Showing posts with label SCIENCE AND TECH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCIENCE AND TECH. Show all posts

How Will Technology Change The World?

Almost a decade before, none of us had predicted we will be tech-savvy to an extent that would astonish us all. Today, we all have smartphones in our hands, internet in every corner of the world, we can communicate, can eat, can travel and drive, can do online shopping and many more impressive technological innovations are on their ways to invade the world. Education has become easier, communication improved, the world turned into a global village, and it will be a big injustice if we don’t expect much better in the offing. According to the United Nations sources, in 2050 the world will be accommodating 9.7 billion people- that mean more loads on the planet, more severe problems, and more energy crisis but there is few ways technology will revolutionize the contemporary world. Let’s have a look at what is more in the next episode.

Balloon Internet

Though most parts of the world are provided with internet access and the 4th generation is spreading rapidly to serve the world all around, there are so many underdeveloped countries with such areas with no access to the internet. Provision of the internet on such large scales will require building infrastructure and the finance is a bigger hurdle on the way. To overcome the very issue and promise equity in providing the internet, the internet giant, Google is planning to bring balloons that will be called balloon internet.
The work has kicked off, and some countries like Sri Lanka and India are benefiting from this installation by Google. 2015 observed and experienced many practices, and 2016 will see much more in the offing as well. Thus, it can be generalized, the internet scarcity will be handled ultimately, and it will indeed change the world in upcoming years.

Food Shortage Will No Longer Be a Problem

The technology in the offing will be more fruitful in obtaining more crops and combat the traditional food production methods. It will become easy to produce genetically-modified crops in the house as well. That means the pest and environmental issues regarding food will be achieved and we will be getting sustainable and healthier foods.

Artificial Neural Networks

Artificial neural networks on their way to impress the world but there would be much bigger soon as well. These are the stimulated brains used in the traditional computers. Thus, these can be used to tackle the problems that we can never solve. In short, these ANNs will be in the limelight in the future. These are being used nowadays by Facebook to detect photos, by shipment companies for route identifications and credit card companies use them to find out frauds.

Social Purchasing

Social purchasing is not a new thing in the commerce but Facebook offered a sort of social buying through its ads, and so did Pinterest. All this leads to more demands and more purchasing opportunities in the future. Rather than the paid ads and posting, the content marketers will have to look forward to getting more sustainable ways. The only left solution is influence marketing, but that again carries paid marketing through influential personalities. However, influence marketing can also be done via collaboration, and this will become the future choice of every marketer.

Digital Networking

Nowadays, though, the global internet provision is managing all the resources and facilitating the world, in the offing, we will observe how the wireless networks will take over the digital networking. The time is near and only till 2025 cars, home appliances, and everything will be digitally connected. Technology will be stored for future consumptions and in one or the other way, energy crisis will be managed at all.

Augmented Reality

Virtual and augmented reality has reached and reshaped the content consumption. Facebook, one of the best and most social media forums, owns VR and using it all over the world. We will be able to see more products based on virtual and augmented realities.

Final Thoughts

We can expect everything from age reversing to overcoming food scarcity and a hell more is all awaited for the future lifestyles. This is time to brace ourselves for these innovative technological advancements. In short, technology will present the current world into a much modified version sooner or later.

Author Bio: 

Nicki works as a senior editor and writer at TheOneSpy Blog. She is an ardent reader and a professional writer. She spends most of her time browsing through technology related subjects such as operation of various devices and use of mobile applications. Her writing niche includes posts on fix-ups of common problems related to cell phones and gadgets and the use of monitoring application in business, social and personal circles.

Apple Becomes The Most Valuable Company

Apple has taken their first position in the world as it had lost many of its rankings after the Steve Jobs death tragedy.

Since 2012 Apple was able to grow from $36 billion to $76 billion within ten months as shown by the the Interbrand's 2012 global brand rankings. Since the 2012 growth Apple has been holding second position after Coca-Cola. This has been a very great improvement by Apple as they had shown a very good growth that year as they moved from position eight to position two.

In 2014 Apple was able to take over the first position once again after the negative critics the company had as it had a massive growth from $76 billion in 2012 to a staggering $$124.2 billion in 2014. Since then Apple has been holding the position as the most valuable company until Google stepped in the beginning of 2016 due to the bad financial reports that were reported by Apple and surprisingly Apple was able to reclaim their position. The quick bost in the company value has been boosted by the announcement of the Iphone 5se and the Iphone Air 3 , which had rapidly increased the share demand.

What are your thoughts, do you think that Apple will continue hold position number one despite the presence of its rivals Google, Microsoft and Facebook? Please leave your opinions on the comment box below.

Napoleon Hill Money Making Secrets For Millionaires

when looking at the world as you know it today you may notice that there is an endless amount of opportunities out there for anybody that is ready to get hold of them. I started blogging earlier in 2014 as a hobby because I normally did not have many things in which I could spend most of my time into until I started a blog which has grown into one of the best in world as this blogs gets tons of visitors from around the world. I want to share some of the secrets that have created many billionaires around the world, the secrets that have motivated the likes of Mark Zuckerburg and Pete Cashmore into achieving the best possible achievements that one may acquire as an individual.

If you pay attention to the information that I am sharing with you right now I am really convinced that you will make more money than you ever thought. there is too much information on wealth creation out there and most of it is nothing but crap because they are simply in the business of making money and not returning with something useful to help an average person prosper and I really dont know why do they hide such important information, but I will share with you a glimpse of it to help you succeed in life into being a multimillionaire or a billionaire depending on  your commitment.

Napoleon Hill was one of the people who were privileged to work for the worlds richest man Andrew Carnegie who was the founder of US steel, who later taught Napoleon Hill the success secrets that I am going to share with you on the list below.

  • Have a Dream and a Burning desire to achieve it

    This is the difficulty that most people are having difficulty in getting to solve as most people tend to look at their salary before their can start dreaming about success, such dreams are not usually successful because the subconscious mind knows that they have no faith to achieve such success. unsuccessful people always ask themselves "HOW?"  but winners and successful people never think about the HOW first, they always dream first and have a burning desire for its achievement

    The most important money making secret is to define your dream and have a burning desire for its achievement, and once you are driven by the burning desire you will make it in life as a success.
  • You have to feel good when you think about your dream 

    Most people out in the world feel bad about their dreams because they dont have it, you have to feel good about your dream even if you dont have it for example if I was at a seminar with you and rolled your name out of a hat and say you have just won $50,000 and a trip to Italy, then probably you will be happy even though you have not received the money or travelled the destination. Telling you that you have won will not change anything as I am telling but definitely your feeling will change even though nothing has changed in reality.

    You might have a dream now but that doesnt mean you will achieve it now but there is certainty that you will achieve your dream in a certain amount of time even though you have not achieved it yet.
  • Unsuccessful People are surrounded by dream stealer's

    Dream Stealers are the reason why most people arent successful in life all because of people who are always there to discourage them from achieving their dreams, these people have fear fear of the possibility to financial freedom, dream stealers could be your friends, family, spouse and any other person that makes you believe that you wont make on your dream. Successful people are surrounded by people who support and believe in their dreams no matter how big the dreams are.

    If you want to be successful in life and make more money you have to associate yourself with like minded people who will pull in for you, you can do this by developing friendships with like minded people who are success driven as you are.
  • The words you speak will determine your success

    What you say determines your success which is the reason why most people get hung by their tongue. unsuccessful people talk negative about themselves and just by doing that they hang their own lives with their tongue meaning they kill their dreams because Words Have Power. You must learn to speak like successful people as they speak positive about themselves
  • Think about what you want

    This was the secret which was discovered by Earl Nightingale the author of "The Strangest Secret" a novel which reveals that You become what you think about most of the time. this has been proven to be true as most people become what they think the most. my word to you is that you must think about your dreams all the time and have the burning desire to achieve those dreams.
  • You have to read books

    Leaders are always readers which means that to become a good leader you must earn as much motivation and wisdom from reading books because today the world has been corrupted as most people spend time watching Tv, reading magazines, reading newspapers and spending time with dream stealers who will will harden your your attitude and make focus less in achieving your dreams, we develop negative thinking which develops negative transmisssion of frequency which causes Negative things in your life. as an individual willing to succeed reading books should be used to help position you in the way in which you are supposed to think.

It is easy to become a multimillionaire, you just have to dream about something and follow your dreams and trust me you will indeed become a successful somebody.

Google inline to unveil its new Nexus software

Google is to launch it new make of their smartphones their well known Nexus smartphones which many smartphone users have awaited for.

Google has sent out invitations to many media houses including us to attend the launch of their latest release of the nexus android smartphones. The Company is believed to release two types of smartphones and eventually a new version of chromecast, The new Lexus smartphones are believed to named Nexus 6P and and Nexus 5X which are believed to be manufactured by top industry smartphone makers like Huawei and LG according to a recent report by Droid Life.

Another recent report by Mashable it was confirmed that there was a leak of some data from Google which had some of the development plans for Chromecast, Which is also believed to be released on 29 September together with the new Nexus make.

Google should have new things to unveil to us as we currently do not know much about their plans for the event but we know that much is going to be revealed to us the media. This event will also be live streamed on Youtube and we will encourage readers to stay in touch for more upon this event.

Do you have anything to share with us on this story, please feel free to do so.

People now spend most time using apps than watching TV

Mobile users have taken over the internet recently which introduced mobilegeddon in April 2015 and now smartphones have taken another step into being very much more used than TVs in the past three years.

It seems as the world is getting to a new technology phase as more people from around the world spend most their time on Apps rather than watching TV.

In a recent report by furry they have confirmed that more US consumers spend much time using mobile apps rather than watching TV, as in the survey that was done in the beginning of 2013 till this time has shown a very huge improvement in the number of smartphone users. Please note that the time findings used on this article does not include the time used on mobile browsers but the time spend on mobile Apps. In the year 2013 the average time spent on mobile was 126 minutes , in 2014 the avarage time increase to 139 minutes and right now the average is sitting to 198 minutes on mobile Apps over 168 minutes spent watching TV.

Flurry also notes that the it is very difficult to measure the exact figures as some people use Apps while watching Tv, making it hard for them to measure accurate results. But it is confirmed that TV usage is not decreasing but might increase as time goes as large tech companies like Apple are looking forward to creating internet and gaming TVs which are believed to boost usage in the upcomming years.

The most used things on mobile apps is games as more mobile users have spent most of their time in buying more and more online games in such that the most ranked apps are games.

Google takes a Major Reconstruction to Bring “Alphabet Inc.” the new boss

Google made announcement on Monday 10 August 2015 as they had to take a major reconstruction which will re brand Google into being “Alphabet Inc.” which will make it a co-operation which will run all of it services like Google+, Gmail, Google, Google Maps and Youtube etc.
This big move by Google has made headlines and is expected to have a very large impact on the stocks as it will bring a boost for the company investors. Google will be under Alphabet and will have a new CEO which is Sundar Pichai who will take over Larry Page. These move by the company is believed to bring growth to Google and other related companies as confirmed by the Alphabet Inc CEO Larry Page.

The name Alphabet is already secured by BMW which has forces Alphabet Inc to use the domain instead of using which is not a usual way for domain names since it does not have the company name on it but has the alphabetical domain name which could be seen as creativity.

According to a post by Mashable it has been confirmed that the main reason for this change from Google was the high growth rate of their services which has improved amazingly in the recent months despite a small share price drop in the April and May period.

All the current Shares of Google will be automatically be converted into Alphabet Which will continue trading on the stock trader using the post Google symbols GOOG and GOOGL.
The company will continue providing searvh services as usaul but will give it Search Engine Optimization services to rising star Sundar Pichai, Which has not been really not confirmed what will happen to services like blogspot.