a site but they don't like images that are not given a title or a alt title because search engines find it hard to read images, The images in your post content should at least have a title that is related to the post content and have an alt tag which will help it rank well on Google images.
The Phantom

How to Automatically Remove Spam links From Blogger/Blogspot Comments

Spam on The internet has became very popular as many websites and blogs have a comment box in which spamers have found as a big opportunity in which they can share spam links in the hope that their websites and blogs will get to rank very much better on the internet which I would say it does not work on Blogger because any of the comment links submitted to blogger are mostly no follow, this is not my setting but Google itself.

 Automatically Remove Spam links From Blogger

Spam is  everywhere just as fraud is, having a huge website is quite a problem when you don't have a proper spam management for your blog as most readers get to post spam links or any un-authorised links which may affect the image of your blog to the eyes of the loyal readers.

In August 2010 Blogger introduced an automatic spam detection which allowed blogs to automatically remove comment links from the comment box which is probably good news for any professional Blogger who is having a problem with fighting spam on Blogger. In this post I will show you both ways to fight comment spamming which is either through the normal blogger comment management and also by using some simple html codes within the Template source code, both of these ways are going to control the type of comments appearing on your blog whereby most linky comments will be reverted to draft or will have to get moderated before they can appear on the blog.

Remove Spam Comments Using Blogger Spam Filter

This the one that I currently use to filter spam comments published by some of the blog readers and also by the Google bot to help control the spam comments automatically.
Using the normal Blogger Spam Filter will reduce any available spam activity on your blog by not publishing spam comments, the spam filter is not very smart as you are but it will learn from the decisions that your make as a blogger

Please Note : The Tips below will Automatically Delete/Hide all links in Blogger Comments

Remove Spam Comment links Using jQuery codes

Removing spam links in Blogger using jQuery is the best option that I will recommend for any blogger as it will not only hide the link but it will also remove it from the blog within seconds after the comment was published.

STEP 1 : Go to Blogger dashboard and select Template>>>Edit Html to open your your Template Code

STEP 2 : Press the "CTRL" + "F" keys and search for this code <body> , Just below It paste the code below.

<!--Stop Blog Comments -->
< script>$('.comment-content a[rel $=nofollow]').replaceWith(function()
{return ($(this).text());}); </script> <!--Stop Blog Comments -->

STEP 3 : Save your template and check your blog comment box if it worked properly.

Use CSS to Remove Spam Blog Comment links

Using CSS to handle spam links is not really effective as it will not remove the spam links instead it will hide them from showing on your blog but the bad thing about the use of CSS is that it will not remove the comment spam links.

Step 1 : On your Blog Dashboard, Go to Template and select Edit HTML.

Step 2 : Search for this code  ]]></b:skin> and just above it paste the code below.

.comment-content a {
display: none;

Step 3 : Save your Template and you will be done that easily.


In the options that I have shared in this post I will recommend that you add them all to your blog or just add the JQuery trick instead of using all because it works very well even without using all of the available options .

Suppose you got any questions regarding this topic please feel free to submit them on the comments box below, if your codes worked well please tell us how the spam comments were removed from your blog and we will get back to you soon.

Facebook to invest €200 million in Ireland data Centre

The World's leading social Media company Facebook is planning to put it €200 million($224 million) investments into Data Centre which will be powered mostly by renewable power energy. This move is one of the biggest done by Facebook in Ireland after creating it huge duplin offices.

The Facebook data Centre is designed to cover over 50 000 meter squared which will be Facebook second data centre to be built after the data centre which was earlier built in Lulea, Sweden.  The Irish data centre is expected to increase the number of Ireland's Facebook employees to over 1000 according to a data that was shared by Mashable research team. The data centre is planned to be located in in Clonee a small town situated in the West of Duplin the home of the Facebook Europe centre, the plans for the Centre has been confirmed by the Irish government as they will be supporting the development of Facebook Irish data Center.

This Investment by Facebook has attracted the eyes of the world which has made Ireland to be seen as the biggest data centre investment country after the Tech giants Apple were reported to build a $1,9 Billion data centre within the west coast of Ireland in a town of Athenry  which will also be entirely be powered by renewable energy.

If you have any detail to share with us concerning the Ireland data centre, please feel free to share with us in the comment box or visit our contact page.

Successfully Overcome Your Blog Competition

Overcome Your Blog Competition

On Blogging there is potentially a great competition that is faced by Bloggers all over the world but that does not mean that you wont be able to make it because of the word "Competition" . In this post I will discuss with you the best tactics that will help you overcome your blog competition within a very short amount of time and by just using a few blogging basics to your advantage.

Blogs are started daily and by recent estimation it was founded that more than 3 million blogs are being launched on the internet daily which Adds to the 100 million online active blogs on the internet. But Recently I was able to start a couple of free blogs Which I was able to market and they have done well on the internet and more surprisingly they have been receiving good traffic and quality backlinks from different sites on the internet, With the strategies I used there have a good improvement which has motivated me to share with you an article on how to outrun your Blog competition.

Blogging is Simple and does not require too much hardwork but commitment and strategic planning because running a blog require a lot of Responsibility either than just posting a long thread of posts, a blog needs a lot of commitment in other to grow a blog, Ajaxsurf was not hard to run a couple of moths ago until I started publishing quality well organised posts.
In Blogger commitment is very important and

  • Social
Social Media is the driving force of many sites and blogs around the world as there had been a great rate of the sharing of posts online, infact people love to share posts online and that can be simplified only by adding social buttons and widgets on your blog.
In my Recent post I have shared about the The Secret behind Mashable Success in which I share with you about how did mashable got to reach a margin of having over 20 million visitors through the use of social media. Which displays that social media is a powerful source of traffic if it is used wisely in a good marketing perspective, Yes search Engine Optimization is a good source of traffic as it exposes your site to a huge number of visitors but social media works different and it influence cannot be predicted as it can reach a margin close to 1million vistors per post which hardly happen through SEO.

  • Provide quality Content
Bloggers say content and well I agree with them on that because I have seen the effectiveness of quality content on a blog and on how it helps improve the quality of a blog before the readers and also to the search engines, content has been the driving force to search engine optimization.
The type of content provided by your blog will not only give you the best traffic that you may require from your blog but will also ensure an increase in the number of loyal readers on your site because it is very important that you win over your blog visitors.

  •  Keep Promises to Readers
Keeping your promises to your blog readers plays a huge role in ensuring the growth of your blog, don't be like to spammy bloggers who collect emails in promise of an ebook and end up not giving the readers what they have requested.
I have seen it more frequently on blogger where spam have been used a key behind their growth, spam can help improve a blog but will cause your blog readers to lose the trust that they have towards your blog.

Ajaxsurf is not a better blog than most of the blogger blogs but we play it simple by not getting ourselves involved in any type of scams that are done by some blogs, readers hate spam  and they will not want to get involved with any spam sites. If it happens that you are involved in any type of spam then you better remove it association from your blog if are serious to take your readers to a greater blogging margin which will as well enhance great traffic and revenue from your blog.

  •  Professionally Respond to Comments
The comments shared by the blog readers are to be taken seriously if you want your blog visitors to stick around, your responses to the reader comments should be done in a way that will please both the readers and the you as the blog Administrator.

  •  Go an extra Mile before the Competition
It is very important that you improve your blog in a way that will surpass the competition of your blog. Always try to go an extra mile by producing very first class news, tutorials and other blog niche related things

  •  Keep your titles to atleast 50-60 characters
The title of the post plays a big role in the perspective of looking in a keyword wise manner, it will ensure the best possible rank for your site.

  •  Give a unique name to your Blog
First of all when you want to become a successful blogger, you got to be unique and have a theme that will only point to your blog. Yes there are many blog templates that are used online, you can simply buy one or just use a free version instead of a professional version it makes no difference at all, as a blogger you got to stand out of the millions and stand in the number one position by producing quality content without looking down on your blog.

If there is a huge blog that you want your site to be like in the near future, then you really have to do a research about them and also try to copy their style of writing and skill and you will really see great improvements on your site. When I started Blogging I always followed top blogs until I was able to reach their level and when I had reached their level, I found out there were more even larger blogs whereby right now I am focussing in reaching those to Blog. The secret to successful blogging is not just about  the competition but it is about working in a way that will reach the even greater competition, so don't focus on blogs that are the same size as your blog but you got to aim even more higher.

How to Customize or Edit Blogger Mobile Templates

After the mobile armegeddon which was known as the "Mobilegeddon" there has been a huge demand for high quality mobile Templates excluding blogger and Wordpress because the users are given an option to choose from a range of mobile templates. But upon looking at those facts we have found a great deal of websites that offer customizations for the traditional Blogger templates with very easy to use customization tools which has probably attracted thousands of bloggers into signing up for free and professional accounts to get their own blogger hosted mobile blogs into  stylish mobile themes.

Blogger itself has a variety of mobile template styles which as well can be work very well with any mobile device as they are made to respond very well to different screen Sizes in which I would really congratulate blogger for such great customizations.

To get your blogger mobile Template to work in a way that suites you does not need you to make any monthly payments on any other service or network as I am going to show you the changes that you should apply your blog Template code and If you are not really familiar with editing the Blogger HTML code then you will have to visit our Blogger Services page and we will simply do it for you.

How To Customise Blogger Mobile Template

I know that some online companies will hate me for this post but I am sure they will move on, Blogger is a free service and they shouldn't make bloggers to pay any monthly payments to keep their mobile themes running.

The Blogger mobile Template is fixed in this order as shown Below.

  • Header
  • Blog
  • Pagelist
  •  Adsense
  • Profile
  • Atrribution

To view the codes of these widget you will have to go to your blog Dashboard>>>Template>>>Edit html.
Within the Template html you can control the appearance of these widgets, by using a couple of attributes which will control how these widgets apear on your blog. These attributes are divided into three which are:

mobile="no"  Attribute

The mobile=no Attribute will hide/prevent any widget from appearing on your blog, most of the widgets on your blog are prevented by this attribute from appearing on the mobile Template.

mobile="yes" Attribute

The mobile="yes" attribute means that the widget will show both on the desktop version of the site and also on the site mobile version.

mobile="only" Attribute

The mobile="only" attribute will restrict any widget to appearing only on the mobile template, this means that particular widget will not appear on the desktop Version of your site.

Adding the Mobile Attributes to Blogger
Adding these attributes is not hard at all as you just have to open the Template html code and Right on to select Jump to widget and select the widget that you want to edit it properties. In this case I will use the attribution widget as an Example .
The default attribution code is :

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'/>

Now from the above code if you want to  hide the widget code from the mobile template you will have to use to add the mobile="no" attribute as shown in the example below.

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' mobile='no' title='' type='Attribution'/>

To show the widget on both the desktop version and on the mobile version of your blog you will have to to simply add the the mobile="yes" attribute to the code as shown below.

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' mobile='yes' title='' type='Attribution'/>

And lastly to restrict the widget to the mobile template only you will have to add the mobile="only" attribute which will cause the widget not to appear on the desktop version, adding it is simple you just have to add the attribute as shown below.

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' mobile='only' title='' type='Attribution'/>

Now  we are done with the showing of widgets on the blogger template which, implement the attributes as instructed and you will see the effectiveness of the blogger mobile template.
Save the Template changes and check your mobile template to see if it suites your blog.
If your blog is not having a mobile Template them probably you have deactivated the mobile template from appearing on your blog, to activate the mobile Template you just have to follow these simple steps.

Step 1 : Go to Blogger Dashboard>>>Template and press on the Gear as shown on the Image below.

Step 2 : This trick works better on The custom Blogger mobile Template, so you will have to choose the custom template as shown below.

It is mostly recommended that you use the custom blogger mobile or Template as it works ver well but if it happens that it is not pleasing you then you may use the Simple, Awesome and the other featured blogger mobile template, they will all work very well with your blog.

How To Promote And Transform Your Blogger/Wordpress Blog Like A ProBlogger

Being a Problogger is the dream of most bloggers out there with a hope of making great online profits one day, most small blogs make less than $50 per day in profits while some medium blogs got to make $100+ per day and then we got big blogs that make $1000+ per day which is a very good amount of money that can be made through blogging. Maybe You just had to question like how can one make a good income from blogging or how can I become a professional, Well I am going to show some very simple ways that get you to create the next mashable, the next CNN or the Next Techcrunch because it is really not hard at all but it just needs what we call "will" and "Skill" and then you will be a professional blogger.

When you get to look closely at the professional blogger, you will notice that professional blogs make money by either selling Ads or promoting some Advertising to it readers which has made them to prosper in the blogging.

Blogger and Wordpress are probably the best blogging services that I am quite familiar with but blogging platforms are the same only if you will know how to reach the right audience at the right time, the audience that is Right will include the blog loyal readers and the loyal customers who will support your blog, loyal readers in a blog is a must have and keeping them tagged to your blog will not only benefit your blog in making profits and revenue but it will build a noticable foundation and background after the blog which will help your site rank very well on Google and other search engines because the user activity of a site has been considered as a very strong ranking signal.

The Blog readers are the most important characters in a blog because they play a huge role in contributing to a blog as they love your blog as you love it, I have seen some Bloggers trying to use various types of widgets a plugins to spam their readers which I would say it is crazy, Professional Bloggers must follow a certain procedure to build successful blogs and they should have respect for the blog readers. In my Blogging career the first type of Advertise network was Qadabra and the After it was Bidvertiser, these Advertising services contained a lot of Spam Ads and scams which were in the form of pop under Ads and Also the irritating Pop up Ads. Don't get me wrong Bidvertiser is one of the five highest PPC Advertising networks in the World but they lack proper Ad filtering.
The Comments of a Blog have to be controlled at a serious note because when it comes to Blogging spam is one of the biggest problems faced online, even I had a problem dealing with Spam on Blogger until I used some CSS and JQuery codes on my which deactivated all the anauthorised comment links included on the comment box. Your Blog should look representable to the readers whether the visitor is visiting for the first time or not, the reader must find it safe to comment on your blog.

Sell Something Your Readers

When Openning a Blog or a website you are getting yourself into the world of online profits, because have blog is similar to having an online magazine whereby thousands of readers get to read articles daily and also buy any product that is being offered by the magazine. When looking at the magazines like Forbes and YOU, you will get to notice that they make most of their profits from sales and Advertising just as happens on a blog. Selling a product can involve any thing that was made by the blog author or any member of the blog, it can be anything from  Advertising Networks, Affiliate Products by other bloggers and the products that have been manufactured by the Blog.
On my upcomming book I will be titled 7seven Possible Income Streams for Bloggers I do mention an ebook as the best thing to sell on a blog because Ebooks are very powerful as the number of sales that one can make is very unpredictable, an Ebook is a must have if you are interested in making online passive income, any blogger can write a niche ebook which can be sold on Amazon, Ajaxsurf Publishers and many other online retailers. If it happens that you are running a news site then you should have Ads on Place and the onlything you are only required to do is to simply bring readers to your blog and they can click on those Ads which will eventually generate a good revenue.
As I mentioned above that there are four possible/Common ways to make online profits which can be anything from :

  • Selling Your Created products

As mentioned above as a blog there should be atleast a product that you would be selling to the blog readers and customers.
  •  Selling Affiliate Products

Affiliate Products are an another method of generating income through your blog, affiliate products are not made by you or your blog but they are made by blogging professionals. the great thing about affiliate products is that you can sell any product or service irrespective of whether you are an author or not. So with Affiliate networks you don't need to create any product but you choose any product and sell to the readers.

  •  A Good paying Advertising Network

Advertising networks can make you money while you sleep, the only thing you are required to do is to find a good Advertising network like Adsense Ads, Infolinks and Media.net Ads which will really boost your online income.

Must Read : 10 Best Tips to Increase Your Blog Revenue through Infolinks

  •  Have a Service to sell on your blog

Sell a service or anything that you specialize in as it happens that many blog readers have problems with their blogs and having you as an experienced blogger will help them in the form a consultation or a paid webinar, Its just that simple.

Get new readers to signup for your Blog

It is very important that you please your readers both the new and the old because that is the main reason for the increase in profits of many professional blogs on the internet. The Newsletter and a Membership blog will ensure that your blog has it clients tagged because the people who read your blog are mostly potential buyers and having the updated about the products and discounts will really motivate them into buying.

Bring it all Together and Make it Work

Once you have got a minimum of 100 readers on your newsletter then there would a greater chance of making an income and would really motivate you to do so and not just celebrate reaching your first 100 email subscribers but focus on making money because from a mailing list about 20% readers usually make from the email subscribers.

Blogging is not hard but it makes blogging an income reality only if you will blog wisely and make money like a Professional blogger, tell us about your Blogging experience and difficulties and we will be happy to assist you in the comment box, if you need any help with anything on customizing your blog into being a professional blog visit Ajaxsurf Services and you will get assisted.