Showing posts with label BUSINESS WISE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BUSINESS WISE. Show all posts

The Danger of Identity Theft

Any business owner or even every single person should be well-conscious of the current state of identity theft. And we all must know how important it is to to protect your customers and your own business from fraud to maintain its well-known reputation and stable development.

What is identity theft?

Identity theft is defined as the fraud of someone to make money from using your confidential document or illegally enter any transaction under your identity. An example can be the “credit card cloning”. The culprit may use someone else’ information and apply for credit cards, bank accounts to buy items through the Internet, One other of the most common identity theft cases is tax fraud and scams that may be greatly damaging under any tax season no matter how safe and secured your personal info is. Specifically, the identity thieves use made-up Social Security Numbers (SNN) randomly and file the tax forms to try to claim any possible return. And sadly, the chances of being the random victim can be you.

The consequences can be terrific and time-consuming for anyone, which which can lead to nonstop amount of unknown debts, bankruptcy, etc. Even worse, solving your identity theft case or reversing the harm from the fraud is also as troublesome as it can go for years to settle.

Facts of Identity Theft

Frank Agagnale once said, ‘the police can't protect everyone. Individuals should be more mindful and instructed about identity fraud or theft. You should be a little bit wiser, and smarter; plus, nothing is wrong with being skeptical. We live in a world where if you make it easy for someone to steal from you, they will eventually.’ And I believe this always stays true. Up until now, there have been over 8,513,000 identity theft victims worldwide, which is happening every two seconds. Identity theft is a growing serious issue in the United States which has risen alarmingly over the last decades. Another surprising fact is that currently, medical sector has been on top of those that have data stolen by identity thieves since five years ago. Hence, protecting your own health insurance is as crucial as your SSN.

How do you protect your identity from being theft?

This question must be constantly asked right after the frightening facts above have been shown.Fortunately, there are many easy and effective ways to protect yourself. First of all, having the  best paper shredders  can be the foremost solution to dispose of any sensitive information and that info will stay safe and secured within your organization. Other possible ways can be regularly checking your credit reports to let your bank know about any suspecting spending amount, strengthening your passwords and well securing any of your contact information or important accounts. Personally, I would recommend that you change your passwords for any highly-secured accounts every 6 months. Also, you should be smart and wary in using social media because there have been plenty of scams online. Social media has become tremendously so popular that even a company will look at the profiles of their job candidates through those media sites. Hence, people tend to upload most of their personal data but forget that they themselves make it easier for scammers to duplicate their information.

By implementing these steps, any top secret documents such as employee files, social security numbers, banking details, medial insurance information, and addresses cannot be stolen and frauded. If you can secure yourself first, the chance of the information being stolen can be surely eliminated. And your company can avoid being sued for violating regulations on information protection. Likewise, Bill Nelson once said, “If we don’t act now to safeguard our privacy, we could all become the victims of identity theft”.

Criminals look at identity theft and say only 1 in 700 criminals gets convicted of it. And they look at check forgery and they know that for every 1,400 forgers arrested, only about 123 get convicted and about 26 go to jail. So the rewards are great, but the risks are very slim. So that's one of the reasons that make it very popular.

How to Build an Online Business that Actually Makes Money?

The internet is the hottest ways to earn moneyonline these days. Whether you are on a mission of finding a new source of income or just want to add some more bucks to your wallet as a side gig, the internet can offer a variety of solutions for you to choose from. But, on a serious note, if one does not think of it as just a side-gig or new income source, it is a top niche to build online businesses.

An online business has become an unparalleled opportunity to run a business worldwide with only a laptop and an internet connection. In the present days, about 2.5 billion people log onto the internet every minute. This is great in the sense of the opportunity for income, but negative in the sense that online business has become an advanced day gold rush.

There are many cheat sheets available online, manipulating people to adopt them for the sake of earning money quickly. Many of you must have noticed that social media accounts can be downright depressing with all the over-hyped ads. Selecting whom to learn from can be difficult to start an online business.
Therefore, here are five simple steps that can encourage you to devise th best strategies to plunder the online wealth without any support of cheat sheets:

1.      Focus

It simply means figuring out who you want to serve and how you deliver value to your targeted audience. It means “focus” can help you where you are instead of following all that cheat sheets or wrong tricks.
There is a plenty of information available online and so many entrepreneurs fall victim to information overload. But, if you apply 10% of the knowledge of what you have or what you understand from the right online source, you would make progress building your business.
2.      Fortify an Audience
It is the main intent for business to be boosted up. Creating a beautiful website with all the right plugins, opt-in boxes, and widgets is of no use if you don’t have an audience. So, here are efficient ways to build an audience quickly:
·         Be a Guest on a Podcast: Radio Guest List will deliver to your inbox a list of shows looking for your expertise.

·         Post Guest Blogs: There are many blogs that get millions of visitors every month. All you need to learn is effective content marketing strategies considering content as the king.

·         Acquire Exposure from Large Author Sites: Search for the highly-authorized sites like Huffington Post and write for them. Through such sites, you can get exposure to millions of potential leads and customers. They also build authority, enhance your social media presence, and boost sales.

3.      Build a Monetization Plan

Once you start getting exposure, it’s time to generate income through a plan. A content strategy is always needed for a website that aligns with a promotion schedule. Your plan should include the products and services, you are offering to your customers. Utilize your exposure and content plan to sell premium offerings and enhance business growth.
4.      Test and Refine
Once you have implemented a plan, study what works and what doesn’t. Take online help and try different offers. Don’t rely completely on online advice; take help from the analysis made by your plans and exposure. At the end, refine your process and perk up the parts of your plan that aren’t working.
5.      Launch and Scale
At this point, you have to build 1000 followers for your business with an effective growth. Whenever your promotions give a big hit at the end of the month, launch them with a bang. This means you have joint partnerships, launch bonuses, and affiliate partners. Each launch should generate serious revenue for your business. So, it is a matter of scaling and reinvesting.

Starting and boosting an online business is not simple. There is a lot of competition due to which it takes time and tremendous focus. But, once it goes in the right direction, the results are fruitful and encouraging enough to make money online.

Apple Becomes The Most Valuable Company

Apple has taken their first position in the world as it had lost many of its rankings after the Steve Jobs death tragedy.

Since 2012 Apple was able to grow from $36 billion to $76 billion within ten months as shown by the the Interbrand's 2012 global brand rankings. Since the 2012 growth Apple has been holding second position after Coca-Cola. This has been a very great improvement by Apple as they had shown a very good growth that year as they moved from position eight to position two.

In 2014 Apple was able to take over the first position once again after the negative critics the company had as it had a massive growth from $76 billion in 2012 to a staggering $$124.2 billion in 2014. Since then Apple has been holding the position as the most valuable company until Google stepped in the beginning of 2016 due to the bad financial reports that were reported by Apple and surprisingly Apple was able to reclaim their position. The quick bost in the company value has been boosted by the announcement of the Iphone 5se and the Iphone Air 3 , which had rapidly increased the share demand.

What are your thoughts, do you think that Apple will continue hold position number one despite the presence of its rivals Google, Microsoft and Facebook? Please leave your opinions on the comment box below.

Partnering For Good Successful Business

If you run a small business, blog or online store a strategic partnership is simply what your business needs. But before you happen to make conclusions with any company or partnership you have to first evaluate how you as a co-operation or an individual can benefit from the business. I am sharing this information to help you do well in business partnerships which will also boost your activity and revenue.

Why Should you do a partnership?

Business is done best when you have an extra hand that will boost you revenue and impact simply because a good business partnerships allow you as a businessman and blogger to be able to reach higher business levels that you wouldn't have achieved on your own influence.
By having a good business partnership you increase your power in that particular industry as you will be sharing exchanging different skills in a more mutually productive way. This means that you as a business can gain access to certain levels of the market that you wouldn't have reached which means a major increase in the business revenue.
Finding a Perfect Business Partner
Finding a good partner in business is what no body can value or measure as out there can be good partners and also bad partners who can really disturb the quality of a business just for the sake of selfish desires. This means that as an individual you should have the ability to make good decisions that can help prosper your business.
Eventually as an individual you might lack a certain business skill which somebody might know best, the lack of the skill will cause your blog or business to lack at some point and the finding a partner will improve your business reducing the gap within the business.
Finding a good partner is surely a difficult thing that anybody can guarantee but by getting yourself deep into a certain business industry you will meet people with brilliant ideas and skills in that certain market you might be in, there is a lot more that one can do such as attending business workshops, participating in Forums, attending business conferences and seminars.

Ensuring A Good Business Partnership

Keeping a business partnership stable will require you a certain skills and duties because most business partnerships usually dont succeed as parters might not agree on certain conditions. As business person in a certain business, it is best that you improve your partnership by deciding roles on which each individual should carry out. I probably recommend the partnership to do the below mentioned points to ensure business success.

  • Vision - The vision of any business or partnership should be made known to all partners to insure successful partnership and business.

  • Partner Roles - As I have mentioned earlier, in a partnership there should be roles and there shouldn't be one who will carry out most of roles compared to the other because that might boil your business partnership.

  • Shares - It might be tempting to have 50% share as your partner but to give you advice that is really not a good Idea because there should be at least one authoritative voice in the partnership which will ensure that decisions are taken accordingly and productively.

  • Responsibilies - Responsibility is the most important aspect of business.

Avoiding Business Partnership Falls

Business Partnerships can be drafted successfully as I have mentioned in the above paragraphs above but that is not enough when humans are involved because that can drive a number of emotions and ego's that can affect your business negatively. I prefer that the business associates should draw up a written agreements can help solve the business pitfalls that are faced by many partnerships.
The drawn up agreement should include some important things such as Roles and Responsibilies that each partner will hold in the partnership.

Napoleon Hill Money Making Secrets For Millionaires

when looking at the world as you know it today you may notice that there is an endless amount of opportunities out there for anybody that is ready to get hold of them. I started blogging earlier in 2014 as a hobby because I normally did not have many things in which I could spend most of my time into until I started a blog which has grown into one of the best in world as this blogs gets tons of visitors from around the world. I want to share some of the secrets that have created many billionaires around the world, the secrets that have motivated the likes of Mark Zuckerburg and Pete Cashmore into achieving the best possible achievements that one may acquire as an individual.

If you pay attention to the information that I am sharing with you right now I am really convinced that you will make more money than you ever thought. there is too much information on wealth creation out there and most of it is nothing but crap because they are simply in the business of making money and not returning with something useful to help an average person prosper and I really dont know why do they hide such important information, but I will share with you a glimpse of it to help you succeed in life into being a multimillionaire or a billionaire depending on  your commitment.

Napoleon Hill was one of the people who were privileged to work for the worlds richest man Andrew Carnegie who was the founder of US steel, who later taught Napoleon Hill the success secrets that I am going to share with you on the list below.

  • Have a Dream and a Burning desire to achieve it

    This is the difficulty that most people are having difficulty in getting to solve as most people tend to look at their salary before their can start dreaming about success, such dreams are not usually successful because the subconscious mind knows that they have no faith to achieve such success. unsuccessful people always ask themselves "HOW?"  but winners and successful people never think about the HOW first, they always dream first and have a burning desire for its achievement

    The most important money making secret is to define your dream and have a burning desire for its achievement, and once you are driven by the burning desire you will make it in life as a success.
  • You have to feel good when you think about your dream 

    Most people out in the world feel bad about their dreams because they dont have it, you have to feel good about your dream even if you dont have it for example if I was at a seminar with you and rolled your name out of a hat and say you have just won $50,000 and a trip to Italy, then probably you will be happy even though you have not received the money or travelled the destination. Telling you that you have won will not change anything as I am telling but definitely your feeling will change even though nothing has changed in reality.

    You might have a dream now but that doesnt mean you will achieve it now but there is certainty that you will achieve your dream in a certain amount of time even though you have not achieved it yet.
  • Unsuccessful People are surrounded by dream stealer's

    Dream Stealers are the reason why most people arent successful in life all because of people who are always there to discourage them from achieving their dreams, these people have fear fear of the possibility to financial freedom, dream stealers could be your friends, family, spouse and any other person that makes you believe that you wont make on your dream. Successful people are surrounded by people who support and believe in their dreams no matter how big the dreams are.

    If you want to be successful in life and make more money you have to associate yourself with like minded people who will pull in for you, you can do this by developing friendships with like minded people who are success driven as you are.
  • The words you speak will determine your success

    What you say determines your success which is the reason why most people get hung by their tongue. unsuccessful people talk negative about themselves and just by doing that they hang their own lives with their tongue meaning they kill their dreams because Words Have Power. You must learn to speak like successful people as they speak positive about themselves
  • Think about what you want

    This was the secret which was discovered by Earl Nightingale the author of "The Strangest Secret" a novel which reveals that You become what you think about most of the time. this has been proven to be true as most people become what they think the most. my word to you is that you must think about your dreams all the time and have the burning desire to achieve those dreams.
  • You have to read books

    Leaders are always readers which means that to become a good leader you must earn as much motivation and wisdom from reading books because today the world has been corrupted as most people spend time watching Tv, reading magazines, reading newspapers and spending time with dream stealers who will will harden your your attitude and make focus less in achieving your dreams, we develop negative thinking which develops negative transmisssion of frequency which causes Negative things in your life. as an individual willing to succeed reading books should be used to help position you in the way in which you are supposed to think.

It is easy to become a multimillionaire, you just have to dream about something and follow your dreams and trust me you will indeed become a successful somebody.

The Impact of Social Media on eCommerce -Infographic

Social Media on eCommerce

Well ecommerce has become the most trending way of which people use to buy and sell products online in which the owner of Amazon, the worlds leading online retailer has been able to increase his wealth from $33bn to over $50bn in over 6 months. as bloggers we got to anticipate such growth on on the ecommerce market as it is taking the world by storm.

I have received this awesome infographic from Vebology and I have found it suitable for as I have noticed recently that this blog has been known mostly for ecommerce due to the quality of material that we produce for our readers. Running an ecommerce site that makes money is very difficult for many bloggers including me at the start as I really faced a lot of difficulty with getting people into buying my products until I used Facebook and Twitter to get more clients to purchasing my products.

I do recommend many bloggers out there not to quite ecommerce but should look forward into social media marking because out there are many people that have been waiting for a product that you are selling but the problem with them is that they didn't bother to search for, As a blogger should always see an opportunity to profit on any market because generally the demand is much more that the supply.

Besides advertising social media is the best way in which one should use to drive traffic to their site, maybe advertising might be seem as the best but telling you the truth advertising cannot withstand the force of social media as big sites like Mashable, Techcruch  including Ajaxsurf have seen social media as the best way in which we can market ourselves. The world has been changed by social media and today I tell you that social media will change the way you work for the better.

                                                    ( Click on the Image to Read )

please click on Image to read
I do recommend that you share that this post to as many people as possible because it is the best even though the credits are not to this blog but I believe that this infographic on the the impact of social media on ecommerce will boost the traffic that you get from your ecommerce site and more sales you will make. 

How To Be A Successful Entrepreneur with James Sun

Well today we have our host James Sun who works in hand with with Donald Trump as a finalist in the Donald Trump Tv series, The Apprentice. James Sun has been one of the entrepreneurs that are making things happen out there as they have been very much involved in different forms of businesses which has secured him even millions making him a famous successful entrepreneur.

Today is we will be sharing some of the best tips for business success, which will save you from being an Entrepoorneur into being an Entrepreneur.  Below are some success tips Recommended for bloggers and entrepreneurs that are looking forward to mastering innovation.

Be Unique

In your market don't try to be somebody but be unique instead by bringing something very different from your business competitors or else your targeted customers will find it hard to buy any of the products you may be selling.

Learn to Sell

Selling needs to be Mastered because as an entrepreneur selling is the primary thing that one may have to master in business, whether you are a CEO or manager but it is vital that you know how to sell.

James Sun believes that Selling a product should need different strategies to get the product sold as he mentioned that the strategy that you used to sell your product to your first 100 customers should not be the same as the strategy you use to sell to the next 100 customers. Having discounts for the first customers are very much motivated to reach the wanted product success as it will get customers into purchasing your product.

Master Innovation

Innovation has been the biggest factor behind Apple, the company which was founded by Steve Jobs who has been one of the greateast leaders that have ever walked in the world of Technology.

In reality the world is changing and as an entrepreneur the thing you should work hard on is mastering the change that is happening.

The success behind many big companies is innovation and I will recommend it for your business, ecommerce site and blog.

Make Use of day trading

As an entrepreneur, you must be able to take the ups and downs of your company. A business will eventually face those challenges which one may think of giving up up instead of losing it all, but James Sun advises entrepreneurs to make use of day trading irrespective of what is happening in the one hour chart and the other small time frames in the Stock markets.

As an invester I work a lot with charts and Forex currencies as a way of making profits from the markets. In most of my tradings I use the trend of the day and week charts to do long trades when I see a good investment opportunity. As an entrepreneur I would recommend you to have the same business approach as mentioned by James Sun.

Recommended: Best Forex Trading Stochastic and Channel Surfer

If you have mastered the vision of your business then you will have to follow that positive success channel into making real profits.

Humble Your Way to Success

Well nothing beats a humble person, whether you are the SEO of that company you have launched but that does not make any difference between you and the employee that helps keep your business running. The people who work together with you are you team, humbling yourself among them will motivate them to impress you.

Always target more experienced Employees

Nobody is the jack of all trades, as an entrepreneur you have to get more experience employees to help you carry out some tasks that could only be executed by an industry professional.

Money Must be an important Factor

The main purpose you started your business was to make money. If you a blogger you are following your passion until you get to make an income out of it or maybe you blog for the fun of it.

You are not in this world to Impress people

If you are an entrepreneur willing to make an income You got to understand that you are not in this world to impress people as James states that he was taught rule from Donald Trump that states "Be Slow to hire and be quick to fire" which he claims to be the best winning strategy for his businesses.

I personally agree with this statement but I do value other people as a professional.

Focus more on your market

Know your market better before you could be able to expand your business because in reality there are many businesses running out there doing the same service as you do which is the reason why some businesses are not making any money. Try to master your market and focus on it until you start making real profits and then you can enter into another market to boost you revenue. Wish you the best business month.

Google takes a Major Reconstruction to Bring “Alphabet Inc.” the new boss

Google made announcement on Monday 10 August 2015 as they had to take a major reconstruction which will re brand Google into being “Alphabet Inc.” which will make it a co-operation which will run all of it services like Google+, Gmail, Google, Google Maps and Youtube etc.
This big move by Google has made headlines and is expected to have a very large impact on the stocks as it will bring a boost for the company investors. Google will be under Alphabet and will have a new CEO which is Sundar Pichai who will take over Larry Page. These move by the company is believed to bring growth to Google and other related companies as confirmed by the Alphabet Inc CEO Larry Page.

The name Alphabet is already secured by BMW which has forces Alphabet Inc to use the domain instead of using which is not a usual way for domain names since it does not have the company name on it but has the alphabetical domain name which could be seen as creativity.

According to a post by Mashable it has been confirmed that the main reason for this change from Google was the high growth rate of their services which has improved amazingly in the recent months despite a small share price drop in the April and May period.

All the current Shares of Google will be automatically be converted into Alphabet Which will continue trading on the stock trader using the post Google symbols GOOG and GOOGL.
The company will continue providing searvh services as usaul but will give it Search Engine Optimization services to rising star Sundar Pichai, Which has not been really not confirmed what will happen to services like blogspot.

Facebook will allow retailers to sell from Facebook

Facebook has brought in an improvement to their App which will allow users to buy products directly from the App without having to leave the App.

Facebook is no longer only focused on chats, likes, sharing but have seen an importance of increasing their online revenue by making eCommerce available on Facebook. With the eCommerce development by Facebook twitter was the first social network to integrate buy buttons which are well known as the twitter buy button which made users to buy without leaving the social network.
If you think that Facebook is behind well you you got it wrong because Facebook has been working on it plan to integrate shopping buttons that will look very similar to the ones used by Shopify as reported by Buzzfeed concerning the Facebook buy buttons which are very much likely into becoming a success.

Facebook has been fully experimenting the buy and checkout features of the buy now buttons as a plan to integrate eCommerce to its social network. This has been a big move buy Facebook which can negatively affect social media marketing strategies as the customers will not have to leave the App to make a checkout which will exclude from having to visit the merchants site.
The shopping feature by Facebook is currently being tested on a couple of users as confirmed on Wednesday on a press conference that the new eCommerce features will be made available soon as the tests will be working very well as shown in the mock image Below.

The Facebook spoke person Mike Manning said it wont be a predictable experience for the buy buttons and ecommerce features as it is not really known when will retailer get to use these features because many may take time to Adapt to the changes made by Facebook. There adaptions are made on Facebook but has been only visible to certain retailers for testing the improvement of the App. The Facebook spokesperson Mike Manning has refused to give the names of the current participating ecommerce retailers but has confirmed that the service is used by both small scale and large scale ecommerce retailers and ecommerce stores.

With these new features it does not seem like Facebook is looking forward in the revenue behind these eCommerce features as they will be giving these  customization freely without any charges. The company has confirmed that the improvements are designed to increase user engagement in their app not to make revenue.
With this improvements in social media and ecommerce has made making money online as one of the easiest ways for both blogger and ecommerce sites, this the biggest improvement by Facebook.

How is Facebook costing Hardware Companies

The Hardware market has lost over $140 Billion due to facebook and other software giants like Apple, Android and Samsung as they have made technology accessable to everybody at no cost.

Facebook started as a small site which was intended for Hollard students by Mark Zuckerburg who is currently the company CEO, and later grew into a multimillion dollar company which has billions of online active users which has made Facebook a company that has data centers around the that are to the worth of $141 Billion and the company is believed to experience more growth in the upcomming 10 years as they have introduced facebook Ads are the driving force to its revenue.

This improvements by facebook has made it easier for people to access big computers and to look their designs and customize them with having to pay any fee.

This huge infrastructural services by facebook of creating data centers which are the main servers behind the company services are the backbone of facebook. This idea came up with  Jonathan Heiliger one of the most leading members in the Facebook infrastructure team who came up together with OCP .

What is a data Center?

A data center is a huge warehouse like building filled with thousands and thousands of computer servers  which used by website that carry over the site main data.

These servers are  used to host websites and domain names, usaully served by hosting companies like Hostgator in which most companies get to host their websites on dedicated servers. Big sites such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Linux have their own servers.

The computers that are used by Facebook are under the name Facebook as the company has its first data center created in 2011 and know they have data centers in both Europe and USA which are the main hosts of every data stored and shared on facebook which will include media files and text messages.

How does it affect the hardware market

The hardware market is believed to be affected in the next decade after the launch of its OCP which was much based on building and managing data centers which made software to be free to use without having to pay huge costs.

This move has affected huge hardware companies like Blackberry as they provided software at a price, Linux a well known tech giant is planning to build data centers which will bring free high quality software without having to pay any monthly fees.

These upgrades done by tech companies have caused many tech giants like Nokia, Blackberry and  to drop in sales, and it is believed it will bring more damage to the hardware market.

We would really like to hear from you about your opinions towards the $140 Billion hardware market.