Showing posts with label BLOGGER HELP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLOGGER HELP. Show all posts

How to Grow a Blog into a Profitable Company

Well growing a successful blog that will rank among the worlds best blogs can be a challenge more especially when you choose a very much competitive niche. I have come across a lot of challenges in my blogging in such that I was more even ready to quit but I really believed that Ajaxsurf will one day grow into being a giant.

There are many bloggers that get into blogging in the name of online revenue and most blogs that are started with that purpose are very less likely to survive competition as they lack a true motive. Blogging should be done as a hobby and as a business in order to be done successfully.

The question I have received from most of the Ajaxsurf fans is how did I get the confident to start a blog and what made me believe that my blog was going to stand out from the huge blogging crowd that contains millions of blogs around the world and my answer is simply hardwork and dedication because when I started things were not as easy as many have thought because my blog lacked content

Content is the best thing that makes a site to be get famous, the content of the site matters the most of the readers will land to your site because of the content that they are looking for.
I know most of you are asking how will one get enough content for publishing, and believe me when I say it is very simple because as new blogger, I spent most of my free time writing articles instead of watching TV and by doing that the readership of Ajaxsurf has grown significantly to an amazing 30,000 daily visits and more 100,000 which is a big improvement that I can achieve as a professional blogger.So keep those articles coming and see the magic and the growth your site will get.

Must Read: Benefits of having a professional blog design

SEO(Search Engine Optimisation)
I believe most bloggers are familiar with Search Engine Optimisation(SEO) as it has been the best when it comes to the terms of improving a new site. Even though content might be the best part of a blog but SEO still remains as one of the most important parts of blogging because its creates a very much visible presence.

Without a proper optimisation, it is very less likely that your blog can be noticed in the internet because the internet very much depends on search engines and without any proper optimisation, your site will hardly make it through despite the content it has.

Looking at well known bloggers like Pete Cashmore, you will notice the hard contribution they had put to bring the best quality blogs. Working hard to produce quality materials and posts has been a challenge for me recently until I started to set myself a publishing schedule to improve the quality of my posting. you cannot overcome your blog competition unless you dedicate yourself into blogging because there are so many blogs out there and competition is getting tougher everyday.

I will recommend bloggers to work smart in order to outrun the blog competition

Its Not Only About The Money
Thats is the biggest mistake that many bloggers make out there, they start blogging with the purpose of making some easy cash which will result in their blogs failing to survive as they may lack traffic or interest. I make a lot of money from blogging and trading the currency market but that has not stopped me from wanting to increase my networth or revenue and to speak the truth I am not driven by money but I just want to achieve a lot more in life. I have been blogging for money and instead I have lost a lot until I started blogging professionally without being driven by greed or anything related.

Blogging should be done with the purpose of increasing the readership and the value of the blog and trust me your blog will grow into being a giant. Its that easy, Just forget the crap you see all over the internet about blogging and start blogging the smart way and you will notice some great growth in your blog.

21 Unbeatable Ecommerce Tips For Bloggers -Infographic

Ecommerce is the most tricky part when it comes to blog monetization because it may look easy and promising but when it come to reality the possibility to run a successful site is very scarce as many bloggers are failing to master including me at the start until I had to read a post which gave me blog monetization tips and guidelines which boosted my Profits as a blogger.

 I have an Infographic which I received from Vebology which I believe that you will find it useful as it has the best Ecommerce tips that any online business or blog could use to generate quite good profits from ecommerce. This Infographic will work for you into a successful ecommerce campaign as it will give you the tips based on very useful things such as it will give you a proper view into marketing, Social Media and all necessary information that will help improve your online profits.

(Click on Image to Zoom)

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I believe that you found motivation within this post, suppose you have any question about the tips given in this Infographic, please leave them in the comments box below and we will get back to very soon. Wish you the best Blogging week and the new year.

The Impact of Social Media on eCommerce -Infographic

Social Media on eCommerce

Well ecommerce has become the most trending way of which people use to buy and sell products online in which the owner of Amazon, the worlds leading online retailer has been able to increase his wealth from $33bn to over $50bn in over 6 months. as bloggers we got to anticipate such growth on on the ecommerce market as it is taking the world by storm.

I have received this awesome infographic from Vebology and I have found it suitable for as I have noticed recently that this blog has been known mostly for ecommerce due to the quality of material that we produce for our readers. Running an ecommerce site that makes money is very difficult for many bloggers including me at the start as I really faced a lot of difficulty with getting people into buying my products until I used Facebook and Twitter to get more clients to purchasing my products.

I do recommend many bloggers out there not to quite ecommerce but should look forward into social media marking because out there are many people that have been waiting for a product that you are selling but the problem with them is that they didn't bother to search for, As a blogger should always see an opportunity to profit on any market because generally the demand is much more that the supply.

Besides advertising social media is the best way in which one should use to drive traffic to their site, maybe advertising might be seem as the best but telling you the truth advertising cannot withstand the force of social media as big sites like Mashable, Techcruch  including Ajaxsurf have seen social media as the best way in which we can market ourselves. The world has been changed by social media and today I tell you that social media will change the way you work for the better.

                                                    ( Click on the Image to Read )

please click on Image to read
I do recommend that you share that this post to as many people as possible because it is the best even though the credits are not to this blog but I believe that this infographic on the the impact of social media on ecommerce will boost the traffic that you get from your ecommerce site and more sales you will make. 

10 Effective Tips on Creating Shareable Social Media Content

What makes content go viral on social media? Is it the shock value or is it relevance? Think about why you remember some posts and not others, and you will see that there is no simple answer. If you have a definite purpose for sharing content other than sheer exuberance, then you need to know how to create effective social media content that suits your needs. Here are some tips to which you should pay attention.

Target your audience
Social networks are geared for particular types of people. Some prefer one social network over another. When you are creating your content, you have to identify your target market so you know what social network will respond more readily to your posts. However, more importantly, you should know your target market thoroughly. You should know their habits, needs, wants, prejudices, and psychology. In other words, you should know where the buttons are so you can push them.
Write stuff they want to read
If you know your target market, you can create content that they will read. You should still keep in mind your purpose for posting (brand awareness, content marketing etc.) but make sure that it is a good fit for your audience. It should offer useful advice, interesting information or entertainment.

Aside from utility, you should strive to get your audience to make an emotional investment in your post. Encourage them to participate in the conversation and to air their opinions. Respond promptly to them and always conclude with an open-ended question. It keeps them coming back for more. You will get more shares that way, which is what you want.
Keep it bite-sized
Create several short posts as opposed to one long chunk. You can overwhelm your audience, if you give them too much information in one helping. Some important information of what you want to say may also get lost in the crowd. Isolate one or two ideas, expound on it in detail and lead them to check your next post for more information. It is easier to digest and remember, and, more importantly, it is much more shareable.
Make it visual

Content is not just about what you say, but what other people see. Pay close attention to how your post looks; it should be easy to scan and follow. People have a tendency to abandon articles that look too hard to read. Avoid long paragraphs; it should have no more than three to five sentences. Lead off with an interesting visual or break up long entries with an illustration. Giving your reader’s eyes a break will keep them engaged.

Use high quality language
You may have something really important or valuable to say, but may not have the skills or time to put a great article together.  They say the mark of a good leader is the ability to delegate. For example, you target Australian women for your marketing campaign and you have a difficult time choosing the right words that would appeal to them. You can outsource content creation at Australian writings to native speakers and professional writers to ensure that you are turning out high quality work. You may also write the content yourself and contract an expert to edit and proofread your content. 

Encourage sharing
You want your content to get as much exposure as possible. That is the whole purpose of social media marketing. You can make it easy for your reader to share your excellent article with their friends by providing them with a Share button. You can even encourage them to do so by offering incentives such as giving them freebies for sharing.
Provide a sharing platform
There is nothing easier to create than a post that gives your audience a chance to share their own accomplishments or experiences. Solicit them to submit photos or videos of their creations, travels, families, and so on. You can make it a contest of it if you want, but it is not always necessary. People enjoy attention, and take every opportunity to get it, even for a little while. When they tag your post or share it so their friends and family can see it, it gives you more exposure.
Engage influencers
There are people who have the credibility and ability to sway public opinion. As a social media marketer, one of your most important tasks is to identify these individuals and get on their good side. Persuade them to share or endorse your content by following them, quoting them or otherwise stroking their ego. At the very least, avoid antagonizing, contradicting or challenging their opinions. They can either make or break you, so tread carefully.
Build trust
You can also become an influencer in your particular niche, if you build a relationship with your audience. Many people engage in social media to get expert advice, so a good way to build trust and rapport with the audience is to provide them with what they need. You can give troubleshooting advice or point them in the right direction to solve their issues. Cultivate a personal approach when answering questions or inquiries so that you appear friendly and approachable. Avoid the temptation to pitch to them at every opportunity; this can harm your credibility. Always provide objective advice; they are more likely to believe you when you do make a pitch.
Tag away
Do not hesitate to tag other people in your post, even if they are not influencers, if they posted something you can connect to your business. Most people find it flattering, and very few will pass over content that specifically mentions them. It will encourage them to like, comment on, or share your post. Tagging is also a good way to get the attention of potential clients if they are already looking for your product or service.  It gives you a foot in the door, and you are doing them a service besides. Nothing is more satisfying than mutual satisfaction.
Creating content that will make a splash on social media is not easy. There are flukes, of course, but in most cases, it requires patience, careful study and a sound strategy to build a presence that can positively affect your business. If you follow the tips given above, and get professional help when you need it, there is no reason why you cannot create content other people will share on social media. 


Stephanie Norman from Sydney has been a content marketing specialist and professional writer for 4 years already. She writes business, creative, and academic content as a freelancerYou can follow her at Facebook and Google+.


10 Best Ways to Encourage Your Readers to Share your Blog Content

Getting your blog content shared has been the best marketing way to get more readers into visiting your product page. I normally name this type of content marketing skill as 'Social Media Optimization' because you optimize you blog content for a wider sharing online, which will get your content to be very much recognized online.

Recognition is the greatest aspect of the media, as a blogger you are part of the media industry and use any valid oportunity to get recognition where possible. In this post I will be sharing some of the best ways I will recommend for bloggers out there who look forward into boosting their web content using social media.

Create them the best Content

'The content is king', that has been my main theme when it comes to blog content. your content should be created to help blog readers in an extent that will make your content very useful to them in such that they will be motivated to share online. Content plays a very huge role on the site both on the Search Engines Ranks and Social media.

A mistake that most content makers is being not unique, because basically everybody writes content that is taken from somewhere on the internet. This type of content will definately have difficulty with ranking on the search results because your webpage will be considered as a duplicate and would not rank to its supposed position.

Content doesn't only impact the Search Engines rankings but will also affect the rank and the social influence of the site.

Make Sure you include your loyal readers

Your Blog readers must be included in your posts as this will motivate them into sharing your blog posts. Most of my blog posts are normally an answer to the previous questions that have been asked by my Blog Readers. It has been a proven fact that people are very less to to get rid of somethings having their names included on the content.

Intergrate something that they like

As a blog marketer it is very important that you know what your readers love most about your product because that whats keeps them comming back for more.

Make sharing easy by having icons and buttons

Sharing content cost up some time if done without the use of sharing buttons, the use of sharing buttons on a site is used to encourage readers to share the site content with just a click of a button. As a blogger social media traffic is the best because most readers who visit your site are very much likely to buy your products or subscribe to your site.

Social Media has been the most powerful tool ever to be used to improve the site influence and authority in a niche. Mastering social media marketing will make your site to be very much well known and will also ensure a growth in profit.

Focus more on Value Added Content

Readers like me dont really want to spend reading valueless content which means that the type of content that should please the blog readers must add value to them, and once they are satisfied they will get others to share the content.

Network with influential bloggers in your niche

Influence plays a very big role to any industry, having to get yourself known as a blogger is very difficult but can be achieved only by getting influential bloggers into recognizing you. Most bloggers try to get recognition by posting their web address on other blogs hoping that they might win over some readers.

Having to your blog known will really bost the activity of your blog and cause more readers to share your content. Popularity plays a very important role in social media, whether your blog is not that good but popularity will boost your blog user activity.

The best way to get your site known is done through guest blogging in which you as an author will get an attribute link and also some new visitors who will explore your site.

Make Your Blog Interesting

As a blogger you have to make your blog interesting despite having to use some things to build a newsletter but do give aways just to impress your blog readers. I have seen many blogs posting loads of content and yet they dont get enough traffic which has caused many bloggers to quite blogging.

There are many blogs out there that are providing the type of content that you are providing but you have to spend some time to edify your content in an interesting way which can be done by doing webinars, give aways and competitions.

Tag Your Readers to the Content

The world we live in has become a hashtag world thanks to twitter by introducing hashtags which has made it easier for us marketers to share our content to a targeted audience. Tagging your site readers to your post content will cause them to feel special which is very likely to motivate them into sharing your your content, once they share their content more readers will be invited to visit your page.

Do a compelling call to action

Irrespective of how you write or how bad or good is your writing style, your marketing skills play a good role only if you knew how to use them the right way. Call to action is the best strategy that can be used by bloggers to influence readers into doing something in exchange for something else.

This type of marketing can be done through services like mailchimp, aweber, hellobar and addthis which have worked very well in my recent call to action campaigns.

Use Engaging Marketing

It is not wrong for a blog to do advertising because to be honest as a blogger you will need to advertise your web content to some content advertising services just to snatch some readers. Big businesses use advertising to spread the word about their product or brand, also the same may work blogs as content advertising has been one of the most growing form of advertising which proves that it is worth it.

Getting your readers to share your blog content is not easy but will require you some skill and better understanding of how content marketing is properly done.

Resigning? wait and save your income

Retiring, resigning or getting fired from your job. The question that you should ask as a blogger is that "Am I Equiped?" because that what affects many bloggers who are looking for successful blogging.

Resigning or retiring from you day job to start a business or become a professional blogger will eventually require you a lot of commitment and hardwork, as a blogger with very much readership I have came across many bloggers who have just quited their day job to start a new life blogging.

Many people quit their jobs and professions with a belief of improving their lives through blog monetization, and most of them have failed to master the beautiful art of blogging. The are many blogs around the world That are doing very successful and you at the other hand some blogs are struggling to monetise their content. To speak the truth there are billions of readers out there looking for blogs that they can follow and probably less then 50 million of readers spend time reading blogs, the challenge that you as a blogger should give to yourself is how possibly can I get these readers into landing to my blog, how can I make them loyal readers.

Blogging is Passion

Blogging is about expressing your passion rather than mere business, some bloggers start blogging with a passion of making people realise a their passions and these has been the winning formula for many blogs. What I mean is that you blog should revive something from a certain amount if readers and once it has been revived then you will see the results.

Target Audience

When it comes to the media we have what we normally call the blogs target audience which has to basucally deal with the type of readers that visit your site, your target audience should always be based on the niche and should also be close to your niche because it would be pointless getting cartoonists to read a tech blog, it would not make sense to them unless they read a cartoon design blog.

Proper Planning

If you planning to quit your day job to start a professional then you should make a plan of income that will keep your blog moving. The best thing that a blogger should have is a product that will be the first income source that a Professional blogger should have and then the other income sources should come last.

The second most importantant fact is the site template because it will verify the success rate of your blog. I have used and designed many blog templates and it happened that the ones with most features were able to top the simple designs which showed us that more advanced designs will keep the readers glued to their screens.

Marketing a Blog

Yes I really believe that blogging can be taken as a career unless you know how to market your blog successfully. Marketing a site does not only depend on the the external factors of a blog but true blog marketing is very much affected by how the internal structure of the site is marketed which will include things like template design, writing style and the level of interest from the blog articles.

Marketing is very crucial such that my friend and coach Sue Anne has always told me to stick on email marketing to make my blog successful, even though many believe that email marketing is "dead", well I disagree with them because marketing is never dead unless it still works.

Monetize your Blog Content!

Well you may start working on a monetization plan once you have been able to master the above mentioned factors and believe me, it will be done completely easily without you having to break yourself trying to make money online.

Blogging is not just an easy online monetization strategy but it is more of a passion, please dont rush to quite your job but make a plan that will improve your financial life by becomming a profession blogger.