Showing posts with label Adsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adsense. Show all posts

How to set up Page-level AdSense ads in your blog

This article describes Page-level ads, a new type of AdSense advertisement which Google has recently introduced.   It includes how to set up these ads if you use Blogger, and some troubleshooting information about them.  

It also describes how to fix an error in the code which is supplied, which causes a message like "Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character".

What are Page Level AdSense ads

Google has recently introduced a new type of Adsense ad-units, which may be shown to people who visit a website using a mobile device (eg smartphone of tablet),

There are two types of Page-level ads:
  • Vignette ads:   When a visitor on your site clicks on a link to another page on you site, a vignette ad may be loaded as a full-page overlay which the user needs to close before they see the page which they navigated to.
  • Overlay ads:   these are smaller ads which show at the top or bottom of your screen, and which "stick" to the edge, so they seem to stay in place as the user scrolls up and down your site.   The visit may click on them in the usual way.

For Blogger users, these ads are only currently available if you have a full AdSense account: if you only have a hosted AdSense account, then you cannot get the code to install them.   But if you do have a full AdSense account (either because you have a custom domain, or because you signed up for AdSense before the "host AdSense account" option was introduced), they are attractive because they don't count towards the count of advertisement-units which you are allowed to display on each page.

They also only work if you have a mobile template switched on for your blog, so that visitors who use a mobile device see mobile-optimised screen.

How to install AdSense Page Level ads in Blogger

Log in to your AdSense account.

Go to the My Ads tab

Turn on one or both of  Overlay or Vignette ads options.
(By default, they are both turned Off.    Click on the empty box beside the "0" to turn an option to  on:  in these controls, 0 means "off" and 1 means "on".)

Click the < > Get Code button.

Copy the code that is generated.

Switch to Blogger, and edit your template in the usual way.

Find the text   <head>    (including the brackets).

On the very next line after <head>, paste in your code.

Optional - but highly recommended - add comments to clearly show what this code is for.   I usually use
and then the code goes in here ...
Preview the template, and make sure it's working.
(See Troubleshooting section below if you get a message about   Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script"    or similar.

Save the template.

Job done!   This is all you need to do to enable page-levels ads for your blog:   you do not need to install gadgets to say where these ads go, because Google handles this for you.

How to see what page-level ads look like in your blog

Visit your blog using a smartphone or tablet.

Add the text   #googleads   at the end of the website address, so it changes from something like:
to something like:

After this, when you click on a link to move a different page in your blog,  a Vignette style ad will display - these are whole-page ads, which include a "close ad" button, like this:


Extra "src" text in the ad-code

Right now, there is a problem with the code that AdSense are providing.   I don't know if this is because Blogger doesn't understand a feature that AdSense is using, or if it's a genuine bug.    But if you see a message like this when you try to preview the template:
Could not load template preview: Error parsing XML, line 21, column 15: Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character.
then there's a very simple change that you have to make.

All you have to do is delete the "src" immediately after the word async.

So your code changes from like this:
<script async src="//"></script>
  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
    google_ad_client: "ca-pub-DONT-USE-MY-NUMBER-GET-YOUR-OWN-PUBLISHER-ID",
    enable_page_level_ads: true

to like this:
<script async ="//"></script>
  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
    google_ad_client: "ca-pub-DONT-USE-MY-NUMBER-GET-YOUR-OWN-PUBLISHER-ID",
    enable_page_level_ads: true

Different Page Level settings for different websites

If you are using Adsense across several different websites, then you may want to enable one of vignette or overlay ads on some sites, and a different option on others.

Currently, there is no way to do this:  you must choose one combination of:
  • No Page Level ads
  • Overlay ads only, no Vignette ads
  • No Overlay ads, but do show Vignette ads
  • Allowing Google to choose Overlay and/or Vignette ads

Stop Vignette ads being attached to some links

By default, any link to another page in your blog may have a Vignette ad attached to it.    However there may be some links which you specifically don't want this to happen to - for example if the user really needs to remember what was on the current page once the get to the next one.

You can prevent any Vignette ads being displayed when a user clicks a link by adding a tag to the link.

The tag to add is:

and you need to switch to Edit HTML (top left of the post-editor window) to add it.

This is an example link to another page on this blog which is prevented from having a Vignette ad, and this is the HTML code I've used to achieve this.
<a data-google-vignette=”false” href="">an example link</a> 

More help

Google have provided more information about Page level ads here.

Related Articles

Setting up a mobile template for your blog

Editing your Blogger template

Hosted AdSesne accounts for Blogger users

Google Adsense Ad Code Converter

Having to invert an Adsense JavaScript code to an html code cannot be done simply by using your mind but would require a tool that will avoid any errors.

HTML codes have a great handling for codes containing symbols like < and > compared to other coding formats. That is the reason we have shared this widget to help our readers easily embed any codes from 3rd party servers to their blogs without having to face any errors.

This amazing code converting tool which we have designed for bloggers will not only be restricted to Adsense but will also cater for other Ad codes from advertising networks like chitika, AdBrite and any other network that you may use on your site. If you are also having trouble with embedding a Facebook Page widget then this html converter tool will work for you great results.
Code Converter for Blogs and Websites

Adsense Code Converter Form


How to tell Google about problems with activity on your AdSense account

This article describes a way to tell Google about problems with activity on your AdSense account.

I noticed a link to an Invalid Clicks Contact form in a recent blog-post from Google.

You can find the form here.

Basically, this is a way to tell Google if you think that something has gone wrong with your AdSense account, for example if you are being click-bombed or similarly targeted by malicious people or activity.

This caught my attention because exactly that happened recently here on Blogger-hints-and-tops: from reading the AdSense help forums, it seems that bots (or something) were attacking Link Units, and suddenly lots of people were getting huge increases in both click-through rates and revenue-per-click. At the time, I followed the advice given there:

But it still felt wrong not to take a more active step to tell Google about the specific problem with my account..

What does the form do

The Invalid Clicks report form has fields that let you give
  • Your name, email address and AdSense publisher ID
  • The URL where ad code appears
  • Topic (select one of: reporting unusual activity, or predicting a significant change in account activity)
  • A paragraph describing what led you to believe that the click activity was invalid
"Data from your site, mobile app and/or YouTube channel traffic logs or reports that indicate suspicious IP addresses, referrers or requests which could explain invalid activity." 
 Note that you only have 1000 characters for the description - but I'm sure that links to documents in your Google Drive (set to be avaialble to anyone with the link, of course) would be very acceptable.

They do say "Please note that we may not respond to your message unless we find a significant issue with your account." - and I would not be in the least surprised to not hear anything back.

Mention expected traffic increases, too

Sometimes, you may know that your blog is likely to get a a large traffic increase. For example, you may publish a controversial post, or release a resource which is extensively publicised via social media or your email list.

You can also use this form to tell Google AdSense about this, and that you expect a sudden increase in page impressions and revenue.

There are no guarantees, of course, but this may help them to distinguish between genuine and invalid sudden changesincreases, in cases where these are manually reviewed.

When not to use the form

Google know that even the most careful publisher will occasionally click on an ad themselves, especially on sites which are about personal hobbies or interests.

My guess is that we should not waste time reporting these invidiual clicks. They are very easy for Google to identify and disqualify - and doing to would make it a lot harder form them to identify real problems vs noise from issues reported via the form.

Where to get more information

How to approve a site to show AdSense ads from your account

AdSense help forum

Stop your AdSense from showing types of ads that aren't allowed on Blogger

How to Increase Google Adsense Impressions

What is a Google AdSense "Page Impression"?

The page impressions or page views - what quantity time a user stays on your web site and the way several pages are visited. this can be one among the foremost necessary things once talking regarding advertising. Page impressions are the results of sensible prime quality traffic that is usually supported the standard of the content obtainable on your blog/website. If you build prime quality content then folks can fancy navigating through your web site and so, produce page views.

In general, AdSense reports show the subsequent fields of information:

  • Page Impression: what number times the page or pages containing the AdSense ad was shown to your blog/website guests 

  • Clicks: the quantity of times guests clicked on an advert from your web site

  • Page CTR: The click through rate of an advert is outlined because the range of clicks on an advert divided by the quantity of times the ad is shown (impressions), expressed as a proportion. (1) In most cases, a two click-through rate would be thought of terribly successful , although the precise range is heatedly debated. 

  • CPC: is price Per Click. that's what Google pay you per click. 

  • Estimated earnings: Your account balance for the fundamental measure designated. This quantity is associate degree estimate that's subject to vary once your earnings are verified for accuracy at the top of each month.(2) 

Below are some ways in which might assist you to extend the page impressions:

1. Navigation Menu

Create a navigation structure that's clear and straightforward to follow. you wish to form positive that after you have got a visitant, they will simply build it to different elements of your web log.making links inside your web log pages is one among the simplest ways that to extend the quantity of impressions for your web site.

2. Posts outline on Homepage

A very sensible methodology to extend your page views is to possess a outline of your posts on your blog/website homepage. which will force guests of your web log to click on posts link / browse additional button so as to envision the total article. to indicate solely an area (excerpt) of Blogger posts, browse this tutorial:
Automatic Posts Summaries for Blogger with Thumbnails

3. Improve Blog/Website Load Time

If a blog’s pages load terribly slowly, then guests can eventually lose patience and stop visiting additional pages, typically sooner instead of later. A web log that has fast loading pages could be a pleasure to browse and it encourages additional clicks.

4. Add a well-liked Posts Widget/gadget

web hosting, forums, css, earn money
Another good way to have interaction your readers to remain additional on your site/blog and to flick thru your content and build additional page views is to feature a well-liked Posts widget wherever you share a number of the simplest posts on your web log.

5. Add a Random Posts Widget/gadget

If you have got loyal guests and readers that will return to your weblog on a day after day then probably a well-liked article widget can become boring simply because they see it daily, with same posts. A random posts widget can combine the articles so the chance for a post to repeat are terribly low.

Want to feature a Random Posts widget for your Blogger blog? Then take a glance at this tutorial:
Random Posts widget with thumbnails

6. Link to connected Posts at the top of a Post

how to, tricks, awesome Displaying a connected posts could be a sensible manner for keeping your web site guests around. The gismo links to stories that are relevant and attention-grabbing to readers of a selected post, keeping them engaged together with your web log, and increasing your traffic.

If you do not have it on your web log however, see this connected Posts gismo tutorial for Blogger blogs: Add the connected Posts gismo with Thumbnails to Blogger

7. Add internal links to your content victimization connected anchor text

Include a link during a new post to connected info during a previous post. once you link to a previous post that you've got written you ought to think about doing it thus with descriptive words of the post, instead of generic words. (don't use easy words like "click here for more"). Adding links to previous articles can confirm your guests to look at articles and mechanically are regenerate into page impressions.

8. offer links into your social networks profiles or forums

Share your web log links on Facebook, Twitter or the other websites or standard forums. Answer to queries on the online. however use caution to not be too intrusive and continually try and offer pertinent data.
You wouldn't wish to support or to be thought of as a transmitter, don't you?

9. Add an exploration box

A lot of internet sites doesn't have an exploration box. As a result, the visitant can leave the location if he did not realize something any relevant. For best results, you ought to be victimization the Google custom search gismo. you'll infix the Google search box directly in your weblog. The search results are additional relevant than those who are provided by your default search box.

10. Add Social media buttons

Give your guests multiple choices to tweet, marker and share your posts via Facebook likewise as save your whole web log. place social icons below your post and within the sidebar, build them visible and allow them to be found simply.

11. Use a clean background for your posts and legible fonts

Avoid dark backgrounds, little and complicated fonts, and build written content the visually most distinct a part of your web log. If your main objective is to deliver a message and find the guests reading your stuff, then you ought to build this method snug for them.

12. Advertising

And finally, obtaining folks to your web site could be a matter of obtaining the word out. By victimization pay-per-click advertising, you'll produce a reasonable ad blitz to urge additional folks to your web site.

Following the following pointers can sure as shooting increase your blog's page views, which can build your web log traffic high within the future. Good luck!

AdSense, mobile templates and Analytics - and how they do (or don't) work together

If you

then it's an extremely good idea to have at least one AdSense ad-unit that was made with Blogger's official AdSense widget rather than by getting the code from AdSense and installing it manually.

This is because the a majority of gadgets don't show up on the screen when a visitor using a mobile device (cellphone or tablet) looks at a blog which has a mobile template set up for it - and by default this includes AdSense gadgets.   When a mobile visitor looks at a blog, Blogger does check to see if AdSense is used on it, and if so it shows one or two ad-units to them.  But unfortunately these checks only detect AdSense gadgets, not AdSense code in HTML/Javascript gadgets or added directly to the template.   So the net effect is that unless you have one of the official AdSense gadgets, mobile visitors to your blog will not see any AdSense ads.

Some more things to note

There is a way to explicitly say that certain gadgets should be shown on your blog when it's viewed in mobile.    However I've found that due to a problem in Blogger, if you use this method, you will get an error message every time you try to manually edit your template.

Also, because of the limits to the number of AdSnese ads you can show, it seems logical that the one official AdSense gadget on your blog should be a link unit - specially since AdSense earnings through Blogger gadgets are not reported in Analytics even if it is properly set up for your blog.   However at the moment, if you try to add a link-unit to a Blogger-site, then you get an error message like this:

"Please correct the errors on this form"
The error message when you try to add an AdSense Link unit in Blogger

This only appears when a link-unit has been selected, and I have not been able to find any way to work around this problem when adding a link-unit of any size.

AdSense Direct: A new way to sell direct advertising on your blog

This article introduces AdSense Direct, a new way to use AdSense to manage advertising that you directly sell ads on your blog or website - and to fill those spaces with AdSense ads when there are no Direct ads running.

AdSense have announced a new feature called AdSense Direct, which will let AdSense publishers (ie people showing ads on their blogs or websites) manage directly-sold ads using their AdSense account.

"Management" means that after an advertisement and campaign details are set up and approved, the ads will show on your site without any changes to your site (apart from having AdSense ads in on it), and having all contracts, invoicing and payments handled through your AdSense account.

How to use AdSense Direct

  • Arrange a direct deal with an advertiser -- this can be any advertiser, even one that doesn't currently use AdWords.
  • Enter the details into your AdSense account; more details about this here.
  • You will be given a link which you email (etc) to the advertiser.
  • The advertiser logs in (possibly after creating a Google account), upload their ad "creative" (ie text and pictures), approve the terms you entered, and pays for the deal with Google Wallet.
  • You - and Google - approve the ad creative (ie words and pictures).

After this, the ad runs during the time period that you set up for it.   And after it has finished, regular AdSense ads are shown instead.


Bad news for now:
AdSense Direct is currently available to publishers and advertisers located in the U.S., and we hope to expand further in the coming months.
But my fingers are crossed that this will change soon.

There's no statement about how this works with AdSense's limits on the number of AdSense ad units shown: does an "AdSense Direct" ad count towards the three-per-type-per-page that non-premium AdSense advertisers are limited to? My guess is "yes" - because regular AdSense ads are shown if AdSenseDirect ones aren't available.

Possibly you can only have one direct advertising campaign at a time?  Google's announcement  also says "If you've already expanded to running multiple direct ad deals and ad networks on your pages alongside AdSense, try our ad serving solution DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP)." - and yes, AdSense Direct does seem to be a vastly simplified version of this, which will benefit Google by signing up more advertisers.

And AdSense-Direct will only work in places where you can put an AdSense ad unit.  For example it is possible to put ads right inside blog-posts.  But regular AdSense ads need Javascript to work, so people who read your blog by email subscription or RSS don't see them. It's likely that AdSense Direct ads will be the same.

I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure that the standard AdSense rules will apply.   And this will mean that if your advertiser ticks any of Google's categroy boxes, their AdSense-served ad will not appear on your blog if you have blocked that category.

AdSense Direct is probably not available for Blogspot domains, or at least not for ones whose owner signed up for AdSense using the easier AdSense setups for hosted publishers.


The $64m question!

I'm still looking for information about Google's charge or margin for using Direct. For regular AdSense (for non-premium publishers, anyway), its 42%, ie they pay out 58%. I guess it will be a lot lower - but still significant, as Google are providing tools to do some of the most troublesome bits of direct advertisign for us.

My (possibly hopeful!) guess is 20%. What's yours?

Related Articles:

Setting up AdSense for your blog

Easier AdSense setups for hosted publishers

Other advertising options for your blog

How to show an AdSense ad inside a blogger post