Showing posts with label BLOGGER TRICKS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLOGGER TRICKS. Show all posts

The Important three Pillars of SEO

SEO is the heart of the blog success, any blog that is not properly programmed or optimized for better ranking will have big difficulties in meeting it achievements. We as SEO expects we dont really have very much knowledge about how search engines work but in order to get the results we use the errors our sites have in order to predict certain changes that taken place on the internet. These predictions and studies have introduced ways in which can be used to bring better optimization to our sites.

Recommended: Search Engine Optimization Tips for Bloggers

Another part of evolving part of optimization is Social Media Optimization(SMO)  which really contributes a lot to SEO. This type of optimization has been the power behind the growth of Mashable making it a very big site at a very short amount of time. In my upcomming post I will teach you more about this type of optimization.

Search Engine Optimization is probably controlled by some of the most important factors which I believe that every site owner should know in order to position their sites rightly for success. You may happen to rank well and the rank position of your site will fully be affected by whatsoever happens on these factors.

The Best Three Factors of SEO


This refers very much to the technology used on the website template which will include some things like CSS codes, HTML codes used, Internal linking structure, sitemaps etc.

I always recommend bloggers to use premium blogger templates in order to rank better due to the awesome technology used in the construction of the template, if it happens that you want to remove template credits we can negotiate with the template creator only for $3 USD.

Most site audits usaully focus mostly on the template design and how can it be used to help a site gets indexed easily, making it easier for search engines to be able to get content from your site.


The relevance of a blog will have to do a lot with the content structure of the blog which will also include the meta tags, description and meta title to give search engines an idea of your site content. When search engines crawl a site it does not mean that the search engines understand the type of content the site has unless the author uses meta tags.

The relevance ensures that search engines properly interpretes the site content. Today writing a highly optimized blog post is much more important than ever and that is why your content has to be optimized for better indexing.


Authority is the name of the game, authority sites are made to rank higher compared to non authority sites because these sites are the most trusted. It is quite impossible for a non authority site to rank well above authority sites unless it has a very good relevance.

Normally many sites tend to try and get links from other authority sites with the hope of ranking much better because authority is very much know factor for the improvement of a site. Some blogs have been given penalties for manipulating the search engines by try to buy authority links which is a big internet fraud done by bloggers.

Search Engine Optimization is a must for any site. These three factors will help boost the rank of your site given that you do as told by following the tips given on this blog.

How to Add Your Blog Sitelinks to Search Engines

Having your the Sitelinks of your blogger blog or wordpress site listed on search engines can really increase the search traffic  of your blog by a high margin which will totally overcome your competition making your blog to appear the most in most keyword Related searches as your blog will appear like this on the Google home page with the links of your best blog posts appearing right under the meta-description of your site.
On the Image represented below is the appearance of how your blog will appear with the sitelinks showing on the search engine.

1 : The Normal Meta-description of your site in the normal way it appears on search engines.

2 : The Links which will be under the meta-description, these links will help push the other sites down the search engine.

Maybe you might have seen them in the sites you follow on search engines as they appear in a very beautiful way which definately attract the user into clicking on the links provided on your site as it makes your site unique compared to the sites appearing on the search engines.
Site links are probably internal links that are are chosen as the best to represent your site as they are the links that new visitors will click on to access your if it shows on the search results. The installation of these links will make it easier for the blog readers to quickly navigate to the sites most important posts on the blog.

Reduces the Bounce rate of the Blog
The bounce rate is greatly reduced by these links because sitelinks create a platform where readers get to trust yoursite simply because it is not every site that get links on the search results but only a few are given according to the amount of traffic they get.

Higher visibility of Links
There is a higher visibilty of important links which will make it easier for your blog readers to easily buy products right from the search engine page, these links can be customized on the Google webmasters page.

Definately make the competitors sites go down the results
Sitelinks are very well known for making Sites appear more on the front page compared to competition pages on the first page of the search engine.

Increases Alexa rank
For you to have sitelinks on your site, the very first thing that you need to add is an xml sitemap which can be added on your blog through this tutorial and in some blogs it might have been automatically created by blogger for you, to see if your blog sitemap is setted up please copy this code below and paste it in your browser

Replace with your blog url and press enter to open the sitemap.
If a sitemap with links is not showing then you will have to add it manually at .
Once you have added the sitemap please try again on the webmaster tools and if it happens that your blog is not showing then you will have to check your blog search visibilty but as much as I am concerned every blogger blog created should have a sitemap.

The Second most important thing that you must have is a Google Webmaster tools account  which you will use to create the sitelinks for your blog, setting up an account is easy as you will have to go to Google Webmaster tools  and submit your blog and an verify it from there but if you used the same email account as on blogger then automatically your site will be verified. Now click on the site and go to sitemaps and from there you will have to submit your sitemap which is like this ...
If you have done the things mentioned above you will have to go to the tutorial below.

How to Add blogger Sub-headings or Site links on Google Search Engine

As mentioned in the above paragraph to get the sitelinks on your Blog is very easy as you as the blogger does not need to create any links but instead the Google search engine will automatically create the sitelinks for your site without you having to show any efforts.

SiteLinks are not customized by humans but they are customized and Updated by Search Bots which means you will just have to add some inputs that will improve your blog Search Appearance. which will include things like:

• Get a professional domain
• Post Regularly
• Increase your site content
• Create Meta tags

Once you have applied all the mentioned thing then you will have to wait for a week or two because it doesn't happen automatically but it will eventually take some time.

Add Auto Read More with thumbnail for Blogspot/Blogger Posts

The most effective method to make posts in the online journal landing page to be shown with a programmed "read more" catch and a thumbnail. 

To be more particular, this will demonstrate the title of the post, then a short outline with various characters and a thumbnail, that will be the thumbnail of the first picture transferred inside the post. After the thumbnail and the post outline, there will be a "Read More" connection, which when you tap on it, will take you to the genuine post. 

This Automatic Read More script will compress substance and a post rundown will be indicated just on the primary online journal page (landing page), classification pages, and chronicle pages.

Adding the Automatic Read more Button on Blogger

  • Step 1 : Go to Blogger Dashboard and Select Template and then select Edit HTML to open your Template code.

  • Step 2 : Now on your Blogger Template search for this code , Note that this code appears three times on blogger, you got to find the third one.
  • Step 3 : Replace the third <data:post.body/>  code with this code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<div expr:id='&quot;summary&quot; +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb(&quot;summary<>&quot;,&quot;<data:post.url/>&quot;,&quot;<data:post.title/>&quot;);</script>
 <span class='readmore' style='float:right;'><a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More &#187;</a></span></b:if></b:if>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;static_page&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>

Step 4 : Search for </head> and just above it Paste this code

<script type='text/javascript'>
posts_no_thumb_sum = 490;
posts_thumb_sum = 400;
img_thumb_height = 160;
img_thumb_width = 180;
<script type='text/javascript'>
function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){
var s = strx.split("<");
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){
s[i] = s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">")+1,s[i].length);
strx = s.join("");
chop = (chop < strx.length-1) ? chop : strx.length-2;
while(strx.charAt(chop-1)!=' ' && strx.indexOf(' ',chop)!=-1) chop++;
strx = strx.substring(0,chop-1);
return strx+'...';
function createSummaryAndThumb(pID, pURL, pTITLE){
var div = document.getElementById(pID);
var imgtag = "";
var img = div.getElementsByTagName("img");
var summ = posts_no_thumb_sum;
if(img.length>=1) {
imgtag = '<span class="posts-thumb" style="float:left; margin-right: 10px;"><a href="'+ pURL +'" title="'+ pTITLE+'"><img src="'+img[0].src+'" width="'+img_thumb_width+'px" height="'+img_thumb_height+'px" /></a></span>';
summ = posts_thumb_sum;

var summary = imgtag + '<div>' + removeHtmlTag(div.innerHTML,summ) + '</div>';
div.innerHTML = summary;

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<style type='text/css'>
.post-footer {display: none;}
.post {margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #E6E6E6; padding-bottom: 20px;}
 .readmore a {text-decoration: none; }

Step 5 : Save your Template and from there you will see it work

Suppose you have any questions on the this tutorial, please feel free to leave them in the comments box below.

How To Auto Update Template Credits in Blogger

Having to put credit Links and dates on Blog footer  is quite easy and can be updated manually by accessing your Template source code but there is a much better way That will help getting the job done for you with ease. The template footer credits plays a very big role on a blog template as they help make your blog look very much more professional as it will have special attributes that will help boost the trust of the blog reader.

The use of a footer credit will not only improve reader trust in your blog but will also create an awareness of the blog content ownership. When it comes to Blogging, there are many content thieves out there that steal blog content by using the copy paste method whereby they will simply copy content from the targeted blog page and they will paste it on their own blog page, This type of action is known as plagarism.

So if you really want to created an awareness for your blog content you will have to use a credit with an updated blog name because we bloggers rename our blogs more often depending on the changes we do to them, which may be a change in niche or any other change to improve the blog but it happens that the old name of the Blog on the Footer will remain unchanged making you blog to look out of order. In this tutorial I will show you how to auto update the Blog Trademark or Credit, and on how to auto update the blog date to the current one with the use of Javascript.

• Log into Blogger Dashboard and go to template and select Edit HTML to open the Template Source code

•  Once you are on the template code press 'CTRL' and 'F' Keys to open the search box.

• Search for the Text on Your Footer which is The date and Blog name seperately.

The date for most blogs is 2013, 2014 or any other date. Replace the date showing on your blog template footer with this automatic updating code.

write(new Date

• Once your Have updated the Template date you can save your Template to see if your Template was updated.

• For most new templates the footer has the new update code but I will share for those using codes that are not yet updated. To get the new update for the Blog name in the footer you should look for the name that is showing after or before the © sign  and Replace it with this code and save:


• The Last thing to do is to check the link in your template which will be before the <data:blog.title/>™ code, The link should be Replaced with this code

<a expr:href=' data:blog. homepageUrl'>

• At the end of the customizations your code should look in this way depending on the Template used

<a expr:href=' data:blog. homepageUrl'> <data:blog.title/>™ </a> © <script type='text/javascript'>document.write(new Date().getFullYear());</script>

The Output will be as follows

Ajaxsurf™ © 2015

its that simple :-)

This is one of the best ways to make your Blog an optimized blog by getting updated footer credits for your blogspot blog. Have any questions? please feel free to ask us and we will really love to help you.

Best Proven Ways To Turn Facebook Fans into Blog Promoters

Facebook is currently the best network that bloggers can use to promote blog content as it has been the best leading blog promotion advantages.
Does your blog have a social media presence and yet lacks the traffic you want then this tutorial will be the guide to using facebook fans, friends or followers  to get your blog traffic running above the stakes.

Facebook has been the major marketing strategy for many sites on the internet by bringing in quality traffic and sales, big blogs like Mashable and Techcruch have got most of their traffic from social media more particularly Facebook and Twitter which are the current leading social media sites which shows a great growth potential for sites that have been able to market their sites. Facebook has been expanding itself to webmasters by producing widgets that can be embedded on blogs to bring about the best user experience that allows readers to easily share on facebook.
With social media being on top of the ladder whereby Facebook has been the second most used site after Google there is a great potential for your site to do well on social media. With looking at Mashable only it is noted that the site gets most of its traffic from social media .

How to turn Facebook fans into blog promoters
Turning your Facebook fans into blog promoters is nothing hard at all as it is only a matter of will and skill.
Recently some blogger mentioned that creating many facebook pages on one name will boost the blog which I would say that it indeed sounded promising but yet not true at all because it was never tested and secondly merging multiple pages will not increase the blog followers as because Facebook is smart they can easily see duplicate likes and they are counted as a single like so it wont work.
Facebook is currently the best social marketing site on the web with Billions of daily active users that on can get a stake of.

• The first thing that you have to do is to open a Page that will be based on your blog and get it updated daily with whats happening on your blog which will inlude updates and advertising offers that are being offered by the blog,
This how it works, The more they share your posts the more are the chances that your followers friends will get involved with your blog whereby they will start following your blog. It is simple you just have to keep you facebook page updated frequently to improve your blog and the readers will do the rest.

• As a blogger you probably Should have a Facebook account, but if it happens that you do not have one the I would motivate that you register your account at the Facebook home page and get to invite new friends from the options that are given by Facebook.
Once your account is fully setup and running then you will have to invite your friends into liking your page and if it happens that you dont have enough likes then ask your friends to invite their friends only and you will see a very great improvement on your site. There are also some sites that one can use to increase the Facebook page likes.

• Add Facebook share buttons on your blog posts and sidebars to increase social interactions on your your blog which will ensure more page likes. Also on Ajaxsurf we have have made social media the most important part of getting our blog content to as many readers as we could get from facebook and other social networks.
Social media is taking the world by storm and the only way to get something out of it is by getting involved in it.

How to Rank in Search Engines without SEO

There are many unoptimized sites that rank well in the search engines without any optimization, these site are not interested in submitting sitemaps, meta descriptions, tags and all the necessary parts of search engine optimization.

As I began blogging I always read a lot of posts on search engine optimization which showed the potential of optimized blog posts and at the other hand I came across a post in which the author had stated that 'blogs do not necessarily need optimization but quality content which is the main part that search engines are to look for when approaching any site on the internet for indexing' , this statement really brought an improvement to my blogging because it helped me to create quality posts from the start of my blogging journey which has helped Ajaxsurf to become the big blogging giant it is today. I will really motivate bloggers not to focus very much on SEO but should atleast include some optimization procedures which are essential for boosting the site rank.


Do Search Engines Hate SEO?

this Is the question asked by many bloggers concerning the Term Search Engine Optimization as many sites on the internet have been banned from search engines due to their excessive use of keywords, link parties and all the other SEO practices intended to manipulate the search bots.

Over the past years Google has created algorithms which were used to improve the quality of search results and basically to fight web spam which has been done to improve user experience.

The Age of the Blog

The age of a site plays very good role in helping a site to rank well in the search engines. Irrespective of how many backlinks a site has but with a good age the site will definately stand a very good chance of ranking better than sites with tons of linking and backlinks.

Apart from that the domain age is considered as a ranking factor by Google, Bing and the other search engines which means that veterian sites are the kings of the search.

If there was a way of changing the age of a site I would have told you even though I have tried before to get this advantage by scheduling a post to a couple of years older which did not happen as expected, which means that you cannot speed up the domain age but the only way that will work for you is simply having to wait and focus on the development of your site.

The Content Quality

The Site Quality is better than content quantity because search engines hate low quality posts and they use an algorithm which causes low quality sites to rank very low in the search results. This Algorithm is known as the Panda Algorithm which regulates the content on the search results to it desirable positions.

Must read : Blogging Advise from Techcrunch founder Michael Arrington

The best way you can use to improve your site content is simply by reducing the bounce rate of the site by adding a couple of widgets that will keep the site readers busy, these widgets may be the popular posts widget, Recent posts widget, Random posts widget, related posts widget which is usaully under the post content and many other possible widgets to increase the user activity of the site whereby reducing the bounce rate.

The quality of content is not dependant on the site optimization as many sites online rank well without having to work hard because search engines are probably looking for sites with the best content because they are also in competition just as many websites are on the internet.

Click-through Rate

The click through rate is the percentage of how many times do users click on your blog listing on the search engines results, the more the users clicks on your post the more your site will have to rank higher on the search results. This is why you have to write attractive posts titles, meta descriptions that will influence more clicks into your site increasing the click-through rate of your site.

There are very chicky bloggers out there who can write poor quality content and then they Use very attractive title tags and meta descriptions to lead readers into clicking on their post content which will cause an increase on the click-through rate. With this intellegence by webmasters which can easily manipulate the search engines, the bounce rate was taken into consideration to see how much quality a certain post has compared to other posts. A site that has a low bounce rate is likely to have high quality content and a site that has a high bounce rate probably has low quality content.

Number of quality sites linking

The backlinking of a site plays a great role in Helping it rank well in the search engines, many bloggers think that having a huge number of backlinks will help them rank well which is quite not true because backlinks get more powerful only if they are from high authority sites and directories, which means that it is not every link that will help you rank better but it is the quality of the linking site that will increase your site potential in search rankings.

The growth rate of the site

The other part that is taken by search engines to rank a site the growth rate of the site. Sites that grow faster are usaully believed to be created by blogging professionals who are very much experienced in blogging and these sites are very respected by search and are considered to be of high content due to their fast growth, and that is the reason many successful bloggers will motivate you to focus on improving your site instead of whooping around the internet trying to get backlinks.

As a blogger I believe that the only way to improve a site growth is just by improving its quality of posts.


You do not necessarily need a lot of contribution to Search Engine Optimization to improve a site rank in the search engines. I  have Seen many huge sites link wikipedia and other sites ranking well without any optimization.

I would recommend that your blog should not only be too focussed on search engine optimization but should also focus on user satisfaction and site improvement, SEO is good but too much of it will damage your blog reputation. Please feel free to submit your questions and comments in the search box below.

How to Automatically Remove Spam links From Blogger/Blogspot Comments

Spam on The internet has became very popular as many websites and blogs have a comment box in which spamers have found as a big opportunity in which they can share spam links in the hope that their websites and blogs will get to rank very much better on the internet which I would say it does not work on Blogger because any of the comment links submitted to blogger are mostly no follow, this is not my setting but Google itself.

 Automatically Remove Spam links From Blogger

Spam is  everywhere just as fraud is, having a huge website is quite a problem when you don't have a proper spam management for your blog as most readers get to post spam links or any un-authorised links which may affect the image of your blog to the eyes of the loyal readers.

In August 2010 Blogger introduced an automatic spam detection which allowed blogs to automatically remove comment links from the comment box which is probably good news for any professional Blogger who is having a problem with fighting spam on Blogger. In this post I will show you both ways to fight comment spamming which is either through the normal blogger comment management and also by using some simple html codes within the Template source code, both of these ways are going to control the type of comments appearing on your blog whereby most linky comments will be reverted to draft or will have to get moderated before they can appear on the blog.

Remove Spam Comments Using Blogger Spam Filter

This the one that I currently use to filter spam comments published by some of the blog readers and also by the Google bot to help control the spam comments automatically.
Using the normal Blogger Spam Filter will reduce any available spam activity on your blog by not publishing spam comments, the spam filter is not very smart as you are but it will learn from the decisions that your make as a blogger

Please Note : The Tips below will Automatically Delete/Hide all links in Blogger Comments

Remove Spam Comment links Using jQuery codes

Removing spam links in Blogger using jQuery is the best option that I will recommend for any blogger as it will not only hide the link but it will also remove it from the blog within seconds after the comment was published.

STEP 1 : Go to Blogger dashboard and select Template>>>Edit Html to open your your Template Code

STEP 2 : Press the "CTRL" + "F" keys and search for this code <body> , Just below It paste the code below.

<!--Stop Blog Comments -->
< script>$('.comment-content a[rel $=nofollow]').replaceWith(function()
{return ($(this).text());}); </script> <!--Stop Blog Comments -->

STEP 3 : Save your template and check your blog comment box if it worked properly.

Use CSS to Remove Spam Blog Comment links

Using CSS to handle spam links is not really effective as it will not remove the spam links instead it will hide them from showing on your blog but the bad thing about the use of CSS is that it will not remove the comment spam links.

Step 1 : On your Blog Dashboard, Go to Template and select Edit HTML.

Step 2 : Search for this code  ]]></b:skin> and just above it paste the code below.

.comment-content a {
display: none;

Step 3 : Save your Template and you will be done that easily.


In the options that I have shared in this post I will recommend that you add them all to your blog or just add the JQuery trick instead of using all because it works very well even without using all of the available options .

Suppose you got any questions regarding this topic please feel free to submit them on the comments box below, if your codes worked well please tell us how the spam comments were removed from your blog and we will get back to you soon.

How to Customize or Edit Blogger Mobile Templates

After the mobile armegeddon which was known as the "Mobilegeddon" there has been a huge demand for high quality mobile Templates excluding blogger and Wordpress because the users are given an option to choose from a range of mobile templates. But upon looking at those facts we have found a great deal of websites that offer customizations for the traditional Blogger templates with very easy to use customization tools which has probably attracted thousands of bloggers into signing up for free and professional accounts to get their own blogger hosted mobile blogs into  stylish mobile themes.

Blogger itself has a variety of mobile template styles which as well can be work very well with any mobile device as they are made to respond very well to different screen Sizes in which I would really congratulate blogger for such great customizations.

To get your blogger mobile Template to work in a way that suites you does not need you to make any monthly payments on any other service or network as I am going to show you the changes that you should apply your blog Template code and If you are not really familiar with editing the Blogger HTML code then you will have to visit our Blogger Services page and we will simply do it for you.

How To Customise Blogger Mobile Template

I know that some online companies will hate me for this post but I am sure they will move on, Blogger is a free service and they shouldn't make bloggers to pay any monthly payments to keep their mobile themes running.

The Blogger mobile Template is fixed in this order as shown Below.

  • Header
  • Blog
  • Pagelist
  •  Adsense
  • Profile
  • Atrribution

To view the codes of these widget you will have to go to your blog Dashboard>>>Template>>>Edit html.
Within the Template html you can control the appearance of these widgets, by using a couple of attributes which will control how these widgets apear on your blog. These attributes are divided into three which are:

mobile="no"  Attribute

The mobile=no Attribute will hide/prevent any widget from appearing on your blog, most of the widgets on your blog are prevented by this attribute from appearing on the mobile Template.

mobile="yes" Attribute

The mobile="yes" attribute means that the widget will show both on the desktop version of the site and also on the site mobile version.

mobile="only" Attribute

The mobile="only" attribute will restrict any widget to appearing only on the mobile template, this means that particular widget will not appear on the desktop Version of your site.

Adding the Mobile Attributes to Blogger
Adding these attributes is not hard at all as you just have to open the Template html code and Right on to select Jump to widget and select the widget that you want to edit it properties. In this case I will use the attribution widget as an Example .
The default attribution code is :

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'/>

Now from the above code if you want to  hide the widget code from the mobile template you will have to use to add the mobile="no" attribute as shown in the example below.

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' mobile='no' title='' type='Attribution'/>

To show the widget on both the desktop version and on the mobile version of your blog you will have to to simply add the the mobile="yes" attribute to the code as shown below.

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' mobile='yes' title='' type='Attribution'/>

And lastly to restrict the widget to the mobile template only you will have to add the mobile="only" attribute which will cause the widget not to appear on the desktop version, adding it is simple you just have to add the attribute as shown below.

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' mobile='only' title='' type='Attribution'/>

Now  we are done with the showing of widgets on the blogger template which, implement the attributes as instructed and you will see the effectiveness of the blogger mobile template.
Save the Template changes and check your mobile template to see if it suites your blog.
If your blog is not having a mobile Template them probably you have deactivated the mobile template from appearing on your blog, to activate the mobile Template you just have to follow these simple steps.

Step 1 : Go to Blogger Dashboard>>>Template and press on the Gear as shown on the Image below.

Step 2 : This trick works better on The custom Blogger mobile Template, so you will have to choose the custom template as shown below.

It is mostly recommended that you use the custom blogger mobile or Template as it works ver well but if it happens that it is not pleasing you then you may use the Simple, Awesome and the other featured blogger mobile template, they will all work very well with your blog.

Increase Blog Traffic With Guest Blogging And Blogger Outreach

Guest Blogging And Blogger Outreach

Guest Blogging is the driving force for many successful blogs and webdites as it contains a great deal of link exchange, which has enabled new blogs to co-operate with Big blogs creating changes for high ranks in Search Engines. With these guest blogging networks I was able to find some of our best authors who are working in the background of this blog to ensure you with quality blog posts and their work is amazing which is the main reason I would recommend that you get yourself involved in guest blogging.

Guest Blogging is a great way to get your blog or website to the public as it exposes you to many other blogs related to your niche or category who may accept guest posts from you increasing the number of backlinks your site has and the traffic from search engines.

How does Guest Blogging work?

Guest Blogging

Some People think that guest blogging is out of date which I will really disagree with them because guest blogging enables growth to your site and as well greater optimization. Guest Blogging is the best way of doing an outreach for your blog as it helps to get the site readers engaged to your blog because the internet is filled with Billions of people which are looking for good content who may need you to reach out to them. Guest Blogging is an awesome quick way that can be used to improve the growth of a site and knowing how it works can boost your blog at great  rate.

  1. Backlinks

    Submitting your blog posts to big sites on the internet will not just expose your hardwork to those sites but it will also help boost the google rank of your site making it to appear more on search results and thus getting you tons of traffic to your blogging site. Backlinks are links that  your sites gets from the other sites on the internet which will either improve your site or cause your site to rank very low on the search engines, which means that when doing guest posts you must always take caution of which sites you link yourselves to because Google is strictly against spam sites.
  2. Web Traffic

    Apart from the backlinks that you receive from authority sites you must also take a special note of the potential web traffic that one can receive from submitting guest posts because some authority sites get more than one million daily pageviews which shows that through guest blogging you can get great traffic to your site.
  3.  Authorship

    Google uses what is known as "Google Authorship" whereby Google will rank blog posts by the name of the author, because these days it is not only about keywords and content but Google is now ranking blog posts by authorship. Which means the more guest post you write on authority sites using your Google plus profile the more will the probability of a better rank in the search Engine.

Make use of Google authorship

Google authorship plays a great role in icreasing your power and authority as a blog author, it was introduced in the year of 2013 to link blog posts with the post author, with the use of The author attribute which looks like this "rel=author" , this attribute play a great role because the link only will not do the work because it will be considered as any other link within the post or the blog but the attribute will tell the search engine that you are the author of that blog post as shown in the image below.

Guest Blogging And Blogger Outreach online
If it happens that you are not sure how to add a rel author attribute to your Google plus profie link the I will recommend that you use this example shown below. You will have to replace the text with your profile url and also with your name which will appear at the link.

<a href="Google profile URL" "rel=author " >Your Name Goes here</a>

Your just have to past the code anywhere on your guest post and Google will read it but you have to note that your site will not get any credit unless you link it to your profile, you can do that by submitting your site to the Google webmaster tools and then then Google will send you a verification code to verify the ownership of the site but if you registered your site using a your google plus profile then it will all happen automatically.

Best Services/Networks to Submit Guest Posts/Articles

  • Blogger Linkup

Blogger Linkup

This is the service that I use the most to find capable writers for this blog, Blogger Linkup is absolutely a free service for bloggers whereby the are thousands of articles submitted  by people that are interested in guest blogging and to get backlinks to improve their SEO.
Blogger Linkup is very simple to use because you list your Guest post offer to their website and it will bevvisible to other websites and blogs looking for guest posts. In the same manner if you are looking for guest posts by other blogs you will simply have to find them using blogger linkup in an appropiate category.
Blogger Linkup is absolutely free to use, as they charge $0 for each and every listing that you make on their servers.

  •  BlogSynergy

Blogsynergy is a service similar to blogger linkup as it contains thousands of sites that are registered to receive guest posts, this service enables it users to approach blogs for guest posting and the users can also list their blogs to the server to receive guest posts.
Registration to Blogsynergy is absolutely free with no costs at all, this service is very much similar to blogger linkup but it has a very high potential compared to bloggerlinkup. This Service has over 2500 blogs that are listed to recieve guest posts and also have an amazing 18000 writers that you can browse for quality guest posts.

  • Guestblogit

Guestblogit is a community for bloggers and blogs whereby they interchange guest articles, their services differ as the users are required sign up for a pro membership because free members are only allowed to upload 1 article at a time whereby the pro members can list up to 5 articles listed a time. This service also has other features like sending messages and gives the pro subscribers access to their amazing community Blogengage.

There are hundreds more but these are the best leading free sites which you can use to submit guest posts online, If you you have any questions towards this post or want to share something please do below and we will love to hear from you.

How to Increase Your Blog Alexa Rank to Under 100k

You may have heard heard stories about bloggers who were able to increase the alexa rank of their blog to less than 100k, Yes it probably seems impossible but let me tell you that unless you believe in yourself you can master the blogging success leader. In this post I will share with you important tips that will help boost your blog and help you get to the top of the ladder with an Alexa Rank of less than 100,000 .

There are millions of Site/blogs online which are bringing services and products online serving billions of internet of internet users online and these sites and blogs are ranked according to their search performance, Traffic and recognition. Having a good Alexa rank is the most important thing that any blogger has to take seriously because alexa does not just rank your site on its server but it is also used by search engines to rank sites on the search results and to give internet users information about the sites that they use.

Benefit of Ranking less than 100k

Ranking less than 100k will not only boost your site but it will also attract a lot of clients to your site which includes advertising services, companies offering product reviews, niche related brands and a lot other services online. So any site that ranks well is more likely to make more money online.

Improve Social Media Sharing on your Blog

Social Media plays a great role in bringing traffic without the use of SEO, social media is like a passive traffic machine because it allows readers to share your posts online and in turn the thing gets to happen with the other reader until the message about your published post get recognised by people who dont even know your blog.

Dont focus on Alexa

This is the mistake that most webmasters make, do not blog with the purpose of increasing your Alexa rank but your main purpose should be reader satisfaction, in every post that you post on your blog you must write in a way that will convince new visitors into signing up for your blog, your blog posts must be high quality and and fully optimized for better ranking in the search engines. Focussing more on Alexa will harm your site because the primary person that your site should forcus on is the reader and most importantly you must becareful about focusing on Alexa because it may cause you to use tools that will manipulate your site rank.

As a blogger it is very important that you put your blog first in everything that you do, your posts and writing style must be good and have a minimum of 200 words each which is acceptable for high quality content but more of all I will recommend that you have a minimum of 500 words which will help your blog post to rank even more higher on search engines.

Be Responsive to your readers

Alexa and Google will also use the "Site Activity" to rank a site on its servers because the more user activity a site has the better, the use of the comment box, related post widget and interbal linking is quite the best way that can be used to motivate the readers into participating more on your blog which will help improve the User Session and also reduce the Site Bounce Rate , the user session and the bounce rate are the important things that must be considered to rank a site in the search engines.

Signup for Alexa Boostup

I am sure that you are familiar with alexa boostup, Alexa boostup is a site that will help you boost your site Alexa rank in a simple way.

Alexa Boostup is the number one service that helps you increase the alexa rank of your site without having to install any software on your browser or your Computer, this service is absolutely free and easy to use. Try it now and you will get the best out of Alexa Boostup.

Write a Review about Alexa

Alexa just like any other site has competitors and wants to rank well on as bad as want to rank which means that Alexa does want do follow backlinks as bad as you want them, Alexa is a site just as any other sites on the internet. Writing a post that will link to their service will really help your site to rank really well on its server which will likewise cause your  search engines rank to increase since Alexa is used by many search engines to rank websites online, I know it may sound crazy but believe me it works ! , Just try it by writing a review on alexa and you will see the difference, this has not been confirmed just by me only but it has been confirmed by many webmasters online.

Must Read : 10 Ways to Increase Traffic FromGoogle Without Building Links

I have seen many bloggers sharing their success stories about how they were able to increase their Alexa rank so fast and surprisingly most will motivate that you should link back to alexa or just write a review about Alexa and you will get a better alexa rank.

Try to set your blog as a home page on any browser you may use.

This sounds funny really but this is what I have done recently to improve my Alexa Rank, I simply had to add an Alexa toolbar and set my site as the home page on any browser that I used whether it is an internet cafe, Library computers, workstation or not but that is how we made it, we just made by simply setting our blog as thw home page which will get us new readers and also some extra pageviews and Ad impressions which will help boost your site.

At University I saw that there was a huge number of computers that were being used by the students which gave me a chance to Add my site as one of the homepages which was the driving force of the web traffic I got and which did not improve my Alexa rank only but also helped my site to rank better on the search engines due to activity. If your friends got computers just as them to add your site as one of the home pages and motivate them to install the Alexa toolbar on their Internet Browser, its that simple .