Showing posts with label MONITIZING BLOGGER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MONITIZING BLOGGER. Show all posts

New years Gift from Ajaxsurf for Bloggers and Forex Traders

Well 2015 has been a remarkable year for me as I made it to the top as a forex trader and a blogger which has motivated us to increase our quality as a blog, I Sifiso Nkwanyana and the Ajaxsurf team have decided to give our clients a gift which will help boost their financial lives and learn to make consistent profits that will help the master the art of online monetization.

Since I graduated from high school I had the passion to become a multimillionaire, I dreamt big in such a way that my friends would say that I am crazy but that gave me confidence to do more than they ever thought. I came from a middle class family as many bloggers and hustlers out there but I chose to be different from others and have my way to the top as a junior blogger who started a blog just because I wanted to create a platform that would allow my Facebook page followers to in contact with me easier without having to log into Facebook. I wanted to have a direct interaction with them without having any possible limits.

In my second month I started reading other blogs online and I learnt about website monetisation which was something new to me simply because I had never heard about online monetisation but I was much familiar with stock trading which I did when I was kid in a demo using my cellphone, Trading stocks and helping people become better had been my passion as I was motivated by Prince Nkosinathi Mazibuko who I knew while I was in high school and surprisingly he made his first million at an age of 19 years. I was greatly motivated but because of the bad myths people said about trading I lost trust and focussed on Engineering and Blogging which did made me a lot of  money but it happened that earlier in 2014 I meet with a guy by the name Sandile Shezi who clearly made my mind open even though he lied by somethings he claimed but I was motivated to go back to Forex trading and I have made money like never before such that I used somebody's laptop to make money and buy my own laptop and from there I had made great profits.

With me sharing this I am not trying to boast about something but I am making you know that there is always hope whether your dreams seem impossible to others, I want to share my knowledge with you because I believe that you can also make it as a trader and make real money and finally reach the dream to financial freedom because to speak the truth, financial freedom is the dream that everybody wishes to achieve despite what conditions they grew on. I believe that anybody can be successful and I dont see a reason why some people should be poor and live a life of struggling.

My video Forex Educational course will be available for purchase at an incredible amount of $100 whereby the price is cut by 70% , buy it today as a gift to change your financial status and improve yourself as a forex trader. please feel the form below to request the online forex trading course gift and we will get back to you in a moment.


Well we wish you the best year of 2016 which is the year for doing great things.

How has Digital Eommerce Changed the World

Well as a blogger you should be familiar with Ecommerce as most of our blogs have ecommerce features and everybody out there is speaking about online shopping and its global impact.

Ecommerce has been the driving force for online revenue as many people dont go shopping anymore but instead would prefer to buy products online as it probably save them a lot time.

Facebook and other social network giants have introduced an intergration of shopping buttons which have been made available on some retail shop pages which has made it easier for them to sell products directly from Facebook, without having to visit an external page to process the payment. The rapid growth of digital ecommerce has made a very huge impact in the world today as many people out there are living their lives on it, they use mobile apps, windows, mac and all the the paid digital software.

It is believed that digital ecommerce is to expand at an even greater rate as the online market seems to expand at a very great rate as most people are getting involved online through social media, retailers and entrepreneurs have seen this as the best way to increase their revenues by getting their businesses known which has made social media the driving force behind digital ecommerce.

The love of digital content has been so much in Asia as the continent has been so much involved in the development and technology. In the Asian continent the governments have agreed upon supporting this global change by working in partnership with technology companies to bring development in the tech industry. In the United States the same has been seen as most magazines, blogs and newspapers have brought in a idea of online shopping which has made ecommerce what it is today.

Get-Rich-Quick Schemes Targeting Bloggers and Entrepreneurs

Most people start Blogging with the intention of making money online, this Trend has attracted scams to get simple cash from Bloggers, in my recent article on Spam targeting Linkedin Members I shared a conversation I had with a scammer who offerred me a business proposal to trade some minerals with the Armando hospital Equipment Company which is probably an international scam that has robbed people millions of Dollars , with professional scamers working on it, I almost lost 13 Million dollars which was going to leave me broke but thanks to the research which gave me details on the scamers before I went ahead with any transactions.

Making money online is the best practice in which Entrepreneurs make money, but as some are making money but some are losing money , whereby we all want to make a profit .

Scams are not only on the internet but they are everywhere Magazines, Television, Posters, and other sorts of media. The most famous type of schemes that people usaully follow are pyramid schemes whereby people make money by recruiting others into joining. The majority of people who invest in these schemes usaully lose their money in one go despite all the the things said during these promotions.

Pyramid Schemes

Usaully pyramid schemes are usaully promoted with seminars which are made to put people into action and making them believe that there is a possibility to quick wealth.  Normally in these schemes each person who joins is required to make a pre payment to the promoter and is then convinced into getting more people into joining the network in order to get their investment, as they get to join they are to get more people and more people into joining.

The main focus of this business is only recruitment rather than on selling products and services or investing in the markets. Pyramid schemes make money only by recruiting people and if the recruit is not successfully done then there is no revenue generated. Normally these schemes don't last or a few get to make it.

Money Multiplication Schemes

These type of schemes have been very much known in the United States as many people have lost money through them, they normally promise clients returns of up to 20% or more per annum investment. Instead of investing money, these businesses meet their minthly commitment by using money which had been invested by others. These type of schemes are not considered to be reliable as they will only depend on the availability of clients and if there are no clients then the business is doomed.

If you are really looking for an investment company to make an investment you must ensure that the company has a good reputation and has an FSB certificate which gives a legal right to manage peoples money. It happened recently when a Forex trader by the Prince Mazibuko started doing well with his trades and went to make over a million in profits, which attracted many people who wanted to invest their money and the guy simply took the peoples money and took off just like that without having to bring back the peoples returns.

So bloggers becareful out there and don't just lose money anyhow but invest in FSB licensed investment Co operations. I am a Forex trader and a blogger, I have seen many people lose money in no time, many bloggers are looking forward into great monetization and my motivation for them is that they should keep their eyes open.

How to Make Real Money Blogging through Profitable Blogging

Making money online is the dream of many bloggers, but the lack of trust among the readers and the bloggers has made successful blogging to be difficult because nobody trusts one another which affects many businesses and blogs out there. I will really ask bloggers out there to be honest with their readers out there.

This is the question I have been asked by many readers about how to make real money from blogging and how to ensure profitable blogging. I as a blogger have had many bloggers asking me about how do I achieve to make real profits online and my response would be "Advertising, Services, products and Affiliate Products" because when it comes to blogging those three are the main money making strategies.

Bloggers from different blogging platforms have been having hardships about making profits online and had given up their blogs as a result the internet consist of 95 percent inactive blogs which are abondoned by their owners and the other 5 percent are active blogs. In total the internet has a capacity of 100 million registered blogs and the number is increasing daily.

Advertising Services

Advertising services like Adsense, Chitika and Infolinks are some of the primary means of making money online by other blogs online. Most of these Advertising services will look for blogs and sites that they can promote their advertisers products and services, and in return publishers will earn little commissions from the revenue generated by the Ads.

I will recommend Advertising services for blogs and sites that are currently having difficulties with making money online and for low traffic sites.

Big sites like Mashable and Techcrunch are still using Services to make some revenue and it working for all types of blogs, whether big or small it makes no difference at all.

Selling Advertising Slots

Advertisers out there may be looking for some places to display their ads to the right deserving target audience. This part of Advertising will depend on the amount of traffic your blog gets from search engines and social media.

Advertising prices will depend on how much traffic your site gets from search engines.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves the promotion of other companies products and services in return for income, which can range from 5% to 80% commission from each sale made. I have also promoted affiliate products on this site and it had shown great results for me in the past months as I was able to make great fortunes which are very much more money compared to advertising services.

The products that will eventually make you money should be niche related, they should be related to your site niche because it happens that over 80% of your site daily visitors are inlove with your site niche, and promoting a related product or service will eventually make you a good revenue.

Have your own product

Well this what I always tell bloggers to do, have your own product that will make you even more revenue. Who knows maybe you are the next millionaire online because seriously you will not become a millionaire simply by promoting other peoples products, but you must create your own product and market it through your blog.

Advertise Your Services instead

As a blog or website you should have your own services, blog services should include private advertising, sponsored blog posts and many other things that can bring income to your blog. I have seen some blogs having private private content and forums which are making so much money.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media marketing is simply the best only if you will know how to  promote your products online. Mashable has been using social media from the beginning until today to bring tons of traffic to their sites.

As a blogger you should not depend on the traffic you get from search engines but instead work hard to find blog traffic where it seems possible.

10 Ways To Quickly Sell Ad Spaces on a Blog

Selling Advertising space on a blog has been one of the most challenging parts of blogging as very few bloggers really get to complete a sale but some get dozens of requests which shows that there might be something that you are missing as a publisher and this is why I am writing this article as a guide to help bring life to your blog monetization.
Making money online is simple and the only thing that chases away clients and readers is simply not meeting with their needs because it causes them a disbelief about your site. After blogging for about a year I have found that blogging is not only about making money online but it is about meeting the reader needs and expectations. Once readers have found your blog useful then that is the time you will get offers and business proposals from other bloggers that are looking foward into making profitable partnerships and sales.

Run a Contest
Run a contest on your site offering advertisers an opportunity that will definately fall for which can be free give aways upon purchasing the Advertising Space. A contest works very well as it attracts advertisers that were not intended to advertise on your blog and it creates an awareness of your blog advertisements.

Give monthly discounts
Monthly discounts can really attract advertisers in huge numbers as they are all looking for  discounts, Infact everybody in this world is looking for discount opportunities where they can be able to buy quality services at a lower prize. One of the discounts we use is whereby Advertisers that have been loyal with our blog will get an extra two months of free advertising in every six months of Advertising on Ajaxsurf, this had worked very well for us and we are prepared to do more discounts to boost more of our products.

Make Selling to be much easier
Selling of Advertising spaces should be made easy on a blog, it is not supposed to be hard but made simple instead, blogger does not have such plugins but there are services like and that can help bloggers sell their Advertising space at a very managible way.
Wordpress has a great feature for advertisers known as The OIO Publisher which enables bloggers to quickly sell Ad spaces without having an advertising service that will charge any commissions.

Sell more than normal
As a Blogger you must try to stand above your competition to get people into following your blog because out there are a lot of blogs out there that are selling Advertising space out there and if you do the same you will also be like them waiting for advertisers to come up which usaully doesn't go that way. The best way to win advertisers is to do something different compared to other bloggers which can make them fight for an advertising opportunity on your blog, this can be done by giving away Premium Templates and other cool handy things to the first 5 advertisers rather then giving them only an advertising space.

Have a long term Advertising option
Mostly big Advertisers normally love long term advertising options as they save them a lot of time and gives them insurance about the long term run of their blogs. Long term Advertising should always have a discount compared to the short term advertisers.
So if you really want to keep that money comming in then long term advertising should be an option in your Blog Advertising.

Have a neat template design
The blog template plays an important role because it is one of the most important factors that attract advertisers because they will find your blog as a great place in which they can advertise their products and also give a very good image of their product to potential customers.
A neat blog design is a must have for bloggers, it attracts business associates and potential advertisers without them have to do a lot of research about your blog services or minor errors a blog should have, the template design speaks a very lot more than words.

Have a good relevant Domain
Have a domain that is interesting and easy to remember for your site, don't try to be somebody else, but have a unique domain that will create an image about you blog, a name that will point to you not at another site. I have seen some bloggers using names such as Mashable tips, helperlogger and all those names derived from those of ther big blogs which is lame really.
Nobody wants to do business with a shadow but advertisers are looking for unique and eligible for potential growth. So if you happened to name your site after some blogs then I will recommend that you rename and be unique.

Keep the Site Traffic Improving
Your site traffic is never enough, Google the worlds number 1 traffic site is also looking for traffic as much as you want it, the traffic of your website should be kept to increase at all times because nobody will want to invest in a falling business, nobody would buy a decreasing stock.
Whenever a advertiser wants to advertise a product, the very first thing that they will look for is potential traffic that a site has, if it has no traffic then they are not buying in, its that simple. Try by all means possible to increase your site traffic by using SEO, Social Media and other means to keep your blog moving.

Improve Your Social Media presence
The Social Media Presence of a Site plays a vital role in improving its growth rate and social media brings new visitors to your blog because even I was introduced to blogging through Facebook and today I have been on one of the influential bloggers because I have seen the effect of social media when it comes to blogging.
The social presence of the site plays a very great role in the value of a site and its is the most important things on a blog because advertiers know the importance of of social media and the power of it presence on a site.

Write a testimony Page including your post Advertisers Comments
A testimonial page is where you put a history of your past advertisers and explain how they have been helped by your blog to sell their products. You can use their photo's and paste some of the conveesations you have had with them. The main purpose of this page is to give confidence to the advertiser that your blog is the right place advertising and promoting of products.

Bloggers, lets create wealth through blogging and create a lifetime investment. In the past months I have been able to improve Ajaxsurf from a $1500 to $17800 in value which means  that anything is as possible only if you have a winning strategy. What has been you stategey? Make a change today and make things happen.
As a blogger you cannot only depend on advertising networks and other networks but as a blogger you can also make money by selling advertising spaces and affiliate products on your your site, its that simple.

How much money do big blogs make

Blogging has been seen as the best strategy to make money online as there have risen millionaires from within the Blogsphere.

From the 2005 to present many successful Blogs have risen in the blogging business from the likes of Mashable, Huffpost and Techcrunch which have been making tons in revenue from different sources like Advertising, products and many other sources that can be used to make money online, We have seen small blogs turning into multi million dollar blogs within months which has made us to do some important research on different money making strategies that are being used by these Bloggers and how much effort do they put into making millions from Blogging.

The Purpose of Blogging
Blogging has been recognized as the way of making money which is false because the very first thing matters in the love for the niche you are blogging about which will boost the traffic volume of your site, then more money can be made from the site.
Blogging should not be considered a get rich quick way because you will really get disappointed by the results because as a blogger the very first thing to aim for is "Getting Readers Satisfied With Your Blog" and the you can focus on profit.

Most of the Big Blogging giants were started by individual bloggers blogging with an aim to share their knowledge and love for a certain niche until their influence improved upon their niche coverting into brands, running a big blog needs innovation and needs the blogger to seperate himself/herself by being unique, making themselves the readers first choice.

What inspired them to Blogging success
To match up with media giants needs a lot of commitment which can simple be done by getting your blog updated more frequently and also by responding to the readers needs as the author and Administrator. As a Blogger you really need to fill up the gap between you an the readers, you need to create a special bond which will make your blog iresistable to them.
If a certain label/tag on your Blog has most pageviews then that should ring some bells meaning that your blog readers love that tag and you should always try to get it posts updated more often to keep close to your blog.

How do these Blogs make Money
Looking at Big blogs that make tons of money online you will get to see amazing strategies that you may have never thought about as I will be sharing the secret revenue strategies of the likes of Mashable as one of the blogs with a Current market value of $300 Million and yet this Blog is 10 years old. The had already became an empire in eight months after being founded  by Pete Cashmore in 2005 and within 8 months he was able to high another writer to keep his blog moving.

Advertising Networks
When it comes to Blogging there is a good propability of online success as bloggers have been able to drive quality income using different monetization methods either than using the well know strategy which is Advertising, Advertising has been used by big blogs to help bring in passive income.

Direct Advertising
Direct Advertising is the form of Advertising done by selling Advertising space directly to the readers, it is used by almost every big blog to generate an income for the Blog, this type of advertising does not require any participation of third parties but it is between the advertiser and the customer.

Sponsored Posts and Reviews
Sponsored posts and reviews are know as paid posts which can either be written by the client or the blogger, the minimum price for these posts is $50 for blogs that get less than 500 daily pageviews, and for bigger blogs the price can be an over $4000 per post published.

Products and Services
As a Blogger, you have to sell something atleast to your readers and clients. You can sell anything from any niche and make money simply by doing that and I will guarantee you an income. Most Big Blogs are known for the products and services that they sell but that does not mean that you must violate the pride of your blog and fill it with products because will really chase the blog customers.

Webinars and Podcasts
Webinars are Interactive seminars that happen online to a live audience, these seminars are simply the best as they can boost the income made by over $45,000 per webinar for a blog that has 10,000 email subscribers.

There is quite a huge number of ways that may be used to make money online, which shows the great possibilities to online monetization. Another blogger I knon Jon Marrow makes a minimum of $100,000 per month without selling Ads but by applying different methods of monetization.