Showing posts with label Ecommerce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ecommerce. Show all posts

Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Ecommerce is taking over the globe as more people prefer to make purchases online rather than going to shopping centers. Im sharing with you this great work that was shared to me by Michael Thomas of Vebology to help you develop a winning skill that will help you improve your ecommerce profitability through a much increased conversion rate.

21 Unbeatable Ecommerce Tips For Bloggers -Infographic

Ecommerce is the most tricky part when it comes to blog monetization because it may look easy and promising but when it come to reality the possibility to run a successful site is very scarce as many bloggers are failing to master including me at the start until I had to read a post which gave me blog monetization tips and guidelines which boosted my Profits as a blogger.

 I have an Infographic which I received from Vebology which I believe that you will find it useful as it has the best Ecommerce tips that any online business or blog could use to generate quite good profits from ecommerce. This Infographic will work for you into a successful ecommerce campaign as it will give you the tips based on very useful things such as it will give you a proper view into marketing, Social Media and all necessary information that will help improve your online profits.

(Click on Image to Zoom)

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I believe that you found motivation within this post, suppose you have any question about the tips given in this Infographic, please leave them in the comments box below and we will get back to very soon. Wish you the best Blogging week and the new year.

The Impact of Social Media on eCommerce -Infographic

Social Media on eCommerce

Well ecommerce has become the most trending way of which people use to buy and sell products online in which the owner of Amazon, the worlds leading online retailer has been able to increase his wealth from $33bn to over $50bn in over 6 months. as bloggers we got to anticipate such growth on on the ecommerce market as it is taking the world by storm.

I have received this awesome infographic from Vebology and I have found it suitable for as I have noticed recently that this blog has been known mostly for ecommerce due to the quality of material that we produce for our readers. Running an ecommerce site that makes money is very difficult for many bloggers including me at the start as I really faced a lot of difficulty with getting people into buying my products until I used Facebook and Twitter to get more clients to purchasing my products.

I do recommend many bloggers out there not to quite ecommerce but should look forward into social media marking because out there are many people that have been waiting for a product that you are selling but the problem with them is that they didn't bother to search for, As a blogger should always see an opportunity to profit on any market because generally the demand is much more that the supply.

Besides advertising social media is the best way in which one should use to drive traffic to their site, maybe advertising might be seem as the best but telling you the truth advertising cannot withstand the force of social media as big sites like Mashable, Techcruch  including Ajaxsurf have seen social media as the best way in which we can market ourselves. The world has been changed by social media and today I tell you that social media will change the way you work for the better.

                                                    ( Click on the Image to Read )

please click on Image to read
I do recommend that you share that this post to as many people as possible because it is the best even though the credits are not to this blog but I believe that this infographic on the the impact of social media on ecommerce will boost the traffic that you get from your ecommerce site and more sales you will make. 

How has Digital Eommerce Changed the World

Well as a blogger you should be familiar with Ecommerce as most of our blogs have ecommerce features and everybody out there is speaking about online shopping and its global impact.

Ecommerce has been the driving force for online revenue as many people dont go shopping anymore but instead would prefer to buy products online as it probably save them a lot time.

Facebook and other social network giants have introduced an intergration of shopping buttons which have been made available on some retail shop pages which has made it easier for them to sell products directly from Facebook, without having to visit an external page to process the payment. The rapid growth of digital ecommerce has made a very huge impact in the world today as many people out there are living their lives on it, they use mobile apps, windows, mac and all the the paid digital software.

It is believed that digital ecommerce is to expand at an even greater rate as the online market seems to expand at a very great rate as most people are getting involved online through social media, retailers and entrepreneurs have seen this as the best way to increase their revenues by getting their businesses known which has made social media the driving force behind digital ecommerce.

The love of digital content has been so much in Asia as the continent has been so much involved in the development and technology. In the Asian continent the governments have agreed upon supporting this global change by working in partnership with technology companies to bring development in the tech industry. In the United States the same has been seen as most magazines, blogs and newspapers have brought in a idea of online shopping which has made ecommerce what it is today.

How To Insure Successful Blog Monetization

Many Bloggers out there start blogs with a belief of making an income and they normally End up not making any income at all and we have made it Possible by compiling an ebook that will give you a very much better guide on how you could make money online. In the past years I have been able to make over $12000 USD per month from my blogs and I am sharing this knowledge to give you a glimpse of my Secrets to my Blogging Success.

"Making money online is very simple and it doesn't require a lot of hardwork but proper knowledge about blog monetisation."

Learn how to start your own online business for less than $100. If you're tired of the 9-to-5 and working toward someone else's dream, take charge of your life and start monetizing your passions. This book contains all the resources and instruction to get your business up and running in less than one weekend. Get yourself a copy today and make an impact in your Blogging career.

Amazon Best Seller : How to Live Your Passion Through Online Businesses

Buy now

Many Bloggers around the world have been asking my secrets to online monetization and well today I am sharing with my secret in this awesome ebook. The normal price is $25 and due to this promotion we will be selling up to 5000 thousand copies for this week and on till 27 September 2015 .

All You Need to know about Online Identity theft

Online Identity theft had became a big problem caused by scammers and fraudsters who want to achieve bad things from you.

Is your blogger or wordpress password safe?
this is a question that you should ask yourself as a blogger due to a huge widespread of internet fraud whereby scammers can easily steal your online passwords and banking details with ease.

Identity theft is a common fraud as found by the FBI which anybody found guilty of will have to face the law enforcement, it is very crutual that you protect your online identity as we will be showing you some important things that one should consider in order to secure a much safer identity as the numbers of fraudsters and internet scams have been spreading at a very high rate, Just to share with you that my facebook account was once hacked in a painful way as I feared that I will lose all of my pages and groups that I was running which was a very painful thing that I faced but I was able to retain my account within 24 hours as I had a valid account recovery.

Maybe it was because my password was simple because I used my second name which just made things a little more easier for the hacker. Today is an Infographic which I hope you will love which was shared by Katie who works for an ecogreen IT recycling company .

Types of Identity Theft

Identity theft victims are mostly internet users and people who have well known public profiles which makes it easy for internet scamers to access their information in a very simple way which you as a blogger, banker or a company manager will easily give your rights to any scammer online.

  • Social Networking
Social Media is a big bait for many identity thievies as they can use it to get an opportunity to get your profile data because Facebook and Google+ displays your important data to anybody who is outside the network which will also include some scamers that may take chances with your profile.

  • Data Pharming

Data pharming is actaully the worst part of identity theft, it is whereby a hacker will create a virus which will read the data of the user and at sometimes it happens that whenever you buy a product by pressing the link you will be redirected to a fake website which will save all your credit card data on a server which will in future be used by the scammer to make further payments online and buy products using your credit information.
The best way to prevent this scam is by installing an anti virus software on your computer.

  • Phishing Schemes

Phishing schemes are one of the most famous forms of identity theft as almost everybody have found themselves receiving spammy emails both on Facebook and on your email accounts with links that can be used to scam you.
Phishing schemes uses site cookies to steal your online identity inwhich they will create fake websites which will be used to steal your passwords and banking details as you enter them on those sites. This type of Identity theft is very similar to  the one they use in social media except they use cookies.

  • Spyware

Spyware is a very well known form of identity theft that any internet user has probably been a victim at certain times. A spyware is a type of malware that manages and reports the data of a computer which may include also passwords and sites visited by the victim. This type of malware can make your browser to automatically open fake websites and many other websites online.
  • Keyloggers
This is also a spyware in the form of keyloggers which is also installed in the victims computer, this spyware will record all of the of the keystrokes which will be sent to the identity thief as a passwords, account numbers and credit. This type of software viruses are very dangerous because you can lose your blog or any kind of password managed company in very little time.
  • How to Protect your Identity
your Identity will depend upon you as I have seen recently that on social networks you are know allowed to make your profile private instead of your public profile which means that your profile data will be hidden from other users which will help prevent spammers and identity thieves from accessing your online data.

Infographic brought to you by katie from Ecogreen IT Recycling

The other forms of protections can be done easily by installing a internet protection software which may come with an antivirus software as they help eliminate anykind of spyware that can be found in a computer.